Ti'he Canadian Statesmnan., Bowmanville, JUne 6, 1973 Triuteto ev.H.A. Turner From tihe StO. PauI's Session Following is a Tribute from;the Session of St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville to the Rex'erend, Harold A. Tuzrner on his Retirement from the Min.- istry, given at the Congre- gational Dinner in the Bow- manville High School on May 26th, 1973. "Flow beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of hirn Who brings good tidings, who publishes peace. who brings good tidings of good, who publishes slain who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns'." These words of the Pro- phet Isaiah, Chapter 52, Verse 7, very appropriate- ]y may be applied to the coming of the Rev. Harold Turner to St. Paufl's United Church, Bo0wmaniville, in November of 1949, nearly 24 years ago. His arrivai marked the beginning oi an era of remarkable progress in the spiritual life of our church. He has revehied to us the unselfjsh nature of a truly gifted nreacher, a radiant personality, an in- spiredi leadership and a deep-rooted faith in God. His is the record of a rich and fuI ife whose rmotto has' alwvays been, 'Self last an-d othiers first.' He has awkndsleeping spirits. He has quickened'the indol-, ent, enýcouraged the eager aind steadied the unstable. H-1e ba s lighted mna n y canidies which, in time to corne, will shine back to cheer him. Mr. Turner's firm faith in God is built upon a s ound religious foundation. His father, James Turner of Appletoni, was a Sunday School superintendent 'for 40 years, as well as a Bible class teacher, and conduct- ed daily devotionsý in the home, a practîce that should be conducted in ma-ny more homes today. Also, two of bis father's brothers, the Rev. Will Turner and Dr. Henry Turner were Presby- terian ministers. His furth- er religious training con- sistedl of seven years of study at McGill Un-versitýr, ~Montreal, and service-in the mission fields on the Prair- ies, finally cuflminating in his ordination at Trinity United Church, Bovrman- ville on Juine 4th, 1933. In bis sermons there is n clarity of thought, a sim- licity and beauty of ]an- gungeýC, that ail can under- stand and which gives guid- "FREE MOTEL AND tMEALS?" Ves, if youir home is made uinlïiable by ýýan insured dain- age, you1r 1Hmeownier poliecy wvillpa the additional cos o Ii~ng wayfrom hmeunitil y~urhomeis repaýired and hjvfble Invstiatea Homile- owýner Poficy at the Ja11es Iistirance Ageney Lmtd Jaimes Inuranie 'Agencu Limit.ed 24 Kinig St. E., Box 100 ~BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO DOUGI AS S. 11, S~~ Office 623-o68,1~, esidence 623-5023 ance and help, and a love of Jesus. His biîbbling sense of humour and wit, apparent not only in con- versation with bim, but even gently intermingled in his sermons, and bis childuen's stories, eagerly listened ta by the adults, sométimes even more so than bv the bilidren, will be lank re- rnembered. His prayers of depth, faith, lave and sn- cerity reacli into the beauts 0f aIl the people and up- wards ta God, making us ail aware of God's presence in aur midst and filling us with a sense of serenity. His laving conceun for the people of St. Paul's and bis self-sacrifice in helping members of our congrega- tion, as well as many net se closeiy connected t( ,)aur church, net anly in times of happiness, as at