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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 7

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SPhoné & M.r. and Mrs. Keith Barkley, Nancy and Raymond spent the weekend in Williamsburg and attendied the 4th wedding1 an.niver-sary of his parents, MNkr. and Mrs. Hlugh Barkley. On May 18, 1973. about 60 friends and relatives gathered at thie homne of Mlr. and Ms Zack Adamis, Church Street, to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of their son anid daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayburn Adamns. The spac- jous roomns were tastefully cecorated in silver, pink and white wedding bells. Stream- ers feUl from the arch under which two decorated chairs awýaited them., When the bride and groom entered, everyone sang "For they are Jolly good fLlow0%s." Seated com1-fortably in the chairs they opened the nuîne-ous giifts. Mrs. Adams Srý preseted them with a si1flver box of mnoney from mnother, dad and1- family. Wayhurn replied fittingly, thanking everyone for their kin.dness. Captain Hew\xlett also spoke on behaîf of WýaybIurn and Nreen's spien- iid wor-ýkal the Salvatiýon ArinY. A buffet lunceh of sahsads, coid cuts, cinnamron bread and a tIwo tiereda, silver decorated w;edding cake was enjoyed by ail followed by a sg-n oflovely old hymns. Messrs Gordon Peck, Berwin Aelamrs and Ernie Reed sang a!ndl de4jited the bride's favorite hymin "Hlow Great Thou Art" to the happy couple. . Adams Sr. otr ed pri,,,yer and broughit to Conclusion a Very happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. . Garson have retiurnied fromr Pheonix, Ari- zona after vacationing with relat(i ves Mrs. Penny, Mr. a nd Mirs. W. A. Hannig, Maregaret1 and IPenny. MIr. and Mrs. A. Garson werev guuests of Marilyn and AI FinietenQ.C. at Beth Taed SyagoueToronto, on the ccso of thie Torah of their son David ind to a lutiiceon fnloiaso to an evý,einig gafthering at their hone, P>ayview, Torontio. Mrs. C. Hl. Taylor, Ottawa, was an oternig: ht guest last wednesday and Miss Grace Smnith, Long Sault, 'Miss MolIy MVarshall, Londo-n, England, Mr-. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, Rl. R. 4, Bowmanville, were Thurs- day evening guests of Mr. and MNrs. Fred Smith, Elgin Street. Mr.Harold St. John and l-vnn, Scarborough, were Fni- xydinner guusts of 'Mr, and i<js. Jimn Aberniethy.. and Ms.Abenniethy wreSunday dirinel- gUests of -Mr. and Mrs. F'erguson Aýbernethy, Manilla. MQiss Enin E. Nick-s, 13 year old aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks, Loy ers Lane, thiis week reccived the "Univerlsity st Paults United Church Minister Rev. H. A. Turner Da. .D. rOrg e, AC.. -MiORNING Dial 1310 Rladio EVeysunday 10:30(j n TRINITY UH' Rev. IN. Wesley Oal John Crookshnnk - SUNDAY, FLOWE il A.M. - WO THE SACRAMI SUDAY SC] l.iù nterml.ediate aut IBeginniers, Kindergartet Nursery Care, A \WARIM WELCCi Churcil >"010411and (C Park, Hiampton, oni Sunda: Hydro is being transfenred to the Fenelon Falls region. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Mor- ]n terest ris, Dr. and Mrs. E. Mann have netunned from a mostf 23-3303 enjoyable vacation in Switzer-c land. While thene tbey attend-i ed the Rotary International1 Women's Club, of Oshawa & Convention.c District" silven trophy for the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benson second consecutive yean, in R. R. 1, Orono, atiended thé connection with the Oshawa graduation of Mrs. Benson ai Kiwanis Music Festival held Queen's University on Fridayr necently. Enîn had a mark of with a B.A. dégree in English.a 89 being the highest in any of B. C. Johnson, a SalesE the vocal solo classes 18 years Representative Trainee at r and under. Enin has had a Niagara Falls, bas beenf very successful year musical, transferred 10 the Bowman-t ly, witb a total of seven ville negion of the Ontioo awands. She