I tens oj Recent guests-at the home o Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Langs, High St. were Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Garrow of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Mr, Bil Garrow of th e University of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnstor, Concession St., attended the wedding of their nephew, Davi d, eider son of Mrs. Bruce (Eleanor) Wesley, of Peter- borough, to Kari, youngest daughter of Mrs. Else Hag- niess, on Saturday, June 2, at Christ Lutheran Churcli.-Pet- erboroughI-. On ,,unday, June erborouigh. On Sunday, June lth. Mrs. eseyentertaine< at a tea in lier home in honor o the bride, for relatives, friends and neiglibors. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johxiston of Bowmanville attended the party. Bowmanville and District Canadian Red Cross Society draw was won by Mrs. E. Brooks, Fourth Street, afghan and Mrs. Muriel Jones, Ont- ario Strecet, youth bed-quilt. Alex Carrutheýrs,MP. Durihamn, in a press release fromi Queen's Park, states that Ontarico Housing Corpora- tion is adývertisinig as of May 99, 197;3 for proposais from builders f'or the construction of 26 Senior Citizens units on] land owned by the Corporation on De2'BaquireStreet in Port Hope. The Second 'National Com- petitive Festival of Music will be he]ld at the Canadian National Exhibition on Labôr Day, weekend and will be underwrîtten as a public service by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Some 45 musicians representing the best iiidividual talent in nine provinces will compete Sun- daýy and Meonday, September 2 aind 3, and a "winners"~ concert will be held in the Queen Elizabeth Building The- atre on Monday night. Both cempetitions and the concert are open to the public free of charge. Top winners in'five classes - vocal, piano, strings, woodwinds and brass - froni local festiv-als across the coury arýe invited 'to take part in provincial competiti- ons whichi, in tura, determine who will be choýsen te corne to the National Festival in Tor- onto. Only nine provinces are represented because Quebec Festivals Inc. has declined an invitation to, participate. The %ank of Commnerce under- ries tr(a and accommoda- _101exýpenses for competitors in the iNational Festival and provides first, second and third prizes of $1,00o, $500. and United Church MinhsterT Rev. H. A. Turner organlt Mr. R ' 'Metealt A.R.VT,, A.C.C.M. MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOO0L The source of ail learning is the know ledge o f G,-Êâ Shantymen's Christia n i TRIINITY UNI' Rev. N. Wesley'OakE John Crookshank - Mi SUNDAY,J 11 A.M. -WOF No Sunday Seho( Church School and Coný Park, Hampton. on Sunday, business meeting, contestsjF he were held. AI] did, justice te a F nt pot luck supper, after which a erest few games of cards brouglit 623-303the activities te a close until Recent guests with the H. E. Purdy family were Mr. and >f $50 i eah ofthe iveMrs. W. C. Jackson, Mattoon,- s, categories. Adjudicators for Illinois and Mr. and Mrs. S. this year's Nýational Festival Fergie Munro, Sunderland, Ï1 A are' eminent in the world of Ont. 1 music: Piano: SidneyHarri-. At a baton competition ln If sn o bononEnglnd;Ottawa on May 26, seven year Vocal: Miss Isobel Baillie, old Cindy Langferd took a first , bondon, England; Strings: in Advanced Basic Strut 7-8 le Leopold Teraspulsky, Univer- ýyears;- First in Advanced Solo ' , sity of Massachusetts; Wood- 7-8 years; First in Advanced Z1 ýe wind-brass: Nueo Hovey. T-strut 7-8 years; Second in 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Wreford F.AdacdMitr7-yes ;t Souci, (Gertrude Morris) of and Second in Parade ol10 :Winnipeg have been visiting years. At a competition in if lir iserMrs. W. J. bang- North York on dune 2nd she t- maid (bouise) n Oshawa and took a Second in Flag Baton le spent a day with lier sister and 7-10- years; a Fourth in e husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Advanced Solo 7-8 ycars; and ' d Stevens. Scugog St. and other a Fifth in Advanced T-strut 7-8 \ & f relatives called. They aise years. called on lier brother Mr. and Attending the graduation of *Mrs. C. G. Morris (Ted). Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. f 'Mrs. T. Prout lias returned James, Peterboroughi, Who e after visîting lier daugliter received their Bachelor of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Arts degrees from Trent ýt Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson University, Peterboroughi on y spent the weekend with lierFrdydue8hweth mother and sister, Mr. and parents of Mrs. James, Dr.~ ýi Mrs. Cliff Trcwin anld Mar'k, and Mrs. b. C. Ogburn - Mr. and Mrs. Les Chittick Winston-Sale-'Noth aro and Myles attended the 75th lina MArs. W. A. Edger, Mr. K Graduating Class of Graduateand'Ms on .Jms eNurses for Toronto Western Bowmanville. :11PO sHospital at wbich time their Congat-.ulations té Rozanne B wanvlei y upe -daugliter, Alice Faye received Stackarýiuk, daughter ef Mr pie xvi lose a odien d ier diploma. Accompanygad Mr.A Stcru when Ray Hefferinn (far left) the Chitticks were Mrs. Em- Churcli Street, who receivedCalieas St. o ph'sRomn ima Clark, Mr. and Mrs., Geo. lier l3achelor of Arts degree inaPteoriouChurl or a pos tn iPoUer, Jethroy and Jodean, from Trent University. Fmn P- eteruglis n Jue t -, Mr. and Mrs. John Vander- Miss Carolyn Jane WilsonFthr - feran-spitue m reer Sr. and John Vander- Osiawa, daugiter of MIr. and dhatting with three young meer Jr. On Sunday thcey Mrs. Jcd Wilson, received lier - attended a gradua tîng supper Bachelor cf Arts degree atG r duates 1at Hyatt Regency. . Trent University Convocatin 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. b. Rocmigk ceremonies on Friday. Mrs. rcccntly attended the epening Wilson is the fermer Jane night cf thc Stratford Shakes- Mareriof Bowmanville. pearcan Festival and were On udaJn tha 1guests cf Mrs. H. B. Kenner. their home, Mr. and Mrs. i Miss Christine Biggs rccemv- Gordon Lameont entertained at ed lier R.N.A. diploina frorn dinner the members cf the the Whitby Psychiatric Hespi- District Committee cf Officers taI on dune 8, 1973. She is now from Florence Nighitingale takng sx wek iam ao-Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., and logy course at the hospital. thir wivcs, in appreciation Mrs Blke hor acompn- for their hclp during lis terni ied lier son and daughter-mn- as District Deputy Grandl llaw, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Master cf District 42. Those bShort cf Brooklil, te attend the present included: Grand War- graduation exercises cf Ryer- e fteGadLdcc son Polytedlinical Institute, Ontario, Harry Wade and Mrs. Toronto, on May 3lst, wlien Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ký. the fermcr's grandson and MM'rr, r.ad rs Iatter's son, Robert, received Brian Caswell, Mr. and Ms lis-degreein Urban Plannmng. Alan FarroV, 1Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hartiey Lewis arrived Arthiur Youngmian, Mr. n home last week from a mostMrHebrPol.Jhn. amln intresingfor-wek ourcfFlower Sunday, dune Ith at s of Mr. and M!rs. A. E Central Asia, visiting Iran, Trinity Churdli marked the Haitn R .5 Bwnn Afghanistan and Usbekistan close cf the Sunday School vail.,gRua.c5,frowm ti in soutiern Russia.vil.gautr -mth Mrs.bary TomponOsiClasses. Beginner, Kinder,- Universitycoi Waterlooo)n May awMrs. rar