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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 10

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rThe Canadian Statesmnan, Boxvmanvile, July 4, 1973 A ttend Annual Meeting of Ontario Horticulturalisîs - Tlhe 67th annual meeting of the Ontario Horticultural Association was held recently at the U.niversity of Guelph. Among the many interested delegates from across Ontario were members from District Four. They were (lef t to right) Mrs. A. Stephens, director of District Four; Mrs. C. Tink and Mr. è. Tink of RR 1 Hampton; Mr. E. A. Starr, director, Agricultural & Horticultural Societies Branch, O.M.A.F.; Mrs. W. Dilling and Mr. W. Dilling, Bowmanville. Durhiam Agri by Bob Watt AssitantAgricultural O.A.C. Fa rm & Home Week This year thee field days xil be heid con July lth, llth and l2th at the Elora Research Station beginning at 10 a.m. in the morning to 3ý:30 p.m. Each of these days there xiii be special displays and exhibits and a chance xiii be given to discuss farm problems xith faiculty and staff. On July 101th the officiai opening of the Beef îCattie Research Centre xiii be heid, as el as Crops & Soils tours. On the llth thie Dairy Cattie Research Centre xvwiii be o)pened,-and Crops & Sous tours xiii aiso be available. On the 12th aiong xith the Crops &K Souls Tours, there xiii be a specïial Ladies pmoglram on1 ihe Guelph campus. Also on,Ï this day there xii be a bu--s Sponsored by thle ra County Soul & Crop limprove- ment Association goinig to the Research Station as weli as arrangements made for the ladies to visit the college of Consumer and Famiiy stu- dies. There is a possibiiity that theire xiii be ïcroom on this bus and if you xish to leave your namie at our office at Boxv- manvilie, phone 623-3348, you m-ay be able to go xith this group. The Elora Research Station, is iocated about 10, miles north of Guelph. Mapie Syrup Producem's Tour St. Joseph's Island on Sat- urday , July 28, 1973 xiii be the location of the Ontario Mpie Syrup Producer's second an- uai sumjmer tour. The program commences at 9: 00 a.mi., with registration at Central Aigoma Secondary Schûoo (one haif mile west of Desbarats, at the corner of1 Kensingcton Road and High- way 17). Aigoma Maple Syrup Producers have arranged a JOHNF. Generai Insur-ance PIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111ceor 62l3-3950 33 KING ST. E.- DO WMA'NVILLE I ReprE fll day of tours 'of local producers' maple syrup bush- es. There xil be a pancake and sausage luncheon with pure maple syrup, followed by a tour of the St. Joseph's Island Museum. In the even- ing there will be a banquet and dance. Maple Syrup producers who are interested in learning about the latest production techniques and enjoying the scenery in the Sault Ste. Marie area should mark July 28 on their caiendars. Those plan- ning to attend, should make reservations weli in advance since the tour is at the height of the tourist season. For further information, SOL! at St. Paul's Church. Due to rainy weather our plcnic which was to be held at N ue w s Thistie Valley Park last Thur- sday xvas held at the church in the lorm of a Pot Luck supper. Races were held afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Black- burn and family, Oxford esentative Station were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- including a îist of motels burn. They ail attended the contact the Ontario Mal' Bla ckburn-Hardy picnic at Syrp rodce' sscitiop, Solina on Saturday. Mrs. Boyrup, P resAsociTo, Gerald Shackleton also atten- Be1o 1 053Brrie2231 4T2,ded the picnic. telehone705-22-231.Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn FarWtoVist Rquied and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farmto VsitRequred Blackburn and family spent The Children's Aid Society Sunday at Balsam Lake. of Northumnberland and Dur- Miss Jan Craig is accom- hamn have indicated that they panying Miss Kathy Mac- would like to h ave a number of Intosh, Bowmanville on a six farmis to xvhich they could week visit xith Kathy's rela- have children visit. if yo tives in Seotland and xiii also Nvould be interested in more of be ritis othcr parts of the the details as to the length of Mriis s usnCagwoi time involved and also what Ms uat Camp Dre ori you xvouid be required to do the summer was home for the please contact the office at 230 xeekenci. Walton Street, PIort Hope, Our U.C.W. meeting last Ontario. Telephone 88-11 uesday evening was, in the form of 0la social time wheni the mUrn were invited and s.