sings with the Jr. Hydro.c Festival Singers of Oshawa, Miss Shelley Sisson, four and with themn won lwo other year oId daugbter of Mr. and i awands. Mrs. R-obert Sisson, Bowman-S Visitons on the weeknend with ville, was a flower girl at the L Mrs. David Alldnead were her wedding of Janfice Cheryl bnother, Mr. and -Mrs. Ew'ýart Micha, dugtn f e % n Peters, Ottawa. On Salurday Mns. DannMche 1n they ahl attended the 301h Barry Nolan Fenton, son of wedding anniversary of their Mr. and Mns. Robent Fenton,1 brother Mn. and Mns. Alian ahl of Oshawa, on Sunday, Mayç Pelers ai Monisb, 27th in the Coliege Park Seven t Mn. and Mrs. D. W. Ives Of Day Adv7entist Churcb. the Osbawa Shrine Club and "Wb the upsurge in cbess Mn. and Mns. Charles Warren, inienest in the past year, of Hampton, aitended the Cablecast 8, with the assist-t Spning Ceremronial of the ance of the Oshawa Cbessf Shriners ai Kingston over the Club will present, "Pninciplest weekend. of Chess", a five minute1 Dr. and Mn1s. Gordon Aid- prognam designed ici miro-1 ridge «(Giadys Chapmian,.).duce thenecoero the9 Lanisingý, ich., visited their gamne of ce.Tis pr-ograrn ' cousins, n1. and -Mrs. Ross w"Ill be aired Tedasand Stevens. Scugog Street. and Fiasat 6:00 p.m. each other anea relaitives called toüwek. Pogramm1iing hirector,E meet iheir cousinýs William inîýddelij, states enihu-1 MeoilHospital will celé- siasiically, "Since the Fisch- braie is 601h anniver-sary with er-Spassky mnatch last July, tours, a banquet and a dance,' we have bad many requests stating on June 131h thnough about a.-cbess p)rogram, and 10 jure 151h. See the adven- lwe have mde arrangements tisement il, ibis edition for for increasing the lengtb of the détails. Special arrangements sho-w in the future. We fée]e have been made '0 have the tibati thîs show wfIi be popular,1 finsi floon of the hospitai, anld we invite peopfle 10 phone decrated in oid tm fashion, in, any commienîs or sugges- inciuding costumes of the lions they miay have on lime, worn by; nurses. iYOn't im-iproving-the ýprogramn.' Miss il. lTle Ontario Arts Cou1ncil Mojst people go on a holiday bajs announced that Ed(ward trip afier ibey retire. Not Ron Frncs oroney, 24. of Dýon Aider, wha worked at BowI- NjIils, is the winMnen of thiefirst nmanville Goodyear for 45 yrs. annual Leslie B3ell Scboiarshipt He went on, a junket to Spain 10 an emerging choral con- and retired when he got back. ductor.the awand of $1,000 will Wben Aider started with the be used to study for the1 company in 1927, ru.bber tire professional dipioma of Choir-1 "ýchains" were one of the master. -1 products thai later disappear- Plan 10 attend the Kiwanisi ed. Tbey were rubber treads Auciion Sale, the middle of the wich ran across the tire, beid monlh in the old Canning in place by metal chains. Factory. You'l fînd many, Great for the driving of 1927, mn agisadhv u says Aider, whose finst jo as well, belping the Kiwan is was making tbem. He ilso Club eann money for the many worked in shoe products, long useful projects tbey support in gone from Bowmanville and thec area. now aI Quebec Plant. Thiat's Congratulations to Ron wben, sboe soles and beels Chiow, a Grade Eight pupil of were made of nubber, nather, Centrai Public Scbool, Bow- ihan the synthelies used ma vilewo piaced second1 today. Asbestos packing, a in the imap)-making competi- 1produci now being manufac- ion f or students in Elemen-1 luned -aI Québec Planlt, was tary and Secondaýry Secools in1 also once under the Bowman- Onali a a -oncd ville noof, but, says Aider. , .wo nceily by Trent lJnýiverSity. also made the packing, these The Unm loyet ,Irisur products have been repiaced ance Commissiona of Ibis by others, like steel-cable distric t siarîs a six-week conveyor being. "There series on Cabillecast 8, Thurs- basn'i been that mucb change day, May 24"1h aI 6:15 p.m. in the methods of production Probiems