lu 'lhle Canadfian Satsan owmativille, June 13, 1973 Durham Agri* News ACssistani The numnber o)f Field Crop Proeets have been pAced in the County by Don Gallagher, lhe Crop Spcalst. You May be ierested in kenowing where thee willbe lQced, so that yvou can check onthi perfor-mance during the sum-n mer. (Mt and Barley Rod Row Test as well as acre oat plots mill be at the farrn of Mes and ýMrr.ayY'l'Ilowlee's, I. R. 1, ger, at Tanton, also has acre plots of differnt o (at 'aieties. There are bar-ley var1.ieties in acre plots in two locations that of Glenn Larmier of Black- stock and Lloyd Kellogg of Weem.The Varieties are -etCo-nqueWst and Trentý. Fôr Soybeant varieties, Ronm Brooks ofBwmnvlle oss MdcMaster, Taunton: Kari Heeringpa of Fraser vile; BRob havýe nsyand Hairdomne. B3ob aruh dsasoba Stueee's Vret.Gary JeUf- rey, this year, wffll hveornl and herbicide ral.The Alaf arietie(s -- Lloyd Kelg tWelcomne - rnold Geisberger at Taunton. Each fave six ifferent vreis ,\s3 this year, Kari Ileeringa at Fr-aserville will grow a salarea of Horse Beans wbich m.ay bel) a good source of protin in this area. 1 arn sure these farmers Willbeuleased tohv you chck these crops by. Bob Watt Agricultural Representative throughout the season. Spruce Bud Worm May and dune are the months to watch out for, the spruce bud worm. This small, reddish broWn caterpillar %vith a yellow stripe along the side of its body can seriously injure, spruce, fir, balsam, pine, anid bernlock trees, warnis R. A. Fleming. hiorticultural spcc- ialist, Ontario Ministrv of Agriculture and Food. Although fnot a common southern Ontario pest, !he spruce bud worm bas occas- ionally infested the province in fairly beavyý concentrations in past years. These caterpil- lars feed mainly on new buds and g-rowing shoots, beginning at the 'tops of trees and wtrkîng their way down. The1 feeding period generally Iasts1 from three to five weeks and its etfects can be disastrous to ornamental trees. Trees should, be sprayed xwith recommcnded chemicals as soon as the first caterpil- lars are observed. Thorough spraying with malathion or Sevin (Carbaryl) usually cI- iminates this pest. Spraying should be rcpe-ated in a week's timre to enur tat ali of the caterpilar.s have been e(radi- cated and to prevent bth production of further spruce hud worms n ext year. Regulari inspection of needle ever- greens during these crucial montbs, followed by two spray 12-15 Years OId Dept. of Agri*c Seeks Youngster for Rural- Urban Exchange Projeçt andurhp aeasacrîbsOntcdýy. heyoungsters selected ar dt il ir e hnc o" ib e ctedf0parltic- se1c how the other half, liveus ipate as, fully as possible, in the t his smer!eglrle o flthe host For the thrd yeains a ow1ami y. tfeDprmnwfAgiutr vr said jthe program is zind t"Fod wii be sponsorîn a initen ded,"to giv ýe both ex- two we-(ek rurl-rbnCchangees the oppor)il'tunîdty to chneprogram dring the xperice a different way of summr mothsfor oung- lte tan1h orshe bas been sters from the agýs of 1!2 tolSueto". A rurlchild %will get th1, chance to sec what if is like Any child in Onaro is t ,m a12l l eliibe o ariciat i tisapairnen!t bulding or learni progran- an , he ta a how to use 'the transit system noinl 3.)0trnsora ion ialarecit 'y. On the other, chagethee i noco'st hnd c child wilI learn1 nolve or ithe