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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 10

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16The Canadiani StatLeý,man, Bowmanville, June 27, 1973 Duroham ïnAgriNews by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representative POISON 1 YCONTROL. As you are, probably aware wve are well' into Poison Jvy time. This woyperennial consists of Jeaves which have thre-e leaflets and certainly craeproblems if people come in contact with it. Some of the characteristics cuf this plant are stalk of the middle leafletis longer than the other two side lae.Ail three stalks are jie oehrat the upper end of one much longer stalk. The upper sur- face of the leaflets are inearly smooth and somnetimies hiave a glossy or varnished appear- ne.The under sides of the leafblets may be finely hairyaY ovel, or ran-ge all the way [o having virtuaihly no hairs. The ediges of the leaveýs may also be jaggedy nor relativelv smnoothi. Severaýl chemnicals are avia I o control this wéeed, one, of the mïain( ones hihcan be, easily obtained at most suppliers and hard- wvare stores is tilvpx or Fienoprop, this should be appied ut a rate of 4 unce (12 oz.) in three gallons of water. Thoouhl wt aill[he foliage, genieraly thetw or three gallon sprayer is the most convenient method of applying thie herbicide to patches of' Poison Ivy. After sprauyîng the aeashould he lef alne nti l te plans die then thdead stems ýshould ho aid àMrs. Glbr app and famity aýre homie [rom G ýoose Bay; witb he (latter's parentsMr and Mrs. R. Fraser and thiey w ii soon be movingto Campl)Bormdenl. Mr. and MUrs. Ken Knox, Petersburgh andiss ýDor- othy Kitchen, Woodstock, spent the weeUýkend with MAr. anld Mrs. John Kox Mir, and AMrs. IHarryKnox visited on ýSunday w ý\ith Mrs. 'Wmn. Knx. FivswLodge, Mru and Mrs. Keýith Rowe, viior itb Mr and Mrs. Geo. IKnoýx Mru and s. Enest Hk ad(Iay spent Sunday at 'IlMussel- mian's Lakeu.1* Ran11dyland Dale Freiag, O)shawa, spent the weeýkend with Mr. and Mrs - Everett Mr. and Mrs. oss Cry- dCi-nnmwre Friday evenng caHIers monMr. èAn r. Tom Miore, London Mr. anýd Mrs. os Cry- dermnan spont thewee'ýkend flat MaLIniuljin and aso called on Mr. anid Mrs. GenLarmner and boys, Bla(kstock, we-re Saturfday exening ,calers on AIr. and Mr-s. Briuce Tayloî- andfamly. Mr. and cMrs. Don Taylor and faily isie on Sunday wiA r. andi Mrs. A. F. Aberniethy MMaidIa, Miss Birenda Schidt and Tiffany. itchener, spent tho wýeekend flwýihAMr. and NMrs. Frak Wstlkeand famihy. M.dM rs. Bruce Reyne o4s rihur and AMr. aind Mrs. I-hrve Yelolees and Waynie wore Sundayviitos itbhMr. anId Mrs.WeYeowes Mri.>and Mrs. Robert Black- humt entertained lon Sunday folloring the christeing of their daughiter AIndreýa Eliza- beth. Those present were Mr, gatbered up and buried. Evenj at this stage, care sbould be taken as poisoning may be1 brought about by handling the dead plants. All treatments are most effective when thei poison ivy is in full leat and growing actively [rom about June l5th to Juhy 3lst. WATER M IEED, - CONTROL Legishation established under the Ontario Water Resources Act provides tbat a permit must be obtained by any\ person applying herbicid- es or other pesticides [o water or a water course for the purpose of killing or alfecting plant oranimal lite. Reguha-f tions however have been passed whicb provide two exemptions [rom [bis require-f ment. No permit is required hyv a.person xxbo treats a pond or reservoir wbicb is wbolly eniclosed by his property and which has no outtioxx. Aso emnergent plantsý in a drainage ditcb may ý,be treated without