in oubtaining assist- oven the y7ears," Aider said, ance, filiing ouI the fornms,1 ,ic's just that now there's dealing with Inter Aýgencies, more efficiency." He spent and aiso, Ibe inletrna work- three years in the lab, but ings'of U.IC. il be fdiscuss- went back int production and'.cd. Ani hour longý openine was assistant foreman in program wiil complete the power transmission products series and answ,ýer any ques- when be retined. "Now', be lions the public may bave. said, "I' going Ici gel in a few Miss Barbara Crombie, good games of golf before 1~ graduated recenily from Lon- think of doing iytbing else.- don Teachers' Colegce and wil Mr. and Mrs. John Slaey be teaching aI the Ontario and eilîdren, Michelle, Verne Street Scbool in tbe fali. and Hleather, Scarbonough, Barbara graduiated fromi the visited thiein parents, Mn. and University- of Wiindsor, prev- Mns. Manseli Stacey, Orcb- iousiy. Williaiam Bih) Crombie ardview Blvd., and atlended b as gradujated wiih an M.B.A. St.ý Paul's congregationai dia- graduated witb an M.B.A. uer in honor of the Rev. and, degree fnomn Syracuse Uni- Mrs. H. A. Turner on May versity, and is now working 261b. -wiîb an accounting firm succeeding -Sydney G. Fean- fa.-Te zany îwo-minuîe man, wo seri. r39inîerîude ends with two beav- yeasoserie..ens applaudîn.g by clapping Mns. L. S. Kinr Senior their laîls logelher. To regin SInspection Clenk of the Bow- ibeir wils, visitons will ajppre- manvîlle brancb of Onxario *ciale Ihe quiet relaxation ofl the Weicome Wall, whene ibcy tUIII'U can' lounge ou comifontable chairs and listen Ici the ke, B.Th. -Minister Ontario Place slory, acivatcd Music Director-Organist by a pressure sensitive switch 'JUNE 10, 1973 in the seat. Opposite these ER SI NDAY "lalking chairs" is a piclure RV ICE wall of four-foot-square colon QS I SERE transparencies combined wîtb EFNT 0F BAPTISM a numben of sepia-toned x-OOLHn UR 14lhR cutouis. WESLEY VILLE There bas 'been so uitIle suynshine thse weeks that inhen At did appear on Junc fu-st, we wene ail reminded if school readers and "What is, so, rare as a day in June". Newcasîs mentioned a re- cord for bhe day of 91 de- grees in 1919 and tbis brought the reminden bo older folk of Ibat bot week. Farmers were stili using rnany honses for farm work and the sudden heat 50 ealy in the season, caused rnany Ici drop dead in the field while working., Catlle._ toci, fot long released fnom thein winter shelter in, the stable, suffened also. ýThe continucd heavy rainfaîl is rnaking it impossible to put machines on low wct fields so that.-somne may remain unseeded tbis year. Eleven students f r orm various colleges, Belleville, Windsor, Toronto and Aunera had a get-together aI the home of Mn. and Mrs. W. Murray on Sunday. They were planning activities for the summer wîth host Bret Murray. One of the pro- jecîs wihllbe a theat-e night in Toronto. H.O.P.E. workers continue thei- efforts Ici gathen sut- ficient data lu prove wbat they firmnly believe, that [Hope Township should flot bc Ihe recinoient of Toronto's garbage. They will be pre- senlti-,ng a display aI Wel- come IbýIis coming w-eek for sevenail days. Reg-, Bec necenîly reburu- cd from a Peterborough hospital and with bis niece Mfrs. June Wincb of Winni- pieg, Manitoba and Mn. and Mrs., Stephen Winch, Otta- w~a, called on the Wilfrid Bees on Friday. Mrs. A. Thorndyke is con- valescing ah home, wilh somneone 10 help wiIh bouse- holdl duties. Mr. W. O'Hana wbo bas been ilI for some weeks, died last week. and his fun- fral a hehd froni Port Hone o ndymrig port 1Hope 10 live laan a-partment there. Word waýs recei7ved here recently Ot the death of M. H. Schwarz. Mr. Schwa-rz liv- ed in the community for several years, but had been living and wouiking in' Otta- wa untîl lllnesýs came Ici hlm. He had gone Ici Gcr- many for a visit and dled in hospital there. Mr-. and Mrs, Chas. Beigh- ton have