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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 1

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Sfreýsse-S "The Good Turn The Ontarlo goverument has decided tIo leave the nwarea mnunicipality of Newcastle, which includes Bownianville, Newcastle and thie Twsisof Cdarke and D'arlington, under the ju.risdiction of the N'orthumnberland1-Durham Board of Educaýtion. Hîowever, the -Toýwnships of Cartwright, Manvers, Caývan (incluýding, the town of Millbrook) and South Monaghaýn have, been riealigned with other Boards of Education. Cartwright goes to the Ontario County Boa rd, Ma nverï's will be tra nsf erred to Simcoe County and Ciavan, South Monaghan and the town of NIillbrook will join the Peterborough County B3oard. Th)e new Northumberland County Bo-ard of Education (the proposai suggested dropping the namie ~Dra will ]ose ?,200 pupils leaving it with -t student population of 22,200. The Miniistry of Edutio lpoo e urne ztergto n studenit to aittend the school he nom, attends if, by reason of the establishmnent -o f the Regional MunicipaHiy, he beconies a resident inii other sehool jurisdliction " The rest of the Northumberland-Durham Board wili be r-etained itcwith the easterrn bounidary being drawn at the east end of Seymiouir adMurray Townships. (Turn to Page Two) VOLUME 119 In Preparation for the Labatt's Blue Can-Am on June 8-9-10, Mosport Park is puttIng the finishing touches to the mnost ex- tensive building and re- mnodelIineg program since the track opened in 1961. Includied in the construc- tion are a new Gasoline On Suniday aft.ernoon, at the Scout Drumfhead illey with 28 permanent garages, the UniRoyal service at Miemorial Park,, the Rev. B. H. Bridge that wlll allow Mortlock was guest sipeaker. His association with spectators another access to the infieid, thie first Scotingi, began in Bowmaniville about 40 years permanent washr"oom fa- agQ whnhe was Assistant . Editor of The '!itv Inthtri( uack infield CanadqGian Statesman and hie hag been învolved u withi the mnovem-ent ever since, as a SCotmastecr nICi<ara i i and an executiv officer with Scout headquarters.- He retired last year and began another career in O the Anca nimistryý. Mr. Mortlock wýas uu1wf G S introduced -by one o' his form-er Scouts in Bowmnanville, Donl Venton, now a Peterborough A i eniner worecalled Mr. Mortlock's career and 4 lauded hîmn for his dedication to the Scoutîng DrulnReeGre mon.vemenýt. In his address, Mr. Moürtlocký stressed iekr a mzdand the importance of 'the good turn every day' in outrag"'J .ied whe h ead a full page spread ini the Satunday, Scuin.june 2nd edAiton -of. the Spofresma n for Business in Canada Talks to Rotary Onie da, touriyeas ag joiun F. Bulloch Jir"got anlg!v aotteBen-soýn VWhitPpeîi on axaionToday.- as a rs1tof thlat anger, 65) Caýnadians wbo 1rmn srnall or aednnszdbsns uHt ta u a Trht, :39 sear-old Bulloch xwas at Lownnvill's [Rotary Club on Thorsdiay. May 31sf, and he exlane tat fie teit the atc is l dependent lbusi- aes laCandawould suffer (T aira n Page u- Oshawa Tim!es. 1t depicted shawa Mlayýon James Potti- cary and Con. Christine Tho- mas touring tht' ,,western 1W POLl'iTICAl -AïC-TION Things appear to beý Stîrrinig on the proincial politicai front. The Dur- ham Liberais wýiiI le hold- ing the-ir annuai meeting and electiim of officers next Wdnsdayev ening, ïMay U, at Il4th OdFellows Hall in Ooo Guest pakrwilbe Margaret Caulieli, MPP ror St, ueorges-, Wlif repuied (il le aa ýeceý and vo4lorfulsea'r Io 's ~'iit Oshawa Oficias oppiïn' Maid Did n't Getf Dariington's 10 Lots Mayr JimPoticryvowed acreos ia utcdcvcloping casi Thrda o wonk t o pull cru ringc. Osliawa ouk fla poosd Mayor i'jPot tcanvtold repori regona goeruentsysem nsMfur the meeting tha fi-bi area 0nless majlo shawa had been sacnifice Changes are made in) boundar bt policlepdny îes anld division ofi fonctions. He said hc was surprise Mayn Pt icay ed a and shocked at thc changei dlegation of l i edr to a boundaries donc without prit privte eetng ithPreierconsultàtion. "Somiehow tt William Davýis f0objetof the rotes oft te game weî n'xregionial setup uwhieh _____________ dlaimis dcos Oh s tcx À pansion by choppin ofi 14000 10 fM j BOWIN1CAMP ý w IUn%. TO CET TROPH1Y Deputy-RE v(e M a ur!,lce Prot, Tow an nili oted OF r tu award aspecial i'pî (1) Mrs. Doris fit o tion oi fithefact that sile a ýwin the Canadian Wrome-ars shIpMrs. Joli woa the tîtl1e i ont prepared i) atI a collipetition 111,1 in specia Council cowmmtte Cgryover -lte