awleypso , hgarten and Primary Depart- 24th,1973,r7 iigaBdi -wMr. Fank rawDeug ments presented flowers and eo fAt Hnr itrY Sarnia, MadMs tgformed na beautiful cross at thedercJonhsactea Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Earl rn ftcdri hs oiinwt eaoCnd Thomipson and Cynthia at- flowers were la ter distributed Ld tended the York University among the shut-ins and those Ld Spring Convocation on Satur- in hcspital., day, dune 9th where barry M n r.N yo Tiompson rcceived i s Vanstone, attended the grad- M.B.A.uation cf their son Rick with a Mr.,Douglas bane and Mr, Bachelor cf Arts degree from Wesley banc rcceivcd their Trent University on Friday, Master cf Science degrees dune Bth. from the University cf Guelphl, Ontario's milk retailers on Friday, May 25, 1973. Deug may be rcqured te dsplay the_ and Wes are sons cf Mr. anid price cf milk and the deposi1t. Mrs. Ross banc, R. R. 4, Bow- on its container separateîy, if manville. Deug is currently the recommendaâtion made te emploed at a Researdch Enviroimment Minister James Analyst with the Farm Credit Auld is adoptcd. This sugges- Corporation in Toronto, and tien lias just been made by Y. Wes s wth Ic Etenm~nthe milk packaging workîng Bradlicf heOntrieMins-group cf tic Solid Waste Task try cf Agriculture and Focd n Force. The Task Force iS MRenfrew County. comprised cf representatives Mr. and Mrs. Ross banc, from citizen's groups, govern- Miss Muricl banc, Miss Chis- ment agencies, and industria] tine Burgess, Stan and John ban~ Mr an Mr. Jm bancassociations; it is currently Lane Mr.andMrs.Jim aneinvestigating solutions to tuis ail attended the graduation cf poinessoîid waste prcb- Dr. William T. Depew Douglas banc and Wesley Im nti rcmed-rcceivcd his degree lin bane held in Guelphi on May tien, tic group stated tiat, if Medicine at Queen's Un.,ver- 25. Following thcy were lunch.i- divrisplayced at thn sity Convocation on May ~4..diU ur. yO the Canadian MentaîHealtii was hemn in Toronto, Ontario, Corden, Blackstock, wien Association. Thc campers, on dan. 10, 1896, the son cf ticr gandauhte Juiefrom Sunday July 15 te Sunday Herbert Thompson and Vic- bynn was baptizcd by Rev. August5, will bcadult patients toria Clisholm Thompson. Rose at-St. John's Anglican and residents of Whitby Psy- Tic father, Herbert Thomp- Churci. chiatric Hospital. A resident son, xvas hemn Dec. 6, 1870, in The Bewmanvillc Womcn's ianagcr, cook and cook's London, Eagland, subsequent- Institute spent an enjoyable helper are i tedneadl rirtn t aaa an's o tage, Cac sa e- on assi st would-be asked te "Victoria Thornpson (nec mans cttae, aesrea onassst ithprograms directed Chisholm) was born on May 8, dune 7th. Aftcýr a short by professional personnel. Tic 1870, n Bruce Mines, Ontario, TED CHU CH staff is'accormedated in and the couple were married !TED oderncabin vîthevery inToronto on Oct. 11, 1895. Tic e, B.Th. - Minister cenvenience. Activities in- eider Thompson was repertcd clude swimming, boating,, hik- te have been an engincer." rîsic Dircctor-Organist ing, cook-outs, eveniagmnovies "We are searching,'" Mr. Ccx and camp-fire siag-songs.A said, "for descendants or JUNE 17, 1973 station wagon is available for other relatives cf thc Herbert outings. Some experience in George Thompson and-or tic kS H IP S ERV ICE crafts would lic an adivantage. Ciisholm ftamily, te siare lar Applications are acceptable thecý estate." r.Ccx said lie until Friday, dune 15, by aise_ scek7ing, peeplýe who may ol1 unitil September tele-pioaiag Whitby PsydhJiat- have. knowen imember.s cf thne rie Hospital.. Chishbolm or Thompson tm igregational Picnic,. Cedar An "erphan fortune" in ilies and can give information dunle 24 - Dinner at i :.;O excess