S The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville, May 30, 1973 FIASIIBACK -- 25 Years Ago - On Saturday, June 5th, Tyrone opened a new Recreational ~kPark. The opening ceremonies included speeches by the President of the Park Committee Mr. Wm. Thiesburger, Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Reeve R.,K. Ladies Monda y Squair and Councillor H-arold Skinner. âî.-& FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Averages ini the Towtn Men'sç Softball League standings as of Maiy 26th: R.B.I.'T.s - Cowle 7, Crombie 5, James 5. Riuns Scored - Ferguson 5, Pearson 5. Hlome Runis-- James 2. Bases on Baîls - Ferguson 5, Allun 5. Hits - Bagneli 7, Crossey 7, Osborn.e 6. Pitching - Osborne W 3 - L 0. Pet. 0. Strike-Outs - Osborne 42. LONG flAIR - Long hair on boys and men is the sign of a sissy and ýshould be banned from! Amnerican athletic' fields, according to the lead article in the May issue of the Texas High School Coaches Association's magazine. Tony.Simpson, head footb-all coach at Northshore Junior High School in the Hlouston suburb of Galena Park, said God made man to dominate woman and, therefore, mea nt for man to wear short hair. "It is timne that Amierican coaches stopped allowing themiselves to be personally represented by maie athletic teamis and individuals that look like females," Simrpson said in his article in Texas Coach. Following are some, comments, about H-air! Leo Cahili, formier Argo head coach: "If that is true (that athletes with long hair are femninre), then we have- nothing but feminine athietes. For, wherever you look you'Ill 'ind long-haired players, whether they'rè Canadian or U.S. football players, Russian hockeyplayers or whatever. "I was the first coach who allowed long hair because I1 realized it was coming. It's a trend just the same as they had it in our grandfathers' days. No longer do we associate long.c hair with hippiés. Andi certainly just because an athlete has long hair, doesn't mean he's feminine." Johnny MWeLellan, former M'laple Leaf coach: "Long hair bothfered at first, but now I don't even notice it. Dr. Simon MeGrail, of the Leaf medical staff and a formier first division soccer player in England: "The length of hair does not make one scrap of difference, regardless of what sport an' athîete participates in, Many people outside of sports have long hair. It's a fashion, that wili eventually change." Dick Shato, formier Argo star: "I don't think long hair mnakes an athiete look. feminine. I wonder if someoine would 'want to tell Jim Stillw7agonl to hýis face that his long hair makes him look femninine. I certainly wouldn't want to." Gor-die Hlowe, formýer Detroit Red Wing and all-time National Hockey Leaguâe point leader: "IMy boys (Mark and Marty) have long hlair an-id part of it is coming off tomor-row,. Let's face it, the trend is for longer hair but I don't believe in extremely long hair. LADIES DAY - at Bowmanville Country' Club wýas a great suiccess with a good turnout. Followingte presentation of prizes a deli- ciouýs buiffet supper was served. In the rine- hole cmeiin Val Miller won low gross. Pat Miarjerrison placed secontd. Betty Lobb woni lowv net. Kay Stephen was second. In the 18-hole competition, Judy Trewlin and Ruth Barclay tied for low gross with Linda Thompson third. Loui Lyle won low nýet, Peggy Phiayle seconid and Sandra White third. In the nine-hole conmpetition, closest to pin on No. three, Phýyl Cruess. Longest drive on fifth, Chris