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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Stateýiman, Bowmanville, May 30, 1973 Pupils of Show's mPublic School Diescribe Tnîp to Camp Tawingo It ail started in June, 1972 after we got home from Camp Tawingo. We liked it so much we decided to go again this year. Many plans had to be made. In the fall we sold Christmas cards. In Decem- ber we had our Christi-fas concert and charged a fare. In March and April ,ve sold cook books thiat we had miade. We had now raised enough money to gO. We got' permission from Mrr. Mloorcroft, the superin- tendent of our area. Then we had to make arrangements with Camp Tawinigo Io set a date and time 'to go. We arranged with MVr. Baker, the Outdoor Educatýin Consultant "A COLLISION -INTH E MOU NTAINS?'- Biefone you leave gon your va cation tip, considen Trip or Pensonal Accident insurance - also adequate penseRai iaility in'surntce for inljury tie othen-s. Cluck youn insn ilce needs wýithâ the James Insunrance Agenlcy L'imited. Agency Liîmited 24 Knrg St. E.. Box 100BOWM',ANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. 568BI '~N * Office 623-568 * Rsidnce623-5023 ~~ n n F n e s for this area te go witb us an( we made arrangements witl the bus cempany for a bus. Wý geL our parents' permission t( go and belp us. Finally w( wereneady te go. On May 2 we left the sehoo at 9:30 for Camp Tawingt First' wc went nontb te Port Penny. From thene we contin ued nontb on Highway 12 te E6 and then on te No, 11. W( bypassed Huntsville and teel a sidcnoad te Camp Tawing( for five miles. We stopped foi lunch along the way. It was long drive but wc were happý wben we got there. Mrs. Gilbank, our teacher went te get sonme informatier on where wc wene supposed tc put our luggage. Aften Mrs, Gilbank came back we unloac- cd the bus and we went te our cabins te put our iuggage down. Then, wc met tbc directon in the green noom and be Leok us on a tour around the camp where we bad te crossa fence, a stneam and go tbnougb mud. After the tour, we wcnt te tbe green room and get assigned te our greups for activities. One of the activities was caneeing. We weneshown bow te, find the ri gbt size paddlefor ourselves and told the narnes for te different parts of the paddle as weli as the parts of the cane. The war-canoe wa: put, into the water and the bowsman goeL in finst. The bowsman bas te keep a steady pace. Then we filled up the seats by couples te the sternsman. We had te go ývherever the sternsman went because bie was the one that controlled the canoe. The strokes wc did wene the fonward, the backwand, the draw and the pry. We leanned ho-w te stop) on Itun the canot with these strokes. Some of us went eut in smnail canoes, just lange eneugh to hold twto people. Anethen activity was trans- piantinig trees antd planting seedlings. The trees that we transplanted werc tbree years old. We hiad--to dig deeply because 0he trees fiari a tar) reet and 'tap roots go deep] PLANTING TIME Drop Around Iik4s. Our Prives See Our Selection Lloyds' GreenfhouseS, 728-3636 Special Mlother's Day Arrangements POTT ED ROS ES -- 25 VAR IETI ES WeII Leafed - Special $2.00 Spriing' Garden Plants.- Fleweýr and Vegetable A Compilee uloir Sun muaudShade Reses, Cannla, Geraniumus, Evergreens, 'Shrabs. T-rees, IHaing Pots, Mjixed Panis. Peai Mess, IFertilizer a CI e E E s photos!o EACH WLEK'VWL LL AWVARO 4 ROLLS0F- COLOURý PRINT FILM,.DII VELOPED AND PRINTED F-REE--,JUST IGHT FOR A PICTURE PLERFECT1 VACATION. AN ENTRY WJITH EVERY PHOTO ORDER LEFT HERE. Alex McGregor I.D.A. Drugs King St. West 623-5792 Bowmýanvie MU'ST CîDrREýCTLY ANI KI L TESTNG QLJE-STKIi -MAl re-adls led te our toucbi. Chuncb" w as ;so e r 0on IOun C tna and Monday for theC hamIbern specialanal event in the life pnovided Id ito he roud. henMICco-operaitive weathermain tbiree anth h, planted the seedlings wie dug a prov ided perf5ct weather and Thýing I D ïe V