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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 5

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NE S TLE T rdMr rsmilcorMau more vears ut eL'injoymein0, as colm e'e Sndayinid-ay <ey travelaonlis'ou dîiîner gusts with t eiy, iiaug.hIs, i m so-l law, ý.Mr. Dr and Mrs. W vF Mac andi 1r. aesKnt rono. [<cuzie ,Toroifto, set1th O( Weil da Mr. and Mrs. week-end with Mr. and Mrs' Granýitt Thompson and Mr. and 'U. Sadier. Mr,,W. Wiiiiams, Mris. Rýoy go of Viewlake and MVr. and Mrs. RK. MacKeýn at)ddte uea f ftheir zie and Claire and altten-ded couins. Mitlon 1,çiFntin, flie Nestleton Sundax Sehool at Suttlon. Synîiipathy \is ete 1 nniversary. dcd lo the eravd a!mily. Sorry to î'eport that mrs, r.Ed 1avwSon was aguest AYlwýir Haines is entei'ing recent ly tabridi shower in Port Perry Hospitaf onmon honroIOf NMiss Btty Zekveld day to-day) for surgery on)I atL tlle homne of rs Donald Tuesday. Best wshsfoi' a ArcerRR, Jnevile.On speedy recovery aý, ýetnded Saturay ev ninMs. Law- to you, Brenda. ý;o!] joinled wijth othecrs <f' the Anthony,1haines 1- spending conrnuit tohoour Mr. and this weekç with hi.,,uncle, and Mr's. Normmn Argue, of Osh- aunt. Mi'. andNMrs \Waynef awo teir fifieth wedAding malcolm, Shelix and Kevin. anniersay. Tis celebration Mrs. Richard MacKenzie wavýs il,, Janetv Ii(le Conmunit.x and Claire visited for, a fexx 11all \wifh thle TiimmýsýOrýches- days recently with heî' sisterl traý ýsIi-Ppfyinlg th1'music anldhusband Mrand Mrs. Iap Congrtulaionsand bestj Scott, Charles and Jen ni fer.t vwishes ar'e ete to Mr. Corbyville" aInd Mrs. Argue' foi' nmnMr. and Mi's. Ralph Sadi1er- sp)ent lFriday tio Sunday at% NEEDD ~ BOWMANVILLE _ý oliKIWANIS CLUB TO BE HELO JUNE 16th ALL DONATIO>NS ACCEPTED Nothing aOO BIG or toc SMALL ('onae (AiyCu b lMent ber for F'IEPICKU CIIEC IlU ATTIC - BASEM!EN'f or ARGEFOR ITEMS THAT1 TO1HlP1BO(WMANVILLJ. Scis 1Career Week' at General A4otc'rs ntr i ,wi ere l Mi' Va1fjrxx'as p Ait. Mrs-CwF arornc'lîoi sou.iiý i orota onav WhedrsnsdyonTtesayti ar bustîp oi St l atarîne DmO atî'la M aîdMn therso ad laoghter ta iav and.anMrs. rip;h()Cawkc MBoo k Thzi d i is i ionar,ý ii ofheu' gi-anliuhîcie('hand an i ber tt lîibdax Congra i i paatinsý ý MnI anIi XMr' 5( xk Driinoi i Gumi enb adm!, nd Mirs Fucd ax and Mi- [îu P oo' ut~~~o Miioie L llaura Paouna ýoIIShax aSice i-ai Mci, Pxxer xx and lm- Ru-ssci Foa n Mî' Ths SBrîos.Btxxmai io xx as a Sîiî(unos)lmiwtt tu ýmator aiii î 'e te s 'o 'r P o e tii :ki- s c it 1' t- 'e 't- 's Il 'S a i il c s 'c a fi <I if 't Sew up a new summier wardrobe fromi our garden of fabric svns CRIMPKNITs2 60" wide - Reg. 2.99------- d ACRYLIC SEERSUCKER$d 60" w'de Regq. 4.98.. ACRYLIC PLAIDS$d 60" wvide - Reg. 4.98----------- 5 SEERSUCKER S $1*09yd -5" wide -- Reg. 2.98 .. .. .. ICE CREAM PLAIDS $2 60" wide- Reg. 4.98------------- SUMMER