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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 12

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12 The Canadian 8tatesman, Bowmanville, June 6, 1973 ORON( (hitended for last week) Mr. Gardon W al1k er, Miss Gail Walker of Wil- lowdale,, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mercer of Tor- onto were Sunday dInner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail. lMr. A. Martens of Cobb Hill hias returned home fromrr a three weeks' visit in Holland. Steven Mercer, age 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer, a student of the Clarke Hligh School, is a patient in the Toronto General Hospital follow- ýng- a matorcycle acident early Saturday evening, welst of Orono. Rev. Gerald Brown, Chaplain of the Pine Ridge, School', Bowman- ville, was the guest speak- er on Sunday mnornlng at the Kirby Spring A,,nniver- sary Service. Mrs. Basil E. Long, Mrs. Ken Neal and Mr. Gary Simpson were recent pa- tients in Bowmnanville Me- mi'nal Hospital. Mr.F . É 'Rhodes was vlýsitinig lhcbr son, Ma- j or JT. K. Rhodes and fam- ly at Fonthili. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris of Hornby called on severalfres in the Orono district over the weekend. Mkr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker vstdheýr cousin Miss Arvilla Beckett of Bowmanville an Sunday. Mri C. A. Tebble is a pati ent 'n Bowmranvllle MeMa-rial Hospital. Mr. and1 Mrs Reg. Sut- ton attended the funeral in Oshawa on Saturday afternoon of the late 'Mr. Terry David 'ee, age 23, husbandi of Mrs. Wendy Smith Lee, and a grand- Son (if 7M'rs. Jir-n Abernethy of BowmianvLlle. Inter- ment in Oshawaý Union Cemectery. Mr. and Mirs. Charles Gray and bher Parents iMr. NEW adMrs. C. Hl. Lane of Newtonville attendfed . the -Ontario PastmaiýsteCrs' Con- vention in Sudbury aven the holiday wýeekend. Mn. Carlos Tamblyn is a patient In the Oshawa Genenal Hospital, Mr, and Mns. Jack Bail- ey and daughter of Osha- wa were Weekend visitons of ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lorne BoWins. Rev. Victor Pansons af Blackstock conducted the negular Sunday imonning service of, worshlp at On- ono United Chunc rh and Rev. Basil E. Long was the guest speaker at Nestieton United Spring Anniver- sary, May 27th. ELIZABETH VILLE The only churcb services on the circuit were held at Welcome. A gqod crawd attended. Rev. J. A. Rqam- jit, along with guest speak- er Mn. John Black, Kings- ton, were in charge of the services.. Welcome Choir rendered two anthiems. Mn. Black spoke: an "ETncount- ering God". On Saturday everning, Mn. and Mrs. W. CaisseLton at- tended graduatiîon services at Peterborough w7hen their daughten Donna grd1uated as a nurse. Aiter the ex- encises relatives and frîends gathened at Mn. anid Mrs. Casselton's home and pre- sented Donna with gifts. Relatives from Simncoe at- tended. Mrs. Ross Beatty is home from the hospital. Mrs. B. Wbeeler is stili in the bas- pital and will have another aperation soon. Mrs. Gordon Marris is home. Mn. Marris was home for the weedand expects ta he homre fan goad, soon. Li tle Jackie Cham- berlain had b-er toes inj un- ed wi'th a lawn m-ower on Fiday; the little Guil]esby Receive Awfards Durîng Ahlnual Banquet JUNIOR GIRLS - lef t to right, Heather Michel son, Abbie Blanchard and Hielen Nash. Gray, Joanne Holroyd, Linda Conahan, Sharon ZINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OPENS OSHAWA OFFICE SENIORS -- lef t to right, Wayne Mosher, Vieki and Gerry Masterson. Terry and Julie Pearson; absent Joan Perfect il..w. nîamJ. D. Carruthersi The Industrial;ý DevelopmPuent Bank announces the opening of an1 office at, 22 Kinig Street West, Oshawa. ta serve its custamners in the couinties af Durham,' Haliburton, Nortýh- umoberiand, Ontario, Peterborough,' and Victoria. Mr. K. W. Bamis the nmnager and Mn. J. D. Carruthers is the as- sLitn mnge i the new office. The Industrial Deve!oprnent Bank prïovides financing, u.suialy un the form i) fterm lbans, ta smaller husinesses which axe unable ta obtain financial assistance fromi other sources on reaisonable termns and conditions. 