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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 17

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The Canaduan Sîtasman, Bownnvîlle, Jonc 6, 1973 iAuction Sales 1 Auction Sales jReal Estate for SaleýRealEstate for Saléi'Real Estate for Sale Auction sae offrntr Liestock, machiniery, furni- Steve Liitav T andthigs t ethck' Au- ure, etc., the property ofPe r .uc, tion Barn, Haydon; 1 mile eust , Chas. Crowe, Lot 10, Con. 7, AICONE of Enniskillen, on SaturdaylCava n Twp.,' first farm west Household - Farm Sales REAL ESTATE evening, June 9th. We have ajof Highway 115 at 7th Con- LIVESTOCK A SPECIALTY GENERAL LNS1URA4NCE real good assortment of fridges cession,, Saturday, June 16, 52Kng St. W. - BowmianvÎlle and stoves. Sale aut 7 o'clocklincluding excellent herd of 263-2117 W -fl 1I hoe6325 2 7 pan. Ciff Peth.ick, Auction- Hereford cows, some due time 19-tf -- ee.23-1 lof sale, many with cilves at _______ IPortE nd623-2453 n:623*27 eer.L side; Nuffield tractor,(2 years WEKYold), Inter. mower, good line BOB and FRANK 623-2503 Real cozy 5 room brick bun- LIVESTOCK SALESof niachinery, o friue galolw with garage. Close to 167 King St. E., Bowmanvîîîe at Durham County Sales Arena1See bis for compiete lîst. S PL T NBwavie-odr3b -spin agi t$250 Suite 2A Oroo-Evey hur.,7:3 !mTernis cash. No reserve. Sale AU TO E R roomn bungalow' on lot 70 x 138, Inimediate possession, Sellng o-vr rss, attie, Swineut 1 o'clock. Auc tioneers: Ted . IIO E RS cose to school and park. Easy Near Emily Par', 2 uitd Sturdy. stone home with a Calves, Sheep,ý etc.- .1 nely Bethany 277-2989- Specializing in ail types of access to 1Hwy. 401.n lots. 100' x 175 at $5 erfcvxwfo- lrelt W'Sp SAES nd SyES 2s,00 nthters0g003' modJem apartments in this Mosley, Auctioneer andý Pro- Grant Werry, Hampton 263-' AE n STTS $400 ihtrs each. Act now.anit nd rk Picdo- prietor. Phone 623-4685 or263232Pne ecste9-47 Bowmanvjlle - beautiful 2 Ace at etoilsi. 983-9363, Orono. 20-tfor etnvle 8625 storey 3 bedroom home, withlwith old house .and graveît. 7Pe containing ail mod- _____ Grist Mill Auetion Barn 16-tlfamily room, rec. room and $48000. Terni.c prmns ag oi H 0 R S E S NEWTONVILLE AR OT .W T Nfireplace, situated on ravine ýlnaatnns ag oi at ron Lvesoc FRDA, JNE8 -7:0 A NO R.'WOTT N ot. Caîl for information. 1 35 Acres at Newtonville, goox-d location. Excellent in- SelBanon 1uray Jne cedar bush, etc. Real seciuded vestment. Sal Ban n Sturay Jue~Go-Kart, Johnson Outboard LICENSED Bowmanvilfe - nearly new hideaway. Only $21,000. acebidn loonoo 23, 1973 at 12 p.m. sharp, ap- i1<10 h.p) Beatty pressure sys- A C IN E legal, duplex, iîth 3 bedrooni cebidn o ngo proximateiy 100 registered andjteni, rs piston water pump, A C I N Eand separate entrances, par-ý 49 Acres with pond. Pano- rond. Pond on, Property, ask- grade horses and ponies, 0f bench vise, cook stove (good, tially finished facilities f or!ramnic view for miles. Askingling only $11500 00. various types and sizes. SaleiFindlay), complete set single, R.R. 1 LHamfpton tri-plex. Asking S47,000 ihS000 Ternis. James Igobinson -6338 will begin with dozena 0fidriving harness (good), wrin g terms. 93 Acre Farm, just east ofISani Annis - - 623-76641 saddles, bridles, halters and er-wseltvs, eg D ~ O Pontypool - 1 acre building Oshawa. Set up for pigegeryv. cquipment. Sale stili open to TV's, chesterfield suite, cover- 20-41lot fa ing on good road. Ask- Asking $500.000. Good hou1se_. Member consignments. SteveLity ed chairs, chests of drawers, Lpa,111s,1ing$,0 ihtri.Ecletptnil i Toronto Real Estate Board Auctioneer, 263-2117. 