pajr1tiats. lthaf aarmelr is; a bard- roxýiliate'ly Ite same ge, one cactive on11his farman1d Inlbis oterfom a farm cor smal xprene vigive flic city rurl omruntywil b:11lr b ettewPr understand- mated lup by flcxeane1ngoft he farm and ifts Cc)- o rd i naf11o rs. -lieuba poucio ystcm." youth will 'spcnd aj wee'k wt Avery indicated that appli- hlis countlerpart in thle country cation forms are now avail- anmd then thelle wo will return tCo able fhroutgh aIl schools in the t he home of lc city dweller province. Interested young-1 for fth seconldwek sters should pick up the forms1 Veron vcrl aunjiversify- and return -tlem before June studettfrom inda, s25h co-rdnaithe lclpo The first exehange program grm einicat.Ied thaýt ithe will begîn on the f irsf week in ~xchngcis csincdas a July. In ail, there will be four learingexpriece or the exchanges, at two xvcek inter- partcipntsnofa si ho- vafls throughout the summer. Agiteculturâal New Sunday, June H10 -'--Easti- trting -at 10:00 a.m. cm BredrsAssoc. n Saturday, Ju'tne if) - Mill- nuajïl Opn Foue Clba-brook Agiuurl Fr tion frorn10:30 - .p.. and Exhibition.t at Eastern DBreeders Hed June 20-22 - 1973 Horti-o quarters,Kmtile cultural Association Con-n dune 11-13 - osres vention at the Universityh Asoiainof Canadacj An- of Guelph.e nul etigat: Canetoný Thursday, June 21 - Na- Univrsiy. ttaa.tional DlyCouncil ofS usaJ Iu n ec 129 Canada Cheese F es_-ýt i Val Graslad ay 73at heAwards dinner at the 01dA Kemtvile ollgeof A-Mill, Torointo. ricultujral T c cbhn oî1o g7, _ Thursda.y, June 21 - On-n Generat Insur-ance FIRE nd AUJTOMOftILE1, IIARRV ORA 621-3111 or 4'23-3950 ario's Swine Elreecers' Association Field Day at theo Ridgctown Colleg,,e f Agn,,icultural Techll)ogy from 9:00 ar..-8:00 p.m. Thursday, dune 21 - dune Station Tcsted Boar Sale at the R.O.P. Test Station, Waterloo, stanting at 8:00 p.m. Friday, dune!, 22 - Engin- eering Alumni-INi ncty- Ninic anct Tleond" athe Sund I, ue 24 - Dur- han-,County f vJunior Fan-m- er and 4-H1 Spcorts Dyand Track Meet, at Pine Ridge S c ho o , Bowmianville, starting at 1:30 p.m. June 43 - ProvIncial 4-H Lcadershiv Trainipg t MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMiýANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Ope(rator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DX FUEL ODIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMIPT, COURTEOtJS SERVICE applicati 'ons, shlould guaran- tee effective protection, of valuable ornaniental trees iagainsf sýpruce bud worm Trhe safety of cannfed goods stre lstfal wvill soon cone(ern returniuîg cottagers. Canned goods store wvell, but if is wilse to check each can for signs of leakage and for bulges, say food spec,-ialists at the Ontario Food Counicil, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. These two signs indicat- ed spoilage and the canis should be disposed- of. Check rusted areas carefully. Rust is usually the result of poor stor'age, but if locafed along the seamsi it may indicate lekge Dented cans should always bc checked for possi- ble lea,,kage., heeis also the possibility that thie canned goods mav have been frozen. Freezing does not usually afc h wholesomeness ot ane food, although there myb some hreakdown of textuint i fritsý, and vegetab-les.Cra- cd foodis maycudeo separate. fHentinýguuayre