Shorthorn Lassies Compete at Spring Grange Farm inN ewcastle w Ti HlI a H th rE ei Six Clarke Students Are Ontario Scholars six graduating stde t Ipercent1age of eigbty or betten, Clanike Higb Schaol have Tl'le echoal bad an enrol- attainied Ibe distinction Ibis menit(et 47 in the ycar five yean et beîeg Ontario echo- level witbIb e six b-eing hans. The six obtaieied a Otaneo echalans. Anne Ciçîrk 86.3 These delightful young lad- One of the 10 girls will be Rickard's prize Shorthorn achiev ing thc* titie is a trip to Nancy Ulrick, 16i, from Powas- ies camefromAil over Ontario chosen as the Ontario Short- sire). Calgary - during StamTpede san; Nancy B3-orow, 16, from to take part in the annual horn Lassie Queen at the l h il Week. Pîckering; 1972-73 Queen, Shorthiorn Lassie Competition Royal Winter Fair in Novem- To be elîgibleth i nust From lef t to right in the Bonnie Millar; Linda Cronk. at the Spring Grange Farm of ber to succeed reigning Queen be between the ages of 16 to 20 photo are, Beth Milier. 15, 18, from Pa rham,; Brenda Wil- Mr. and MArs. John Rickard, BonnieMillar from Keene (in years, from a Shorthorn farm f rom Renirexv; Lynne Currie, son, 16, from Stroud; Leah near Newcastle, on Wednes- the middle of the photo, and have shoWn Shorthorn 16, from Nottawa; Mary Ann Leslie, 20u, ifrom Acýton; and day, dune 26th.- holding on to the reins of the calves at their 4-H Club for the McLean, 16, from Sarnia; Susan Pimmett, 17, f rorn past two years. The award-for Sharon Leslie, 18, from Acton; Keene. New,îca:5ý.,stle Plan i 3-Day ,,l-Celebrafii Ove.,r Cîvic Ho li Celebrations are aboundingë Iis ycam in ai the tawns anda villages througbout the area.t On the cuvic Weekend the village ot Newcastle wili be basting a celebration of sorts tram Auguet 3 ta 6 inclusive. The village council, boards and committees and ai organ- izations in tbe illage togethen w; th individlual ctizees are ahi paticipating ini tie lancing fer tIbis epecii ~eeked ofceheraios On Friday eveninig, ug :3, opening ceremainies wýilh be foihowed by, a twa-act play1 production. On Saturda1y, Aug.1 4, a eai countr-y day wili bei heid. Theme wili be a fammner' market, sidewalk sale, tlc.-a market, old-tymne movies, irei d epantment demonstration and a marvellous dance and beer garden in the, cvening. On Sunday, August 5, a community bail commemor- ative service with dedication et plaques, band concert, community pieic, recreation show -and popular singing gnoup will be the arder eftihe day. 1 On Monday, the Civic Holi- day, Auguet 6, a sports, day, parae an carivalwill be Sa, mark the dates, and watch fan more events. It may bc you won't bave ta batîlle tnaffic Ibis year ta go ton a memarable Civic Holiday weekcnd. duet take a jaunt aven ta Newcastle 1h partic- ipate in testivities. I Ilewcast!e Social anc1 £Personal What a veekend! Wasn't God we are able to enjoy it ail.' that beautiful! Do hope you ail There are many who are not bad, a wonderful,safe,happy as fortunate! holiday. Your correspondent Our friends stili in hospital surefly did -- at home ail the are Mr. Lloyd Alldread in timie, but comrpletely relaxed Bowmanville, Mrs. Shirley enjoying the quiet and the Barchard in Osha wa and Mrs. Sun 1 With Mosport in -action Charlie Cowan in Princess, for the entire weekend there Margaret in Toronto. God be was lots of excitemnent near by with them as are our thoughts for sports fans, with the Queen and. prayers. and Prince Philip in Cobourg The John Scott family had a at the end of the week there family reunion recentiy, the was excitement for ahl and for first for a long,long time. With those parade buffswe under- John and Wilma, Cindy,Kathy stand Port Hope held'a finean obewrCnsbl parde n Mnda. Al i al itJim and Mrs. Scott andfamily w,,as one heck of a holiday with of Kentville, N.S. and Mr. Bill the weatherman co-operating Scott of Toronto. Jim, who is ail the way. When couniting was enroute witîî bis iamily to Our hlessings wvesbjoulidithank the R.C.M.P. training depot in Regina,.Sask., where he will also been travelling lately as ~YOU/ /5 OLO. he xas selccted te be one of yolle the C.B.C. cameramcn cover- )VUR AIL/N A FiUS,) ing the Royal Visit to Canada. 