Mlarchi. Leatst putts, Lou Orme. Hidden Hlole, Ann Warren. ln the lBth,- closest to pin on No. 2, Ann Westgarthi Longest drive on No., 11, Ethelda Whitely. Least putts, Rena Island. Hidden HIole, Joyce Lyle. Most sportsmlanflike play, Bonn)ie Faber, PROS HIRED- At the Orono'Figure Skating Club mneeting on May l7th, Mrs. April Grey, Oshawa, was hired as the new senior pro, Mrs. Linda McCullough rehired as thie junior pro and Miss Barbara Anni Gustar was offered a free-lancinig posi'tion. BRA TONTIIR LI NG RESULTS - Following are the resuflts of a competition held in Wil- odaeon Saturday, MNay l9thi. Senior Divis- ion age 15-20 - Kathy Blake 15, wýon seconid ini the tmo baton class, fourth in advan(ed T strut, fourth in Advanced Solo, fourth iin mod- ellin-an Ifth i.AdvncedBasic-tru, Ju--- ivignr League HoId Banquet OnMody Ma to thc Ladies Mndy 'ighrl Bowling DLeague held the!' annual banq(ue" t at Memoir- il Park Cuios hr they were served a dcli clous dinner by he Parkç1 ladies. President Onie Etcher introducedt the guests and head tablc.. Eileen Mootc- extcnded thanks to the, caterers and Judy Bragg' read the treasurer's re- port, wbich wasfoow' by presentations. toth winning individuals ad team. Runners-up T r o ;) i e 5 were presented by Jan Brown to Capt. Joyce MJa- jor, Sharlene Cain, Jean Allen, Karen Burns, Mae Harford, Muriel H-Tolroyd. Championship Trophies werc presented by Dualne Palmer to Capt. Shirley Davis, Onie Etcher, Jean Allen, Pat Luxton, Mari- lyn Bradley. Greta Lno ton. The George.Elliott Tro2. pby, awarded to'the bowl- er who came up the mnost in her average during, the ycar, was won byJean Al- len and presented by AI Osborne. Point Money - lst sche- dule - was presentcd bv, Eileen Moore to Cap3ts, Donna Bradîley. -Ollie Pat- field, Eileen MorHelen Depcw, Sh ir 1 e Davis' Helen Rogers, Toots Wise- man, Judy Bragg, Barb. Osborne, Dot Brooks, Thelma Forrester, Joyce Major. Mae Harford announcedt the winners for thel st Scbedule - Higb Average, Ollie Patfield 235; High Triple, Elleen Moore- 869; Hfigh Single, Eilcen Moore 376. Mary Cowan prcscntcd an award for ist Scbedule, LowGame, to Vivian Ter- ry (75), and Lowv Teamn, Capt. Helen Rogers, Min- nie Taylor. Lily Edmondl- son), Donna Osborne, Jan- ice Prout., Dot Edmondsoa. Beth Chartran Trophyv nearest 1:38 averaige - was awajrdýed to Greta Luxton by Janet Harness. 2nd S chcdule -Low Tuiu - wvent to Capt. Judy BrgJoyce Lyle, Blli Ballentine, Mary ý7Hender- son, M4urie2l Tennant, Viv- fan Terry'ý; and 2nd Sehe- dule - Lýow ýGamie - Heath- er Stewart (82) - p)resent.- ed by Joanne Brown. ,2nd Sehedule - Point Money - Capts. Ollie Pat- field, Donna Bradley, Jac- kie Patfield, Sharlenie Cain, Helen Depew, Barb Osborne, Marilyn Cole, Dot Brooks, Eileen Moore. Helen Rogers, Judy Bragg. Shirley Davis, - awarded by. Eileen Moore. 2nd Sehedule - High Av- erage, Donna Bradley 230: High Triple, Donna Brad- ley 87Ï; High Sîngle, Shar- lene Cadl37;6 - were pre- senited by Judy Bragg. «3,)0 Gamres - Elleen Moore, 'Sharlene Cain, ,Joyce Teanant, Thelma Forrester, Heclen Depew., Helen Rogcrs, Joyce Lyle, Donna B ra-,dleyý,, Brena~ Wilkins, N an c y Ea Toots Wisemnan, OnieEt cher, Sirley Davis, Ollie Patfield. MVary 'Henderson, Jackie Patficld, Florence Drape-r, Eva Whitehe-ad, Barb Osborne, Pa-t Lu-xtonl, Joanec oaDnaOs- bonHeathýer Moore presentations were md byBerniece Te1rY. Perfect Attendance- Oll)Iie Patfield, Joyvcc AI- mond, reda Wilkins, Darla Lwr. Foec Draper, M1TurielH Lrod 'Mary