NYLON SHEERS $ WHITE TENNIS LOOK COTTON$I 45" wide - Reg. 2.69- ------ ACRYLIC GYPSY KNITS$ ô 0" wide - Reg. 2.99------------ i~1 jIOPTiON CHA Il mail i 5 KING ST.EAST BOWMAN VILLE XV(' xx 15)1 bai ail the ver~' Mi Rie Swuxin ~oent hue ',vt'ekeoil xx'ilh Mr ' S 'fl-LIn Mie~ Boseinar',' Gicci mi Mi Cî"x'"l Ci ci-r O-.hawa. x'ieitad Mrs W. Brx'arî on lIna ha1ini'i~ Mi B. M-i'flcm'mii. Mc trou. spn'nt Wuinauii~' vie :tiniy ',x'ith Mirs. T Briiey. BLACKSTOCK t tuilinlax xx cckoîid gocet s ut Xlii- Bai <cx tue acie Mi' ani Xiii- ~Jahn l)eî las, a) Bni'ling i min Va Sat ariax Nie'. Tax loi 'iad Mi ciii tirs t)ox mii". t isîtr-d NI r cuti Xtr'-.. la i-net \lnîî'î .î', mît 'Ntaîîutlc Siionfai t xx cru' Xli- aad Mn- 'rasîiii 'l'ai trîr ai Soai'Lîoeorigt i uîîît Xtîmnricx gaci-is a tir' lIn- ~ P t aiîîpbiz'ti t ttiaxx a. ciii Xtr'- 1-t. fiaîîi blox lii W inaipcg. IluamIax guosis xx ('i-k' Nu-s t aitilîmîr Xturi'aî aid Nie. (tex e Sini k 'Ni r-. ttaiî 1-bai apsaîl cii cx ccl a xx eek 's x irai ian xx tii bot lîî'nît titi Xli a ni Mus. Itrîgli t 'îibfitctfîî k ai f otting xx fiait ~'sox ci ai h tîîîî tieî t' atleîiîtt i tut' Ruîgatîoîi< Stîx et <an tue e tii il lii ii cnt t' iii ig rîga t lOti" fit t fie ('bai-cii a) t lit' N-ecnsîaiî Puii'î l>tki-r\ aiti St .1 uîbn 's filai-k stiiok hr'id liii tilt' talîn ut Ni i ~îîîît Xii s i"î n-ni t'tiiîsi c at Xiaîir'iîcst ci-. tai tua cil hi a Pot l.ntk. iîiîîttîî~îîî ai <tic Paît Pr'i'i'x Paî'îsii liait Ilci' îîîaixx tî'iciîds ami) tic iiic~iscuzt to kiîîîîx ihat Xtîss Ex r Pari lias illiPi-fiX Cd sO i fiat sfio t'f'ti t iîiuli fLirt Pt'i'i-î Hospitai iii i tic ('tinimnuntlx N uîrsuuig f itîiiie iii Ptui't Pcu'i'î lii-', Nîlan Bcaoor'k us a liai lt-ut i a t'ai i Pci'i'x fit-pi tai tl)tillxx'iiig suigeri lasi a en'k Xiîs taîiîs Xlr'L.îiîgfiiiuî aîîd Iloîx aid Bamiti ar'r'oiiipanit'mf Iii aîid NI-s mii Xlanloxx 'ratio ciii <"ion liii- a xx ealnciid cclii ~î îî~ t rip iii Beaxci- Paî'k Mi'. ai-ai iNfi'-' (icrdiff Kcttx Eti,-cfîctti Eicîiîr- aîid l'isthei- ar-t iuîîipamiîod ta liii aiiti Xli-".. IN iii ixotix ut Bobc-a1 gelai xx t't c 'allifial gui -sis ut Xli atint Xi i-s. (,iurdîiii Kf'li'x Lr'îgh ritA Suîît i ai N Iagdi'a f"alfs Xii aîîi Ni-s Alati .'r",sct sti lic ~îiitt t aiin lii fiai fcx' bnii-î' pcîît tai-t xx r-n'kî'îîi xx tIi bus parclîta Xii' anti Xli'." Xci îîoîî 'r'-mscist îîîr' aiii iaiîiîl'x Drîring tbr' îxock fiox xx r-ni iii (~tif'tpb mi ,tt'fui't' a iicxx tiuiiîc toi' At s, 'Nîlutiari stax eni xx itti 'lJi' cîîd Nti's.liur' i"î't'x ,iîui taîaiix .l.t uîîni 'Ninîx i't'irti'imf'ti ifiis pasi xx r'r'kr'mîi iii pir'k rip fît' ut ut t ni i 'c îî Xli- nuit Nu. tii Il lictiatix a tii' Saîum]ax tttiiîi<-i' gaf'sts îut ixti ta iii iii I'iii t i'f'i'l'(iii l"iittcx Iii aaft Nti's f'taitîfi Lainîf'i- aiung xx ith Xii- ,iini Xli-'- 13i'ci' Snoxx don 'il ('rami-t uer' Xli'.