Victîoria recommending the sale of tf D.ay eked old fline hall pnoperty o Shlei! w ijI ivd to tîte Chunch Street to locail due' nlext Counicil metinPg to Ope Mario Veltri of Maianu111 accept dte honor. Developmnents-for the pniý,ec $24,000. nanrowly squeezel lut le 'e changed anmd wc weren't îold about it., Dr. Chales Mletîveenl, Pro) gressive Conlserva-tive ment- ber ot the lgsatr oi (sawsaîd ;inanintev hewod sit as anidpedm Cosraive, ifeesr,1 fight t1h bi wbe il i s debated i l teigslt (Tom to Paoe Two) 18 Pageý s BOWMiANV"ILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6.197-1 L5c PrCopy NUJMBER 9-3 and a Campus Corner towrwhih s xpete icycle Roaaeo 'Contestant "Rides a Straight Line Durina Comoefifion te becorne a popular meet-r ing place and -message , centre. Four rough spots, on the track have also been re- paved in preparionfoi the ,000-pushorsepowe Can-Am cars. The, garages in GasolineW Aliey will include a walk- way for paddcock ticket". holders whlchà will allow them a loseup view of (lurn to Paae TWO) ~ ~beIs Attil rude Iievaible" "M.i~,.~ ~, lot a g Towvnshîp to ilusit nu ý thu area would ~, ,, be ept t h y were Joned ............... wxxf thu ht ci ut()o a there wýho docýsn'lwant to be part of (Oshawa," Mayor' Potticary is quoted as saying. Reeve Rie-kard -wýas appîl cd. "Their atitiude is unbel . ievabte, 'h;e said.... . .. Ili ý'conversation with theu Stat.esmanm, Reeve Riekard quoted 11rom a letter of protesl that Darlîington's Council was ThBo anllHghchopaknltswrbuyncmetto preparmý ring.avil .g Sho akiglt er uyo, optt 'Darlington .Township oh- Saturday as th e postponed bicycle roadeo finally .gotI the tough j( jects very s!trongly 10o the underway with the weathertman Hprtig -undreds of this youjngç attitude ni the Mayor ofcoprtig Oshawa anfd-sone memnbers of youngsters from area schools took part in the varlous their~~L'nd c ConiNaterapoc RITwuS Ne PIECES insa* ~CIETNM HNE-There are so mi-any namle P r f R Hatok ilarLd Wisn, .'7. Changes in prospect for, this area under the Frý4eeick Ave., Bowmian- proposed regional government, it was not ~iIis in Western Hlospi- ,,ai, Toronito, reportedly in surprising when recently the Bowmanville__ se-iusciafiton fllwighighway sign atthe west endof town suddenly was rPort H OuP E el ai-lytitis mninng,. iadi an0 bak anust have done the job Ata inteting held i is undierstood he recel v ,ed i a a o lc an cnube îwe riît am.during the night. This week, the maintenance Ptnoog to discuss the Tue ccientoccrredcre hae ben a wok wth aintremverandimplications of regional gov- Titeaccivnt ccurrd cem,'hav bee at ork ith aintremoer n rnenut, MVayor David Logan siiortI 'Nafter 7i,00 a.tt. tis wehaebe restored to 'the ,original name. o ida said that his town nir n.'l a !" ( Kendal has sort of a nice ring to it though, we has no ceai comrnunity of later transfert cd to Tror- oîîto. No other detatils ofthe accident were available ai press dîne. A-\pproves zSale SHall Buildïig y a ýe, he e- ta if lnteresing Pro grami Feoture: could do worse. 60TH, ANNIVERSARY '- Next Wednesday and through) to Friday, May l5th, the, Meni- orial Hlospital wvill take on a vintage appear- ance as nurses go about their work in outfits that were iii vogue in the early 1900s and dec- orations also reflect the decor of that earier era. To mark the 1;0(h anniversary, there will lie conducted tours, a banquet and dance. For dletails, ,ee the advertise-ment in this edition 211( corne ont and help withi the celebration. interesîwîtti1Port H-ope and Cnouniig andi that be could sec lttte which would iinduce Lindsay t0 jota in a negional goverument with the two lakeshore communities. Elected officiaIs f nom Pcf- erbouough. Lindsay, Port H!ope and Cobourg, as well as tromn the Counties of Victoria, Peteborughand Nothum- Planning Boaird Members Voted r AIIIII HELP FOR SENIORS - The group of young $250 per Year throuigh the MIoxday. Jue 4th. saie has been ied by Councîlioc people who will spend the summner helping Senior lw onî a oe i meeting of tu, Bowmanville Don Allun %who feels that citizens in this community are already set up in pay then sevea merab>ver o h Town Council. Counicil should retaîn the the Victor Mvanor building, just west of Theoavle Planning Bo ard The issue of the sale of' the propenty for future use. 