shape in the ground and at the, magnetie inducemrent of by thie wh o the point we pulled it up and our gus inister with the Night,Allr 'e put 'the seedling in straight addedà attraction of a delight- wlee tots,« and put the ground back down. fui S.S. Choir were jrresist- Thee* by ý0] We transplanted the trees in ible. mem bent, 0. front of a cabi n. We dug a hole Rev. m.Welis oet North- accompani rt in the ground andl put the tree minster United Cb-urch Peter- byý Mr. Er n. in straight a nd firm. When the horouigh chose h-is text from 1 in tendent1 9 tree was settled in wie had te Timfothy ,4:12 "Let ne man usual eloq e make a trench so the water despise tby youth. but be tbou speech e. )k could get down to the roots of an i example of the believens, in oun-cement o the tree. wofrd, in conversatfon ., in was beauti )r The third achvity was rock charity, in spirit, in faithi, in of colorfui a hunting whicb was very inter- purity.". By elucidating each Monday )y esting and exciting. We left section of titis verse in his dinner prc Swamp Lodge to go to the base message which embraces both young f ry of the mountain witb rock generations he held is aud- assuage h( -, ammns nda gide Whnience of oid and young in operation Inwe got there we spread, out speiibound attention. individuals tnd tre olo o ok He admonished the younger "labour hi o ad sartd t lok fr rckslisteners to acquire attention ,up'" one- . with mica, quartz and felds fo heredesb voiding successful 1- par in them. It was f'un despicable action~s an-d pract- in oun litti ir hammering the rocks with the ising appreciatio)n and re- The Ma, re hammer. After we hiad Col- spect. To the senior folks he Enniskille' ie Iected ail the.rocksý that we stressed the? impot tance 01 at Ruby' id needed we went back to- good example as he quoted presidentF le Swamp Lodge., We lef t some "I'd rather sec a sermon than ing and op a rocks there and wie aiso kept hear one any day.". The witb thep ýo some rocks and took- thém intenspersion of humorous That Coun 1 back to the sebool. Wec found stories was the finishing gave tei ,d some stones witb garnets in )r themn. The meals at camp were [very tasty and aise nourish-A w~ ing. Tbcy rang belîs to notify Ir us that dinner was ready. One ýs bell would ring five minutes ýe before a meal to warn us to be )f ready for the second bell to tell ýs us that it was ready. We very ,e mucb enjoyed the spaghetti ýewe had for lunch. When we did y, get to our tables one penson7 nN1 G S * eto uthee to be waitress. ~S * e tefood. The food, wasB II served in a systemnatic way. BO WI A 'NL V1 ýL You gel your tray, walk in and e get the food and come out. Thefovl etables, were already set. If wc PN S ND Y fry e wanted to 'we ceuld get theco d serving dishes refilled for eseconds, but oniy one serving Sof dessert! After the meai was It finished the waitness bad to scrape off the dishes and dle-an up the table and bring the' EVAPQRATED -dishes te the counter. Notice 03 ,this - He cbildren hadt the eresponsibility te serve and S dean up after themiseives! M l Grace before the meals was tsung and aften the mneal was over ainnounicem-entts wcre 16-OZ, madle. TINS Our fr-ee time was sentFor $ eibrreading or going to the Little Green Hlut wblicb was a building where you couldi get sports cquipment suchas stilts, baseb)alîs, glo-ves, bats, frisbees, baskctballs, and CJF-1.0COIC E mîany other things. They hjd ain ara hich had a hasebal e' ï e oai diamond, tennis court and( oiwP t soccer fîeid. Wbeni we were through wc biad to re-turn ail the sports equipmrent te. the 'SEIL leader in charge of the Little PCA FANCY At dusk we wentL to the camp fine. First Ciare gave us « mieanings for the word fine - inspiration. R - is for re-spect.T E - is for enthusilasm. To show fiendship Neil Knapp andl Cheryl Koss stanted the fire, We put on somie skits-which we4-F had practised at sehool before- hanid. Thien we did someTIN $ 