cf $10,000 is scardhing to' hclp them dlaimn their - tîrougliout Ontario and neigi- inheritracc ý'cy H-e-ffer'nan Leaving for Pete..rb.,,orough Reciceatîon Department work- es and pitchied in with the ers- atMeora Park Last consqtructioni. ek fomleftte riht) He lias been -a1failiIiar siglit Terry Eidridge,,don iead at Bowmanville 's play- Don Clark. grounds, at dances hîeld in thle At the last eein t~ the- Drop-ln Centre or sititig Bowmanville TFown Couincil around a, table plaîying,- an Deputy-Reeveý Maurice Prot informai gamne of cards. "I moved te send a letter to wanted to take an interest Father Heffernan. in recegni- because 1 lîke young people, c tion of his work in Bowman- believe in them," he coin- ville over the past three years, mnented. especially with young people- and the various Recreation As Recreation Director Bud programs. H1e has been active- Fanning saîd, "He isn't 'the ly involved with the Drop-Jn type who just sits in the Ce-ntrie at Soper Creek Park churcli and waits for people te .ince its inception and when corne te him. He goes eut and the Centre was winterized gets involved.' during the winter of 1970 Rev' Peterboroughi will be getting Helfernan rolied up his sleev- a good man. Mm.-àand MIrs.,Foster Russeil away at tic Kincardine Diýst- of Cobourg and their son Mv. rict General Hospiaioný Robin Fosterýof Teronto wcvrc Friday, dune 8ti after 'ýI Sunday dinner gueýsts ef Mr. lcngtliy illncss. Funaal as and Mrs. Ed Mflisca and on Monday from tic Kiniloss- daugliters llen and C'athy., Preshyterian Churci at Luck -j Mr. and Mrs Brue . now, Ontario. Mercer and son KennIy cf Mrs. John Moffat, Mr. Wm. Hampton, Mm. and Ir.s. bav- S. Meffat. witi Mr. and M4rs. cm'ne Patterson, MmI. and Mrs. Aleck Miofat visitcd Mr. and Ken Bail were StrdyMms. Grant Moffat and sens evenmng dinner guests cf Mm. and otier relatives at Oakviile Gordon Waiker andi daugiter on Sunday, dune ù3rmd4 Miss Ga(;ýil Walker t iloofl Ws arloni BroenReg, clai. Nuse f th Osaa Genemal Conraulaios t M.)nd IHospita-istaff whc planist Mrs EanM.Quantrfli cf retire this mcinth speat tic ChLitc Steet Soutfi onhir weekcnd with lier mnther Ms 4ti edn anniversary. J. D. Brown and otieru Mm.I . Guater, maýnage-r relatives. et tic Orono iank las beca a iSunday luncleon guests 01et. pai ent athe Oshawa Genemal Mrs. Gco. Morton xvcmc Miss Heospital. Marilyn MeIrton c f Peterboj,,r- Rýev. James Luxon Burgess, ougi, Mr. anýd Mms. bwec ae68, husband et Mrs. Mary Harris and Mr. and M.B3ob P.Mitchell Burgess, son cf tic Morton. late dames and Mary Ann Mms. Mary Jane (Mîinie> (nec buxon) Burgess, bretler Bamabali Saunders, age 96,. of Mr. Gco. Burgess of wife cf tic late Alfred Saun- Georgetown, Mms. Milford dcrs,passed away on Menday, Davis cf bakeficld, Mms. Wm. dune 4th at tie Memmoriaii Rutherford et Kirby, Mms. Hospital, Bewmanville. Fun- Robert Ard and Mrs. Ottoecml was frern tic Barlow Coatliam of Omonio, passcd Funcmal Home on Wedncsday 5 attemneon. Interment Oroîmo Graduates Ccmetery. w Mms. Rudy S. Pcitzcr and son David cf Roscmamy, Alberta, is visiting with her mother Mrs. Sheldon Moffat who is now residing in the house of the late Mrs. Hazel Farrow on Church Street South. U...Unit 6 Pot Luck 4 1-achelle Darieneý Hunît dagrte f lis e ,àleMAy, 6f Sciencue ini Nursbing fmoin Windsor University on May 25 and 26, 1973. She wili be employcd at thc Oshiawa Gencmal Hospital. Says John Pogue,' TD Manager, Bowmianville Leanne Harris rcceived a Baciclor cr f Science dcgree la, Pharmacy at tIic Convcation exercises at tic Uiv-crcsity ocfTorontio. My29ý. Sice is tie dugiter cf Dr. iand Mirs. A.,W. arri, . ow- manvilie. ai-d is prcsentîy workiîng at tlie Sarinia Phar- macy in Samnia, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilip. June 1.3. 