Co wa n. Sharlene and blouse-s, bo)t nant out- pew, Jean Harnes. Dorc Mu11tton, oceM jor oan Ard, Hilda ,Simnliick, Hlenf Nancv E Pv a in.s, Emali Town League Hoky Winners5 Receive Trophies These were players.,in the Town League Hockey League who received trophies at the banquet last week. They are,, fromr lef t to right, Capt. Larry Perris of the champion Locke's TV team that won the titie; Ron Hooper tied for best defenceman, Rick Woolner, Most Valuable Player and. top scorer; Doug Hayes and Ken Veitch, tied for best goalie, and Bruce Cole, tied, for best defenceman; absent, Bruce Meadows, the Most Sportsmanlike trophy. Hlonor Winnîng Team in the Merrymakers Bowvling-League The top team in the Merrymakers Bowling League were honored on Monday night during the annual banquet at the Flying Di.ýtchman. They are, from left to right, Jane Patterson, Bragg, Donna Bradley, Duaine Pa!mer, Dot Brooks, Mac Hiarford, Eul- cen Moore, Thelmna For- rester, Marg King, Heath-- er Moore, Beatrice Mor- gan, Diane, Adams, Ber- niece Tcrr y, Joanne Brown, Janice Prout, Judy Bragg, Joyce Lyle, Mary, Hendeson, uriel Tea- nant, Viv-inTerry, Shir- ley DaVis, Onle Etcher, Jean iAllenr, P-at Luxton, Marlon Mcnight. Janet Haraness made the presen- Duaine Palmer introdue- ed,( the new Executive - Joycc Lyle, Joyce Ten- niant, Thelma For-ester, Mýin-ie Taylor, Dot Brooks, Barb Osbomne,' Healther Stewa'ýrt, Brenda W,,ilkins, Da-rlai Lowery., and pre- s ceted the Table Centre to Betie Morgan, oldes-It ione l the leaeue. The program concluded wit'h the president.'si re- mlarks b)y Onle Etcher cind seve'ral vocal numbers b', theQ Beauxmen, D oris Milîsonp, Helen White, Capt. Helen Sheehan, Reta Junkin,. Bey Bannister and Helen Burgess.- humn connected for 2 of Stephen's 3 hits. Kramnp's contiauied their lusty bit ting agaiast Ellis on Thursday, as they conneet- ed for 10 bits. Harvey Webster led the assault with 01972 BUICK SKYLAIRK 2 DRL HARDTOP Fully equipped, finiished in beautiful Satin Silver with rich blackx vinly roof - low mileage. Prevliouts owner's namne on .request. Lic. EBIF057 Thie winning teamr in the Mixed Major Bowl*ing Leaigue was presented with individual trophies on Saturday nighit at Memorial Park during their annual banquet. They are., from by Terry Baker Kramp's Furniture aind Frank's Variety are ticd îfor fiîrst place in the standings wfith idjentical 3-1 recor ds after last week's softball Ki;rp's bombed Frank's 16-4 and Ellis 11-5 to,)move into a tic with Fakswho w%ýon 4-3 oerSteph-en's to gain a pjiýtit a hertwo games oif'the we.ln thIe' other game( Ellis picheýdi up their first cm' of te sea- on,5-4 oeîSteplien's to move into a tie witb Steph- en's, two ga e eind the leaders. Paul Thiesseli beltcd a triple and double and crv in 3 ruas to lead Ellis to terwiover 'Stepbýea's. Don Lorusso and Ed. Ryhor- cbujk each bad two bits for S;tepbcn's. Brian Bradley it bis first borner of the scason for the winners. Kramp's poundcd Frank's pitcbing for 14 bits la their slaugbter of Frank's. Randy Donoghue and Brian Adams had 3 bits each whilc Dave Passant and Doug Crough added a pair. Crough con- nected for bis first borner of the season. Bob Tug- wood was Frank's best with 3 bits including his f irst homeu' rua o-f the year. 4-3 in Tusa' first tossed a 3-bitted forthe wn. Frmank's 6 bitswr sae Gy 6players. BlnBak SPORTALKI NEED UMPIRES - Would anyone interested in umpiring. softball for the Men's Town League, please contact cither Ron MeLean (623-7896), Terry