23-3 la1 sFranklin type fireplace, King $ it en 0 ermBExelln potential. roorni23-1 antiques, including. Habitant,,slStraJn edlae 0 cepre, Bwavle-4bdo Auction for the estate of the Chicken Coop and side chairs,j Auction Pro- 814,000or. Vrat. AsRngieryni ce-sl landscapcdrora late Mr. Bernstein, in the villpine doug4u box, piné. tables,19, 1:15 ,,atSvoPr7i140.Veynellndap B KE0 lag o Pntpol n atrdylove seat <very unusual>,ý rock- iducts Warehouse on Hwiy. 28 apo ra-4bdoom'maculate throughout. $1,00. " June 9 at 1 p.m. Large fridge, ers, hall table (18"' k 5') andiin the Village of.Bewdley, con-ibungi-low -w'now'.; ý t ase- Ternis. kitchen table and four chairs, many other eonsignnments. isisting of chesis of drawers, ment, situated on1 5i. .ovinvle oz .ro dining roomn table, beds, dreas- Ternis - Cash property with largefeeto B mavle-Cy5ror ers, washstand, odd chairs, Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros.iahtncroesie a ing creek and cedars, OkngTdi , gaoiq"sic ndth ard cishes, bedding, pots and pans, 2-ihl stand, carpets, lawn mow- $65,000. jUltra modern kitchen cup- RA SýTE 20 abisailsies.Lage ld ATRDA, Ucrs chairs, dining room table, Edwin Jeans 623-7152lbQards. $23,60 0. Te"ms. barn -ail to 'be removed in PON SAE adisqu gatity 0f' 181lsMac CHUad 23-91C At STREET Cll 30 dasfrm. popery. PNY SLE ind qantiy ofnew items. wilf Hawke - - 983-52741 8 HRHSRE 30 ay fom moery.NO Aution sale of 55 ponies andIRoger Bannister, Auctioneer elnMcoaî 63391 G. Beech 6 23.52651 BOWMAN VILLE reserve, farm sold. Termni etst cn. P'He1 loy Md Acionl- 705-3-70catn - - 2-OS6342 cash. Lawrence Harris, Clerk; Famm, the poperty of Wm. LOTLly thio 0-92271j'Bron6342 ClffPehck Acioee, Bacon, Lot 7, Con. 10, Reach - Alan Rout - - 725-03531 P. KowaI 623-59681 12 ACRIELO - partly treed. 222 Twp.,"4 miles east of Uxhridge 23-1 23-1 Jwith large sra in Manverse on Hwy. 47 and 1 mile north Saturday, June l6th- Farm Twnhîp Pil price $14,5ü00 Selling on Saturday, June on Marsh Hill Rd. 55 ponies Sold - Auction Sale of Live- R a saefrS l Only $2500.00 down. 9/73, 12:30 p.m. at 26 Larwoodý36 registered, 19 grade;-1, sockealleens.som buse IMAULAE argatla St. I ioc soth,1 loc eat boodmars,22 two and threelhold Furniture. The property jbdombik uglw i- of Kingston and Brimnley Rda., vear aida, 19 yearlings, 2 stal- of Rolland J. Tedford, Lot 7 'ised la nrckbuao w. and e Scarbomough, compiete hOuse- lions. 20 sired by Silver Manc's Con. 1, Douro Twp., 5 miles insemeJant. Large endce n' hold effecta of the popety of Meteor Cody who was three east of Peterborough on Hwy.[ li Good n. argencc ae Mm. and Mrs. Joe Tarlattîni, in- times National Champion Ham- No. 7 t6 6th Elne, 4 miles north A. i\sI J g, U>L cluding kitchen suite, refrig- iiess Pony - several mares and 5 miles cast 'on Coiuity Rhe v. Bwnnii erator, stove, washer and dry- carry his service. Also selling, Road No. 8 or 3 miles east o .fi2behdro ve.buna nvilarge c,,apartmçnt refrigerator and 2 buggies, 1 double buggy, 2 village of Douro. 69 head ofj'2 l oLolybunaow, rec.rgem stova, bedroomn suite, beds and pony carta, 2 sets of single Hereford and Holstein cattle, Clot oveinshe c rom dressers, drapes, humidifier, hamness,'2 pony saddles, and 10 high grade Holstein cowa,l al oIset sewing machine, picturca, cof- 100 of mnixed sîab wood. Sale 9 fresh fromn January to23KigS.Eow nvleB dev-¾arltae- fac tables, chcstcrfields, lampa, at 1 pm "Make this a famiîy March, 1 due time of sale, 16 623-3393t.E.,Ilooking qBewlyk- . 