1DB makes boans ta almnost ecverýy type of business including manuiacturing. tourist industry, conistruiction, wholesale and retail trade, agriclture, and imany others. MnI. Bolam bhas had soime eleven yearis service with II B and prior ta bis present appointmnent he was mnarger af the Kitchene'c-W\atenloo offi-e ai the bank. i. Carruthers joinied 1DB in 1965 and prevýious;lyVhet was ani assistaint mianager ai the Mid-Ontaria office, Toronto. The' staýffaif the ne'w office also incides Mess~.S. Beatty, R. E. Dawson, J. I. McKýiernaýn. E.G. Norrîs, and S. A. Sboe- maker wbo were formerly at other 1DB offices in Ontario. boy Who was cut up ina lawn mower accident re- eently, is homne again. Vîsitors with 7Mi'. nc Mrs. C. Beatty over the weekend1 were Mr. and Mrs. Barton, Wasaga,Bay' parents who spent, the 'tveek- enld with M.admrs. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs Bý Barton. Mrs. Mo(ore, Osha.i wa: Mrs. SideyvSariasc *w~erecent vi-sitîors, Mr. and Mrs. W. Long. year vîsitedl witlhcbr sister, Mrs. A. Thiorndyke on Fri- day and took her toý Peter- boroug1h hospital from Pari Hope hospOital. 14r. and Ms.R. Beatty. Mnr. and rs. C. Beattly vis- ited Mrs. B. Wheeler in Port Hone on Sunday. Mrs. R etesrand Alvson were withi Mr. and Mr.H. Thýick.son an Sun- day. The laîe f 1the aréa had Pa bu'qtrn th e Fas'hion Bazaar on Tuesday. The ladie nrt"iatdin the salce and social time., Mn. anqfI ï Mrs. W. Mu- drpw. Oshawa. ar 'pdiniý i day or two withMn. and ,Mrq. L. Muldrewm. Mr, m~d Mr, reFls THE WNHOLE HOUSE AIR 'CONDITIONING UNIT WViTîH THEC PERSONýý,ALI TY If You're laoking for an air Ccondýiîining unit ta coo your wvhole house, try ours, the Husher by Tappan .. it's dependa- ble, truStwAlrthV, has a gaad name (Tappan) in the Carpmiunity, and a reputation as a bard warker. It ikes children and animais because il's des!gnied for safety, if's kînd ta nearby s;hrubs and flowvers and it keepDs your neighbars happy because il aperates quietly. Cali your local dealer taday about the Husher The strang silent one f rom Tappan. VOWLES NEAINGand AIR - CONDITIONINGi Oil, Gas and Electric Furnaces 1 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 6 23-T591 IM~ ENNISKILLEN le lntendýLed for- last week) Durham College Convocation famûily were Sunday -evening Our littie hilitop village was held at the Civic Auditorium dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs, recently invaded by three Oshawa, Thursday evening, Joe Rekker, Newcastle. groups. First by stealth, and May 24thi when Donald Trewin Mlr. and Mýrs. E. R. Taylor 3.wijtehery of a black Chev. received his Diplomna in the 2 were last. Wedn.iesdayý supper carload af people. Secondly by year Mechanical Techniques guests at 'Mr. and Mvrs. Wlu opunctual black and white cars course. Donald has secured Tomns, Cartwright. with 2 unifaniwed occupants, emploioyet with the Lincoln On Sunday mr. and MN'rs. E. and t'hirdly by kindl.yadut Electnic Company, Don Mill;1s. R. Tayloýr attended Eldad rens ta tny tomend the damnage rMrs. Ross Lee, Kedran, Anniversary and were tea We tremble with fear and Mýrs. Allian Werry, Sandra a nd guests of MIr. and Mrs Bruce unpleasant surprise but can Sharon, attendled May Day Taylor and family. stili, be grateful it was exercises at O.L.C. Whitby on Mn. and Mrs. Leonard atenial loss and no loss afi ue Saturday. During the cnown- Stainton were Sunday dinner as mainy neighbounring cam- ing of theMa Queen Mns. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon munities are suffering. The Werry pnesented thie 2 Coun- Shun k, Port Penry. publicity by neýwspapers, rad- sellors with pins given by the MIr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor 3 o, andTVtes the whole newly fornmed Whitby, Osh- were recent caliers at MnI. and 1story. The cuiprits are app- awa and district Chapter. MIrs. Jimn Abennethe's, Bow- -rehended we think. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Currie mnanville. Our poplan Jr. Ch1oir acc- and Barbara, -Mn. D. Darling, Mn. and M-,rs.E. R. TayTlor epted an invitation ta nepeat Wîllowdale wene last Sunlday wene Monday gu1ests of Mr. rpart of their repertoire from visitons with the Slemon's. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemnon and e"Evening of Mvusic" Concert Miss June Howe, anid Mr. famiily ,Haydon. at aur Elementany Sehool on Chas. Lowry,, Beaventon were MoNl(iday a.m. This second Sunday visitons at R. Howe's. TYRONE 2performance was somne of the Mr. and Mýrs. B. Wonna- 1h.ighlîlghts that wene favour- maken, Seagrave, were Satur- (Intended for- last weelu ites of thle Choir membens and day visitons a r and Mrs. A. Thosei( who did flot be- were s.uper ententainmient un- Saps stir themuselves ta attend der the expertise and chanm of Mvr. anmd -Mrs. Lioniel Hic-key aur SundfaY Schaal Anni- thei'r cdirector Ms Ulah Hlampton, were Sunday ý,even: versary missedt a joyful, inspiring service. A great Chambers. in-,g callers at Mr. and MUrs. S. dleal of credit m-ust' be Our ladies are bu,,sy prepar- Lambi's-. given ta thase whoararang- ing the monthly diînen for the Mr. and Mrs. E. A.werr'y ed and wonked on this, Lions in Bowmanville. have returned homie after special daiy. The Rural Family Lii e staying a couple of weeks ,vith Mrs. Walter Loveridge Suniday Service was scantily gnandchildreni John, Elizabeth set the maod for the sen- attended due p-ossibly ta Plans and Peter, Etobicoke while v'!ce with the exciuisite ta attend TynaneS. S. Anniver- their parents were on a trip t ouqet f tulips, ls 1 and apple blo'ssoms which. sary in the afternoon, The Halland and Germiany with a she arranged and placed.' service lacked no enthusiasm gnoup of 18 surgeons and their The campetent young ush,- as aur minister in hiç wives and neported a very ens were Steven r'. chosed. text "Be fnuitful, and wanderful trip. and David Lambert. multiply and replenish the Mr. and ýMrs. Gea. Inwin Piano preludes w e r e eanth,and subdue it." explain- werg Sunday supper guest s of playied by Margie Craig, ed this Divine command. ai Mr. and Mrs. Tomnmy Sith, Susan Pleasance and Jen- God. Hîis message had 5 Oshawa. nifer Yeo. Pat Woodley and Heathen Southwell ac- phases; 1. Anea -covered by Misses Jenniier Feris andcmaneth hy san. Dept. of Environmient and Doreen Trewin Ottawa, Mrs. Hleather als)o piayed the embraces Agriculture and C. E. H1orn, oshawa, were postlude.' These girls are Minîng.(2) Professianal con- Sunday dinner guests with the regular pian' sts for the tribution. (3) Dreamners like E. Trewin's and ail wene Sunday School and their Isaac Watt and Michael Fana- Sunday afternoon callers at music added much ta this' day who produced the steami the Lloyd Slemon's, Haydon. service. The choir for the engne nd lecricmotr. 4) r. nd rs.A. . WrrVoccasion combîned the taI- engne nd lecriemotr. 4) n. nd rs.A. . Wnry ents of the Explorer choir The moral aspect.