the authority of a permit if a person ue a substance containing 211D or otber produ(,ctregistered foi- control under Pest Control Products Act and used in accordance wýitb the directions. If bowex-er you would need to apply for a permnit, application forms are available by writing [o tbe Biology Section, Registrýy of Environment, P.O. Box 2r', iRexdale, Ontario. One of the main chemiicals which i s used for control of Algea and Pond Scum inwae is copper si)pate or Bluj.e Stone which i's ailabkI)lrom anumber of sore.lt should be ape at the rate ,of 1.4- 7 lbs. per acebtof aer o be treatedj. Onie acre fot cao be calculated b1) nmultiplying ,the surface-area by the average depth, which willgive the total volume in cubic feet, then divide the total by 43,560. Another method is if calculat- ing it in acres, simply multiply the number of acres by the average depth to give acre leet. At the 'concentrations mntfioncd before Copper Sul- phate is non poisonous to most fish and Iivestock. Il may be disolved in water and applied to the pond surface as'aspray or it may be placeýd in a buriap bag and dragged throuigh the wate aluntil, it is disoîx cd.Iltis implortant to insure a thiorough mixing of the chemoicalin rithe pond, Lt has a concent-ration of over one Part per milli may be poisonous to animal or fish particularly in soft water. More detailed information concerning control of these' water weeds or control of Poison Ivy is available froin the Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food, Bowman- ville. Cathcart were Miss Catharine Stewart and Mrs. P. Brima- IN A combe. and, Mi-s. Farewell Bakun Mrs. W. TI. Foster, Mr. and Sale; M. ad Ms. ohnMrs. Wayne Foster and Paul were in Simcoe on Saturday. Kingborn and tamily, and Mr. Mrs. Fosterý visited ber uncle and Mrs, Brian Blackburn, Mr. Hugli P. Hall wbo is ili in Zion. Mr. and Mvrs. Frank bospital. Cook,. Mrs. Edith Mitchell, There was a miscellaneous Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broomie and shower oni Fridaýy cevening at Kelly. Bowmnanville: Miss the home of Mr_ and Mrs. BieîaSchmidt anid lilfaniy, Richard Foster in bonor of Kitchene r; Mr. *To)m Cook, Miss Doris Robinson, bride [o Court-ice, and Mr., and( Mrs. be of Mr. Robert Foster. Frank Westlake. Gordon, Co-hostesses weme Mrs. Brian Shirley and Kevin. Foster and Mrs. Stukle of St. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. Catharines. The bride roceiv- RoetBlackbur-n and Andrea ed many beautiful giftsý. A ;xreM. and Mrs. Cariînan tasty. lunch was semvedi. Xvstak, Osbaxa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bra-id- Mrs. red Griffin. Enfield shaw of St. Cathaines were and Mrs. Russell McLu' li Sunday visitors with M.andc ('nesare. were Thursdiay cal'- î.Rg.Ehot lerswiii M. an Mr. Fank Miss C. W. Stewart and ber lor xst M. nd \Is.Frnkfriend Mms. P. Brimacombe were in London on Sunday M r,. and< Mrs. Doug Flett and visitîng Mr. and Mrs. Brian LindaMr Ken Barrie, Bow- Browvn, manv lle: Mi-. n Mrs. Mur- Thoewa a family gather- r-ay Vle,1\Mr. and Mrs. Don ing at the htome ýof Mr. and KEýllettý and Terry, Bown- Mrs. John Fonk for a picnic v ille;ý Miss Pennl Leach wei-e supper. Those attending were Sundaiy visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster, Mr. -nnd Mrs., Allan Youngman, Tor- Mrs. Jerry Byers and family on ýto. of Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Mliss Dorotby Sullivan, Es- Robert Carruthers and famihy sex: Mriý. Ruth Churchill 'of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Windsoi- isited a couple oi Wayne Foster and Paul of days, last week xitb, Miss Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Leach, Tom Foster of-Orono. 