500e t. o pa- mirosa hityyem ole-1 event". Lunch available. Lloyd Hereford and Holstein caws, cd highway. Cail us for more tien of onaments and dishes, Wilson and W. D. Atkiison, 15 with caives by sida, 1 due 92 Acres, Oshawva Area Kendal Hilis details. 2- admn te âelncuSaeManagers and, Auction- June; 6 Hereford and Holstein Rt articles. Ternis cash. NO cars, Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. heifers, 2 yrs. old, open- 12 6mlsfo it.6ro eretpoet tisbs.2- reserve. Walker-Liptay Ltd., Hereford and Holstein steers home, barn, good springs for 41 acres of natures beauty. Autoer.2~1Auction sale. to be held at 2 yrs. old, 9 Hereford, and pond, gavel pit, $150,000. ISprin gs, creek and large pond, Stirtevant's Auction' Hall, 27 Holstein heifars 1 yeam old $4.00 dwn.sie Al thils.et nltebauiy SATURDAY, JUNE 9th Hall St., O0 aa hrdy eeodbl, 0mnh l.18Ars ovnavle ftKna us ny$24,000. shaw,' Turýdy Hrefod bul, 2 rnnthsold,148 cre, Bomanvlle Ternis. Cali Geraldine Woa Auction sale of household June 7 at 6 P.m.: electric stova, fmom Registered stock; 1965 Close ta town. 3 rond front- catt Woa ,.1 T 1 fumnitume and antiques, the refrigerator, chestemficld suite, M-F 35 diesel tractor. live ages. Beautiful 7 room brick' 1lj U ~ , propety of Mms. Mary Eliza- occasionai chair. coffea tabýes, power, Int. 46 haller, PTO; Tnt. home on nicely landscapedllRice Lake1U bath Smith., will be held in chrome suite, antique couclu, side-rake, New Holland 7-tongrud.Bn40x8.V \ Pem etho ,'3 ils RA ESTATE 02-1L the village of Prince AlbertI3-pce. bedrooni suite. desk. roller bcaring wagon with 8' x groductds.Bai1.40 n 80. Vero' Prn8nnenthome. 3 mileREAL (Queen Street): Fridge,'stove,ibaby bathing{tte, china cabinet. 14' rack; M.F. 7power moweripro0duciv a . $26000 uoff28 ighwy t Baeboro., antique pot-bellied stove, an-lbuffet, dining rooni table and New Holland 130 bus. manure, 0001on.Peur inos 3bdom, l. tique china cabinet and buffet two chairs, sump pump, part- spreadem. PTOz M.H. '13-dî,sc 140 Acres, Newcastle oil furnace, fireplace.stn (cured las dor),pinetabelblesewng mchie, ashng!dock. boat bouse. boat lift, car-, (cured gass cl pne tbleablesewig mahine wasingseed drill., 1972 drag h arrows,1 Adjoins town litnits, 7 ro o rt i nterior ofe utsirt fiat bnck cupboard, quantityýmaehi1ie, crib, radio, Duncan 4 sections: M.H. 3-furmow dragIhomne. barn 130 x 60. Telri'ifi(, ko' ous, ar etedon 3 n bedrmanvil butskiorts of dishes, R S Germany creamiPhyfe coffee tabla and end flough, Int. 20C forage harv- inx.estnîent at S300,000. 375,000kotty pie, cloted thmougb- 3 beuminmdroi ng talw. new- and sugar, fluted milk- glass tables, floor lampa, dishes. ester, 1 ow, TO 2'bala'down Trm.'al NrmWlJîrP.t, ulbemn.Ial - dish, antique tan set, sevema] electric motors, 6 kitchen levator, doubla dise, MH. Cavan Town ship cation, ba suie to, sec this antique dlocks, parlour tale chairs (wood), ruga, Il ft. 3" Clipper combine, PTO; M.F. Building lots starting tomavle omrIal homne. (bal feet), brasa 400 day x 10 fi., 13 fit. 4" x 10 fit.; hi- 3-12's trip ba lul,3p. 320 iesIelcnrllct o r dlock (Big Ban alarmr, not cyclea, shower and taps, end ba plu,3pt:320.Nc scenic area nearidelcnrllc tion Starter Hom waorking), 6 con], ail lampa, tables,'plus many more articles M.F. semi-mount power nt-i ,-Hwy. 115, Ca1 Bill Turan9ky start your ojwn business ani . is .live in tlhe separaýte aute Only $16ï900 with 10w, dowvn "'-ne battom chairs, 4-piece too numerous to mention soe.grnauruIln fGrdiHI tdfry xens.Ta2 _1ayment, _ bd->r se - ,oom sute! poster bdbxarn a and mattressas. modemn machinemy. Approx 10 acres, nice bush, good storey 7roe brick hom!