-everal other guests were present. MrIs._Douglas Reyodscn Mrs. Lloyd Broome visited people from the community on Monday evening xith Miss honoring Miss Nancy Knox Margaret Perkins at Sunset'prior to .-her ieaving for Lodge, Bowmanville. Nexfoundland for the sum Imer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne months. and Dale-, Kelly Broome and Mrs. Ernest Hockoday and Kevin Westlake xent to Co- Miss Jean Hockoday spent Ithe bourg to see Queen Elizabeth xeekend at Owen Sound and and Prince Phillip. aiso visited xith Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Smaies, Frank Wright, Rockford. Andy and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and Ron Baker, Oshawva, Mr. and famiy attended the Eliicott Mrs. Barry Coxling John and, reunion heid at the home of Gien, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mri. CeciliPh.illips, Brougham, Weish-and Laurel, Bowýman,- on Sunday. ville, Miss Helen Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langs- Toronto were Sunday supper m-aid and Faye, Dale, Beverly guests of MVr. and Mrs. Tom and John Snoxvden, KedronI, Baker. were Sunday vistors xvith Mr. Mr. and Mlrs. Jackson Wray, and Mrs. Joe Snoxvden and OshIa va, Mrs. Tom Shore, famiiy. Loildon xere Sunday visitors Pauline and Franjcine Tay- ,with Mývr. and Mrs. Ross ]or are spendinig thiis we at Cryderman. Quini-Mo-Lac camp. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink Mm. anidMs Rolanid Bray were Sunday supper guests of and Monica, Kentý,Ohio,Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Jackson, G. Lutz, St. Catharines are Oshawa. spending a week xith Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- Mrs. Carence Bray and lin is spending a fexv days xith famiiy and on Sunday a family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tjik. gathering xvas held at the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Veli- Bray home. owiees, Dennis and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook wereSunday evening visitors and Mrs. Edith Mitchell, with Mm. and Mms. Gien Boxvmailie, accompanied Larmer and family, Black- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wes tlake stock. to vîsit tâcir cousins Mm. and 1Miss Sally Langmaid and Vrs. John Hodgman,. LosAng- Mr. Tom Barrie, Bowmanviile eies, Califomnfia, and their were Sunday supper guests of uncle and aunt Mm. an)d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashton, Flary Jordon, Lindsay at the Oshawva. iome of Mm. anid Mrs. Eric Mm, and Mrs. Chas Lang- Nebster, Kedmon. mîaid attended the Decomation. On Monday Mm. and Mms. Day service at Zion Cemetemy rrank Westlake attended the on Sunday. iuneral of the latters uncle the On Saturday evening, Miss- late Mm. Howard Askister, at esSaily and Faye Langmaid the Platten Funemal Home, entertained several young Fenelon Falls. ......Kelly Broome, Bowmanviiie and Kevin Westiake spent a MONEY ON' weeks holidays xith Mm. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn and QUALITY Andrea. DX PREMIUM Mr. Keith Cryderman and FUEL OILDrls xveme weekend visitors FUEL OIxith Mm. and Mrs. Evemett4 and STOVE OIL Crydemman. On Monday evening Mm. and 1 ----------------Mrs. Everett Crydermnan xvere supper guests of MOrs. Jean Sargent, Oshawa EL OiLSALEMV Mrs. Audrey Read recently entertaîned hem grade six pupils and their parents to a graduation' dinner at the church. These pupiis xiii be attending M.