stor-es teir oiia oss tency. CIanned goods have a. vary- ing shif life. For the best color, fiavor, anid nutritive value don't store canned foods longer than a yeýar. Conferencwe a't the Univer- siyof Guelph!. Durham Couty' dlegteIs David Lamrof R.R. 1, Black- stock. Tusay unie26 -On- tario Plant Food Cauncil Fertiliser Information Day atý the' Cobourl:g Golf and Country Club. Festiva,-l '73 and Afca Vioet ayShIowv at theý choBellevile, spon- sýored by thle Bleil Tuesday, July 3 - Duir- ham County CH Judging Worksop At te Orono Fairgrounds dom 10:30 a.M. tili 3:30 p.m. JuIY -3, 4 & 5 - 4-H Reg- iona] Conference at Trent Univcrsty. Pcbtrorughl. Wcvdnesday, July 4 - 4-H- Hforse «Juding f"Cliie at the Universlty of* Guelphi. JflýV 8-11 - C1tn>u1iar JL1Y 09- 11 - Annuai i 1S u-m- mer Jr3týkeeplAng S 1) o r t, Couirse at the Uni-versity o'f Guielph, Agriculture F ieldLab oen Stoe ýRoad, Guelph, starting July 9th at 1:30 and continue until 4 p.m. on Jùlyr 11ýh. For more details contact P. W. Burke, Provincial Apiarist, at the University Of Gue-Ilh, Guelph, ont. Tuesday, July10 - Dr ham ,,CounIty -H Judging and Ev-aluat ,irn CompýetÏ- tion at the Orono Fair- grounds. July 10)-12 - AgrIcultural Days and OnitaiaAriul tural Collegý,,e Far-m and Hom-e Wek '73 at the UniversitY of Guielph. Dur- ham,.- Counrty So-il and Crop Improvement Aissoc. will be spconn bus tour to thie Agricultural Days 'nThrsar July 12. For more ýiformation iontS bus tocur, contact theAg- cLtuÉral Office. July 11-14-1 -Canajdian Se-ed Gro)wers Assoc. An.- nual Mýeeting 2at W7ijnipeg, Manitobai. Satrda, Jly 4 -An- nual Su-mmer Meinrg of the On-taniio EBeekeepers Assoc. Lat the Univ'ersity 0f Guelph, giulueField Lab on StonI'e Rd., Guelph. Thursday, Tu],, 19 - Dulr- hamn County Diry rin cess Competition a't the Blackstock Figons TusaJu1ly 19 -Dur- hnm Coun'ty Jior Farm- ers Vaît Nitad mna 0v 111e1. July 1-2- saaA- riculturai Fai;ran Epo sition. Monday, July :2.3 - Dur- hîa m County Holstein Club rwilight Meeting at the larm 0)f Peter H-oogeveeIn, bccue & VaýrietyNgt Thursda, , ý'July 2m -,ul-, Station TestcLd 1Boar Sale' at the R.O.P. T-est Station,' Waterloo, starting at 8ý:00 atraJuly 2-8 - First Ontario Statio-,n T es t ed Rain Sale and Sheep In- formation Day ýat the Shur-Gain Research Farm, Viaple, starting nt 10:30 Prepared by The On- tario ;Mîistrv of Agicul- tune & Food,- 234 Kingý St. -a8t, Bowmranville, On- tario LiC 1P5. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT For the week of June 41-10 inclusive: Admissions ---------- Births, 2 mnaie, 3 female Dîschiarges -- ---------- 8 Major oeain------0 Mirir eain --3 Emerency tcatmnts2'97 Visitingiliours 3-8 pm IIANSON, RECONSTITUTED, PURE, UNSWEETENED ORANGE JUIllCE' GÂRBAGE BAGSTC MUSHROOMS SEACLIFFE, CHOICE OUALiTY WHOLE TOMATOES C OOKIES PEFEAN, IN TOMATO SAU)CE ÀANN PAGE BEANS 10F-C INS 28-FL-OZ [INSJ 7î/,.OZ PKGS- 28-FL-OZ iN MARSHMALLOWS LOWýNEY li-O)Z P SEACLIFFE, CANADA CHOICE T OmATO(IE s CRACK ERS JACORBS EM STLiAIT OLECHC<MNOOOIE SOUP MIX- ROBIN HOOI> i VARIIICS PUDDING MIXES MARVEL 9RANOD, ASORTED FLAVOURS ICE CREAM 19 71 '/2-OZ PKG '/-ZPKGS Or 2 ENVS ?