weddlings. but also in aur times of trouble, have been deeply appreciated. Thiere are un- doubtedly some bere ta- night wbo truly can say. <'Wbat a blessing it has been to have a fiend te wbom we can speak fcau- lessly about our trovbles and froin whom we have received wise counsel." AI such times it could well bE: said ,about Mu. Turner, "Four things this Man bas learned ta do, So he coul make bis record 1true: To think witbout confusion clearly, To love bis fellow mer sinceuely, To act from honest mûtiv6s purely, To trust in God and heaven securely." Happiness has been a, habit of Mu. Turner. His bright, hopeful, optimistic attitude bas spread to those around, paticularly in times of sickness and of sorrow. lis kindness, gen- erosity and good will have had an uplifting influence on ail of us. His leadership bas been one of integrity', purpose, u n de r s t anding, courage. fairneas, outreacb and encouragement, because he himself bas exhibited ail these qualities. He ntt anly preached that God is Love, but he arted it aRnd lived as' a Good Shepherd wbo leads bis flock, accord- ing ta David's Shepherd Psalm, No. 23. As a Min- ister and a leadeï', these words aptly apply ta Mu. Turner, "I'd rather see a sermon Than to beaui one any day, I'd rather one sbouild wnlk with me Than mrRelv show the wav. And best of aIl the pueach- Are tbe men who live their cueeds, For ta see- good put in action Is what eveuybody neids." It would be uemiss if no mention weue made of oth- er membeus of Mu. Turneu's family. SpeLial trîbute should be given to Mus. Turner, the perfect min- isteu's wife, whose gentle. guacious peusonality bas complemcnted Mr. Turneu's exuberance and vivacity;, in heu quiet way she constant- ly bas been a source of stuength fou him, and is loved by al of us. Mr. and Mus. Turner's sons, Ron and "Norris, wbo were act- ive la church and comn- munity affairs wbile they wxere attending schaol in Bowvmanville, are now re- siding far from tbe failuy fold. Ron is Assistant Pro- fessor of Eng«lisli at Mc- Arthur CollegIýe of Edluca- tien at Qîîcen's Univeusity in Kingston: Norris, after completing post - guaduate studies at Carleton Uni- veusity la Ottawa, is now engaged in social Service, wouking with emotionally, distuubed childuen in Hali- fax. .Mu. Turner bas given ta aur cburch the best yeaus of bis life, and many more wouds of puaise could be said about hlm. But I amn Announcement.. Mr. George Stephen wishes to a nnounce that the business known as ae, wiII1 no longer be in operat ion. We wish at this time to thank the many customners for their pa st patronage and support. George Stephen many years he has been with us. "Youir gauden is filled with the flowers 0f all the kindness 'you*ve sbown, Youu band-woven gai-ment bolds heauty For al of the friends you have known. The leaves on the tree are not yellowed But painted witb Autumni's gold, And the book witb its -,,erses yau cherisb Has storiesthe pages ran't hold. The patbway you walk bhas been gladdened, The sang of tbe brook is mare clear, The whole of life bas been 1brigbtened, Because of yaur puesence bore."1 On bebaîf of the Session of St. Paul's Cbuucb. and the Congregatian, 1 extend ta you aur earnest wishes for many precious yearq of a happy retirement. May this congregational dinner ho a rewfarding and beaut- warming tibute to your many yeaus of