-.. Itax Essora - .Ja1îîe MacMlien,,right, a senior student at Courtice Secondary ScloolwoîkedinGeneral Motors of Canmada's South hsi ln Medical Centre duing Courtice Secondary, School's -Career We" April '30fo May 4,. Here she watches nuseMargaret Mlquhamn peangpolio anmd 1tetanus injections,,, which are given to ail GM emploees veryfive years., om titli-i o:" mmI Wht ('rîtihastor WestCou anmd xxt 1o (1 21-tu'mp I('u t oc hl iio ) i i, Scaxî noia [ni-' NI a ti- Wci ix ii l 1i Il-i a Iait t ( inc 'i tam txx 1 ight N m nce _(9i Lit Satîi'iriaboat ay tra 'cii icntnî it'rs(,atntheci S('i'o-. 1. Scogog îxutbthee rea,î-os. <o padil aSang ~~~~~~~~v! patai m tr-cii< a rt-1 xx's malla1arilba <ha ,'rnlxifothetr Il XI eust bî'axgiîttht iout anmng anupimet i l sup le Di <ho îamî tif i ti i- P!u' ehs- chasBagsî'mramcdunî abiot 1f :îtt1Sîmidat ar. Onc lotg, ii<uaiaxa-a iwi<boeuxsa tea ciingunux ns<iaaron th( CilîuugAat 2.0pm h eaaor'd hai gnî o apenu Ilaihîîtî ' citanas xiIprt îcîrml'niii ttc tp x cu" uIL)g f,'(,(onuï,i. Hroti Mchanne ubiittpni<e rtnaoI tiamt' x iti haîrtŽicr-1of 'reuhl2îTri.M- xenngat luit. Iîoiti Srtnnlaî i 2i<iw ii mo POOL irtx loo x -u g trnk pl.wto BURKETON n-x ~ ~ 1Uj îmî gmneSnim m ntu' fria'nds f <ha x lý' 'ilte av Hnipita M;JiV uixiii 'f-1t oii x i 1 i l 1m. în xxi'ils îad MieA, f'mtnîmî E 0t Il-it t iiý Miss J. PearH - ancni m- if Fli i -mia '.Mn ".ci - mni u HeelvBoxmaniîili 'ita cl Tii-< ati,.'ouî. monu ho iio-hp e wli t i i u IIci <bi aîh ugillsx a inhahoe-i'iw pari 'ht'xmiuig cp v-ar Mi e uda licciin has am iiiixlug ihmîtt toiNftirtrie an,!ti n.tiibIiru sch 1, rpaonsieunteM( n iiFo 'ixnu lfsixf 19 6,tei-horircroS reughoi i r r i- aî Mi-i Xli x. etô Aesir Nais Km.Kita ai Kaoîîî Ctiki Mae oes ani în'îîici thi' theîhîîtaînlNcet xxai 1g mnLtia oui Sa (1ý,ýti iey h to rbo k r GORDFnancsF.AnGIlLSe N Gron .G Ilin passed s eronl iia axx'y s 1daoy a ,Apiy liiug tho sv tp th, 1973, et <D e ortodclhntanprai thar wasl'îli Piii F Ienao Txxsin. a o ofthe late nix lia ate marg'e a Mr fl, ApiJ-it f 92,Ce'asora cr.Sue1wecoldre uti ri n mar ne riho. Agne M( y i Bre, kenil ig <i othlegodresos oka Pcit in pepîis nw bot.Thyeclld oc (7lx Gitisîn rîos.la 99 OnJsPesnl7ia aisivia V,î paýlsai awa ininidhwsYuse l"(riin p îohasdi e rri, e Uta,,iin Cim u SuoshineMut,î.ad"o thr Jho foac ýqpte 'toffrng a eex hiu MýrliuBarryMloiad You aidthefC 2'he ('atiadian Statcrman. l3ow maux utc, Niai 'lIt 1973 ktshaxx a aîtd Xli ss Ka î'ea N cf toxxlees aI Soliiia atteiidcd the ('Orîx ocatioti Exercîses ai XluNlastci' t îîix ci'sîtî xx hon John t~a i'iiic'î rectal cd las t3acheioi ut 'ns Degi ce iii tiographî 'i'fîey ail attonrled t ho î'r-u'cpt tan ai tcrwai'ds la haniîi' ut the new grarftiates 'N/I r. and Mis. Elgiti lai tam' ut Eanîskiffoiî xx cie 'Fucîxdax att ci nuoii gucsts o) Xli' aid Mis Wmlbut' Tom-,. lii anti Xli'-,. Wî thur t uni'- \ti'-. ('î>uu'ioî'x Ct altamn anti 'miss FiCaulol Kolîx Vi cm t' Sanda x a I tOriluoli x îsîtîii's aI Xli'-.