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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 12

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-l'le Canadian Statesn Sincere rympathy is ee- tended to Mr. and Mrs Henry Visser mnd famil3 on the sudden death of hi father ln Hollandi. Mrs. Norman Johnston spent Fridiay evening wit her sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs. C. Berkstead, at Alliston. On Tuesday Mrs. fohnstone had lunch with Mrs. M. Reynolds of On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sad- ler cilled] on his mnother, lMrs, Robert Sadier, in Bowmranville. In, the eveni- ing they Uttended a Hack- ney execuitive meeting in Hlespeler - and remnained o)vernight wîth friends. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mac- Kenzie of Toronto visited for Sunday evening, din- ner at the Sadier farm. Mr. and MIvrs, Harley jackson were guests on Sat1urday at the wedding of lier nieýce Miss Shel1ý Rice and Mr. Allan Mac Pher-son in Scarborougi United Ch-urch and the ce- ception at, the home of the bride'ï parents. Bel'a ted(J congraýtulations to Mr, Larmen IHyland who obsec-vedJ his 84th birthday on June 12th. Guess 0on Sunday, June lth, to honor hiim on this unique occasion w,,ere Mr. and Mrs. Jimo McMullen, Pointypoo)l, Mr. and Mcrs. Howard Suctton,Mc and Mrs. Maurice SameiUs and Wenidy, ail1 of Peterboro. On Thursday ý,afternoon Mrs. George H4easlip and imrs. ;'ce MWygerde cal led at Cartwright Public' Sehool when -Mrs. Heaslip presented the Womten,'s In- stitujte prizes to Anita De Jong and Nancy Perigoe, the winners in writing proficienicy. Nancyv was not presenît to acether gift as she w;as hospitaliz- ed with an appendectomy. Her teacheýr will pass tLhe cift on to her Mr- Larry Jackson hias mian, Bowmanville, June 27, 1973. STLETON been accepted by the Ry- erson 5chool o f Techniol- gy, Toronto, He wil]l comn- mnence his studies in the fail gemnester. On Friday, June lâth, Mrs. Helen Cornell and Mrs. Ruth Grandel travel- led by Air Canada (jet) to egna to attend the wed- dig1 tl iec, Miss Janice Wo aughter of Mc. and Mrs. Alfred Wood in Regina. During their sojourn there they were guests of their brother, the Alfred Wood .family. It was their 4pleasure bo also visit Mrs. Teresa Grandel, Mr. Grandel's mother, and many other relatives. They returned home on Thursday, June 21, after a dellightful vaca- tion of, renewing farnily contacts. Hlelen, Ruth and Ai!fced are the family of Mrs. Ann Samelis in Nes- tleton., On 8aturday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs ac- companied, by their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mairs of Black- stock, attended the, annual Cooper Family picnic at Elgin Park in Uxbridge., Mr. an-d Mrs. Gordon Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs enjoyed a square dancing, party at, the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowson on Scugog Island. On Saturday night about 15 couples were pre- sent and they had the- novel experience of dlanc- ing on the grass. Hlot dogs and hamburgers conclud-- ed another friendly get- together. Saturday evening visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and lamily, Tyrone,. rs Dorothy Chapman an d family, North Bay, are va- cationing with hec Parents and other relatives. Other Sunday evening dfinner guests with Mr. and M1ýrs, Bowers were Mc. and _Mrs, f1arry Lynch and Mc. ý1nd Mrs. John Fratail"ochi of Lindcsay, to honor a couple- o!f birthdays. Satucday and Sunday callers with Mr. and Mr. Grant Thompnson at thleir cottaige at Viewlake were Mr- and Mrs. Wallae Marlow and the Neil Bail- ey famnily'o! Blackstock. Severai Nestieton and area residenis attended the presentation, in Yel- vecton United Church Hall ta honor Mr. and Mrs, Orval Quackenbush ,on, their ?5th wedding anni- versary on Saturday even- ing. Many Cartwright ce- sidents also attended the 25th anniversary party to honor -Mr. and Mcs. Gerald Stinson (f o rmier Cari- wrIght residents) in Whit,- by on Saturday night, In tact one couple was at both celebrations- quite a busy evenlng! Mr. John and Miss Mvar- nie Elliott, Oshawa, visit- ed for Sunday evening supper with Mc. and Mcs. Arthur iMcColl. Susan and Cindy. Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David 1spent the weekend at thir campr- on the shores 0ofGen Lake. There'seems to be wonrk this yeac for studenits who arc amnbitious,. Rob Mý,airs, whiogrdtd from Trent UJnivecsityv, is empl-,)oyedl wvith his father, Mr.,or m-ran 'Ma1irs. Dianne -,'Van- Jercul, a studeunt ai Du;- ham College, is rcepio0n- ist and secrebacy with Dr. Johnin diE owmran - ville. lene De Jong, of Guelph U7niver-,isity is enm- ployed by c Don Frew;v Elaine Me oaf foais College, elvle is atý chnz StpigStone Nu- sery Schoolin Os:Ja S u san M-ýcColl 0 f Ladyi-, EPabon College, Peterbor- o)ug2h, is working,. atFa. mingo Pastries. Port Pe.r- ry; Valerie Frew ,oif Duc'- ham College is with Pît Perry Star; Bru.ce Fish 0of Victoria ClegToronto., is with C-LCA 1ý(Cefntral Lake d-ntairio Conýserv- tion iAuihoc-)ity), oshawa: Kevin 1{ollaknd of Dîa Clgeis employed1 in th'ý offiýceo! Genecal lMotors, b'andCindy - Coll of abrgh { Sehiool woks for weed an the Fisb and Cis Caesarea. Sunday sppr ustL witb McVI. and îMrS. Guidon Mietcalf were M.adMs and Mcr. Bruce Fisýh,R. Blackstock. Mc. n Ms.Aci Stinýson, Berton aýnd Dn ise, of Catstro VaLiey, Coli fornia, were evenIîn-g din1- ner guests on Monday i-f last week, with Mr, îand MrS. Bruice Heaslîp. Mrs. John iBuchan adJ DogaLinidsay, visitedcý oni Sun1day with hecImo tiber, I1vrs. Ivan Proutt, U1nited cChurch Sunday School Fionie Owîng to the excessive ramn onÏ'Sunday, thc Sun- d ay School picnic, which was scheduled iàs an oui- door activity, was bheld in thle SuindaY Scbool roomn at the church. Inidoor games were played. ELacri clhild evd candies and a book. lenjoyedth lunch Off1,ot dog, freshi or coffuee Those assisting ,weýrc n Davis, B-renda H-1a i n ec, MaiemcMillen',,1Jean Williams, Hele- Vnean Dennîs Mlol.in a0pre- iation l0f. the efforts of Denlise MlomKent, a, cup and safcer, as a tang- ible ceminder of! Nesileton children, will be Prescrnt- ed to hec. The efforts of the teacbl- ers are much appreciated as these little ones are ISOTOX G-arden Spray Compiltly nIew iormulation of this multi-purpose garden insecticide. Nowv contains META SYSTOX to give sysbemic action plus Carbaryl and Keithane. Sy' temî1c action enables partl of the insecticide to e ibsorbed internaliy thirough c!af and stem -(u.face-b tu provide longer, more effective ORTH Cotrels manmy iinser't pests on roses. fiowvers, gïarde,ý spray C inainsspca spreadier for outstandingi spray, ORTHO SPRAY-ETTE 4 Sprayer.Sprys4 galins Ofauoacly mxdand properly dilutfd spray materjI, Pdeteinternilmetering lets assmue ccu- Fast sryîg No pumiping. no mixing ! Optir aIes onioria-1 prssure from your gajrdeýrt -Coivemninthole im combortable thumb temst controis napplication of spray materiai. myet~4-Light n weight -spray ecoure gqarden vwithorit tîring. dsabespray (defiecimto 0spray tup, down adsideways.- . , easily remôoved for jet streami o reach highý places. ALL FOR ONLY $5*9 8 o O O O Insurance Firm Maorks Bikes for Theft Protection~ bngtaught in their for- F'ollowing the theme) mrative yeacs. There wJIll hymnn and the Lo(ird's pc", - be nio Sunlday School un- er, the presidetMrs Neta tii, September. H-olland reaýda poem ,"Gond Sunday Services is; Real". She bane4the Presbyterian bostersw ccdmi In the Pres bytbe r la nwhdala apy o- Cniucch Su1ndaýy morning, day, durinL 'lie sm mc, Rick Glass coercsa hr def "Sait" aýs the themle of his nmeetings in July oer A message, tak-ing his texb t- fromn Matthew 5, verse 13: Mr.WlrdVne'.w "Ye are, the sait o! thle was in chage f bc 1- earbh; but if the sait haveý tional, c hosýe the _ 23rdC losti iS savour it is hençe- Psalm, -The Lordý is N'y forth gcood for noting.L," Shepherdî", as the topýc i!