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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 11

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Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 Receive Awcirds cf Newcastle School's, Musical Nîght The prize winners at Newcastle Publie School received their awards on Thursday, May 3lst, during the special night held in the Community Hall1. They are, top photo, lef t to right. Fred Nicholis who won the Munro award, Sarah LeGresley, winner of the English and Science award; Donald Tillson, the Sportsmanship award; Laura McKnigiht, the Wilmot award; Tim Jenkins, the History award; and Terry Dawson, the Music and Public Speaking award. Lower photo, Elaine Stade, the Storks award; Don Wilks, the Storks award and Cathy Tufford, also the Storks ý1ward. Victor Dallaire who won tlhe Science awrd is flot included in the tures. Ile wcas t/e Social, tan a IJFIL~U ~IIfl ~9fl Who says there isnothing to -do in andI arounti Newcastle? *.Thi*s week in particular, bas O 4~é~ , been one of frenziet activity .7 as the following news items wihh attest. First of ahl, the students itbe Homie Ec.j f ' classes of Clarke Hligh School pu on a marvelous Fashionj Show at the seboolon Tuesday May 29. From ail reports thei W M.ajo nS clohes modelled were ex- vvm r innson cellently matie anti a credit to 0 each anti every girl who OGas- Motor 011 - Fuet OORs motehleti ber own creation.1 and Grease The presentation anti dialogue i'URNACE INSTALLATIONS was also extremely weil AND REPAIRS done. Several parents anti frientis from tbe village att-1 Newcastle - 987-5111 entiet this showing anti cert- ainîy appreciateti the efforts I Lersona! I; of the stuçients and teacner:s. NEWCASTLE LIONETTES Sun'n Fun Fashions by Pauline Another fashiion show ot note anti interest was the1 Sun'n Fun Fashions by Paul-1 mne presenteti on Wetinesday,i May 30, in Newcastle Coni-1 munity Hall by the Newcastle1 Lionettes. An excellent turn-1 out of ladies showed their1 approval anti pleasure of the( fashions presenteti, by comm-i ents, applause anti distinct oobs anti aahs! Mrs. Pauline Storks opeined the proceedings with a few1 words introducing bier comm- entator for the e-vening, Mrs. Moms and Tots - $5.00 per couple Registered Second Session same as f irst except Royal Lîfe Saving classes wiIl begin then. Carolyn Garrod. She also asket the ladies to bear with them in the event of delays anti mistakes exphaining ev- eryone ta king part, was just an amateur. H.Iwever, her con- cern provect unnecesary as everything Àýent very sm-ooth- ]y. Mrs. Stürks îintrotucet Mrs. Gladys (befty) B3rown at the organi who playet contin- uoushy throughout the show. M'rs. Brown's rare talent at the organ onfly heightened the enjoyment of the evening. Her selections mnost certainly helpeti present each fashion to its advantage. Be-fore Mrs. Storks fintrodueti the motels, she thanketi the hall care- taker, Mr. Albert Hamilton, for bis great help. The miotels for the evening were:Mrs. MriynMartin, .Mr s. Wihm-a Lovekin, Mrs. Mariorie Pascoe, Mrs. Lana Riekard, MIrs. Wilta T)hn-- son, Mrs. Frances Wright. Mrs. Mlabs Barr, Mr.PautlinlE Storks, Miss Glentia Johrnson Miss Joan Kimiball,M-,iss Terry West, Miss Cindy Garroti. Miss Sandira Garroti. During the intermnissions several toor prizes were awardet anti the prize list is ats folw DcrtdCake, Doreen Lake, wvon by Lorr-aine Pingle ;Decorateti Cake, Spr- ing Grange Farmi won bDy Mrs. Geo Fýarnicom-b ; Make up Mir- ror, G.