-ebungalow, close to achool and ,ssrwith tear drap handies, reg. siza, S30 par pair, sold 1 000 balles of mixad hay.i spring, close ta good higliw&ay.1 lias al canveniernces. Deep lot., hpig aoleplt bedroora suite, child's rocker, cvery cvaning batween 7 and $,9 .CalBihl Tom-ALIng$000.Tr!s alVillage Home antique secratary, ail kinds of 9 pn. while thav îast (good Quantity of household 'fumni- Asking $090 'sig$000 ens al other antique articles too nuni- condition). Ail' furnitume wei- turc. Ternis cash. No raserva.asy hli cobe. 6 room 1 ! storcy, 'extra crous to mention. Ternis cash. came. Ternis cash. Myles Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hick-BWal le4iiue FoiMtolarge lot. Try $1,500 dawn. BwavleMinuuteshow yu thia hom.Le Sale, at 12 noon sharp. This King, Auctioneer and Cartage. son, Auctioneer, Reabaro, Ont Twice n ee n Canadiana, Williams b u r g . Ashxgoyu$17,50hom. Lt wili c aninterstin sale-7255751.23-1.1 water. Owner relocated outOf Cape Ccd. Ail brought ta-j231 Rieg.ad a iJntesn Aale7- 311-705-324-9959. 23-2 toivn. *This investment o- eterin this beautiful 11 roon _______________ Giýeald GPhame Clark.3 2-270Il UR A.M. UNE1oortunitv bas a brick dwelling restamation, in a quiet ,village __________l___ tiers, PGrhon er) 25-320;1A1RA, UN Notice to Creditors with 5 roomis on the goîîndiAntique - Gift'Shoppe and Artý - -ANTIQUES floor with a 3 rooni apartmient 'gtudio, Office as a plus-. Otheri I Saturday, June 9th - Auctioa PROPERTY SOLD NOIET RDTRo inthe basement with sepnratelextras, include a stîeiýam. 2! sale of Farm Machinery and' Auction sale of over 500 an- Yah nyS800.Cl iýielae,2Faki ire4A TU U Ioshl untr .Tetiques and intaresting' iteins. ANDeTER places, built-ins gnloie, suehLIT praperty of Austin O'Neill, The property of Kings Lyna AU cdaimis against the estate of;1Bowmanville as. fridge, aven, range, dish -____________ noth haîf Lot 18, Con. 10), owned by Joyce and ad ALICE MARY JONES Ft iyhm,4)er)r, washert 623-440ec.3',i Emiy wp, 6miesnorh f ambe,12 Kig t.W.. in tate of the ,Township ai Clarkellkir£eescreened uaiized sundck e ea t b aprecatd.O Ilap Omamea on Caunty Rond and Uxbridga, including hanging in the Couiity of Duri, ndopn irplcear lt o f 1$69.500.Ternis. Cal Pylslimt 4miles eat or il miles eat cf hall lamp,. (ruhy glass), Tif - \Widow, vho died on or aboutIthe manv extras in this exel-MRbi 5bidnglt,18t 1' Lindsay: W.D. Allis-Chalmers fany table lamp. sevemal ail Jonc 2ý8, 1972, must bc fledîri npintrd and desîgned 28 Acres - OrOnù rno Inpve ods ls trcostandard; W.D. Allis- lamnpa, haad painted dishea, 6 with the undersigned peiso;nal ;dwelling.,)" To arrange an aP- i t o scbools. Building permuita Chaimers row crop tactor witb bottled cruet, carnivai glass. representatives on or before.Iooný,, o\e.cnat i vial.Akn 1,0 ah manure loader, Cocksbutt 550 silver pîcces, mustache cupa, June 22, 1973; thereafter thyointaie toiew$4ontat0Pai e c thins eet stnofru erns houa gas rcooehue;16 rner ike r hel~ rcda 4.0. a htbsee enofmdaalbe sig$70 nh tmcoaebue;16 mner ikecuet, brasa undersigned will distribute th1 ýfor sale. 14 roomns, fire0place,wihtrs holdersbalbrasaT. b 1970 ntvpoo1 ýDistrict i rgsommer kitchen, beauti- Bowinanville NTo7 pultp cobn, ing kettle,1iran kettles, Cur- regard only.ta the dlaims themu i 89 acres cf scenicroIin fui lawn, shade tracs, 2 large Icm oi rivsmn. PTlk aw 97Tn.cn-rier & Ives printa, pictura filed. iland. beautiful home sites or barils