1 Returning home [bis week KENDALfreom a visit in Virginia are KEi'L'rDALMr. and Mrs. Allen Foster, On Tuesday tho public Mrs. M. E. Foster also Mrs. school pupils of Clarke Town- Leighton Walsh of Vittoria. ship met at Kendal Park for Mis. Amy Cowie of Norwich their annual Tabloid Field bas been staying with Mrs. Day. The pupils were divided Mnîîatt. intlo [eams with each team Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomip- takingp part in ai events. The son from- Delta Bfritisbî Col- girh witb [ho higbest numbor umbia called Frid1ay ven of points vsas Nancy Alin and on Mr. andc Mrs. R Ellîott [ho boy was Grog Gomam. The adies of [ho P.T.A.RoeC e served dinner [o the teachers.Jn RoeC r On Wednesday evening [ho Cool. wet ete!ale W4omon's Institute beld their this sp ring mnay baemenour- 'Lunobeon is Seved' dînner in aged some contmion ros tho Sunday Sebool room. diseases, xvarns IR. A lm About eigbty people sat down ing, horticuhltu-al speciahiist. [o [ho deliclous dinner provid- Ontario MnstyofAgiu ed by [ho tbree ladies repre- turc and Food. senting many food comn 1ý)ies. Tpioo0yursebhs Folowing [ho dinnier pictures o roeohour roe ushaes were sbown on preparing aind iagshud ospne advertising [beir proýduots,. 1[ witb a good fungicide-insecti- proved a successfu roe m ide imixture ex-ey 1 das [ for [ho Women'sLinstituite. two xeeks, particula1a-l fer MIr. and Mms. Johni Hend heavy main. When properlN soni and sons lef(i early ast npplied. these inaterial]s week on holidays. shouid do a good job of Recent visitors xitbHe[Ilen controlling blackspo( disease, Bo-,d(!wore Messrs. R'onald Botrytis bliit - a soft broxxn and) Jamies Clanscy and 1[heu- ()enring s'tn î'nse huds -and girl friends from Tor-onto, postsý such as aphid s. spider Mlrs. P. Brîmacombe [rom itei(s, lent hoppeî-s. and Devon England arrived a chafers. week ago Sunday for a tbree Tborougb weekly watering week visît with ber frîend Miss in dry wxenther will lielp tol C. W. Stewart,.' produce beau[ifuh rose Tuesday evening visitors bl ooms., It is important [o w3yith . anziid Mrs. Garland --A-, -, MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM, FUEL 011 and STOVE OIL BO0WMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DX FUEL O 0IL CALI, US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE wvafer tne soil arouno tne roots , f(lot ho- ]paves. Dise-ase, sp-eadls mreeasily vwhen GenralFoods Expaniding General, Foods Ltd. an)- nounced on Jtîne 7tb [bat a new $7 million plant wil be added [o [ho General Foods complex in Cobourg. The 83,000 square ft., two- storey building wil h built on [ho west side of Ontario Street in Cohourg, nortb of [hoL ex.isting plant. One [thousand people are presentfly employed by Gen- oral Foods in Cobourg. The new processing and warebous- ing facilities, wbicb are slated [o begin operations by late 1974, are expec[ed [o mean a graduai increase ini employ- ment. The Cobourg plants produce such produets as Post Cereals, Jell-O, Minute Rice, Kool-Aid and Gaines dog foods. Lf IThin Dimes - Fat savings! IN5 TOMATO SAUCE iCatelli Spaghetti 8f-ztn1o JE LOOrange Crystals 3",2o pkg 109' J, ELL-0PITCHER PERFECT INs PUDDINGS Lemonadé Crystals l2' GAITUSC Tomnato Sauce HNeiSoup TOMATO SAUCE BFOSTON VEGETARIAN Ann Page Beans ff 10ýr 10ilozti 47/2-fl- ttn10 While Supplies1 Blacir Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Rbspeerry, black Raspbevry, Strawberry Shirrif-f Jelly Powders 3 .; pkg 10< YUKON CLUB Strawberry Soda PEA OR VEGETABLE Habitant Soups INSTANT Idahoan Potatoes CHICKEN NOODIE Lyons