&B.Co. Wm.Storks won by Mrs. De Phaa; Bunthe Buggy of Groceries, Toms I.G.A. won by Mrs. Collins; $1.0voucher, Toms & Sons won by Kay Martin ;Jewéh Case, Jaisc-o,Grant Cooper won by Debbie Jenkins; Ronson Butane Ligbter, Sheli Oil Co. E. G. Hay won by Gladys Browni, Newcastle; Bridge S et,,Sheli Oil, G. G. Hay waon by Marg. Burley;ý Cantile, Keith D. Barr won by Susan Malkiewiez;, Blue Mountain Pottery, R. B. Rickard Plu- mbing & Heating won by Bessie Dean; 1 gal. Varsol, Newcastle Garage Frank Hoar won by Ruby Lee; 1 gaI Bargecue Lighiter Fuel, New- castle Garage Frank biar wvon by Joan Simpson; Crocus Arrangement . Village Gif t Shoppe, Jean Hlay won by Christine Selby; Sandor Pot- tery, Dora Kelsey, won by, Annebehle Hentry; Herbai ShampooEve's Beauty Salon Newcastle Commi'unit,; Hall was filleti with prouti parents, grandparents andi friends as the Newcastle Public Sehool presented a Mlusical andi Awards night. The prelude music was playeti by Terry Dawson who also accompanied the Rhythmn Band anti the Junior Choir. Ron Munro, principal, wel- comed everyone to the pro- grain andi introduceti the Newcastle School Rhythm Band, comTposeti of the comn- bineti roqmns of Mi,,rs. Nesbitt anti MTrs. Vondracek. This bandi was most capabiy dur- ected by Sandra Stommel and Michele Tuf ford . These youngsters excellenthy inter- preteti Colonel Bogey. The Skaters Waltz and the M\,exi- car Hat Dance. The audience showed their approval with enthusiastic applause. The next item- on the program was the awarding of prizes to last year's grade 8 graduatcs: History Prize - Mr. J. Rickard to Timi Jenkins; English 1Prize - Mýr. L. MeTcMahon to Sarah LeGres- ley;Mlusie Prize - Mrs. C. Cronkwright to Terry Daw- son; Science Prize-MIr. Stan Powell to Victor Dalaire, Sarah LeGresley:;Public Spe- aking Prize-r. Bill Carmen to Terry Dawson:; Sportsman- ship Award-MIr. L. MlcMvahon to Donald Tilson;Field Day Awards-MIr. L. MIcMahon to Donald Tilîson, Vaierie For- get;ýMunro Award - Mlrs. H. M. Munro to Fred Nicholîs; Wilmot Award-Mr. Ken Lyall to Laura MýcKight; Storks Awards-Mlrs. Pauline Storks to Elaine Stade,Cathiy Tuff- ord,Don Wilks. MIr. Munro introduceti the Newcastle Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Gray anti Mirs. Cronkwright. These young people presented the songs Biack andi White, Edel- weise and Let There Be Peace on Earth. Their efforts were enthusîastically received by the audience and they titi, indeeti, sings with a gfusto and finesse beyonti their young years. The highlight of theý eveniing was the presentation of H.M.S. Piniafore directed by Mlr. P. Chrisomnalis assisted by the entire N.P.S. staff andi acc- ompanieti at the piano by Mlrs. Manley. The following is the cast of characters: Captain Corcoran- Jimn Hoogkamp ;Josephine-EI- aine Stade; Ralph Rackstraw- Robbie Cooahan ;Sir Joseph Porter-Terry Thomps;on ;Butt- tercup-Toni Bellefontain;- Dick Deadeye-Ted Martin; H-ebe-Cathy Tufford Boa tswain-David Rowley ;Sir Joseph's Cousins-Nancy Lake Shauna McLay, Merla Gil- bank; Marines-Tim Nicholson, Alan Freethey, Shelly MAea- dows, Debbie Nýicholsoni.;Hor- nepipe Dancers-Darlene Jen- kîns, Beth Couch. Chorus-Nancy Shearer, Michelle Fennell, Marysia Majet', Joanne LeGresley, Sandra Turner, Natahie Sut- ton, Fiona Burrows, Lynn Parker, Susan Foster, Lila Melvor, Rosie Nicholson, D-'orothy Curson, Doreen Cur- son, Valerie Forget, Sandra Wright, Susan McLean, Janet Harris, Cindy Wright, Jili Adams, Pamela Abbott, Susan Wagar, Kimn Currie, Darlene Malette and Mary Arn Bould. Credits: Sailor Uniformis- Port Hope Sea Cadets, Osh-- awa Sea