11 TEk FPRIEOS- Mr. John 1ickard, Vice- ,/Tr T/ME TO ý 0 president of the, Canadian, ICAL 08 IS 1Shortborn Assoc. and his famiiy at Spring Grange //x Farm recently entertained other. Sbortborn Breeders in- cluding five breeders from South Africa who are in s Canada looking for Canadian i e ~Sborthorns. On Mondqy. dJune 25th, Mr. Rickard attended a banquet. sponsored by the Ontario govermnmnt honorîng? Wli m;P Jh _so these breeders, in the Royal Gas - Motor Oh - Fuel Ois The ast meeting for the and ('as season of the 2nd. Newcastle X;eae ýý ; Girl Guide Co. was beld FURNACE INSTALLATIONS Tuesday, dune 26th. This AýND REPAIES meeting took the form of a Newcaste - 987-5111 Guide and Parent Banquet ___________________and proved to be a very -AVAiLABLE AT PA",iNT a nd WA L LPA PE R 55 Ki NG ST. W.t PH ONE 623-5431 dong. Collette Pickering, dan- fi is Bennett and Irene Brereton. m. wi i n c Sure hope they have nice h weather. Our heartiest congratula- F tions te Mrs. Ida Couch who ti ceiebrated ber, 96th birthday o O ,lady basudy This wonderful a in Newcastle and ber màny a rinsta whom she is t] _ yaffectionately known as Aunt v Ida join us îin aur Best Wishes. a specal eenin, Th leaers Miss Deborab Adair of Price v [pecsiand even.ts e aitders, àGeorge, B.C. arrived hast c linsl and paet tdessntaThursday ta spend ber vaca- v ov teyfcoidpateandit esert tien at home with ber parents r Virs. Margaret Brereton, Cap- Chd al M. n Ms taie. led in the singing of the Aifie. AuiiaGyean ( ~rcdoiyAplesedd,' 5oth. For Library s after wbichaTos was given, The Newcastle Memorial 1 to 'TheQue' Af ter this Libaywl eert t eicomtl epasShBeefiftietb anniversary this year. Lon ecoie il piesent1i. SeTbe first activity on the s fejips,î al the lar oith terebrary's agenda is a Poster I ~ere quite a èw db~eet bu C'nt.Ifo lahchiidren bet- ,Àee qïtea W a1)smý ýuLween s ýix and sixteen years o! expressed the opetbose age presenit would eeijoy tbem- ge.u'e neete otc selves. îMrs. Brereton tben Ifeyoubre înter este onact introduced the -head table: 'dthe ib rry for n ecesary. Mrs. Marilyn Boudreau ,beip- des.PrzsilbeardI erMrs. Anita Holdaway, act- Bantarn Girl's Softbalh I ieg-iieutenant, Mrs. Joan Wbene' were you on Tues- Hiawes,Division Commission- day, dune 26th.? If you weren't er, Miss Nancy .tephenson, at the Newcastle Bail Park' 1 beiper, Mrs. Valerie Rudman, omisdaargo hl' LiunDitrictComiJeanMe- game between Newtonvilhe 1 Oua, DstictComisionr7and NéeWcastie. The final 1 Mis.s-Aimee Brereton, Camp- score was eight ta seven ine an 'y Leader and Mrs. Brere- favor ot the Newtonviile team. ton. She then called on Mrs. The winning pitcher was J. McOuat ta propose the toast to Wiilems '$hile the pitching 1 the parents wbich was ans- chore for Newcastle was abiy wered by Mrs. Gloria Nicb- bandled by Mary Parker andi ohis, Deputy District Comm- deanette Wagar. It was ai issianer. Mrs. Ha.wcs propos- well-piayed game and bath cd the toast ta tbe Girl Guides teams deserve a lot of credit 1 and the reply-was given by far thein efforts. The top Guide Janis Bennett. Mrs. hitters for Newcastle were Brereton then explained there deanette Wagar with three were no badges or awàrds ta singles, Mary Parker, two be handed out, because ail the singles and a double, Cathy awards bad been banded eut Tufford, tbree singles, Susan at an enniien party. She aise Wagar. a triple and Debbie explained there would be ne Nicholson, a single' and a gucst speaker as this was a double. Newcastle's probhem very special nîgbt for ber. see ob eas l h Mrs.Breeto anounedýshehitting was spread over al was quitting the Guide Move- seven icnings and no anc ment after five tborougbiy înning concentration. enjoyable years. Tbrough There were a few mare tears, of sadness at the tbougbt people at this game but there of leaving these girls and stili is pleety of room on those leaders she begged the girls ta