in excellent shape,, amaîl Solid brick duplex. One 5i hination seed drill with frame, ver 100 pieces cf DATED May 23, 1973, investment property. FrOnt- woods with pond n pin ol, n ue6ronuit brame grass box, like new; fancy glass (Milk glass. Lim- Charles Melville Joncs and ing on 3 ronds, partially wOod- 23 acres of alfalfa pasIqture. Lot 53' x 132' with double ga r- Tnt. sida rake, A-C 7' power ogeIoStnFwBle .Ast mower, George White manIonStnerFowBle Mary Kathleen Jones, ced. Outstanding offer.As- Rare is n tremandous buy lt ;age. Listed at $34,9000. apedeA- -umo aueCampbar, Mary Gregory, Cran- Exctrig$000.'ei.Cî an ny $500 a l Chrlie, spdeli pAgh,3-u0's; by-berry, Staffordshire, Bavarian, ENewtovll, Otaij2-iFOnd 623-3965Éeýî. Cal Raeidy 8,00.CalC North West Oshawa druleýlug,3ý0';Case etc.), wnlnut sideboard, tables i tnil, nai.2I3Fud63-95 ed 4 bedrooni brick home with manore apreader, 2 moller bear- (cherry, pine. ash)l, rccking ilsotDsrc 0Ars-Ooeoe ,0 q t flvn ing wagons, A-C 66 combine,, cais :hony hf- NOIE i strice 0Arsanrd. oe .00s.f. flvn cachairs, mloayci-NTC TO CREDITORS Toigsrvc n epair Beautîful new home, 3 bcd - space. Twofinishad roonis in, PTO; Jionh reh 14Tmahaefnrepiesoitbpine AND OTHERS sl'.op. Including 5 rormboni'. roonis, firepiace, walkout base- basement witb walk-Out taoi PTDinthabigm chine e, several jugs and cîocks. ýnîcely landscaped. Sehhing to nient, custoni built, large lawn large, well landscaped lot.1 i23.M.6bla d tirowllea hrowsex-2 ane blanket box, walnut AIl dlaimns againat the estate of setile asiate. Asking $47.500 with wiliow tracs and a lovely lAsking $49,900,00. ibeLaalunis, fudr ag af mn-, bianket chest (cedai litied). .-ENA IliENE' CRYDERMAN Ternis. Must ha sean. Cali strearn flowing tbrough it, new EeuiaBnao cbinery, maple bunk ^bed, docks, hundrads cf unique late of 120 Qucen Street, Bow- ;Dane Found- 623-3965. barn with corral. Ahi 10 acres cbstmfel ad wo c 8,r items. Folders availabie wîth mnanville, Ontario, Widow, wvho1Bethany hava heen seaded down ýfori 3 bedrooni executive bunga- cuhoatred wtbass fo, toais complete listing. Please note died on or about January 14,!eýo na6'x14 o.Bod et st, plaes;dishs, ranat i rn large sala must start 1973, miust be filed withtbhle 4 bedrooni trame home onpaur.delfrhbyhr-:1wna63-c74lo.Bo- bcds, coal il îampiss, lntrniia, serve Anglican ladies wilundersigned personal repra-Imain street with h /. bath masn oner anxious0.o ali ioomed 'tbrfogo t. eLan rge-ec beca i aplnensrelunch'. Lloyd Wilson and sentative on or before June 30, central heating.coet hoCleRi. ipoace M wih loa ceihingtie- A-C ~ ~ cra No.60pol-yp cobie l scuttos 10 a ttetouanlaOtservation Forest. As klin gNwtni' 76-90 there hava been an in- PTO; New Holland 404 havcraianoasutlsw dollars less becausa of Ban- $39.900. Ternis. CaI BRoy 23-11cesn ube fbek codtinr.PO;MH 0 mi,3 ttiuar asagiever's factory precision build- Poster.'Ina swadtoer, PTO; SelMinerai10 Allis-Chamers W-C tactor, ing ehd n ouepr ______________,,, at the old high school on feeder, dmag barra ws, Allied aceuffler, plow, side-delivery chasing power in the building RESULTS COUNT!1 Qucen Street in recant 21P 4"agr nealy new; IMc- rake, New Idea 7' hay mower, maîcrînîs industry. So if ~-o aaehv nio a d c n machinary, walniit mers Combine, chopper, scales ,yau're ted up with mnking Service amgehae Va nity, walnut silvar chst quaiitity of ha,51mrw, aats, costly repaira ta yaur presentAteto been caused and, in rnost c desk, mattres, Bendix 'autwaelrib.ar, sarn ols homing.for a fneware hoe o rErDSOCK SERVICE U