Cadets. Saihor Cost- umnes- Mlrs. G. Wýinti, Mrs. B. Hoogikamp,Mýrs. D. Rutiman, Mrs. K. Adams, Mlrs. S. Goorbarry, Airs. C. Fennell; Sceniery-Multral: Karen Lans- dow,ýne, Karen Noden, Karen Ryner. Props: - Tammy Lynde, Becky Bennett, Suz- anne Cooper, Darlenie G.lover, Melody Brown. Advertising ,Posters- Roomà 13; By permn- 1ission of -Thé, Wilis Msie tCo. won by Brenda Lawrence; As the operetta unfoldeti, Cup&Saucer, Garrot's Coffee it became apparent the part- Sbop wvon by Valerie With- icipants anti their teachers eritige; Wintow Box Garden bat put a great teal of time, Tool Set, Nellie Brawley won talent anti effort into this by Gladys MNoffat; Avon production. This was quite a Cantile, Miarie Gibsoný won by sophisticatet operetta for Jennifer Mno Canthe, such young people to under- Ganville's Variety won by -.ake but tbey bantIlet their Nellie Yates;Bags of Apples, Ânes wvith the aplomb and Williams Grove Orchards won .:onfidence of seasonet per- by Carol Sweep; Bag of formers. We feel sure the Apples, Wlim Grove Orch- iciors untierstood the apprec- arts won by Muriel Crow; iation of their audience we Voucher for 2 Dinniers, this samie audience gave tbemn Nýoone's Restaurant won by ai standing ovation atte Marion Gibson; $500 voucher, conclusion of the programne Goote's Hardware won by Our beartiest congratulations Pearl Rickard; $500) voucher, to the school staff anti pupi4s Glen Rae Dairy won by Joan it was an excellent show. Cochrane; Voucher, Charles Fire on Mill Street Barber Shiop won by 'Mrs. H. On Saturtay, June 2nd, Our -Jose ;Vouicber,Carolý's Sets & vo lunteer Fire Dept. bad to Styles won by Ameia Lan- answer an urgent caîl to the caster; Voucher, Bey. Lake's home of Mr.. anti Mrs. Charlesý Beaumty Boutique won by Mrs. Acuilina, Mill St. Although the Smnitb; Voucher, Bowmnanville firemen dit an excellent job Cleaners won by Jo Zivier; -f confining the blaze to the $300 voucher. Tower Fishe & Aqiinaiz residence they wvere Chipsý A. M.NI Walton won by severely hamperet in their Mrs. Patton;u galIs gas, efforts by the dense smoke Carveth's Motors won f», The upper floor wvas comp- Leona Sweep; Arpege, John- letely gutteti as was the son' 's Drugs won by Mrs. H. kitchen. The rest of the bouse Bonathan; GiftCi-ago's Bea- anti contents suffereti consiti- uty Salon ,von by Doris erable »smoke anti water TrIimble; Jew,ýelry, Sara Cov- damnage. Fortunately, Helen, entry Joani Earle won by Mrs. Charlie,Gayhe anti Alfie are Keeli ngc safe anti staying, for the time The stage settings, were being, with frients anti rein- donateti by Mrs. A. Fletcher,, tives. Fire Chief, Fret Glan- Van Belle Gartiens anti Morris ville, bas, asked us to express Funeral Chanel. al from his appreciation to ahI the Bow ma n v îlhe;- Stetd- bystantiers for their decorumr man's Newcastle - Kay anti and for remaining out of the Howard Quinney suýppieti way during the fire, especially clips, serviettes, stirrers anti those men who willingly anti streamers anti Newcastle Gulf ably beipeti the firemen ni Course, Mrs. Wilda Simpson their determnined fight against donateti the sugar. this fire. Newcastle Pu1tblic Sehooî Mrs. Hilda Calbas just Present&-'prinIg concert returneti home from a most On Thursd,'ay,. May 31 the pleasant tbree week holidlay 1wýith her'aunt, Mrs. Lou Ingate Drumhead Service which îi Londcon, England and area. was held on Sunday at During hier London visit Mý,rs. Memorial Park in Bowmani- Cal spent two days wîth Mr. ville, but turn-out of boys was and Mrs. Jack Gardiner in, very disappointing. Those