bleachers. Newvcastle's next remember and live by their gmsaeJl r.a Guide Promise. Mme. Brereton Wgacme ared uly l3rd. at then prcsented eacb ilwt Gai-den Hi visits, Newcastle. a camb and nail file and the Corne eut and support the leaders with guifs of apprecia- Newcastle team. tion for ail their belp over the _________ years.Mîs. Brerelon was very pleasantly surprised with' a BLU CKSTOGK lovely candie centrepiece. a gift irom the guides and This past week bas been a leaders,. presented by ber very proud one for ahi loyal daugbter Aimee. Mrs. McOuat Canadians with the Qucen and the preseeted Mme.' Brereton Prince Philip in aur midet. with a, lovely Guide cup and Quite a number of local saucer on behaîf of the residents took the opportunity Newcastle-Newtoeviile Dis- tasc the Royal Couple on trict. Through smiles and Wednesday when tbey visited tears Mrs. Brereton gratefully Cobourg. On Friday Mrs. Roy tbanked everxone fer their Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.- Arnold kindness and'tbougbttulness. Taylot. Diane and BetVy Jane Tbe guides and their leaders attended by Special Invitation brougbt this meet pîcasant the epenicg of the Scarbor- evening ta a close by present- eugb Civic Centre by Qucen ing proramm et ongsElizabeth. At this ceremony wbich were very well received on Friday morning Mn. and and much 'enjoyed by every-Mr.AsnTayor ee one present. Ahl girls ho years formally presented ta the et age and aider are asked ta Qucen. Wienens at tee weeKly remember Girl Guides wîli Senior Citizens' Card Party on begin ie the Faîl on Tuesday, Tuesday'evcning were Ladies' Sept. lth. at 6:30 p.m. in the 'High - Mrs. Eether Chapman, Community Hall. Second- Hazel Engiish, Third Nine Newcastle Girl Guides_ Effie Ploughman. Men's left on Saturday, dune 301h ta ih-Dc arnScn meet girls from the 1K-endal WHîgh - dck Manns -Secan Guides at Kendal Schaool WloiineTid-Sa preare te bord bu to Congratulations ta Miss journey to Haliburton fon a gete orllworcnl week's camping ât the Girl reHeather oreinwho r eenty Guide's Camp Adelaide. Théetrnivdiborsit hyeam atn girls tram 'the Newcastl esCnrltern nst h edo. Company embarkieg on this ongraulats taRtheWifol- great autdoor adventurc were wloigplset RuthlWsonad Sheila Munro,, Lyn Barchard' VIIb- opassedasfoloe: radei Debbie Pruner, Tammy Inn- H onol reg-tDeraewIn,1 es, Sharon Dawson, Sharon de Chery-Loriht; GradVII -ll Mrs. Sain BreretonJ Phonie 987-4221 L ydia Groot 85.2 Blain Moffat 84.5 Richard Bunting 83.6 Diana liazelden 83.5 John DeWitt 81.5 ,car which he and Claude A couple fromn Oshawa who ness run at most of the car had car trouble on Sunday s. They won the feature were with Mr. andý Mrs. C. in last week. Beatty while Bob Mercei r. and Mrs. Ken Fowler worked on their car. ertained a couple from A number were at Cobourg lia over the weekend. to welcome our Queen last Tne Caînadian Statesnian, Bowrnanville, Julil , 1973 week., Those who were intro- duced were Mr. and Mrs. W.a Banister, Mr. and Mrs. E.C Scott.and of course aur MPPu Mr. Carruthers and Mrs. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Muldrew and Natalie, Ottawa, were1 with Mr. and Mrs. H. Muidrew on the holiday.1f The Sunday school here aref holding their anniversary ser-C vices on Sunday, July 8th at4 2:30 p.m. Mr.' A. Todd of Peterborough is speaking andr brînging the musical hum-1 bers. Mr. David Munroe and Mrs. C. Bell both are home front the haspitai. Mr. Garry Fowler and Miss H. Trew attended the Mosport races aver the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty spent Sunday evéning with1 Mr. and Mrs-. G. Morris. 