rclurned to 'their, home in Port Britain for the s u imme r months afler spcnding the winter with daughter Elsie in Utterson. Cburch service ut Wel- corne United Cburch on Suudny mrniiing was , u charge of Rev. J. Ramjlt who used a rcading fromi the Acîs of the Apostie as Ihebasis for his sermon on SlewardshiP. The careful busbaning ",, of mncy la isnOt the only rqurmetOf careful usqe 0of111ournimeand talents ies also, neccssary. A duel "The Wavward 'Lamb" was sung by Mesdames Den- nîs Crofl and Robert Lax. The extension ut the back of the church is laklng, shape gradually, and there is a possibility the extra soÎI rnay be used tci level a road- way around the chunch. Mn. and Mrs. Harold CaS- well of port Hope visited wlth Mrs. E. BarrOwcloUgb on Sunday. ENFIELD M. and Mrs. Jcff Milis, Mississauga; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allison aud Jennifer, Oshawa, visited aI Mn. Lloyd Smlth's. Mr-. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Donle and Heather, Osha- wa: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tay- lor' and family, Raeboro, visited ut Mn. Gordon Tay- lor's. Mn and Mns. Eliver Bal- int have rclurncd from an of Guelpb. Mr-. and Mns. Fred Sarnis, Mrs. Tcrry Srnfth, Mr. and Mrs, Don Gniffin and Miss Dianne Start; Mn. and Mrs, Wilfrnid Bowman and Rol- and Bciwmnf were guests aI -the pîcasant events. Mr-. and Mns. Ralpb Cochrane and sons. Oshiawa, wvere guesbs of Mr. and Mýrs. Leslie Cochrane or the occasion of Paul's birth- iday. Also vlsiting tvere Mr. and Mns. Henry Adams, Bowman.ville.. Fortieth Anniversary Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott of Orono on the occasion of thieir 4O0th weddingarnesry which was held April 15th, 1197:3at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Fay and Glory Adams of Oronio. They received ruby rings from Fay, Glory and grandson ,Doii., Many othergifts were received from r elat ives and friends who helped them celebrateý this occasion. At the end of ani enjoyable afternoon a hot roast beef dIinner xas served with a special thannks to Helen BWn who served as hostess. Recent Graduates >John qiLa'rmelr son of Mn. and Mrs. Rahph Lai-mer of Blackstock, gi-ad- ualcd trom McMasîer Ui versity on May 25, receiv- ing bis Bachelor of Arts degre lu Geography. John, will coninue studies next year aI Ontarioi College of Educalion, 'University of Toronto. . ci-y K. PortLer sou of Mn. and Mî-s Keitb- Ponter. Bommanvile receiv- cd bis degrce of Bachlor cý il Science in Pbanmacy lIrom theà Facubt. of PbarmacyUivr sity.of Toronto. Tuesday1, ýMa), ' 29. Jerry recix cd(,!ibe Pouhen... Award and bcI..N.Emir Mýaster of Science ui Ph-ar- macv and a Residlenc,, ,Pri)og ram in Radiopbarn,ý-ýacy a Centre. Hiarniton, commene- ing June 1,i SOLINA Mn. and Mns/.iHarvey Vl lowiees and Brenda atended tbc graduation exencises on Tuesday ai aConvocation HIall and the recèýption foîioming. Karen neceivcd ber dýiploma in Dentcil Hygiene. Congratula- tions, Karen. MnI. and Mrs. Clarence Bra'ý spent the wcekcnd in St. Catharines visitiug relatives. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Brome and Dale- visited mn Sunday wih'b Mr and Mrs. Rom McDonahd, Belevýihie Mr, Roscoe Baker. Mont- The West Durham District real, was a Tbursday- visitor beld thein annual Atlie Day witb Mn. and Mns. Tom Baker, ou May 26th,1973 aIthe Kendaàl _Mn. and Mns. E. Ri. Taylor, Bai -l Park -wb ---HîhîcEstnniskîilen, were suppen Hfeights bad ani outstandiug guests and Sunday evening 1 ucre is onl ime specieï,S Ofvwýi n. calns werie Mn. and Mns. Chestnut native Ici Canada, A lobai of 161, boys parnii- ChasnCernce, Brookhînl but thlese scldornaiïleve pledj under rainy skiesa and and Ms. owar aduit size bicauseof01ithe 143 boys were successfuî in il Crydrn, Maiple (Grav e Ches(înut Bligbtf. passinig the r-equiired five w.ith M andMrs. Evenct Paul E. Tilb son of Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Tubb, Kingstoin Rond East, Oshawa, neceived a Bachelor of Applied Science degncc, with houons, in Aerospace Engineering at the University, of Toronto Convocation June 1, Paul is now doing Graduate work aI the Institute for Acrospace Studies, University ~of Torontio. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs- Ti Wallace Poughien, Newton- ville., Donna Wean niskillen was a Sunday, visitor with Amnber Taylor'im Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink te attended Hampton Anniver- 2: sary and were supper guests f of Mr, and' Mrs. Perey DeweIll 5s Mr. and Mrs. Frances Ji Williams, Bowmanville. wereM Thursday evening guests of J Mnr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. M Mi-., and Mrs. Alex Potter J( were- Sunday supper guesîs of A l Mn. adMrs l-Harold fPotter, S Hampton. te M!r and Mrs. Geo. Smith, SI Bowmanv ille, were Monday 8c evening visitons with Mn. and d( Mrs. Fra1nk Westlake, si Mns. T'om lett, Columbus, wasàaSna iio with Mr. a and Mvrs. DPoug Flett. Pl Mn. anid Mrs. Ron Broomne ;àý1d KlyBowynanville; Miss G Brendia Schmidt. Kitchener, iw Mn. and MNls. Robent -Black- burii and Andrea. en.joyed a a, barbeu on Sunday wîth Mr.t anid Mýrs. Frank Westlake and 1h family, the occasion being the al celebration of Mn. and Mrs. h; Blackburn's sixth xxeddingn annîi\ersary. Mnr. and Mns. Nelson Fice , Porýt Perry. vwere Sunday tc evenmg caliers \vith Mr. anda 1rs Franik Westlake. a 'is erl Leach ;attended0 Hampton A\inniversaýry and ln was a suppeqr guesýi ot Mý'r and Mýr. and Mrs. W. Craig areL netunning home on Thunsday 01 from a two week visit ih1 thinî daughter and iamil, Dra and M0rs Ken Miller., Sasai- ec toon, Sask. t] Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker and Elizabeth. Toronto, were CI Suniday dinner guests of Miss- v' es Beryl and Hilda Thompson fc and were supper-guests of Mr. anPd Mýrs F. Blackburn, ýJ r. and âIrs. Leslie Skewis of Oshawa wer-e also supper (Intend('edfoIolast week) Our ui of the U.C.W. met ai 0we chureh (-last Tuesday evening. Ms.Leslie Xvelsh opened the meeting with c-aîi to worship and prayýer W,\e sang "O Master let me ,walk with Thee" followed by scrip- ture and meditation by Mvrs. Welsh. The worship closed with prayen. Our prograni fon the even- ing was on the controversial subject of 'Abortion". Read- ings and, articles for and against abortion were giveri b)y Mris.john Coomnbes. Mrs. Bobý C'ollacorit, Mrs. Genald Shacklýeton and !Mns. Leslie Wels. We dý u il\idinto small- to caler to a grade six graduation inine r inJune. A social tume xas enjoyed loi- lowing the meeting.* Sinc'ene sympathy is extend- ed 10 the famuily of Mrs. Wm. Catini ho passed away last, ek.She was a former nesiden. of this communîty. A numben frori the corn- munity aitended the retire- ment dinner for Rex'. and Mrs. Harold Turner at the High School oný Saturday evening. M1rs. Leslie Welsh and Mrs. F. Blackburn enjoyed a short vîsit with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alidridge. Lansing, Michigan, ai the home, otf and Mrs. Ross Stevens on 'M1onday bhe Canadin Statesman, BowýmanvilIc, Jun-,e 6, 19731, PONTYPOOL Rev. FYred Swann, was guesl ed a bus trip 10 Toronbo hast xinisten at Ballyduff Prcsby- Wedncsday. Tbîrty lad'ies aind ýerian Cburcb on Sunday at tour brave men hiad a iosil :30 p.m. He baptized the enioyable lime. ollowing cbildren aI Ibis We visied Allen Gardens. ,pecial service - Danlene Casa Loma, Scott Mission and June, daugbler of Mn. and ai 3:30 ai-nivcd ait the newx \s. Murray Farrow; Jody Scarbonougb Shopping Centre. Joanne, daugbter of Mn. and We saw the Scarbonougb Civîfc \Irs. Larry Gillis; Pbhip Centre. wbicb the Qucen is 10 John, son of Mn. and Mrs. Bihlol ly pnItr bssm .llan. Four generabions of the mer.. It was a most dchighlfui tr-Ong famîly wene present and memorable day fonraill- ý1ri the batism