devoted serv- ice and become a cherished miemory in the mucb more relaxed future wbich we trust lies abead for you and Mus. Turner. The Session, St. Paul's United Chuucb. May 26tb, 1973. MAPLE GROVE The U.C,.W. Group of Maple Guove was in charge of the cbuucb service on Sunday mouning when the President Mus. Howard Crydeuman wel- comed Mu. and Mus. Milton Arnold who are on leave f rom Zambia. Mu. and \Mus. Arnold bave been in Zambia, Central Africa, for the pasi four years under tbe Afican Evangelical Fellowsbip Mission Board wbere Milton is mechanical maintenance mani on their large station of 45 to 50 mi ssionaries who are, invalved in one cf three main ministries - teaching in a girls' second- ary scbool fou 400 Zambian girls; in cbuuch wouk ou a nurse at the 150 bed hospital. Mus. Arnold is a nurse and was in charge of the school of nursing where about 40 Zam- bian girls are leauning to be puactical nurses. Mrs. Cry- deuman tbanked Mu. and Mus. Arnold for sbaring some of their experiences witb us and also tbanked the Junior Chair fou sing>ing during the service. MVr. 1a1di Mus. KencryfI-der- mail, Oshawa; Mu. lanny cx, owavil, ,ere Sun- day suppe guesis of Mu. and Murs. Ross Granlt, Bow- mianiville, was a Sundayýi, sup- peu guest cf heu dauigbteu, AMu. and Mus. Bert Sodnand' tamily. Mu. and Mus. WIes Dow ad tamily, Ebeneze, were Sun- day caileus %wit Mu.and Mus. Bert Snowden- and family. Mus.Arthur -Mautin spent a few days wvith hieu daugbter, Mur. and Mus. Keithi Bickell and Dale, Napanee and Mu. Mautini visited tbe Biekelîs on Wedn,ýesday wyhen IVrs,. Martin Slateu, lslington. Mu. and Mus. Sam Van Camp, Mus. Neil Brownel xvere F'riday d% inner guests gith their miotheûr, MXrs. Roy Van Campj. Ebenezer L .C'. Ladies bave iniII ai Mple Grove Ladies to their meeting on Thuusday. lIay 3lst at 8:00 p..to hear their guest speaker. Doreen Van Camp. troni Blackstock. '.vho lived a few yeaus jb India. "An Evening About India'". Sex eral ladies fuomn Maple (;uove area attended a trous- seau tea in honor of the forthcoming maruiage of Miss Jo-Anne Barris given by lheu miother. MuIs. David Hauris. at the Manse. Ebenezeu. Mu. and MNrs. Fred Wright, accompanied b> Murs. John XXeury , B!n11(,ll. spenrt Salui-da vexeni ng aithe Uni- versitv oü! Guelph xheiu they- attended the Cueighton-AluJn Trouu Reunion The May meeting of the Base Uine Good Neighbor Club xxas held at the borne of' Presideni 'Mus. KRex Fowler. Xhilby, with 15 miembeus and four, guests -presenit. Uorres- p<ndence inc-luded finethank \,ou cards for- "get well- gilts and a receipt fou a $2000 donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. The Eldiad Sund ay Sehool Anniversauy was held on Sunday, May 27th in Eldad United Church. A real-good congueigion0 gatheued in theatenn and ureally en joyed the music by the Junior choir led by Miss Nancyý Knox and Miss Karen Yeliow- lees as organist. Their sel- ectiens were well renider- ed, they beîiig "Rock My, Soul". "Two Little ÏHands", "At Work Beside His Fa- ther's Beach" and "Fisher- man Peter". Then we weue so pleased to have M Lougheed, Oshawa, a ta cher at Dur ham Clee withus He gave the c1hu- di e a ealgondmsag enild"The Pirate and the Dog-s". Then in the ev- ening th p Snior choir led bv îs W. Yellowlees and Miss Cathy% Vice assistedL in thet service of sang by rendeuing "P r a i s e His