1. singsing. (Our guides dtd TN Couple of skits too. Now it, was quite dark. We went on a Blind-Dumnb-Walk. They eau it IGA CHOiCE PURE Blind because youI can't see EisW 7 and Dubbecýause you aren 't Apple uuice 2 OZ, TMNS 3 sugpposed to taik. Eacb person biad te be 15 teet, bebind the UNSWEETENEO BLENOED. ORANGE person in front of them. The OR GRAPEFRUIT (FROM CONCENTRATEi içen of the alk was to bear IGA Fruit Juices OZ TN39 isoundso' the night. Some 4 L opinions on Il were good. IGA VS SORTED VREIS Other studients dtdLn't enjoy l b( lit too mucb. Fancy Soups L 7DTIN _L2J After the walk me went te ilic dining hall for bot choco- lat and donuts. Thien we went black te oun cabînsý and got T eahieRte r'eady for- bed. Lights eut waýs GRADE "A"BEEF 10:30 p.m. BoEls didn't- have ai motor small G COE eneougb for the other one. We iACOC bafcdoff three anyway' thlen CreamSyoCon2 4 3t we went for free ime.w We left the camp at about DY ýi>,, ll L thnee-quartens of the -way Halo Shampoo hiome before e stopped fi gas and food. We left the gas BTL station and we reacbed home Ana c iTblts o o 73 at about 5-:00 e dock. Wie neaily enjoyed our trip and we hoape te go again cx ya ~K1L L finstcapn of Sec- a1pabie Mrs. Ulab invhcbPtesetuq -S and bier S.S. corguide uneils for, beinl the second cnjey- Crstias.Joining their rendition of tionai Lobfer preseni thems ia)"The, First the Ind(ia rStudy, S Do Every Merning" mninded uis that ne ;hole choir" (b("AiI 11be-gging for love i Day," by the darling India. She ncad tir C"TWiillFraise "\Var" writtcn by )y ,the Senior, S.S. princess and gavE S. PleasanIt gitan 11-introduction te the iment wýas provided ge-,irnaut, whicb is1 nie Bow',man.SuIper w ,ord for the relig Edgar- W nigt u is 1monly of taking a gr quenice gave a bnief h Iilîs, fer \whicb mnbnacing thle anln- always pnepaid. TI ls. The sanlctujany t his instance was tf :iied byý a profusionneactor given in il spring flowens. Canada, tbneugh Lb( vs sports and buffttc Plan, a gift te India ovided fun for the electnical power, te .and delicieus food te stnicken'area wher Iearty appetites animal power was by coimmittees andjý means of meving Ison 'bot h days made irrigation.This exce ght" and -cbalkcd gave us a chance t of the very most, the native custems iS.S. Anniversanies of lifè, in the village: le ceuntry chtînch. aneas of India. Dore îy Meeting of the rend a bumerous nUCW was beld science-prodding p( Trewiis with ce- cuses, Excuses." Ruth MeGili presid- Meney was votedt )pening the meeting Bursany Fund and peem, "The Tbings yaun, the Toronto int." ShirleyDraper oun Native Indtan igi Jevotional fromn the were made te send toes6NSFOR "SPECIAL- ® ASSORTEO FLAVORS DIln ks 24x 10-FL., 0Z c Instant Chocolate- SUNNY MoN ýc lGAToaBRags BLUE POWDIIERED IC IGA Detergent Pý Tabl-eheRîte' GRADE "A" BEEF the Men's Hostel in Oshawa and Whitby Psychiatrie Hosp- ital. Following much business plans cards were sîgned for cond Peter, five of our members sick in ap ec ý:ell1en)t hospital or at home. Lunch g effect--ive served by the south Group and t he Devo- the ensueing social hour were dation from muchenjoyed. Shirley re- Mrs. J. Traveil, Mrs. S. countlry is Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill moethan Begiey, Oshawa were Sunday &poemi evening dinner guests at Mr. an indian and Mrs. H. Ashton's. ?a short Mrs. E. C. Horn, Oshawa, film Jiig- Mrs. Douglas Cole, Mrs. A. E. the Indian Billett, Bowmanville, Mr. and ;îous' cere- Mrs. Ceci[ Siemon. Hampton, yod into fthe were Sunday tea guests of Mr. a road is and Mrs. Harvey MeGilI. The god in Master Tommy Perigoe, the nuclear Caesarea, spent the week-end. ý1968 by ,with the Ted Werry family. ie Colomnbo Mr. and Mrs. Geo Irwin ato spi were Sunday callers at Mr. Da drought and Mrs. Charley Garrards re mian or Haydon. sthe only Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, water for Ancaster, were week end tulent film guests with Mr. and Mrs. to observe Wayne Beckett, Penny and and ways Pauline. ýs and rural We are pleased to report ten Lamb Mrs. Milton Stainton and Mrs. ;but con- Clarence Stainton are both )oem à'Ex- home from the hospitai. Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton to both the and family, Cobourg, were to Anduh- week-end visitons at the L. home for Stainton's and the A. -Niel- irîs. Plans sen's. pancels to Miss -Elsie Oke. Bowmart- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, and Scott, Newcastle were Sunday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Sorry to report Mrs. F. Beckett is a patient in the Bowmanville Memorial hosp- ital. We ail wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. F. Beckett was a, sunday guest at Wayne Beckett's. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang- maid, Sally, Tom, and Faye, Solina. Mr. Tom Bernie Providence, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Mrs. J. Kinsman, and girls, Miss Gabriela Geymair were Sunday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill,Dale and Brian., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark, and boys. Owen Sound, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard and Mrs. Gertie Lyons. M\iss Jackie Veale, bas returnled home to Vancouver from visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and family were Sunday eveinig dinner guests of MVr. and Mrs. T. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tay- lor.Orono. were Sunday tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. We wish a speedy recovery to a former resident of our community Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd CurL ý and Barbara and Mr. Derpk Darling, Toronto -'ith Mrs M. Slemon and Mr. and M.1, John Siemon. A most beloved far-nilv Doctor, and real friend suc- cumbed to a terminal illness 1as Dr. Charles J. Austins untimely death occurred last week. Deepest- and sincerest sympathy is extended to his wife, daughters and their families, in their hour of greatest sorrow. Mr. 0. C. Ashton accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ashton, spent the week-end in Ottawa- and Templeton to attend the Johnston-Daiton wedding in the United Church Templeton and 'Reception at, Beaver Barracks Ottawa. As the former Miss Verna M. Dalton became the bride of Lance Corporal Gerald John- ston of Sidney Mines N.S. Our sympathy goes to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris in the s,îdden,,death of Mrs. Harris' father, the late Mr. Ross McKnight. rpet Cash TOday For OId Appine thréugh STATESMAN C LA SS 1F 1E DS Poe623-3303 FLAVORED POLY SAC 0F 0 ~5 x,3¼OZ 07PKCSý Oranige Crystals IGA(ASSORTED COLORS) LN T c 3 FacialTist3e 57c CA REG(JLAP, 9OFi C1(000T 5LL OY BAG Wax Paper 200 9 C IA MEDIUM A Kr 9c Cheddar Cheese E1GTý- , 89 D59C MCCORMICK*S 3 eoxes si 'Big Value" Biscruits KZlU SUNNY MORH RINDLESS 0 SdeBacon LB,.8 9 LB .6e rABLERITE- PaaL'01. CooURVd Ham e D kLI TABLERITE SKINLESS ÏLB «) Sausage LB 69e FHROSYEFROENDPÂK 6 HLIDAY FARSFROZ'EN (5 vARIETIES) kyake range T ý'lMe'at Enàtrees37 "43n/ cons3umeýrsa sk vwhethcr buyîng a 01 d efbef is cheaPer thari shppirç for rosasts ad teaks each week. A ade weighing 300 pounds wilyield only 225 pounds of meal. The dîfference of 75 pounds is made up of bonestrims, shrinkage, etc, c Broccoli BUNCH39 PRODUCE OFUS.A.NO.lGRADE Celory Stalks SiE243 c SWNEET & JUiCY Jaffa Oranges S"Z 23 79 Naltional Forest Week, 1973, wiil be observed in Canada iuring the montb of May- TOMATO Ketchup 11l-FL. : FORSd Sirloin, Porterhouse or Wing ALRT *-about 25 te 30 percent et the aide. If you were te purchase a 300 pound aide et Grade "Al" beet at 800 lb. you woutd realty be payîng more. With, an average losa et 25% ycu'd have 225 pounds oet usabte culb. i 800 x 300 1 240.00 But when yeu divida 225 peutnda inte $24000, ýour ceat comas te $1.06 a pound. -P ply ebzeaKs

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