cases, juveisilas'ara the a hee ars, epraor', homefoanr oe orap-SOCKSERIC mic washar and dryem, alec- n mn ohr aresg aenatranthtlcea M WLLFR AMstispected culprits. trtc sawine machina, vacuum admn ohriteetn veou'rer IMteplc a ARWLI R AMCorporal Davis warned a dishas, 1962 Chevrolet BelAire>,items Adineam's Note: Th. ig. iake y-r udcr new, management and v 2-àor cr, pprx. 0.00 auction etrsmn primit- move ta a new Beavar Home. ownemshîp. We appredinte a M TIPLE LISTING SERVICE thiat it bas got to the point t miles; many allier itemsiveannd unusual items. Ternis You'll be giad you did. Phone cal roni you when necessay h.ecagswl'eli Tei csh. No eeni Cash No reserv. Farm sold. RA NRTE Cal collect 263-2721 Oshawva & District against anyona foud in- 'aI 1-00 p.m. Car! LHiko Sala 1:30 px.. enrv Kahn 6StvnoRdN.-Oî R5Lic. No. 416C73 siaterhol ra n 'lcinSrieW iby d ýaaRR Bowmanville, Ontario Real Estate Board Eniter is a serious offence Auctioneer. fleaboro, Otarlo Aucion ervies, h2t723-558.R. W. BOWERING LTD. nder the Criminal Code,ý 1-705-324-9959. 22-2 66-19_2- 0t, 8-tf Provincial CourtI Judge R. B. Baxter presided wi" Mr. Targon, Cobourg in polace of Mmr. Stubington and Mr. K. Van Neat duty counisel. Stephen Pyatt 20, 3 Shahl- awood Tmail, Agincaurt, char- ged Apnil 14 with driving in Township of Clarke while nbility was impaimed by drug or aicohol, piaaded "guilty". Ha was also chamged without easonable excuse with failing ta take a breathalizer test. Ha plended "guilly" ta this cha- rge. Const. Holdaway obsar- ved a' vahicle weaving and when stopped tha driver was argumantative. Duty caunsel statad Pynît did flot think the 1mw demanded the test. Be BLACKSTOCK On Satumday the Boy Scouts of Paît Pet iy isît- ed Blackatock collectmng paper for i'ecycling and would like masidents , fj thibila 1ea t o kmîow thatj tlîcy will be back fat' megý- ulam momitily collections in Seplembe'. Poster's will ha put ptmp ico la ami nounce d teidand oalliainm- formationmî Winners of ltme Wu- mnii's Insisîtute Di'nîî' held recently ivere: the qoîlt was %von by Mî's. Ferîî Lasaau of Nestlelon, the silvet' bottai' disiî by Mrs. Fiîzain-imons of Bowmmiati- -ville, and tlie tîwels byv Mra. Ella Veuînimîg. Biack- stick, Coungr'atulatmimns, la- Mm.aicld MI-S. Wilbert Archer' acconîpnnicd Mm anud Mis. Elmîîcm'Amrchemr of Wlimtby to visit Mu's. Am'-,, em"a sister ,Mu'a. Frnk Cooke iinieav.eu'tôn am Sondny. Tlîîeeaoft(he Blackslock Raingers, SumanmiTlionpsmi. ihelle Robimnson amnd Alide Carmiaghan acîcd as Camp.Coumîcllamut am unp Adalmaide. Osluawm, fo)r ihc .holiday w'eekenud. Mr. Lari'y Hoakin 'loft u'ecently anl an extended eampiîg tmrip lui flicNorthi- w'est Teu'mitou'ies. Bis mnîuuy fu'bcnds aî'e vc-lmv corîceu'aed n b o o t J3o hýn Venmnimg xvli lias bec'n nîved frm'anPar, Perm'y Hospital ta Oshîawa Hospital. Mr-s. Vcnnin.1 spent the weekend witlî hem' daughier Mm's. Joau j ilott ao' Wlitbv 50 that they btt could visit John imi haspital. We hope thal better mîews wtll soon be aivai mb le. Miss Eva Par'r lias had ta ha mettrned ta Part Pemi'y Holspital f'om the No.msing Haine as she is suffeî'ing tm'om a vcry bad cold. Glmd ta. know Ihal Mrs. Alln, Bcacock, Tom I Badge and Perecy Van Camp are ail at home feel- ing better tram Ibeir bîl- nasses. Mra. Bazel Stinson ai Lotos' spent a few days with Mm's. Aima Fowler 1ai weakî. Wa are gia'i Ihat Mrs. Fowler is feel- ing better again atar -a brie-f aick spell. Sunidny -afleimnoon cmli1- crs afMm and Mrs. Tom Badge and family were Mr. and Ivrs. Cccii Raîni Enficld. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baker and boys, Brooklin.- 1Winneu's at the Senior Cifizens' Card Pamrty werc Ladies' high. Peggy Mmm- shaîll;second, Lama HRidi- ar'ds; Ihird, Penrl Durand;, mnen's high, John Braoon- en; secand, R ieh ar d Manna; Ihird, Jini Latimer. On Saturday there wem'e a hoat of aclivilias tn the amea wlîicbhwerc attended by variaus am'em îesidents. Brookio Fair amnd the Canoa, the Nonquain Race la Part Perry bath at- tractad nînny local folk. 1On Saturday evaning the O.NO. dance in tht Recî'eation Centre had a fine altemîdance, excellent mnusic by the Jocy Van Quartette and a deliciaus buffet dinner. Ia nîl waya if wms tannied mn excellent .'uccess. Also on Saturday aven- ing Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Dine and Betty Jane beld n bridai shower in honai cf Caroline Murray oh Cressw.ell. Relativcs and friends tram the district attended the happy occa- Sionu indluding the bride's gmnndmotber, Mrs. Boy Taylor. Another happy event.on Saturdny evening was the 401h Wedding Annivemsar-v of Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Strong. A famly dinnart seî'ved by, the UC(.W. dam- unencad t h e uctivitWes About 175 relatives and friands nttended the Open Bouse held in bonor 0f Mm. and idrs. Strong in the Educat ion Room oh the United Church. Pour- ing ta during the evening weme tw.î, neighbors, Mrs. Gladys Thonipson and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Mrs. Ross Curtis. sister of the bride, and Mrs. Oscar Grahami, 5151er '0f the groom, Mma. Barry Poole and Mms. Frank Boakin, wbo are îwo close friands. The tasty lunch was semv- wnvvs found guilty. on bath charges. On the first the fine was $150.,costs $3. in def nuit 15 days and for faiiig ta take the test the fine was $50. costs $3. in default 5 days ta run consécutive. Ha was.given 28 days to pay. John G. McDonald,16,Caes-, amen, chnrged May 12,,with bcbng in an întoxicnted condi- tion in front of bis parents' home and breaking the win- dows of bis father's car, was fined $15. cosîs $3. in default ane day. Ivan G. Patton 18, 27 Collage St. Port Hope, plended "guil- Iy"Ito driving while having ta ail those wbo bave giv.. eni extra moncy donations la aur treaaui'y.,Mia. Hamilton rend an article tun "Pause for Thougbt". inirsîingk 10 ina nosî inteestn., mannet' told of berai'nd lier' busbnnd's tr'ip ta Austî'nlia. New Zea- land %vith stops ai Fiji and Tahiti anud siî'ved pictore posîcai'ds of these inter'- ostifig places. As lime 'vas liniitcd. M i s. Doomîcmal kiiidîy vinvitcdmembera le core Iulier haime ta sec ard beau' cf mare details f lie trip. The Jonc mte ulias been cancel- led.ý The meetinîg closed wivth a ,ni tiniîe anjoyed aveu' a lunch sei'î'd b-, Mis. McLaughliii and Mrs. TueJne meeting of tlic Ev'nmî .C.W. unit ix s A hdut lii' home of Joan Gman.Tlîe Hause Tour lIn Portl Penu'y alnd 'le Flan Merke(t li Blackstock an Joi W) hîvuebrullian- nîmîd.Tlue girls dccided t sd leunndedoogli- puits amid luanue tbaking nit liii Fle:i Muukel. Ruth Saîbllu. a snsginl fta, Fuubion Tw'o Twcmitv Cos- flic! ucs. apabl.v cemon- st raîted t h ci r products. Follaxving cottea. dough- uuuts muid a sxvirn..ld Mountiaxv rend adetin ai entitled Cnesuioî xib God". fit aeech ai 11S' souuuthimî9 ta tliink about wMien mîeeting daily chares muid, difficoît situa- tions. The Cuba enlayed a Bi- cycle Rodeo Party, at flic Bec CtentureIat Monday ceve(ning. The Cobs car carly andi caaked suppem' tom' aIl. The baya ail laok part In flic variaus tasks 'onnecied witiî the( even- ing's aclivities. Ted ,1Kempu vspu'osent