att- Aberdeen, Scotland. Hîlda ending from Scouts were reported the weather, while Bobby Forget, Kevin South- she was there. was typically ern, Mark Chai-land, Gary Eniglish -up and down, but inSchimid, Dale Nicholîs and spite of this she had a Joey Wer-heidl. Cubs attending thoroughly marvelous time. were Cecil Knapp, Rene Wins Schlàýarship Morin, Clarence Ton, Donald We wish to offer Our Chard, Jerry Morin, Michael- heartiest congratulations te John Charland, Angus Fenn- ýVr. Ron Lowry Jr. who won eh, Harry Hirshfeld, Gien the one Orienteering Award Schmid, Mark Tanner and offered by the federal gov- IMark McMackin. Ledders ernment. It is an $1800'. participating were Oliver scholarshjp to the University Knapqp, George Char-a-nd, of Ron's choice and Ron plans Eldon Hirshfeld, Merlee Ton to attend McMaster Univer- and Betty Charland and Mar- sity, Hamilton, enrolling in the ion McMackin offered trans- Bachelor Physical Education portation. Course in the Fail. Thursday With ail the hard work the night, May 3sRn i Newcastle cub and scout Bl1aker and Lars Carîson leaders have put forward this attended a dinner in the Four year, it is very discouraging Seasons Sheraton Hotel where that the parent-boy participa- ilon and Tim receiveji Sports thon is so poor'. ýichievment Awards for being on Monday June 4th, a the Ontario Orienteering cha- special going-up ceremony mpions. A special award for was held where the boys Orienteering administration, went from Cubs Up to Scouts. map development and comp- Ater this we are looking etitor developer wvas pres- forward to the annual Cuboree ented te Mr. Carlson. Con-whh is taking p lace on June gratulations to ail three. 15-16-17 at Marydale Park in Mr. Gordon Ha1o\10 M- Newtonville. unt Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell, Starkville, were O IU R 1Saturday evening dinner 11N f ALIA guests of their cousins, Mr. .VH l GLOA and 'Mrs. Wilfred Wvood, John Henry Galloway, Guests with Mýrs. Jean aýge 64, died in Toronto on Cochrane and Gordie on aylth f ollowing a lin- iillnicss. Sundayv were Mrs. Coch- He wa , born near Beth- rane's aunts, Mlrs. C. Walkey, an,, only son of thle late Newtonville, Mrs. V. Ander- MrýT . and Mvrs. Henry Gal- son and Neil of Mýorrish and loway. Hewas a farmner, M1r. Jack Wade, town. blacksmrith, and a talented Newý%castle Cubs News musician. Through 1930- On Sturay, une2nd194,5 Gaiîloway's Orchestra Newcastle Cubs and scouts "a' nppla eadi held a bottie drive. Although Beany Ptebo ou *h caeaa Greenhurst, and the turnout of boys was very Bewdley, and other local good, it is sad to report that no points. parents turneçi out to help, The funei(ral service was therefore with only four- ve- held from Mackey's Fun- hicles and five leaders it was eral Chapel, Lindsay, on necessary to call in extra help. Saturday., May 26th, withi A veryspecia thankyou t in St. mary's Cerne- Ed Dwry selTn Molly ntery, Manvers Towý.nshîip. Ed. DyerTny Mlloy Tndo'foster sisters, Mrs. Alex Oadis, a visiting brother- Phylis Knox and M rs. i-wof leader Eldon Hir- Maryj i Endicott of Lindsa,à, shfeld, whio was visiting from are, the only survivîng re- Anigus, Ont. Boys partici- latives. pating were Mvichael Demers. Donald Ryner, Noel Lake, B T I~ Paul Peters, Glen Selhmid. ETN Rene MUorin, Ronnie Verbeek, Friends in thls coImmuni- Ricky Dillon, Duane Markle, îty regret to learn of the Mark Konzeltnann, Clarence recent passing, In Toronto, Ton, sKevin Reid, Mark of Mr. John Galloway. McMakinBria VereekVivid are our recollections McMakinBria Vereeo f bis