-r In the eacly days thece, her me.ssageý. Asaiýnt- weeno chujrche(s, no col- d1uétionMss al Mal- leges. Small gcoupns spcead colm ag TeLodi the Gospel. Dedicated peo- My sheupherd- la ber pie are needed today to usa eihfui mfln& spead that Gospel. If peo- MrsVie ead ihe I11n,~ pie lose their ambition îc~lto f thei, alm nd are not dedicabed, me ymn"Th K -go thery also are good for no-Loe yShprd s~ thling in, the Christianwaihnug Tis is an world, Peggy and Allîsonadptino th Psm Scott sang a duetl-Hrc akrFlo~ United Churcb i- this theJpnsevr bt the UnitedChuchsion was read. This fýAvor- Reverend Victor Pacsons '1ti' Psalm,rerdss f chi se- "Living AIl of Life" racelauge, or relig ion, as the subnject foc, his ser- hias, the sarie uid ersai moreading' Ephesians i mei(ssage o! loive for al!. 5-13. He spoke of "Anina M.,rS. Norman Mairs, sc one- o! the wamnnin Bible rearyread the m in'utes bliîrs , who ai 84 yeacrs of the NMay meeting and xvas livin-g ail of lie.Sh corresponderice. A letter dîid not Live in t. pait (-;ed from Mrs.Ralphi but was inter'ested jr in tc Laîmie, conci.mrlg Active prsn adxas looking nie Chur-cn Chrisilan fowrto the tuture, A- oc.Thc scouIrage. siorcizes a d vIc dedication, an out-reachi :hould rnot be given to00 and concern. frcely bt1he yunefoik. Four cards were signed Older people are some- foc) the iii tLheshti times wrong. Be a part of The group î, sending Miss d,._v- ivin, not qagainst. Gail Maicolm 10 Camrp Twoý Hymn books, a gifi Quin.Mo-Lac ln Septe-m- f1rom Mcs, Arthur Hyland ber. Several recipes -were tin memciory o! hec parents, submitted for the niew 1ih< laie Mc and Mrs, Wmi 'Cook Book which wiil be McCabe o! Lotus, wer, completed dui-,r 1 n g the dpdicaý-tedj by Rev. Pacsons summer. The president in ai npiprssive service. andl sec r eta ry -are în Presbyteriani Ladies' Aid charge o! this pro.ject, A puasnt uremeeting For bbe sbudy topjie, Mrs, Af pèleatne idNorman Mairs cho-se "Gar- was held on Tuesd.ay, June den Flowecs" as the theme 6th. at 1:30 pm. .h2n scv- for hec message, Flowers have the samre eral ladies o! Sony'a L-caatrsis~ epe dies' Aid xcre guest S. Mrls aateit a epe H', Vissec\ welcomred al in sorne are fragile, sorne and pend te hrs ,some bruise easily, attendance forish anywhee meing wi 1 thehymnand are flot easily discour- "Wlat a Friend we haed einc.ronn in Jesus", followed by theaed euna.monn Lord's Prayer. glociri1es and nastuct iumns The devotilonai was tak- !rom South America graw en by MIrs. R. Davîson, in harmony with zinnias uising Jonah 4: 6-11 with and macigolds fcom MeJ_(xico explanation, and prayer. and snapdragons fcom Eu- Miss Ruth Prouti read rope. Gladiolii fromn Afri- the minutes o! 'May neb-caonaîsem gowb ing and gave a report o! ide chrysan t hemriumso1. finances. Severai !riends from Asia and sti-aw Flow- had made genecou-ls dona- ers fcom Australia. Tulips. thons, including one afber the he-ralds o! sprîng, or- a recent funeral. Business iginate in Holland. Al discussion followed, and cultures and nationalities the Julymeeting le to be are blenided in .one univer- heid at the homeý o! Mrs. sa] melt.ing pot as we gaze Cecil Wilson, Port Perry. 01the beaubiful loofe wibh Mrs. G. Gillson as- ,e batui lom sisting. The 'project of selling "Pcaying Hands pens" is proceedlng, tb add 10 our funds. The roll caîl1 using a Bible verse containing the word "'Love" was answer- ed by 12 members. An Invitation to attend( tbe Anniversary Service of Sonya Church at Il a.m. on Sunday, Jutly lst, fo1l- lowed by a luncheon, was exte(nded to the Nestlon congregation, Followlvng the hymn "Blesi be the tie that binds" the Mîzpah bene- £ diction was repeated. L Teprogram consisted " o! several readings by Mrs,. H. Lee, with Mrs. ,Grant Thompson accom- M D P paing with sofi pia-no S music, was enjoyed by al.