Holv7 Namne". "Let th(o Whole Would Know" and "A Song of Joy". Tiien ex - euyone cetainly listened intently to th;, message ,of Rev. Robeut Rumnbal. Supeintendent )f the On- tarie Mission cf the ,Deaf, Toronto. Mus. Don iTaylvor was the ouganistf ou h evening servie. . Don Taylor assisted withi the_ afteunoon service and Rex'. Joboston in the evening. Mus. J. Snowdcen andMu Den Taylor, the Sunday s c h o0 1 scîpeuinteadents, and aIl Arho helped laian ayceutahîaly niadethe ,inniver'sary Vistors: Mu. and Mus. Glen Lau-- mLer and family andPer Duîncsteyn ci f Blackstock, and Mu. Ren Metealf. Bowxmanx-ille with Mu.and MSrs. Hauvey Yelloxxlees and famuly. Mu. and Mus. Ken Me- i\ltýnn and familY. Oshawa. w'veue xith Mu. and Mi-S. Ross Cî-ydeusnan and fani- il . 'VI r and Mus. Laruv Buome and Jennifcu. if C ani phehi tordi M r.an d Mi-s. Wallace Mundav cf Oshýaxxa. Mu/I. and Mus. Ca.Jolins. o, avhe MissLinda Elsanid he\1Carpenteu, Ce-ýw i, xxe s spocu ues cf Mu. and Mis. Lloyd Buceme and fatly. Miss Helen Bakeu, Tor'- onto. and John and Glen Cexvling,. cf Bexvmanv ic.e spent the xveekend, and Murs. Baut' y Cowling. Bexv- manville. and Mu, and Mus. Laru 'v Welsh. Bow- mnanvilte. xve r eSunda ' '.isitous with Mu. and Mus. Tom Baker and family. Mu. and Mus. Rod Sime- son and thamilv. Enfield. were guests., cf Mu.' and iVIrs. Ross Kossatz and family. ,Mu. and Mus. Ralph Di~- vis had as their visitous Mu. and Mus'. Neil Srnif h and familv, Columbus, and Mu. Rick Beare, Port Peu- ry, Mus. May Sommeuville, Whitby, and Miss Dorothy Humphre-y of Uxbridge visited with Mu. and Mus. Ernest Hockaday. Mu. aund Mus. Albeut His, Bowmanville. weue Sunday ex cning calleus with Mu. and Mus. Wes. His and family. Mu. and Murs. Don Kel- lett and Teruy. . Bowmian- ville. and Mu., 1<en Barrie werc sopper guests of Mu. and Mus. Deug, Flett and Linda., Mus. C. Found, -Mus. Win. Bickle and Mus. H. Tink, Ebenezer. and Miss Donna Diekison. Whitby, weue with Mu. and Mus. Haruv Knok and farmil. Mu. and Mus. Bruce Mýontgoniery of Hanmpton, Mu, and Mus, E. R. Taylor. Enniskîllen, weue visitous with Mu. andl Mus. Brucc Taylor and family'N. Mu. Isaac Hardy and Stanley Mus. Enidicott, of Lindsay, Mu. Hauve *vHar- dy, Bowmanville, -and Mr. Russell Hardy, Toronto, weue supper guests of Mu and Mus. Joe Snowdeni and family, and in the ev- ening after' the service they entertained Rev. Ro- bert Rumbali and some; other friends from the community. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink entcrtaîned the following: Mu. and Mrs. Clarence Tînk, IVIr. and Mrs. Percy D-ewell, David and Doug and Mus. Bea Boddy, ail of Hampton, Mu. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoc, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tink, Oshawa, Mu. and Mrs. Dorr$ Ferguson and Christine, Newcastle, and Donna and Terry Blair, Brooklin. Mr. and Mus. Harold Jebson and Dorothy, Bea- verton, Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Slute and boys, Raglan, Mus. Greta McCormack. Columbuîs, and Mrs. Don- ald Yellowlees, Taunton, were with Mu. and Mrs. Russell Vice. Mu.. t.nd Ms. '. Lolg- heed, Oshawa, and 'Mu. and Mus. A. F. Abernethy, Manilla, weue guests of Mr. and Muils. Don Taylor and farnily. Mu. and -Mus. Harold Yellowlees and John, Or- ono, Mus. Walter Short, Courtice, weue witli Mu. and Mus. Wes. Ycllowlees. Rev. and Mrs. lred