-, Erfita \ anue Ptîî't Perîx Nf i ~îad Xli's Bob Ex te bat e i cx rd alta hie tox lx î't'mîîîîd î'tlr'd han'.c on <ho t ami of M îîîui iNiî"~. t-tmr'fîai'd t'ai' uc XN e a î'ttuîaî' l~îuid:i cuti Bol> back t fi (1<11 r'iilfliil iiiîî ix t luth 'I ,li fi C)RTTUARY WILFRFfl J. l'.DW ~RDS Ar a'plox î'e if Ct au' 'id Mai ~î '-i for 18 xcii'-.. Wilfred .1. an Edo .îi'tt'i ici-i a) lIa Osb cxx a Ct ual r 1 1-Trapu ai M iada . Max 21. 'flr'i fr~ ta\x'ii'k i "'h 'i t iinî -. Me lix k ut il 'î99 Xîci'aîî ilis 't a Ci-brio i Bain Dc' 26. 1919. iii \ ix a Siatir. hi c i tic Si f 'i mît ani t lie liii Fil x" i Erlîx aida lic ijîti iî (istax' i for 'M x cal s. aid a a la t bat i a CaLait 'md '21 I Su i ~"'i- -' lie a 'ou iiieîî t or if Vie fln', mi C'amîadiaii I t .aci Bm 'îîîî'tî il k i î'îm ta r a V XW N T mai 222 Ha s 'x i <i lii 'iîimz t iii' Scî'.înd XV inn Waî'. Iii 1" sur"'i\ i i ix' hie miii t lit Nire .Tî'nîîîc ~F~d xx ards or f')siirw'a' Mira -'N lii x t'a',' (Nrîîcx' cf Itiama tan. arc son. Ilahemi cf 't'a elintil' ttii cf' '-xistî i -., Mi". A Wr. M~'e F XV Biniluli fF ~'dfx ~f si. CrU iii ian'- 'il' s Ci'x,îît Bciîîmctt '(Cati I i 1 il r Ceuni a: <W Cf ai go Frtxx'a de of ('l'.hi or I ir','d Ed',x'aî'd af ("'uc'~'îi'o;î roi t 1. ru n 'i .niid r l'mid'î'cîî Mi' 't'd'i' r ,~ mmi-) cd ' ' I k A: ras) i uîîî Fnîîcî ai Iii ami î' lb i-î vît'~ i a the eh i o- I XVt ire. i xx Miro 22 (tffldas ppuiLlion hais douht~dta 22 milîn înthe las0 TF.PUBLICACOTAT COUNCIL H. M S TPMFC if r t' iî A iI culaîîts Crouan-i in rio L... iim i ,3 î iro wa - olficeus arc mcmbers presi- dent 1)M kîîi -A Toot Vi cKr dn i-aaike i Wr~~~ mc FCA i-r c tr asuei xv. L.FordeCCA Lmîs o n- aî r'~ ~ ~ A i'v < iMakezi wa, -cxi A ,J e, -A cciii L ieîarese CA Ouawa.. Fi~~~ ~~ J an -C -iW MKnon jkl ci T roat coines good ',a hoýuse,' rind you ve. But nse to ýou r ihich is te ail s on ire th-ree. ni ai :-by- s aIs ,n, and recreation. Foiiow these îesandi you can budget your mnyfor thosé good thi ngs you have always wantèd, maâybe a house or a car. And thaî's where our other rwo Focus on your Finances books come in. Because these books can heip'by showing you how to avoid some of the comm on piî falis you might face when buying a house or a car. Ask for our valuable books at your loc(al Commerce branc:h. They're free . Along wuth someî ihing elsec (hatms valuiable. Sound advice on choosing thle right Commerce Accouni to hielp you manage what you Save. Commerce Savigs Accounit, Pe rsonal C"heqiinlg Accouints; and for higher interest avnsask about Terni Deposits aîîd Growih Savinigs (Certîficates. Do htoday, CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF. COMMERCE s s s s i s f f f i lk f a a Ii f f f a a s ominerce~ lugether we're both sfronger~ BUD FOGG MacDQlNALD FORD 80 WMAN VILLE Phone 623-4481

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