'un or Farmer Exchanige Young Scot Leaàrnse-- from Viitto Durhar'n A young Scottish farmer bas a suggestion about how Dur- nain County farmers can convert wooded, hilly areas an their farmas to income- Scottish Blackface sheep. YELVERBTON Mr. anid Mrs. Leo Cram- ze>r, proprietors of Dew Drap Inn, east of Yel-ver- ton, have sold their service Station and lunch caunter; business, and will be leav- irig aur cornrunity at the end Of the rnonth. Best wi1shes to Mary and Leo ia their retirernent or what- ever. The Crarnzers have been ardent supporters of Our Girls> Senior Bail Team aver the years as well and will be missed in the coin- munity. Likewise, ta Mrs. Ada Armstrong wbo has sold ber borne at the north junction of 7A and 35 Highways and dispased of her hausehold furniture by public auction On, Saturday pa. Irnproved health is wish- ed ta Mrs. Annie Hurren who is currently under doc- torps care in Rass Memarial Hospital after suffering a stroke. The first bail gaine of the season in the Lakze Scugag League was beld an Sun- daY. The firSt garie for YelIvertan l- Janetville team vs, Bur-kfton at Burketon was last 7-3 ta Burketon in a livelY gaine. Janetville battery was Brian Wilson and Clare Robinson and the teamn played a good gaine despite the, score. The Janetville - ýYelvert- ton Hi-C beld a Variety night an Friday evening in Yelvertan Cburcb Hall. AI- tboughi the turnaut was dis- v~aippinting, -t'he Young People providedl an entertaining evening with two one-act pIays - ýThe Telegrain and H-illbifly Hijinks. augrnented with guitar solos by Quentin Robinson, DarrYl Robinson and Re'v. Jerry Raf stetter With bis own decompasition Of local tbings and peopfles. Prefty good show all tald with thie Lindsay Little Theatre nat baving too nIDuch ta worry about frorn Cngratulations ,ta Mrs. Ronald Jackson (nee Van- leaMcGill) af Yelverton, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald 1McGili who gradu- ated fram nurses training.. witl, bonours, we lunder- Congratulations t, taMr, and Mrs. Norman Argue f'>çfoshav, forinerl]y of Sarleal, whlo robserved 50'irSth Wedding Anni- versary an Sat rda igbt in) Janetville Conriniàty Ha]ll A numrber of local peopfle called ta pay their respects ta Della and Nor- man. ýjSorry ta report thatMr. Aid Nassato of Part Credit, -a-ur brother-in-law, is in hospital in Toronto. Hearty congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jake-, muan of Bethany wha willi Le observing their' 65th Wedding Anniversarv. 3mw. ýoHARVEY ti)oPARTNER OIZON0 F83-52O6 ESSO HOIWE RHEAT SER*~ICE Daviýl Young, 21, has been in Durham County for two weeks as part of his 17-week tour of Canada under an exehange program between Junior Farmers of Ontario and the British Association of Young Farmers. He feels Scottish 11alackface sheep could exigt on portions of wooded areas of farms which Durham farmers are nat using as pasture land because it will not support cattie. "'Sheep can survive on wooded pasture land ... and iambs seém ta be worth about twice as much at market here as at home. " The thing that inas surprised him the mast about Canadian' farms is the ratio.af livestock per acre. "ýCanadians seem ta be able ta make a living off fewer animais than at home," he said. Home for David is a 250-acre' farm ini Wigtownshire, which is the southwest corner of Scotland. Two Week Stay He winds up a one week stay, at the fari, of the Alvin Metéalf farnily, RR 2, Bow- manville, tedlay. (May 26). He also spent a week at the Hope Township farm of the Lloyd Kellogg faiiy. David- is about haîf. way through hiis 17-week tour, which wilt include four weeks in western Canada. The purpose of the exchange pragram is ta allow young farmers Ita observe the agri- cultural way of life of other countriesz. And wb;Iat has he observed? "Canadian farmers seem tc Co u nty7 kbe mare self-sufficient," said David. "They grow a lot mare of their own feed than British farmers."- One idea he will take back ta Scotland with him is the widespread Canadian habit of growing corn as fodder. "The corn sludge the farm- ers grow on their awn farms here seems ta wark very well with the livestock," he said. 1David has also been taking a close look at twa level Canadian barns. "We do not kstore aur hay in a se 'cond level 1over the cattle, but build a feed barn beside aur livestock barn," he said. One aspect of Canadian farm, life he feels might ibenefit Scottish farm families is the 4-H club system. "I think some of the 4-H clubs would fit in quite well with'aur system of agricul- >tural education," said David. When he returns ta Scot- lIand, the young farmer will be igiving taiks ta other Scottish- 1farmers about the differences between Canadian and Scot- tish farming. The livestock per acre ratio will be discus- tsed in detail. David has also visited Denmark and Sweden and'he said Canada has by far the 1lowest ratio of livestock per acre of ail four countries. "One thing 1 feel is neces- sary is for ahl farmers ta sit down and work out an annual budget, forecasting expenses, incarne and profit for the year. I also feel a farmfer should have some say in what he, receives for his final product. Farming is the only industry that doesn't." -Times OPP REPORT During the week of May 2lst 1 Also -on May 21, a farmer ta May 27th, 1973, the New- near Janetville discovered a castle Detachment of the two week old caîf stolen from Ontario Provincial Police in- his herd. Further investiga- vestigated 