and gave ni talk an iBicycle Safetv andi test cd flucboys fo ' tbeim' Cylist Badges. Tlue Lcaders as wcll as thie boys en ' oyed 4iuu speil ovening. The Bu"uwuies clase c t. the seas'm nvwith a special part'. hald uiat the Cart- wnright1 Caent raul Publi"ir Scbool. Their evcning's md- tivitîca includcd a film, games and lunchi. During the past few wecks ttîe dijtetent classes ni te PulicSchot have hotu gîuig onï variaus aci fia'.Sanie cf- the Puoiaesvisited] have been the ý Bow'manville Zo0o. Black Cmeek Pioncer Vil- i;u'e. the dircos, varlous highlighis fond in Tor'- imta incloding the Science Centre. Fort Yor'k, River- dale Zoi. and Pctem'bom' nugb. i Auction Sales juil eduel Deakr Siailord Erot'hers monuments LIMITE» Bex 13S 318 Duadas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 649-3558 IXTI Dykstru S DELICATESSEN 0- MEATS & CHEESE "QUALITY - 'SELECTION"> CANADA PACKERS - Ranch Style - Store Sliced BOLOGNA59 LUCAUS ARTHUR'S - Store Sliced CHICKEN LOAF 691b LAZY MAPLE and DEVON BACON 89b FRESH, MEATY BUTT CHOPS89 BRIMFULL CHOICE DEEP CUT SPECIAL TOMTES OLD COLON'! SAVE CANPO 'New Zip Top J28-oZ.6hII Carton $19 STins of 21 TOASTMASTER Save 10ec SHORTCAKES 39c ea. TOASTMVASTER Save 10c COFFEE DE LIGHIT '39c ea., I CEL PRODUCE SPECIAL RADISNES 2pkg.25 SUINKIST - VALENCIA ORANGES DYKSTRA'S Food Market 77 KING ST. W. Size 138 55c dz. FREE, PARKING 11 BOWMANVILLE consumned over .08. Cost. Bromnley of the Town force observed a vehicle comning iao town nI 2 a.n. witb the lights off on ïMny 17. Rendings were .14 and A14. The fine was $150. costa $3. in default 15 days. Wm. John Walls, 18, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, charged with driving dangerous to the public May 30 piended "guil- ty". Ha was represented by K. Van Neat. Canal. R. J. Schumaker observed a niator- cycle west bound on King St. It then tumned north on ta Scugog and led Const. Schumaker at high rates of speed for about 10 miles before coming loaa stop aI a dead end rond. Walls then fled on foot. Later, nI thë police office , ha gave a statemient and said ha did not knaw why ha did il. Ha knows il was a foolish act. He~ was fined $125. coas $3. in default 15 daysv, and pmo-hibited tram driving for 3 montha. Ha was givan 28 days ta pay. KarlILR Miehe, R.R. 2, Newcastle, chamged May 12, did wilfully aîtempt ta set fine ta a dwelling wns remnnded in custody ta appear June 7 at Cobourg. Jas. Goswell,16, B3owman ville, charged February 24 that ha did wilfully damiage a taxi operated by Mr. VanDer- ane pleaded "not guilty". Ha wns represented by E. R. Lovekin. Ha pleaded "guilty" ta consuming liquor while undemage. Restitution in the amaunt af $114. had bean made for the damaged car top. He was fnund "guilty" ta the damage charge and is ta came back when a probation order is ta bc signed. The fine for drinking under age was $25. coats $3. and in default 2 days. R obt. E. Cowles, 260 Athiol St. 0shawa,' pleaded "flot guilty" toa chargeOf faiîingto yield at King and Ontnmaio Sîs. Februnry 1. Canal. Broml11ey invastigated an accident ha- tween n taxi and a car dniven by Wiebe Brinkman. On the evidence given the charge was disrnissed. Bernd Pflanzer, Walseley Barracks, London, Ont. was charged by Conat. McDonald with having liquor in other that bis residence. A vehicle southbound an the Leakard Rond wns checked. 'thI e fine was $50. costs $3. iin default 5 days. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AN» MARKERS t-W\L ." w V0 ue dWoV O ) STAFFORD BROS L» GREEN

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