(5) The Saadra,Sharon and James an-d Sunday school volun- spliritual Part. Rev. Hopkins' were Sunday dinnen guests ai teers. The two anthemns remninded his folks that these M1r. and Mns. E. A. Werny. they sang so clearly were are aur heritage and aur duty 'Mr. and Mrs. Alister Lamb[, 'Pass It On,' and 'Lord, is ta nespand in obedience ta Flenlon Falls were weekend Teach Us to Pray' in the Command framn God. visitons at Mn. and Mdrs, L. which the congregation The Jr. Choir's anthemi was Lambýs,. took part. The choir was "Knack,Knock" with waod Mr. and Mirs. Lloyd Aveny ably directed by, Mrs. J. .Woodley and accompanied bokaccompanimrent by and Kevin, Maple Graove were by Mrs. J. Vaneyk who Donald Rowan. Jr. Congrega-> Saturday callers at C. Aveny's v.was arganist for the ser- tien was in charge ai Mrs. 'Mn. and Mns. B3. Chambers, vice. Reva Kinsman, S.S. session Joyce and Carl wene recent Guest soloist for this was apened by Mnîs. Ruth dinner guests of M1r. and Mns. special day was MNrs. Bli McGill assisted at thle piano by R. Virtue. McMaster af Peterborough son Brian and bnief remnarks Mn. and, Mns. Gea. Pethick, whose antherns were a by Supt. E. Wright. Scarboro, were Saturdayhlghlightf of the servi1ce. ýShe sang If Gad Fongot Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton night visitons at Mn. and Mrs. and The Gjit a story sanig. were necent guests of Mn. and S. Pethick's. The service was led by Mns. Hanry Wonden, Bow- Mn. and'Mns. Allan Werry, Rev. C. Johnson aofap manville,R.R.2 ta celebrate a were guests at Mn. and Mnýls. ton assisted by Mn. T. birthday. Congratulations Lloyd Ayre's and family on Pleasance,,aur S.,S. Super- Lois Wonden. Friday evening occasion ai intendent. Rev. Johnson Master Richard Wanden thein 25th Wedding Aninive-took as h'isF text Psalmn 117, was~~~~~~~~~ ~~ wekedvst.wt i ayas teddtera the shortest chapter in the waswee-ed vsitr ,,,th issàr alo ttededthllatBible. He iiustnated his gnandpanents lâln. and Nrs. O. home panty on Sunda y message wîth. water in ,a C. Ashton, alsoMn and Mns. Mn. and Mns. Harold Ashton glass. Is the glass hi _G.F, Beeçh, Bomanville. and Deana accompanied by empty or' haîf fuîll? Whtch Mn. and Mns. George Irwin Mn. S. Kersey, Hampton,wy do we look at lufe? wene Wedinesday overnight spent Sunday with Rev. and DO we use aur stnengths guests ai Mns. Mabel Bowen, Mis. E,.J. Kensey andiamnily ta praise? One child aften- Bobcaygeon. Dundas, in honoun aof their 25th wands descrlbed the ser- .ù%,r. nd rs.Joh Slmon eddng miiersry. mon at "Neata!" Mn. nd rs.Joh Simon eddng nniersry.Our Sunday School sup were ovennight visitons aif Mn.. Mn. and Mirs. R. Howe enirtendent and ail the and Mýrs. Carl Curtis, Baît- attended the Oshawa Little teachers are ta be com- im-ore. Theatre Play. menided fan the wonk they Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, Mnr. and Mnrs. F. Pethick, dIo throughout. the year. A Mr. and Mnrs. Earl Tnewin, Scarbono. wene visitons on special thanks is due ta S,,nniskillen, Ms Juanita Sunday with,ý the S. pethick'ýs Mrs. Ann Pleasah --e for ail Aines, Blackstock, attended Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery ,Id her 'behind thesee There were 1l tables in play for the card party on Friday inight in the Comn- myunity H all. Awards went to Mine Brock, Francis Thompson, Vernie Mas- ter, Freemian McCullough, Aima White, Arvilla B3ar- irett; 50-50 draw, Gretla iCameron. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashi- ton, Oshawa, were Satur- day evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Garry C or- Mrs. Leila Werry and Gardon, Orono, wvere Sun- dayl. guests of Mr. and Mrs, D.Craig aýnd failyi* . Mr. nd ?Mrýs. Stan Hod- Sundiay -dinner gu-estls 0f 1\r. and Ms M. Yen and faily. M.and Mrs. A. J. Hoar visited Mr, and Mrs. Mac Hamiilton, Bowmanýville.