* J. Hobbs school next yeam.' Friends from this com-mun- ity have attended1 several famewell gatherings for Rev. and Mms. H. Turner recently. We wish for them a happy etiement. We weicomje our nexv minis- ter and his family, Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Schiamehorn. WVe hope they -vviii enjoy Ttheir stay Iu th e worsnîp service. Mrs. Alan Stephen introctuced Mr. Bob Davies who is supervisor ofDare Camp at Grundy Park north of Parry Sound. This is a new form o correctionai camp for boys. Bob showed pictures and toid us of the xvork being done at the camp. Mrs. E. Twist thanked Bob for his intemest- ing talk. A social time was enjoyed following the meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dayies and fami1y were Tuesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cr-aig,Hleather and Linda Davies remained for a weeks holiday M USIC R.UT The o]in is a iist oýf successful candidates ln examnatonsheld recent- ly by the Royal Conserva- tory of Music of Tomonto in Bowmanvlle, Ont. The riames are arranfged in or- der of menit. Grade 7,1 Theory Harmony - Honours, Frances Van Dergaast. Hls t o ry - Fimst CI ass Honours, Mark Mvundayý. Grade 11l Rudiments Fimst Ciass Honours - Jennifer Rehder. Honours - Heather Y. Southwetl, Bren da L. Krause. Pass - Janet Bragg, Sha- mon L. Burns. Grade I Rudiments First Class Honour - Glen Austin, Bra n daà Prout, Cynthia D. Bail, Lomellel E. Van Camp. Honours - Bruce Snow- den. Preliminary Rudiments Fimst Class Honours - Lisha M. Beilman, Joanne M. Le Gresley, Ian Mun, day. Honours - Laurinda P. Reynolds. Pass - Kelly F. Simpson,. Barry L. Gammard. LEGISLATION' PASSED Amendments to the National Housing Act passed in the House of Commons xvilm ak e good housing more ac- cessible to more Cana- dians, The legislation will provide low-cost loans for house repairs for individuais in certain areas; wilJ. make federai funds available to muni- cipalities and provinces at low interest rates for Iand acquisition and as- sembly; and wiil In- crease mortgages avail-. able under the Act to a maximum of $30,000 from $~27.000 for the purchase of a new house andi to $27,000 fmom $24,000for resale houses, Super-Right Red Brand Gade 'A " Beef STEAKS GREAT ON A GRILL! s $1.38 vAC PAc $1.28) ! vac pac 68 ý ib78 ýREAT ON A GRILL! Ib$.28 lb98ý ib68ý' REAT ON A GRILL' lbpkg $1,98 California, Va!'encda, Sweet, Julcy bag JAN£ PAR-KER, WHITE, SUCED ("A PREMIUM QUALITY SANDICHB R E JANE PARKER, MERINGUE (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie. Fulli 8 mch, 22 oz Pie 59< JANE PARKER, ENGLISH Fruit coke JANE PARKER JelIy Roil (SAVE 6c) 1-1b, 9-oz cake 43< (SAVE -6c) 9-oz cake 39< I.OAF") (BUY 3 - SAVE 20c) 24ozloaves79r Jane Parke, Pireapple Topped (Euy 2 pkgs-Save 17t) Sweet ROUiS 2 pkgs of 8 89< JANE PARKER, COFFEE CAKES Danish Lemon JANE PARKER, FROSTEO BalilDonuts (SAVE 10c) P4of 669< (SAVE 14c) pkg of 639e JCheck These Discount Prices! NYUKON4 CLUB ký G~pC-ea S.i Cola, Lemon-time, lime ickcy. Orange, Root Beer, Col in,Clb Soda, Strawberry Soda, Royal Ch'rger G'nge'r Beer 6 Boules 99< PLUS BQTTLE DEPOSIT PANTRY SIIELF, SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED, RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUIT JUIE 48-f -1 (ACTION -- FI151 4 1185 ONLY Prdimge Rlb Sek BIade Steaks Cross Rib Steaks Cali'fornia ,uSteaks 5X BAD(4 Wieners J BURtNS BRAND, STORE PACK., BEF & PORK Sausages NEW ZEAIAND Gf Lamb Loin Steaks TOWN CflUB RANO, 5SWEET PICKLLO Cottage RoUis Vý"ac Pav SUPER-RIGHT QUALTY, B9Ml, STORE PACK< w9dine1.r S SX BRAND, FrOZEN GI Hcembuîrg Ptis 2-R Wild, Wonderful Baker y Values! BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT As.k Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668.381 DX Fe-UEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMIPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE/ l.A HITE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN WONDERSOFT TOILT TISSUEZ SSUPrRR BLVPD OF M1% BRAZILIAN 8 O'Clock Cof f e Corn Flakes PISTA$ --P,.npç Rati, R;oatorn., R.tiÏ Lancia Spaghetf r- IELt, IN TOMATO SAUCE 'Spaghetti )PRrPRICED) Iris'h Spring SOC f)ETFPrFNT Palmolive Liquie A&P 8PAND FANCY Apple Sauce i"' PRAND, HEAVY DUTY Garbage Bags YUK<ON CLUB, CANNEO Beverages Cese of 24, 1 GINGER ALE. COLA. ROOT BEER, LEMOL CREAM SODA

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