Incomiparabile dance Harry Hirshifeld, Jeff Wood- band' of a couple of de- beck, Martin Hienderson, cades ago and bis prow- Angus Fennell, John Wind, ess as a blacksm-ith and Donald Chard and Ceeil inetal craftsmaïn. Funeral Knapp. secrVice was held in Mac- Hlelpftil scouts were Joey key's Funeral Home, Lind- Werheid, Bobby Forget, Gary say, wlth intermnent in St Scbmd, ark harand Mary's Ccrmetery. Schmi, Mar Charand, Co ngratullations to Mrs. Wayne Landry, Dale Nicholîs Venitta Jackson ul Po n and Kevin Southern. Leaders completion of two years of George., harland, Merlee Ton, nursu',s tra1ning I1n Ptr Eldon Hirshfeld, Cathy Dwyer boroug-h Civic Hoia. andi Betty Charlanti, worked Mrs. Jackson received flie until late afternoon because awVard for, Bcd Side Nurs- after collecting bottles they mg at ber recent g-radua- had to go back to the bottle ,iion.r, . e depot and sort. Ed. Dwyer and Mahon were recent Sun- Oliver Knapp loaned their day, evening, dinner guests trucks andi Stan Powell andi witbi Mr. and Mrs Jmes Chas. Mlegit our croui) comm- Gray, Yelvertoll. ittee. Rev. Haynes barn was M\/r. and Mrs. Georgle useti for a bottle depot. Carter, Judy and John, Newcastle Brownies, Cbr Bowmanville, recently vis- andScots ookpar inthe ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. ant Scut tok artin McMahon. Tihe Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, June 6, 1973 CLARKE iGH NEW Tfhe sehool year seems to be a year of hiard work the Grad( slowly grinding to a stop but 13's aregettîng excited aboui the amnount of work the their trip to Quebec. teachers are giving us keeps OBITUARY Mrs. ERNEST MITCHELL Foflowing an illness oi four ýweeks, the death of Mrs. Ernest Mitchell, aged 89i years, occurred on Sun- dla, May 27th, l973, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- mainville. Born a', Croydon, En- land,ý the former Alice Maude Mýýaryv Wicks was hle daughiter of the late Jamnes and Liza (And- rews) Wicks, She received her education in Croydon schools. In 1909, on A'ugust 28,1 she, married Mr. Ernest Mitchell, wvho predeceased heCr, Before coming toL Bowmlanville 58 y e a r s ago, the deceased resided at Norwooîd, Enigland. Mrs. Mitchiell was aj mrember of St. John's An-1 glican Churcli and a mnem-i ber of St. John's W.A. As a mmber o Me-noria] Park Association for 28 yeairs, she watched with aivid interest the Park's gIrowth during the Inter- vening years from 1945. She also served as the As- sociation's secrectary for 12 years. Asý a housewife, her chief interests centred around hrfamily and homec. Suirvîving ,zto nmourn ber passing are a dau2hter, Chlalotte Clarke; 'a grand- daughter, Dorothy« Lea- mian; and four ,,reat- grandchildren, Bill, Bryain, Alice and Donna.» The fuzneral ser-vicewa held on May -ý29th fIrom the Morris Fuineral Chapel, Bowmanville, with Rev. T. Grceofficiating. A fav-1 orite fhymn, "Blessed 1Be the Tie That Binids," was played on the organ dur- ig thle service.Ine en was in Bc>wninville Cen- etlery. Palibeareýrs were Messrs, GogeL Dasned Dad- son, Bill Leamran. Ted Cornishi, RichardNesz and Peter Rines. Among the many lvl floral tokens, evidence of the( esteemn in which the deceased was held, were? thiose, from MNemnorial Park Association, Martha GrouD EeigW.A., Friends and N"eighbt)rs. le ut On Tuesday, May 22,1973 thirty three' students left on their camping tnîp to Algon- quin Park. They ail seemed very èeiteti anti 1 realhy think they took much more than they needed in the way of supplies. They were planning to start out fromn the park in canoes on Wetinesday' and arrive horne by 9i p.m. on: Friday. 