Soup, Mix RED TOP Dog Food READY1 CII? MACAROI OR SPAGHETTI Creamettes COARNG MIX 4C Crumb & Bake WHITE, PINK. YELLOW. ISLUE Conadelle Soap (PL.US BTL DEPOSIT) 30 fi-oz bH 10< 8fl-oz tin10 33/4-oz okg 10 2' 2ozopkg 10 tin 109 Stoclk Up -Save!i C'"OCA 4- COLA hIP TOP TIN 7-oz nkg10 Pkg of 2 nvs 10< Reguior size bar 10OF IF'ROZEFOOD0 VALuEs!I W141.tE Oe PKINK *QI ACrNICO 1Kent Lemonade 6fo i 0 ORANGE, GRA;E, STPAWBERRY, FROZEN (ACTION PRICEDI Joubi Dessert il 0< VALLEY FARM, CHOICEý FROZEN (ACTiON PRICED) French Fries 9 oz pkg10 MeCAIN. FROZ'EN. SH'OEST"ING <ACTION PRICED) French Fries 2 -lb pk, 55C IOUTSTANING B- AKER Y VAUES! JANE PARKER (Hq-a"sosyDeser . .ut e ts i Fc , 14 A YGEL CA .E LARGE Sill CAKE JANE PARKER Lemo n Piýe JANE PARKER Spanish Bar (ACTION PRICED) (ulIl8-imcl, 24-ozi pie5 3< (ACTION PRICED( Cake 2 19-oz cake 89<% JAN£ PARKER, RAISIN Twist (BUy 2 CAKES- SAVE I7l ICoffele Cake 2 14-ez cakes89 JANE PARK<ER , SAVE lo0 Chelsea Buns ra 1d6-oz pkg59< SIICED-é0% or 100% Whole Wheat or rce Wheat (ACTION PRICED) B reoid' JANE PARKER 324-oz lGaves '79Y Royal Charger Ginger Beer, Grape, Creans Soda, Cola, Lemon- LimneQ Rickey, Orange-, Roof B3-r, Tom Collins, Club S"d YUKON CLUB (PLUS 8TL DEPOSIt) ALE 30 ÇLOZ B 1L 61/99v RED BRANO GRADE A' BEEF. Blod~e e Cross, Rib S7teaks Chuck Steaks, California Steaks Shoulder Steaks Prime Rib Steaks RI.,RSOtLY Smoked Hami Steaks Groun,%d Beef- FRESH DAILY IIEINZ SP ECIALS A AÀ& p II MIX & MATCH-Hot Dog, Hamburg, B ..., Sweet Relisît (ACTION PRICED) Heinz Relish 3 i2-fioz iars $100#% N TOMATO SAUCE <ACTION PRICED) Heinz Spaghetti 48-'fI-oz in 49< MIX & MATCH-Plain WIsh Onion, WitI Onion & MusIsrooms Heinz B.B.Q. SAUCES 3 .13-fl-oz jars $1 .00 PREPAREO Heinz Mustard WITH TOMATO SAUCE Hîeinz Beans 4 HEINZ -1H TOMATO SAUCE Néodle Numbers 4 2,6-fi-oz iars 3 5< <fio ns$1.00 2 14.fi-oz tins 4 5< AUL PRICFS SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTE EFFECTIVE TUIROUGH SATURDAY. )UNE 3£1h, 1973. A&P POLICY Always do what is horest and fair for every customerý RAINCHECK: If an advertised special is ever sotd out, ask the Manager for a Raincheck. If entitles you btIste same item at the same special pricehen foilowing, week. Or if you wish well give you a comparable item at thse s.rme special priceý 1 1 GUARANTEE: A&P offers an uncor.ditional rnoney-back guarantee. No matter mIsat if s,. o a .ter wIs makire, tif A&P selif, A&P gu.aatýes W A.&P WEO MEAT VALUES! atau1. 1-- - - lbW Y S X W V eners 2 lv lP,,,$1.28 i lb vac pac 0Ou 'b$1.,28 Pork Ribs (OU NTIRY -STYLEt lb $.08 lb$.08Pork Side Spare Ribs <b $1. 38 1b $1.08 ilb 98< BRNS BRAND, STORE PACK. L78 Sousages BEEF & PORK b SX BRAND, NIAGARA, VISI<ING, Bologna IN TE PIECE lb4 < blb 1.32 SX FIRANO, 3 VARIETIES, SIE C ooked Meats lb SHOPSY OCR COORSH, COLE SLAW OR lb$.18Potato Sailad lb 99< SPR IN BRAN, SLICED Side Bacon ~ Shrîmfp Cocktail 16 oz 'ssac pac 8 8< 24 z, atn6 8< -lb vac pac si.08s pkg of two-4-Dz jars 78<Y DETERGENT (ACTION PRiCED) S unlight Powder K(NG SIZE 5-lb box $1 .6 9 POLISH (ACTION PRICEOf Bicks Diii Pickles 48-El-oz jar 6 9 SWEET MIXEO (ACTION PRICEUf Bicks Pickles 32-f l-oz iar63 BETTY CROCKER Hamburger Helper pkg55 HasIs Oner 6-o1, PotètO Sroganoff 64-oi, Beef Noodie 7.2-o, Chili Tomato 7 2-on, Cheeseburqer Mcare 8-oz, Tomate Roma 8.4-on WASHINGTON, SWEET, MEATY, LARGE SIZE. No, IGRADE4 'CHERRIES89 IMPORTrED WHITE, N. 1 GRADE ~h e-. J, JOHN F. Generat 1Insuranf.ce FIRE anid ATMB [NSURANCE Contact: HARRY VOERCMAN 623-3111 or 623-3-950 33 KIING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE !ni

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