Mns.V.epcai enoal o w tLrong lwb1 o celebrated ber ofur cial l ae worlosi. Jo t birthd ycin Ap nl), Go their sense of direction in the ou înog, oyc Ahan uceshopping centre and arrived, trong) and baby son Pbîlip. back at the bus one-haîf bour, il is hoped that there will be afler the lime set for oure ýgood attendance ai Pouby- depanture for home. Aill hose_ ool United Cbunch Annîver- who took advantage of the trip ýary thîs Sunday ait Il a. îoIatftr lascnb Guest speaker wiillbe Rev. l m a fortmrepln a'b M. Sed rvice of idsay il We are gad to hear that We' Mn. ad Mr. Denis ihsNot-ton' has been releascd ,iîd family have moved mb u i n hospital and is stayoingl rîeîî- recentl punchased Mth M n ad Mrs. Wcs orne. Mn and Mrs. Manch- McMVahou_ in Betbauy; Paufl nd. who xvereý residing there, -ithu c h a, a time of writing, is ave inovcd imb bbceapart- stîllin u ospitai and Romnt aelnd Mr MaouBron.eSlrong. who undcrwent surng1 Mr. ad Mr. 1 aurie er lasi week is uow recuper- Nlîlebehi have sold thei- fai-n ating aI home. ýLes Gobie of Tyrone. Mn. Stîsan Propp bad the mis, nd Mrs. Mitchell arc building foi-lune to bneak ber cha ,new home on the fiflh hfie, bouc aI a bail] prac1ic-u )ther nexv homes binhuilltecenthlyTre wisl' Sus'an a. n Pontypool and viîmnilyancred cx [hýeof: Alex Joncas. Chiff w aiîs, John Turner and EugÏ- 1Legion Pee Wees nPe Erickson. Poritypool Sr. Mca deleatcd Counti Two Wins ousDiscounti 3-0 in Orncmccý n)r Sunday lIn the Scugog BwavieLgo e lague, il was Pontypool Il Wec ebaîltn wou sea- nd Kedron i. Ahi othen teams son opener agajwn1 Onouo 1r, ommence Iheir seheduies Ïollowed by a win ini Peterbori tis weck. ough, defeaiing PetenhbonouLi Mns. Keîth Slrciag and son 1) 2. buit, of Coquillan. B.C., anc Good tein play andece visitîag with relatives for a lent pitching by Rick Bain and( lw wecks. ,ioc Nowlau e-nabled the Bo Poutypool U.c W aponsor i)anlville Pce Wecs to corne, THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY IiELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILit WITH CANCER AND IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE 9TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES *DRESSINGS *PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS aHOME AND HOSPITAL \ISITING i * HOME NURSINC $-.C * HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE *LODGE ACCOMMODATION D *IVER SIONAL ACTIVITI ES Canadian Cancer Society BOWz7JNJ'ILLE JdIRCTUT Box No. 42 Bowrnanlle, Onlarjo NIîrs. Victor Dotyr N graduated from Qucen's Ui veýrsitv with a B.A. degnec Pt the convocation bcid on Juneý 2nd. MNrs. Doty is bbc former Elaine Caswelb. dube tEFVI Mn. and Mn- EllsworthCas wATICHFiFORI,01TH4E s welcl. Orono. Mr. N. Grills, CanningtixM1 G wasa Frîdaý supper guest ofANIRPAN MV and Ars. al Davis. Mnr and Mns Cas. Lang-RA inaid were Saturday eveaing ý4. no Z.A çeros0 calIons at Mn. and Mrs. Roy,. McGill, Enniskilhen. G.USSIi Mns. Robent Eakins. Por t1 Hope, %vas a recent visiion wîth Airs. R. Fraser. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar WNerry and boys, Mns. Helen Werny and Mr. and Mns. Joe Snow- dca and farnly attended tbe Snowden fiarinýly picnic held aI rten2 Solina Hall onSunday .'2 Lawrnce Taylor and Lorne -Milison reccnbly attenided a SHAA Leadership Training wcekendý- at Quin-Mo-Lac Camp.479 Mns. Bruce Talo ind( famnily attended Hamipton an- niversany and wýenc supper guests of Mn. anid Ns Bruce Montgcimnery. Mn. and Mns. Titi ,Gordon and Russ aitended the Couuty Cbrysier's hockey. banquet .a',t RESER% the Lions Centre, Bci-wan- ville, on Satunday evening au-id on Sunday Mn. aa;ud Mrs. Gordon aýnd lRuss atlendcedWA L fomr sa member1 and wtîec5 KING ST. WEST 623.5792. ýd Senior Depts. at 10 a.m.. iand Priniary Depts. at 11 iný Chulrcli Parlor IME TO EVERYONE ongregational Picnic, Cedar ay, Jutnc 24 - Dinuer at 1:3*-0.

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