Reed, Mu. and Mus. Guant Down and family, Sunder- land, Mu. and Mus. Ken Knox, Peteusburgh, and Mu. and ýMus. Bujan Knox, Oshawa, weue guests of Mu. and Mus. John Knox and N'ancy. Misses Carol and Mari- lyn Knox and Karen Yel- lowlees were hostessesre cently for a shower honor- ing Miss Carol Eilis, a bride-to-be. Mu. and Mrs. Wesley Hilîs, Miss Carolý Hilîs, Howard 'and Jim attended the 25th ýwedding anniver- sary celebration' for Mr. ,and Mus. Frank Alexan- der, Baltimore, on Friday night. BYAM PLIJMBING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO ul Phone 263-2650 I [fl~j~Jj4j Towels 2-ROLL PK G.à returneci home. A Çu. Murs. H. G. Freeman -,l-É BiscuitsFOUR campanied ber daugbter. Mus. VARIETIES E. L. Gilbank, 'Orono, to Belleville on Satuuday. vhen HSES MGPREPRICEL) 6 Donna Giibank graduated ELA from Loyalist College c o tat i Dh s Applied Arts andTechnoiogy pI.ý -à in Early Cbldbood Education. 15 ASSORTED VARIETIFS et Sunday callers witb eed Ca Cifford Wilson were U7.Les Ca d Albert James, Kathleen, Alan SURE HMGNZD and fiend, Bishopton, Que- SURE HMGNZO bec.ý, Peanujt Butter Saturday evening callers witb Mus. 1. C. Snowden aind Bob wereMu and Mus. Granut Busin ess Directory "Whyis4 A ccou .nta n cy the ic WMfl. J. H. COGGINS of f ish Chartered Acceutantý1 115 Liberty St. S., Bewmnanville Phone 623-3612 XILIt#AM C. HALL B.Cemnm. Chaîrteired Acceuntant' 36 14 King St. E.,saw What S itaPperied to 'ne pri. Telehone725-339buy fish as a bargain ansi a Telepinne ';'-5-G,)ýt9but even fish is tiigh,*soinec Absoiutely righi.Sprmre Chiro ractî Io old prices down becaus, catches and rsing demnandý G'. EDWVIN M',ANN, D£. The radiional Atantic sour( Chirpuatouinstance, have been over'iss Offie :Amercan and foreign fishi 15 Elgin St., cor, of Ho- sey St. aren ieOg aac h Phone 623-5509 Soie is another vctim of short Office Hours: By appointrnent cart neyer gei' enough and ________sitatios"le price s bound D en t al The enly course is tbsho specials and buy less espensi DR. ANGUS. M. BLAIR, D.D-S. Mirm. Green le av5itabletoi 26 Frank Street, Bowrnmnvlle gcrçups.1Cati 259-6633 or Write (near Domninion Store) way, Torobomey 1HI Office hours: 0:30 a.m. to, 9 P.111 includiiig Satuuday Dr. W. 'M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Woo0d Matches ?2 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Heurs: KITTY PAN 9 a.m. ta 6 pin. dapily Closed Saturday and Sunday DL ile Office Phone - 623-5790 DR. WILLIAM KENT, DDS Professional BIdg. Bowmanville 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 Office Heurs: Weekdayi 9 - 5 Telephoine 623-7349. 6-PACK PKGS. ROYAL OUEST ,>59e IGA Coffee a TO 12-OZ CELLO BACS 8 9 cc ng Mixes 2 coke or Tab> CASE 0F 24 x 1 0-FL. OZ. TINS;2 SPECIAL _T ASSORTEDVAETE Coronation? Reishes TIN S5 erviettes GA LEMON BAt 87e Coconut Pie "'^SPECIAL" Charcoal 10-LB. BAG 99c ALA SEA, DAIRY OR SEA NIP Purina Cat Dinners 36-OZ. PKG. CUNi iOt.CVFROZEN fOa TAF PKCO 4bc WTE OR PINK<OQTN 9 SIZE MLCAIN FROZEN FANCY SFIOESTRING SFrench Fries BA 47 j7C TASTMASTER SRA LEE FROZEN 37S.e Protein Bread 3 $1E Pound Cake 12-OZ75 Pt<G. V ONARC OUC CaKTOSTASEU MF. c FF BID9YEFRZ MOARH OU1 AK0-OSTASER<MC u OFF OEE RZN32-OZ, 9 JAR CaeAe - PKG37c Sortcake 1E. 43ecol Whip TUB59r SPÉCIAL" HOSPITALITY SLICED Bread -SPECIA- -SPECIAL- ,ýi7PARAMOUNT Solid Light Tuna TIN 89C Alepploè Sauce 2