ý 0E Two contests were hceldIN S 1 E by Mrs, H. Lee and tche wvinners were Mrs. Edna371 %Q Lee and Mrs, Evelyn U Hal-1 Gý-N liett, both o! Sonya. The lucky chair prize went te Miss R. Prouit and Mrs. Evelyn) Halleti won the u l' lucky cup and saucer I prize. Ail enjoyed the sa- j O8 cial hour spent ln chatting avec- a bountiful lunch and tea and coffee. Cçxne n an<1 sýee it at - 1 ,Mrs, Betty Oliver, presi- dent o! Sonya Ladies' Aid, i expcessed, the pleaure oa! B the lady visitors. EL . United Chureh Women On, Tuesday aftirnoon, E Pacson, 1-acstock8wasnSH and they should proclpim love and peace throuïghout a united world. 1 The ros~e is the qucen o!-, flowers; the liiy is for pur- iiy; tbe daffodil radiates !cheer; violets represent thei modest folk. Tips are symrbolie o! the Resur- !'rctin. Froi the death rio! the- brown bulb comes life- aInd a splash of color, Theý daisy represents 1 î sieS are the kind and for- )ecng popie,. Zinnias are, the Lunrufflied and en- during peýople.' Forgetm1 not !oesarec- e who remmnbeýr ,theioncI y a]nd the flI nadagn wvith t hl e i r ýontin)uons bloom nlgive! give! iv Chrysanihemruais, o!fb autuain, are thec folk wbo dar c ,ins.Te r bbc s2ait of thleea ih b s3pîce o! Iife Fiowers "anidt people need puigandf guidance trhat tlehcyiray flourish 'in God's 'King- dom. The hymo ri"Hïow GI-reat Thou Art" wais son- a tribube 10 God's won- ders. The pem "Our Needs -, 1 Pass ThisWa 'Buýt Once, reaýd by Ms bblc proam Bpowers' TUnit assisted bbce oseswith lunch and Mn. Arnold Williamns ex- tcded ihe appreciation., B lue Ray Chapt2r celebrates 251h Anaiversary On the evening o! june 1 4th, Blue Ray, Chapter., No.ý 238, Order o! bbc Eas- tern Star, Port Perry, hield the1Ir a rn n U a 1 Bha party in bc asniTei pie> This gala occasion was 10 tocommem-orate Lbu '25th Anniversary o! tht'( organization, and Mai1ny Chapters were welconedl, amiong whlch were Suin- baDurham,. Markham., Plckcring, Whitby, Scar- bo-,ro, Agincouri. Sunlaid, Aloba, Ranbow, Laurel anrd Bedford. Sevecal diîs t ingVuis guesîs were present. Those,, wveleomied to the Et ver- District Depty G r a ri d Matron JuMlaThiomais. or Wttby, - pasi District.Dp uty Grand Matrons -Meta Moore and Thelma B3e- thian shawa, Agnes Wallace, MaI&rkha m, andi Winnifred N ewbo cn of WhItby. The Worthy' Matron Avýelyn Williams and Wor- thy Patron Wm. Pearsonl were pleascd tb weicom-c, preldng Matrons a 7id Patrons f r o m varjous c ha pte rs. 25 Ya pins wece fprc senited Ib t heLCharter membrs.Some, were un- able to attend due b houi- diays. ,May Lang o! Sunbcam Chapter, Oshawa, gave a brief history o! Blue R.ay Thie Worthy Matron car- ried out a mnost effective candie lightinig ceremnony, each Past Matron and Pat- ron pIacings a Carnle on the attractIVe birtbiday cake, wbx7ich wvas -made by, pasi _M-ai ron -Ma rgýaret Je!!ery. Il was Indeed a pleasure bo welcomne the firsi -Mat- ron and Patron o! Blue Ray, M'/,yrtie and George Palmer o! Osbawva. Also members we(re ve-Y pes edi 10 greet Vivian Lane (a. charter menmber) now residing in Oshawa ai the- Medie Nursing Homne. Viv- ian has been a, very faith- fui member through the, years. M a n y congratulatory greetings wvere received and read by Se-c'y, Fran- ces Gibson. At the close o! the mneet- ing t he entertaiinent committee under the sup- ervision o! Mabel Caw.ker pcesented a progcam o! myusic whîch was thocough- ly en 'Joyed. A favourite, salai,q> Nellie Pcing o! Duchamn Chapter, Bow- manville, rendered two, deligYhtful vocal solos in hec own inimitable style. Nellle is 'Scottish, and has Betty Stone and Janicc Soeentertained %with a variety of songs, much to bbc pleaisure o! thiose pre- sn.Wlhetberthelicsong lis catchy. sChou0s. hmru107(JS o)r wht rthese gas have 1, thbbcclose o! the Pro'gra '-I -(vbeyecelved a tremendoius novat ionn. A% mrosi sncee ank you 10 al oàzr fine en.