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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 3

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Ynisellaneous bridai sh~ein honor of Miss Ela'ine Hen"ederson of Bow- manile, asgiven by her two ans Mrs. Bernice Heneronand Mrs. Mary Wade, at, the home of the lat ter, astMonday night. KYIm imer was a supper g ues, ia of iast week atthbome of her friend, Burning ectal Itcli Re fevekInmnutes ExcnsüeHeaing substance jRelaiies Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids. If yocu wnt satisfactory relief fronx «ltcbing Pil'--her8's good news-. A renownýed researc)lboatory lia foumd sauniqneý heaing substanca that promply relieves the burrgr itch and pain-aètually shrirX'g hemorrhoids. This-substance hai heen shoywn1 to produce a Miost effec.~ tive Zateof; healn.Its germ-kiling. propertïesý also help P-revenIrý infection. ï k case ateýr cam "very strikîn 'g improy.venmnt" wes noted, evert among C3'cases oflong standing. And this iseprovemet was maintained over a peri odorfmonths! Th", wam accomplished by a new healing Substance (Bio-Dyne)- which ic helps heal injuirp,4. oels and sdrmulate growth of necw tissue. Now v-Bo-Dyne is offred i-. Oîntmenat an.d suppaository fornm. SalPreartin" ", Asic for i; at aý,Ildrngg trej-sazLsfaction or %cie TONV The annual salad supper, sponsored by the U.C-.W., held here last Wednesday, was as usual, quite a suc- cessful affair, with well over 300 heing fed and noth- ing other than compliment- ary remarks being express- ed, as far as we have heard. Those in charge are to be congratulated on their well - organized, systemn, which, doubtless, meant a lot of headaches for some but certainly paid off in re- suits. Appreciation is ex- pressed toalal those who helped, in any way, to make things turn out so well. Mi. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey of-Port McNicol were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and ail attended aur supper. Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark of Newcastle,, were c.-lers with Mrs. A. Burley, Wednesday evening. Thursday evening Mis. D. Vinkle accompanied by her mother, Mis. Agnes Burley, attended a baby shower for Mri Pat Mc- Donald at the home of Mrs. Bill Clark, Bethany, Local Wl I. embers at- tending the 70th Annivers- ary Tea of Garden Hill Wl at the home of Mrs. Good- ram. hast Thursday, includ- ed Mrs. S.'Lancaster, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. G. Buckley, Mrs. F. Ferguson, Mrs. A. it )n -- TWO LOCATIONS - No. 2 Hwý,y. - 3 Mls etof 292 King SC. W. - Oshawa Phone 579-1118 Fashion Modellead For Newcasz-tle Swiming Pool SL L Milligan, Miss B. MIlîligan, Mrs. I. Farrow and Mvrs. O. Gardiner. Attending the Fashion Show in Newcastle Town, Hall, Wednesday evenîng, £rom this area were Mrs. P. Gardiner and daughter,' and Mis. S. Lancaster -and daughter. Mr. and 'Mrs, Roy Hall, Mrs. Tva Farrow and Mi, Reg. Falls -were' among those attending the retire- ment dinner and presenta- tion at the new Legion Hall, Port Hope, Friday evening, where Mr. Falls was one of those being honored, fol- lowing his recent retire- ment froni the Department of Highways. Mis. Jini Adamý ha;-,ï) unfortunate fal, ear be home, Thursday eeig injuring her koce, so that several stitches were re- quired. Mr. Wilfred Paeden is aq patient in Oshawa, Hospital where he underwent eye surgery hast Wednesday Those in charge ofth bazaar, sponsored'- by the Scouts and Venturers, held in our Sunday School hall, Saturday afternoon, report a gratifyinil net result of some $82.00. .In the evening, quite a number of local people at- tended the élance in Brown's Community Centre, sponsor- ed by the Group Cornmittee and quite an enjoyable afi air. Mrs. Mary Wade with Mr. J and Mrs. F. Hendeison and Carol attended a trousseau tea for Miss Elaine Hend- erson at the home cf ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Henderson, B c w 'n anville, Saturday night. Mr. and Mis. Don Vinkie' weîe weekend visitors wîth Mr. and Mis. Bill Clark, Bethany. Miss Lise' Vrool of Toron- ta spent Friday -with Mis. Wilfred ^Paeden. .The Gospel of the As- cension" '%vas Bey. Sne]- grcve's Sunday morning tapie, while the choir sang "Leaning on the Everlast-, ing Armns". Next Sunday morning, Durham Chapter, Order cf the Eastern Star, Bowmnan- ville, will be attending oui church service, and two gentlemen fromý Port Hope will assist with the music. Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- ton and Carol, Mr.ý and Mis. Frank Stapleton and Tricia, Mr. and, Mis. Ken Staple- ton and girls were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapletan, Sunday, fol- lowing the service in New- castie United Church where the latter's son, Michael. was one of those baptized Newtonvllle U.C W. met ia the Sunday Sehool Hall, May 23 and Pres. Bea Jones operied wîth the Theme Song, followed by pra)ye-r. Report ofprvusmet ing was given by thle Sýe- retary,,,and fînancial tate ment by Treasurer ar Vinkle. V. Gilmerrert ed an additional,$20 had Modets in Nwcostlýe Fahio Show The nive young ladies in the above photo were modeis. in the Newcastle Fashion show, held last Weýdnesday, May 3th in- the Communriity Hall. Although none of the girls are professional models.they gave fine, poised performances for the show. Clockwise from lef t-they are Terry West, Cinidy Garrod, Joan Kimbaîl, Glenda Johnson and Sandra Garrod. been added te the Special Recent J Account, proceeds from the Court Whist Party. Furth- ei supplies -for the kitchen were brought by the grours, who sponsared the bus trip s'y ta Toronto. Cards of thanks, were read from those re- membered by the Surishin - Committee and Miss B. Mihigan asked ta be îehiev- ed of er job an the latter. Twelve boaves cf bread for- sandwiches had been pre- paîed and sent, -wiýth Ken- dai's donation, ta tLhe Frýed Victor Mission in Toronto. An invitation was read from Kendal, inviting us taoi them on Wednesday, JuneL 13 when a îetuîned mission- aîy will be their speaker, Donations weîe, vated the Five Oaks Training Capr and, the Hom),e for Ind.in Girls., Aletter was read fronm the Volunteer Co-ordinator at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, asking for valua- M.an"rs teer help an a daiiy, weeklùy rtycnlhgtsr ai monthly basis, and this rte c ple on Stur-, was tabled, along with the vice to lc nStr bal fo Anola P]ns orday evening, May 12, 1973, the supper were discussed at 7:30 o'clock in St. Jameç and inaized» 'United ChurcÎh, Vrcoman- adevfiazedton, when Miss Margaret Devtioal ndpîogram Down, daughter cf Mr. weîe in charge of Convenor and Mrs. Ahian Downi, R.R, Tva Farrow, assisted lby 1, Sunderland, and Mr, Shirley Stapleton, Queenle Bilan Curtis, son of Mr, Fletcher and Janet-Paeden. and Mis, William Curtis A paper îeared by' Mis. of Toronto, were united in Aes r pley onthe tapfie marriage. "Boredom" was read by , ey. J. N . Reed was the Mis, Jones.. It descr-ibed officiant, and the weddlng much of the nature and music was played by Mis. habits of the Apastle Luke, L. Bagshaw. a veiy devotional gospel. Gîven in marriage by Parayer chosed the meeting her father, the bride wore and lunch was served. A a formal length gawn cf crib quilt was on display, flocked nylon styled with ready ta be quilted. b-ishcp sheeves, 1and worn Mllarried s. Brian Curtis over a Pink lining. Her eh- bow, length veil, dotted wlth seed pearîs, was caught te a floral head- plece, and she carried a cascade bouquet cf pinký rases and stephanatis. Maîd cf honci Miss Jane Emmrersen, bnldesm a i ýd f Mis. Brian Down and Miss Valerie Akister, and flow- er girls Misses Sherry and Michelle- Dawn,, were ahi attired in floar - length fhocked nylon, gawns, the bridesmaids weaîlng yeh- how, and the maîd'of hon- or and flowei girls ir, mau-Lve1. The best inan and ushers wecMi. Paul Kizoff, Mr. Don Oliver and Mi, Brian Down. Master James Brown was ring bearer. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the' bride's residence. ThE bride and groom honey- mooned in Florida and arc residing at 58 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Apt. 102, Tor- onto. Early Canadian Indians wove strong straight ropes fromn long fibreýs from Bass- wood bark. Thie Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 6, 1973 3 LONG AULTSunday supper guests of Mr. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- Club 50 ladies will meet eron and Ruthann were Thu- Tuesday evening, June 12th at rsday guests of Mr. and Mrs. the* home of Mrs. Gabriel Fred Cameron, Hampton. Kovacs and Mrs. L. Goble Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tri- program convenors. vettToronto were Saturday Miss Susan Siemon, Hay- supper guests of the R. don, spent the weekend with' Cameron's. Miss Ruth Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson Mrs. Sophie Kovacs, Mr. visited with Mrs. Vanbuskirk and Mrs. G. Baker and girls, on Wednesday evening. were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Vanbusl<irk and her Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutch, sister Bonnie were hostesses Pontypool. for a Bridai shower for their Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, sister Pam who is being Bowmanville and Miss G. married in June in Oshawa. Smith met their cousin Miss On Sunday afternoon Debbîe Molly Marshall, London, Eng- Parkinson, Doug Ferguson, land, at the International Oshawa and littie Andv Me- Airport Wednesday vng Pherson,ÇCourtice,visited with and is v i> it ing with her cousinsthRGbos and visiting her uncle Mr. F.1 G. Smithat Medex Nursing isit1the, Home, Oshawa, for three weeks. (style 'W>Wýxe".ý Mrs. M. Carley returned home from holidaying with ir5 Choppe. rinsat Duncan, Vancouver J1 Ope& / Island. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis, Specializing in: Te Charbot Lake were Sunday Permns -Colors guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Clairol. Wigs Carley and family. Latest Cutting Techniques Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk PHONE 623-5455 accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. 3 ~S.W De Mille and family, Bow- 37wKinvS.ilé e' mianville to Toronto and were FREE TRIAL OFFER Thousands of people have found relief -from painfûl leg cramps and arthritis with a magnet. A Toronto doctor said she's not sure why a magnet helps cramps, but she hasn't got out of bed with muscle cramps since. Let us send you two of ouir double powered magnets on a FIREE TRIAL BASIS for 10 days with instructions. -Atthie end of that time, if relief is not obtainied send the( magnets back to us. The trial will cost you nothing. Write today for free trial offer. No red tape. Agents Wanted. Magnets, Dept. A7, Box 83, Postal Station 2B, Toronto, Ont. Please send me 2 dulepwered magnets on, a free trial offer complete witb instructions. 1 will try them for 10 days. if they do not help my cramps and arthritis, I will return them. I 'f I keep them, please bill me $4.00 plus tax. Name.......................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MlacDlonald Ford Bowmaonville Proudly Presents CARS and TRUCKS 1973 FORD 500 2-DR. H. T. BRAND SPANKING NEW WITH ALL THE OPTIONS. 351 V8, AUTOMATIC, POWER STEERING, POWER DISC BRAKES, BUMPER GUARDS, WIe-IITEWALLS,. WHEEL COVERS. REGULAR $4425. Ser, 184588 THSWEEK ONL-Y.$32 1973 FORD PICKUPS ON OUR LOT NOW. BRNAD NEW, UNDER $3000 1973 PINTO 2000 CC, 3 SPEED AUTOMATIC, RADIO, DISC BRAKES, SPECIAL PAINT (GOLD GLOW), PROTECTION PACKAGE. LIC., PRE SERVICING, FREIGHT INCLUDED. REGULAR $2955. NOW WITH 5500 M1L ES. LI1C. DZX228 $2680 1970 CHEVROLET 4-DR. 350 V8 AUTOMATIC, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, RADIO, PLUS MORE. REAL PRETTY GREEN. LIC. EYCO1O. REGULAR $23195. NOW THIS WEEK ONLY. $1789 1973 MUSTANG 2-DR. H. T. V8, AUTOMATIC, RADIO, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, WIDE OVALS, REAR ELECTRIC DEFROSTER,. PROTECTION PACKAGE. REGULAR $4100. NOW WITH 3800 MILES. LIC. EAB578 $3590 We have a beautiful selection of previously owned cars and trucks that have been totaîly reconditioned and guaranteed. The Iow prices wiII amaze you. Everything frorn $100 f0 $3000. corne on in. BRAND NEWPINTO STATION WAGONS LIST PRICE $2675 TAX $187 25 LIC. $23.0 DOWN PAYMENT 1.2 PAYMENTS--THROUGH FORD MOTOR CREDIT, 42 MONTHS AT 12.39 PER CENT SIMPLE INTEREST ON LY $82.60 MONTH LV. We have lots of units at the dealership now and we're, eageýr f0 deal so corne on n!! People 623-4481 BOWMANVILLE I with roses go your anvra HE- FLORISIS r Good spirits prevailed in tLhe dressing room just prior to the start or the Fashion Show in Newcastle last Wednesday and t he six ladies, who moiidelied the clothes hiad nio difficulty producing lovely smiles for the photographer. From left to ri ght they are WldlaJohnllson, Lana Rickard, Mavs Barr, Wilma Lovekin, Fran Wright and Marilyn MIarIn. The Newcastle Lionettes sponsored the show in order to raise money for the Lions Swimminig Pool Projeet. Clothes were provided by Fauline's. Specialty Shoppe.

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