23 motor vehicle tion revealed that the un- accidents including one hit known persan(s) respansible and run accident, in which 10 entered the field by cutting a persons suffered persanal in- hale in the fence. jury, and as a result eight A schaol bus staien from persans were charged witb Kendal an' May 22, was traffic offences, also two recavered abandoned the persans charged with crimînal sanie day in the comnmunity af driving offences. Elizabethville. At 6:30 p.mn. May 26, 1973, a On May 24, five females, car westbound on the Clarke- suspects wearinig gypsy type Manvers Twp, line south of clathing, entered the General. Plontypool, wvas forced framr Store in Enniisillen, and while thý,e road and collided with a keeping the store keeper busy, tree. Three persans in the the suspects absconded with vehicle including the driver $758.0O in cash and cheques sustained seriaus injuries and from a safe in the rear portion 'were transported ta Bowrnan- of: the store. An earlier ville Hosptal. attempt by the samie group .The Newcastle officers also praved unsuccessful at a store completed 108 general investi- in Hampton. The suspects gations of which three were identities however are not yet break and enter, six theft,' established,, they are merm- three wilful damage cam- bers of a band of gypsies that plaints, four trespassing oc- aretouring Canada. currences,, seven -disturbanc- es, one assault, four, domestie The Ceresdale Fertîlizer complaints, one missing per- plant was broken inta during son investigation and five the night of May 25. An reports of erratie or danger- a ttempt ta pry open the filing ous driving. Also there were cabinet proved unsuccessful. five reports of lost property The culprits left empty hand- and four reports af found, cd. praperty. A repart was received an Twa persans fishing in a May 27 that the M. J. Habbs private pond were charged Senior Public Schoal was the with Petty Trespassing, seven scene of a break and enter. A persans charged with -liquor cl assraaim window was broken vialations, and four persans and entrý was gaîned inta the charged with impaired driv- school. Nearly ail the ciass- ing. room idoors which are individ- A resume of occurrences ually l-ocked, were pried open, investigated in the past week causing extensive damage. are as follows: Appraximately $50.00 cash On, Monclay morning, May was stoien from the teachers 21, a break-in was discavered desks in the classraoms. at the field office of Orona There have been a nuzmber Estates housing, develapment. of cattle stolen aver the past Entry was gained thraugh a few months. In many situa- basement window. Stalen was tions the stalen cattle were flot an AM-FM radio and a pair of reparted.until several weeks satellite sterea speakers val- after the theft occurred. The ued at $150.00. police request that farmers make a closer check on their cattie, and report immediate- ly ta the policeý, when a theft is suspected. Several reports were receiv- ed in the past week of a maie, persan, description unknown, who is apparently watching and besetting çhildren wha are gaîng ta ýand returning froin rural schools. During the weeks of mild weather, many children walk ta school in- stead of ridîng an the schoal bus. We ask that the parents instructItheir children ta ride the school bus for their own protection, and shauld any child be confronted or ap- proached by, a stranger, run ta a nearby house for assistance. Know The Law "Unnecessary Slow Driving" Anythîng that interferes with the free flow of high speed freeway traffie can be the cause af an accident, As an example, '- the slow speed driver who gets, inta the passîng lane and then doesn't pass, -but drives with traffie in the driving lane, building up a collection of impatient drivers behind him. The unreasonably slow driver who causes others ta take dangeraus chances ta get past,- is a menace on the roads. The fact is that the passing lane on a freeway Is no place for slow drivers, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 6, 1973 Wood fences: solid protection plus pivac Wfobd prices are on the ircrease-so flOW is the trne ta look after al. your fencing needs! Home or cottage, simply measure-up and ordervi from Beaver right now.1 Your Beaver store.wiiI ~i~ look after your needs. E,.verythiung you. need to mnake iut on your own, Aspeitepanels9 x41x8'e4 Beautiful textured sur- face paniels. Decorative and weatherproof. For rec. rooms, etc. 4! Decorative patio stones special Choose Gray, Red or tharcoal. Size: 1W" x 18"f. Buy now. Cash Wn carry, only. 1is Colour Flberglass Three Sakrete Beaver brand Construction utility panels mlX specials wood stain Sprucs values Cholce of Green, White The "Just add water" In Redwood, Wainut and. or YeIIow. Use for mixes. Choose 90-!bs. Cedar. Preserves, pro- 3 decorative panels, Concrete mix; 80-Ibs. tacts, beautifies. In- i ~8 screens, etc. Sand or Mortar mix. teiiorfexterior use.. r x 41 12e"x 81 2r x 10, 3894817 1771.97' rD.D48 xl' 36ce& ¶?lxrP 75~*~.20% STD. en FREE DELIVERY Te keep your farm running yoeu depond on ypur eupet equî;e: your dependrunn.ng, à,ýpndon your Texaco Farm Distributor, 1 Wien your equipment runs into overtime. Texaco's fuels and lubricants keep things running smoothly. Your Texaco Farm Distributor delivers top quallty pradjucts and service yo u can depend on. A. L. WE&aARN LTD. ENNISKILLEN 263-2291 JIAMPTON263-2282 ODPEN THURS. & FR1. 'TIL 9p.m. TO SERVE YOU BETTER 414 fil,