Baker (576-7173), or be at Memorial. Park 1 ny Tuesday or Thursday night at 6:15 p.m. or leave your namne at Frank's Variety. Yôur help would be greatly appreciated. CANCELLATION 0F'CELEBRITIES DINNER The Green Gaels sports celebrity dinner has beèn cancelled much to the disappointment, of the sporting public. The following comment appeared i a recent copy of This Week.. "Ever since parents began pushing their kids' into the limelight by insisting ýthat it isn't how you play the game but whether you win or lose, the true meaning of sportsmanship has been eroding. Ten-year-old boys are congratulated when -they bodycheck an opponent in a hockey game to the point where he has to beý carried off the ice. These same boys argue wîth the umpire'and use their spikes when sliding, into second base. The era, of the superstar and the million-dollar contract is upon us, so why shouldn't ail these great sports lieroes begYin acting like prima donnas who feel that they have to be pampered and worshipped just to attend a banquet? We have no one to blame but ourselves. So Harry Sinden, who played for the Oshawa Generals and the Whitby Dunlops, wants $2,000 to make an, appearanc atý the dinner. And the use of a car for his wife. And a suite at the Sutton Place in Toronto rather than at a local hotel.Who can blame him?, We've put ail these people up on a pedestal; can, we blamne them,,for expecting homage? Hopefully, thoughi, the sporting public has learneda lesson from the disappointment of having to cancel the banquet. Let's get back to the truxe meaning of sports - playing a gamne'for ithe sheer love of it. Let's put things back in proper perspective." Clarkeý's Garage Addition Rejected Clarke Town'shit)", hid for a provincial subsidv f0 build an addition te, the township garage oni Tounton Road. north of Orono, has been turned down bv the Ministry of Transp-or tation and Com munications. A letter of exfflan.atiori from Mînistrv officiai .J. A 3 hits while Ken Cryder- man added, a pair. Dave Snow den and Paul Thiessen each had 2 hits for Ellis. Thiessen hit his first homer of the season. Standings 'p WiL Pet, Kramp's 4 3 1 .750 Frank's 4 3 1 .750 Stephen's, 4 1 3 .250 Ellis --- ---4 1 3, .250 McKillop stated, "Ili view ot the ossF!ible change in municipal government struc- ture in tis a-; rea, as well as the lack, of provision for a. garage exten'sion in the TonhpNeed Study. any action width respect to the proposedl extension shlould be withdrawn. PHIL VOWLES IEATTNG SPECIALIST 1 Queen Stret Bowmanville PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oit, Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions -, Central & Window Units - Clare Recta & Findley Equipmetïi Free Estimates Budget Terms Available ENTER AINEI WANTED 0OF ALL KINDS NON PROS LOOKING FOR A BREAK OR A START. Phone. CHIARLE L0WIe Bowmanville Country Club 1-416-623-2670 1973 VOLKSWAGEN -411 4DR.SIEDAN This is a real Iux\ury car with economny. Four-speed, radio. Was $4,500 niew. Lic. BAY-556 NOW ONLY$499 left to right, R Ion Burgess, Vi Coole, Jack McNulty, Doris J oli, John Fowler and Fran Ogden, ramps and I Franks Tiîed for First Place ire TownLg.Sfbl Winners of Top Honors'in the Mfixed Major Bowling League WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING of TP TRAILER SALES SERVICE CENTRE - REPAIRS SALES - RENTALS - ACCESSORIES SEE THE SPECIALS ON HARDTOPS - TRAVEL TRAILERS. HIWY. 115 ATTHIE GULF STATION Newcastle Phone 987ô-5141 6m- MI 7z- - M-N - È- 1 E m