-()Z PKGSI FOR FOR i rINT CARTONS'1 PANTRYI SHÉILF, SW'EEtENEOD OR UNSWEETENED, RECONSTITUTEO ORAý,,NGE JUICE 1911L-0Z TINS EXTRA tONG OR REýAOY-CUT MACARONI PASTASCREAMETTES 14-07 PKGcS PANTRY SHEEFý, SWEETENEO OR UNSWEVTENED, RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUÛIT JUICE 19-FLOZ TINS ROBIN 1400, £6 VARIETIES, CELEBRATION CAKE MIXES 90OZ POUCH PAKS AYLMER, CHOICE, CLJT WAX BEANS 14 FL-OZ TINS FOR B!RNS BRAND, STORiE PA'CK, IIEEF &PORK SacUsages COORSH EANCOUt S,AW Op PototoYSa lad - ýiUFS UAD, B THEPIECE CEN Side Bacon Endc BURNS, PETER PIPER BRAND, BY THE PIECE Bologna FROZEN MAEATS & SEAF' RUPERT [RANO, ïFROZE-N %Cod Fish & ChlipsÇ Sa imon steaks FEASURE ISLýE, PIECES Frozen !Shrimp TREASURE ISIE, FROZENj S5 hrti rp ead SILVERBRIGTROZEN Whole Salmon Hamburg Patties 2 lbbox 19 00 WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES AL( PRICES SHOWN IN THIS An GUARANTEEO EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1973, Â&P POLICY Always do what îs honest and fair for every customer, RAINCHECK: If an advertised sPecial is e-ver sold out, ask the Manager for a Raincheck. If entities You to thse same item at th, same special price thse following week. Or if you wish we'il ,give you a comparable item at thse same special price, GUARANTEE:- A&P offers1 an unconditional nioney-back gquarantee. No matter what if îs, no mcter who makes it, ii A&P seilsisj, A&P guarantees it. lb 48<! RED BRAND GRADE ý'A" BEEÉ OODS Cross Rib Steaks l b s L 28 7< RED> BRAND GRADE "A" EýFr pkgCailifornia Steaks l sl.38 >kýg99 COUNTRY STYLE ý40%à%,Pork, Ribs lb6 sl8 IGreat Buys in Every Departm-yenit!f ACTION PICED SAVE 6t,- OH~ , i - H, . f -ette,,d 4Ot~ Iv, CRUSH BEVERAGES case of 24-1Ofloz zip ToI- frins $z 2 Sandwich Bread 3 24-oz! ocveç 9 BLACK CHERRY, LEMON, LIJE, ORANjGE BLACK RASPBERRY, RASPEERRY, STRAWBERRY Shirriff JEFLLY POWDFRS.'10( 3 oz pkgs 1 0 FOR CAlS (ACTION PRICED, Purina Seajnip 3opg85 DELUE PINT N WITEOR C0ý0UR, TMILET TISSUE White Swan Pkgqof 2 raiLs3 9< DOWNEFiAKE(ACTION PRICEDI Fromen Waffles 3 -o'z pkgs$10 COFFEE OUEEN, fROZEN (ACTION PRICEOf Coffee Creamper 4 4Oo cî $1.00 A&P 8RAND, FROZEN (ACTION PRICEO( PeaIs & Carrets 4 iH-os1 pkgs 11.(0 Sairnoan KEm, TEA ROSE 2 7-, 4os tins $1,00) ALPHABITS is-OZ PKG, SUGARCRISP 13-OZ PlKG Posts Cereals 2 pkgs 11.00 PEPSI-COLA pqT > lO t 1flIRÈË STAR-, PINt ,OR I.FMON, 1100111 Dete!rgent 3 24-fl-, pasicbils$10 A&P BrANE) Saltines 3 16-.oz pkgs $I.()( BERRYLAND, CHOICE QUAITY Baortlett peau; 314 io 10 6ý FI.AVOURS Hi-C- Fruit Drinks 3 48i.t$1 O P'ANTRY SNELF, SMALE Whole Carrots 6on~î~$0 (N TOMAýTO SAUCE Campbell Beans 8 8f z s$1 .00 A&PBRNO CANADA FANCY Apple Sau4ce 6 i4 'iln$100 PGOLLIE BRANO, BEEF, t!IVER STEW CHjNiRS Dog Food si ~1.00 CHOICî 0OUAUTY, CREAM STYLE Aylmer Corn 5 ý5- îî$10 JJust Can't Beat A&P WEÔ Meat! lb 78g ",7 carton 6 8<' NTRE CUIS LB 8c, cut lb 7 8 Great orn a Grill! FIRI FJR IESONLY RED BRANO GR;ADE A E PieRih Steaks lb sl.32 REO BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF 12-oz P 60pkg 20 SX BRAND WIENERS 1 LR VAC PAC 1HIRVAC PAC i-LB BOX sl.28 68< s2.69 ACTION PRICED! NE'A&P OU#AtirY PRODUCYI WNIITE YELLOW, ORANGE, GREEN A&P TOWELS> ofg a 2 roîls$ O ACTION PRICED! SWEET GRFEN or ROPM ATO CmOW CHOW AYLMER RELISH 3 i~~~-i 5.oz ~ O ACTrION PRICED! MÂRTINS, PURE - RECONSTiTUTED APPLE JUICE 3 48-fi-oz tins slOO0 ACTION PRICED! W;ý;te, Pick, MlIow, Gr,c ,Iaýc, WHITE SWAN Facial Tissue 4 boxes of 180- 1 f l 1 Dirli« 00 un w MW w w INff ib 9U .- -ý Bo qwff