1 think that they will have a wonderfuh tine. On Wetinestiay, about 10' people went te compete in the COSSA meet which was helti at MecLaughlin high school. For the size of our scbool we did very well because four per- sons were able to place and are able to go to OSSA. ýThurstiay w,ýas a very dreary day with everyone just work- ing at their sttues. On Friday the art class put up an art display in the tiisplay case and on the bulletin board of our scbool. This display is very good and shows great imnagin- ation. 'More news next week. -Diane Barnett in the Editor's Mail B3ethany, Ont., R.R. 1, DearSir:June 1, 1973 Encloseti plense fînd a mnone-y ord.er for $7.00 (sev- en dollars), paymrent for one y-ear's subscription to the "Canadian Statesmranl,. Afler reading the little ar- ticle Ofïail the mishaps that befeil the peso oing to borrow bis neigbibor s paper, tbouigbit we bati better get a subseription of Our owni 1 do0 wish to tbank you for the excellent coverage You gave the Betbiany paIr-. nde anti dofings ovenr the Victoria hiolida,-y. Also for- th e goodi reports youpin of Our vairiousgru activ- ities, prt'ua liotheWo- menI'sIniue and the U. C.W. It is greatly appreci- ated, ancl I knov/ nmany people look forward toý readin1g such accounts. YVoursq-very truly, Ruth Jennings. Et's Note: You've made my day. Tbanks! Your 'Esso Agent is having a Your Esso Agent takes a special interest in your business or farming operation. And he's having a special sale to prove it. He's giving you a chance to make big savings on a product he knows you need. Pistolmatic Grease Gun Put the pressure J on those hard-to-get-at ~ grease points with this flexible hose, trigger-#. action grease guni. Takes those famous blue.......... Unitol grease cartridges. 8000 lbs. pressure. Grease gun regular Esso price $8.80. Special Sale price $5.99 Take advantage of this special offer at participating Esso Agents. OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 3Oth, 1973 A. H. Sturrock & Sons Ltdi. Sturrock Road, Bowmanville 623-5516 4 e Performance.: Count on it from your Esso Agent. 'W/LL O/SAPP£A R- SEES OUR 600D OIL AND) P "UBLIC AUCTION t No Reserve) Saiturday, June 9, 1 p. m. Sharp Antique Farmn Collectors Iftems - MNalitaI Grain ISeparator - Horse Plough - Horse MHarnessing jEquîpment - Nw and 'Used Monsehol Eff"ets- Appliances, TV's, Firnittre- Three PoNwer Water 15" wheels - Metal Parts Cabinet <some Chvysier Parts) - Tent Rods + Five-way Light Fixture - Blades for Lawn Cutter - Saws and A soteShovels -3-t Hydroplane Boat wt'57 MercuryN,20 hp Motor - plus mlanyv other iteim tonmerous to mention. l'er-lis Cash. Sakbar o mi se.Cak- hmAuIcton 0on ligh-wayv 1L5, :, miles north of 401 formerly Thýe FrtueDiscount Barn) Newcastle 987-5151 or NEWCASTLE RECREATION RED CROSS SWIMMING CLASS REG ISTRATION- TH URS.& FRI.,JUNE 14& 15 7 to 9p.m. NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL 2SESSIONS - 3 WEEKS EACH SESSION - LESSONS EVERY DAY. BECAUSE 0F USE 0F COMPLETE POOL FACILITIES - YOUNGER CLASSES W-ILL HAVE TO BE LIMITED. FEES: RESIDENT - $3.50 for first child ~$2.50 for each additional child in same family NON-BESIDENT - $5.00 for first child $3.00 for each additional child in same family SYNCHRONIZED - $2.oo each participant. Star System Tadpoles - $2.25 each participant - 4,5, 6 years of age. Adit Class - $5.00 eachi participant - if interest sho'wn. COMPETITIV E SWIMMING - $2.0O!O to be registered at pool. w m.

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