ýtertainers! A A dra qwafield on a variety o! articles. and mnanv folk weni home, wîth coveted prizes. A fitling climrax 10 the evcnIng xvas the dellcîous buffet lunch arranged by Betsy Staniland and her comitte.Congr at ulia- tions arc ini order foc the capable ç,manner In, whîcb the many guest.s were served,. e do bhank one and al wh-o helped to make this happy celebration 80 sur- cessfui ana enjoyable, Do hope alwM11 relax during the summner recess. and beback Sept. 131h, 10 commence fall activibies wÎth enthusiasai. Blue Ray, is a fine Chapter - a pro- ýresslve-and happy one, 7mnd with the co-operation o'! each and everymember should have many won- derful a nd rewardlng years ahead. The' Luncheon held on June 13th was very suc-, cessful, and we thank con- venor Marjorie Edwards for her fine effort. The bake table was also most worthwhile, t ha n ks to Minnie Fish4r for conven- Ing ae Anexvsprmnt miii buitin iii9 ~ Nova Scoiu ad p;aper from raigs. Weekly Report T lhe we ek of J unei 18-2-1 inicluLsivýe . Admnissions . .8 Bliths . 2 mae,4 female. . . . 6 Dischages .79 Major Operation......21 MnrOperations.....32 Emergency Treatments 24t Visiting Hours 3-8 p.Mý daily. ..and Regal Blue balconies, Galleon GoId boat decks, Sapphire porches!,Cat'pet ail outdoors with Ozite Town 'W Terrace Carpet, made with Vectra f ibér!Ë+wË%», It's aiready spent over 3 years outdoors,. Pain cari't hurt it. Or sun, Or snow. It's colourfastL.Won't rot or mildew. UJse Ozite Town 'N' Terrace Carpet irdcoors, too. In kiïtchens, baths, rec-rooms.. Amazing Vectra fiber resists stains from food, drink, even household chemicals. 16 dec- r.mf'ir.nnr.. tpkrn,.i ,»,,l nuqxn fl'+a sq. yd. pXEL4 ~AL ~ ,<.' * ~Ga~dScusehioeping' erir ocus vnrewiiyu use5jL3L MADE VMITE Town 'N' Terrace Carpet? Use your Imagination! Towvn'N' Terrace Carpet V I ALSO AVAILAI3LE ASTRO TURF OZITE DURAVAL S8«95 PLAIN ONLY __sq._ _ Oo df BACK _________ sq. yd.sq. yd. Prof essional applicators availahie on request. Use Y.Our "CHARGEX" at McGregor ~Hardware, VIN(' ST. WEST BOWMANILLE PHONE 623-2-542 holiday weekend SPECUALS OPEN MONDAY Dominion Day - JuIy 2nd- TREAIFMENT__99 GAS__5 TREAIMENT __ 8' X 15" - STEEL WALL SWIMMING POOL SPECIAL $ 10.9 QNLY Many Many More Specials DON'TFORGET.*$ Children's Portraits F REETHURS.,and FRI. at Bowmanville Canadian Tire C. Stewaýrt IM It 160 Chtirch St. -Bw a'iI Coronation~ E ngagem en t Ring $225. - Wedding Ring $58. Jwst ike your dream. Timeless. Reaching the infinity of a thousand stars. Riefleoting a heritage of love as old as time. As young as the dawn. Fleurette by Orange BloSsom. Hlocper's Jewellers Ltdl. -BOWMANVILLE YOU BUY THE SPRAY, WEILL THROW IN A SPRAYER... FREE OSHAWA ~A NOW 2 ENTRANCES 292 Kking st. WV. 287, Bond st. W, B4,,ide the 'jIed iil Building VA4 BELLI 379-1118 % west of Bowmianville onNo. 2 Highw'ay Thýe "BIG" Garden Centre VAN MEE 6342 On Saturday morning, Doug James of James insurance Compâny, King St. East, drew quite a crowd of young cyclists eager to have a parent's drivers licence numiber enigraved on their bDikes to provide easy identification in case of thieft. Local police advise that there has been a sharp increase recenitly in the number of bicycles that have been stolen in the area and owners have been experiencing difficulty in claiming owý7nership and identifying their bikes. The licence number is engraved into the metal and cannot be erased without cQnsiderable diffiCUlty.7 Mr. James wil hold another free session of bike identifying on Thursday, July.5th. Also showin l the picture, from left to right are Sheree Marr, Doug Barber and Cindy Hart.

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