ý Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rlahmi visited Mr, and Mrs. George Rahm, Greenbankç. r.James Youngman attendEýd the Youngman- Adrian wedding in Cal- gary on Saturday, May 26. Mr. and Mrs. Johnl Wil- son visited her sis ter, Mr, and Mrs. Lamne 7/cKee, Nestleton. Mr. Neil Newton left Sunday for Ottawa ta ad- dress t h e Professional Photagraphers of Ontario Convention at the Univer- sity of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roaker and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simp- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Per-i fect, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Demiter. Ma- pie Grave, were Saturday evening, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith and family, Pontypool,1 visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar. Please leave used cloth- ing such as men's clothes and, shoes, also women's and children's- clothes 12 year8 and up in the C. E. Wing or cali a U.C.W, member. Mr. Ralph Bowersat tended the funeral o)n Sat- urday of his cousin, Mr. Terry Lee, Oshawa. ÇMr. and Mrs. Walter Park camped at Emîily- Park with their new trali- er. Coniferous trees growi-ng ,in the open retain their lowver branches miuch longer than similarltrees crowing in dense forests.- KENDAL Kendal basebaîl teams gat off ta) a good start in the first gamies of the sea- son. On Mocnday, May 21st, there were two games i the Harvey Jackson Park. The Keéndal Eaglýs playedl Oshawa Legion and won 8-4, while the Kendal Jun- ior Rayais defeated Whit- by 3-2. Mrs.' Claren-ce Therteil came home Tuesday of last week and is recuper- ating following surgery in Boýwmanville bMem o r ia H~ospital VMr. and Mrs. Wm., Car- rigan anlafamnily of Rex- d"ale spent the weekend with Mr, and Mvrs. Alex Littie. Sunday dinner guests with MUr. and Mrs. Leon- ard oywere Mr. and Mrs. Alex H-oy, Mrs,,. Mary Tattersal of Oshawa, alsa Mr. James Hoy and Mr. LaVeýrne Hoy of Kendclal. Oni Sunday morning there was a large attend- ance in church at the Or- ange Service. Orang; from Kendal and othe± -,j- cal Lodges, the ladies of~ the L.O.B.A., the Girl. Guides and the Brownie9 paraded from Kendal Parkz. ta, the church. The parade was headed by the Bow- manville Orange Ladge. Banid.'The Rev. T. Snel- grove alrnounced that next Sunday would be Kendal's arnnual Sunday School An- niversary, at whîch the .guest speaker is ta be Rev. Robert Wragg from Wht- by. Mr. and Mrs. Harland eens of Baileboro were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. El- iott. Mýr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Dinner and t-wo dauighters of Port Hlope were Sunday gues ts with her p)arents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Little. The leavé'S Of Red and Black OaIks have, poiînted lobes, as distincet fr-om Whitef Oak and Chéstï-uýt Oak with rounded lobes and tceeth ýNow in Businessmen requiring term loans for sound busi- ness purposes and wvho are unable to obtain financial assistance from other sources on reasonable, terms and conditions are invited to discuss their needs at the IDB office recently openied in Oshawa . .. 1DB can Iend to almost ail! types of business-man- ufactuiring, tourism, professional services, wholesale and retail trades, agri.clture, construction, etc. Ask for our bookiet. Manager-K. W. Bolam Assistant Manager-J. D. Carruthers 22 King Street, West, Oshawa, Ont. ILAST 3DAyS- Long lasting GALLON durability & excellent glass, retention. No)n-fading colors stay cdea n & b rig ht. BUY FOUR GALLONS GET FIFTH GALLON F E1~ A&BERNETHIY'S WPANLJTanPcEI 5KING ST. W. PH0NE623543VÉ' am L el PHON E 623-5431 ýàt 1

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