'Fli otdl fine hall bas been debated vote f0 approve fthe commtttee Statesman, and ready to roil. Their phone number a yal indemnnity of $250. Il on Council several times this report recommcrinding the sale is 623-4851. Give them a _ caîl if they, can be of help is the tîrist tîmie on thie21 year- vaotnwtrconsiderable t eti aiidivt)heet o, n onehsoyof uhe planning board( Veean, offenwtht 'hre with, ndthey'1l cm a-running.tatitsmebes ae t-en p'ýassion. The opposition f0 the (launa te Page Two) t___ ewre or their tire ýd s nn e Du h adSrvc SUMMIINER - We a re pleased to report that the effort. s Annu t Dru hecd Swvicetemaperature soared to around 80 on Tuesday ,aýor Hlobbs commeacited . UeC.and înay r-emain that way for a few days, for W'evr otnt 0hv M.he such adedicated grouip. i'sa 4-tefirst real taste of sutnmer. Off go the ou hav job andteyv be ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ , ~burners and theý suit coats, but it might be prt bygopofppe S advisa hie to keep a r aincoat nearby, the rýais tael cldon',t e to hàave de4parted entirelv. îng Board meets auI least once, per mnitb iand, in tLai e TOUR PLANIT - Hydroc officials fromn this ar-ea yas have been mtin e vere schedujlecd to tour the nuclear power plantatsuLytorthetme ickrin), liTuesday night to see the miost recent ever nholt add itions and be broutght up-to-date on) other age Ed that the planning .-developmients. Sorry we weren't able to board is " hard--work ig accomipany- the.m, but Tuesdlay is a bad night to grop' nd ichlndesnv lev hihoestead and the paper to talke in such te~ai tpn t~*~ ~ -enjoyable jaunts. We had also been invited to RGOA ~~'>~""~ atend a recepition fr acngdrve a r k IS GGAL ..u>~ ~ onoue at Labatt's Brewvery in Weston, thatPticyancociar s~'< .~ wasapealmg,)ut tiad to forego that one too ...rai ot after thw Ontanlo probablyv just as well or there miight have beeni govenen ciedas ............. ..IIIIIIIIIIIm ore nistakes in this week's Statesmain than 1 rying t esaeteit .e 'tnr tk LI;C1 t enlt At MroilPr on Sunday, the annual West Durham Scouting Drumhleadi Service idrew a large crowd f prtcipnt and spectators. This photo showîs District Commrýiissioer,, Robert Nicholils who addressed tlhe group, flanked by District Cub, Master Geo. Charlanid, Provinrcial Rover Rp",r"eentative Dave MIvajereson, Area Commissioner Joan Hawes, District Cmisoe Jean Hoornweg, the Rev. B. H. Mortlock, Don Venton and ,District Scouter Gren McOat. he HBIS band orovidedmsi1n 'Snao"J [imCoyle, the amplifying system. usuiai NICIE WR Memnhers of the Horticultural Society were bs last night, cleaning out and fixing up the several flower beds around town thati( they lo4ok after out of thie goodness of thieir hearts. Their, efforts do muchl to limprove the appearanice of' the town from one end to the other. Miost of them probably have more than ewough work to do on their own property, so we ail owe them a sincere vote of appreciation for lhelpi"g to hkeep the town beautiful. oi 1D-arlingtotoi O Shawau, rather than ieaving theui il) the. miew muîicipiaiity of Speulaionby sceerai officiais froni this at'ea is that Oshawa muay have a good case. They wHIi cer- tainly lie able to provide serics -rthe wesiternI area mreeash ithn cai be provided hy eitheî Da rlington or Bom ranville A compromlise Solution nmy ie the answer. siricluding a safety clheck of thIeir bicycles and jo of keeping the whees inside two chalk lines as ýter is doing, Iayor WantsNbo agion W0ith Daind Cobourg bcn laiîd attendcd thccon eeneThe pi-edoîniat setmn xpressed by ne preenatiesfromn each area wa', that the\ ýwanted the County sysei restr crd b :i n.v onside-rallon would bu giveni to joininig w ia negona with othen areas. Peterboroughb Mayoýr Pitîip (Tara to Page Two) On Saturday), Junle 9th therie will be a speelal cveîî vh i ll i e of interest to all ages. This is the Aïnnua lHobby Aypersons interest- ed lu (1is,,plaý yiîng their hobby, ipleasi P h on e 62"3-3587- - Awardied C- of C tlerit Citation Bowm,-anville Chamber ot Commerce Pr-esiîdent R a1l h hte is piectured presenting a Citation, of Menit Ito Cu Smithi of Mlary Brownî's Vîrginia Fried Ch-icken on, King Street East. Sm-ith w mas awarded the citation ini recognitioo te pen11!ing 0of his new tlake-out restaurant last month. it's too bad th.e Chamber of Comrcoes-n't have a Perseveranie,-In,- theFac-o-AderstyAward because Smith wold(l win, that one too. Alfter the $10O0,000 fire iast Novernber, it diJdn't look lk ikeh building wou1ld even, be salvag"eable. YetL, Iess than) six months affter that disaster, Smi-ith had the pliace lookîn like ew -and is now serving somne delectable fried chicken to an increasingly large clientele. hol Bna es The Rev. BertH. Mortlock

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