1973 bundheon on Wcdncsday neon. dune l3ti at tic home c f Mrs. Roy Tiompson, Lcskard. Mrs. F. 0. Cooper reccntly returncd home. Mr. Harvey Gin has been a patient in tic Oshawa Gencral Hospital for tic past two wceks. S TARKVIL LE Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, Toronto and Mr. Arthuir Falls, Bowrnanvillc, wcre dinner gucsts witli Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey, Sunday. Mr. Gordon Hallowcll, Mount Forest, was a recent dinner gucst with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halicwcll. Tîursday last wcck tic neon luncicon at Shiloli was wcll attended and ail enijcy-ed a picasant time, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbcrt and ilamily, Toronto, are ,ncw residing la ticir home here ýwih was tic fermer Herb Reid farm., Mrs. Llew Hallewel and Mrs. B. Caswell attcndcd a demonstration Thumsday evening last weck at Mrs. Keiti Weod's home, Sixth bine. Miss Beulah Haliowell, Tor- ente, was a guest at Mr. Sid Hallowell's last week. Next Sunday Rcv. N. Wesley Oake, B.Ti., Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, is te be tic guest speaker at tic anniversary service at 2:,30 p.m. at Sui with special music by tic Allen family cf Newcastle. 4., LONG SAULT A lovely sliower was neld fnr Miss Sharon Saunders. Utica, on Saturday afteraoon at the home cf Mrs. D. Southwell. Mr. Everett Gallagier, Lakcficld was a Sunday din- ner and suppér gucst cf lis sister, Mrs. G. Bernard and family. Miss Barbara Bermtley and fricnds, Oshiawa an dMr. Edgar[ Slecp and fricnds, Ajax visited with ticir Aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson on Sunday. Sincere sympatliy from tic Community te thc Murphy families in thc loss cf a vcry dear mother, Mrs. Editlî Murphy, on Sunday. Thank goodncss tic big Can-Am, race lias cerne and gene again fer this year. We'll ail lie aile te get our wrccked fences mended and pick up the broken beer and liquor botties tha t werc lef t or thr.own in pasture and liay fields and get evcrything in slip shape conditions and al la readiness for thcm te start ail over again during ncxt ycars Can-Arn. They sure played havoc witi Mosport's Rail fonce. WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES IIONDA MOTORCYCLES New -Usced 1 JOHINSON OUTBOARD MOTORS -BOATS HARDTOP TENT TRAILERS ahiat ONTARIO SPORTS (irono Hwy. îJ5 983-544 Be2cause ýit lakes so m-uch nmey jst to get by Ihese days sainga fw dllas ot of eacIa cheque up.lnsca ofsavngthose fe dollarsyo end up spndnglhm.Toront Dminonba a solution for yýoui . t'scalled Cashi-bui]dier; the 'set and forget' You tieli us how much yoeu think voui can manage to put 1into your savings account, and once a mon.îh. every othecr week or w,,heneuver you--say, we'll auto- mratic:ally\ trainsfer that amount from your chequing aco ntito your savings account. This way you p robably oni't even miss iL Evnif yoýu already have a Premniumi Savings accont.Cashbuiderwill ensure àa successful samg rogrammine. And if yuvjstiiishcd paigof an, yýou caýn keep on pu-tting %:aside those m nonthlY paym-e-nts--and pay youarself! Unlike somesavig prgrames,îour money is flot lied Up). Youl can uise il any lime you want---for a vctofor a car, or even. the down payment for al ho -iS e.,l k tCus ,a boutLilCaý shiI-b uild f. E It's thenecw way~~ 10svea oronto Dom-inion. Se.e what a differenPce It 1makes 10 you. To.oNTODLO MIîNION The bank where people mrake the difference. J,.W. Pogne,AManager 3orprac tee omniOtario "Sur, svin isa prolm Butwhaimtyudtse you doni 'ts, w 4 4 w 4 w 4 4 w 4 w 4 4 4 w 'i.. w w '4 4 4 4 w 4 w w w w w 4 w w w 4 w 4 4 4 w w w w w w w 4 w 4 4 w w w w w 4 w