1 Mm. Russell Savory, Stark- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Muidrew recently. Editor's note: We under- stand some Elizabethville eub- scribers didn't receive lasti week's Statesmnan uritil Tues- day of this week. They were maiied on W'ednesýday ight, the usual time. We're taking up the probiemn with postai authorities., TYRONE, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Murney and Sonya, Mr. and Mrs.,Jim Park Sm., Peterborough, Mr. an d Mrs, Ra1ph Bowers and îamily were :Sunday guests of- Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. Mm. and Mrs. George Alldread along with Mr. and Mrs. RegInald Gaskin and familyr, West HiIII,' spent the ýholidayý week- end at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thornett and S ha r on, Gboderham, a p e n t the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs, and attended the Russ- Janczyn wedding on June 3oth. Glad ,to report 'little Cathy Vivian was able to meturn home aiter a long stay at hospitals ini Tor- onto. Beth Knowlton is spend- ing the week at Quin-Mo- Lac, Madoc, as camp coun- rsellor. Mr. and Mmi. R. Gibbs visited hem: sister Mrs. Gordon VanCamnp In Oah- awa HospItal. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs attended the Rius- Janezyn wedding oýn Sat- urday, June 3&zth. Mr. and Mr;-. ie Rahm ivisited isrthr Mr. and Mrs. CecilRh, Blackstock R.R. 2. Plans are belig ad for Vacation Bible Se-lIooi for ail Tyrone-Enniakillen-ý charge and suondn community. Children fo 4 to 14 years are WEljcome1 C Leaders and helpers are needed. Please save emrpty, plastie botties and fa egg cartons. We willred donations of cookies and freshie. Registration Is Monday, July 23rd at Ty- rone Unîted Church at 12:30 o'clock. Closing ex- ercîses wIll be Friday af- ternoon, July 27th. Any- one, hnterested in hellptng,, please contact Mrq.R Lambert. Mrs. Stan Goble visited-ý hier father Mr. Fred Part-- ner, Orono, who ijer a a tient in Oshaw9aGnel There were eih ables for our cardi game:.Hih Mrs. Olive GmltRt erett Watsoni, Er r qott, LancePhr, esi Spencer, Mrs. Maàrgaret"' Watson. 50-50drwwt by Mr. AlberE.Clk. Nice few tumnedup t Haydon July lat Supr from Tyrone., Congratulations ta ay Janczyn who was ame on Saturday toaaM.Ru. Mr. and Mrs. Dick MiVa- t'hawes and father 'MTd Mellin from Weliand and Mr. and Mrs. David ir-rnt, London, were Sunday visi- tors oft Mr. and Mrs. Gor- dyn Brent and* Christine, ELECTION EXPENSES BIIL A sweeping reformi of the rules gaverning federal eiect- ion campaigns is proposed in the Election Ex,ýpensp's Bill introduced in. the House of Commons by Privy Council President Alian MacEachen. Some of the provisions of the Bihl wouid limit election spcn- ding (tbirty cents per eigible voter in every riding in which a party bas an officiai candidate), require disclosure of names of those wbo contribute in, excess of $10 0, shorten time period for peutÎ- icai advertising, and removue broadcast cormentary re-s- trictions during final heuýrs of, electian campaigns. eresa Wygerdc; Grade I - [anars - John Roffel. Correction - John Venning is ipatient in Toronto Generai [ospitai. 1I made an errer in 1e Tarante Hospital. John is ,esponding ta treatments mec- ived there and bis many riende hope improvement viii soan, enable him ta heave ospital. Sa sorry ta repart that Mrs. Russell Mountjoy had ta be lken ta Port Perr"y Hospital n Friday foliowing suffericg- astroke . race Mn. and Mrs. Wm.E1ranCie Harr cnd family moved last week ta ra1ce thein new home in Bowman- ag9ai ville. Mr. and Mme. D. Kcights Mi and family aiea moved hast ente week -ta Peterborougb. The Orill community'e beet wishee go vith these families in their new locations. Tbey w.ihi be nrea tly mîissed tram thie area. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van 1 Camp, Barry, and Leanne spent a few days iast week le )etnait and area. On Monday evening Mrs. Gerahd Kelly attcnded a bridai shower in baonret Miss Lynda laodsan held at the home et ldrs John Merlntmodn Mn1. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, and Mre. Courtniey Graham were Sunday dinner guets of Mrn. -and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Enniskillen. Mn. an d Mrs. George Black,~ Lindsay, were Friday callers of Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Joheston and Pearl, Belleville -calied on Sunday evening on their route home tramj a camp north of Peterborough where Linda wîhl serve as Counsellor for July and Auguet. Pearl is employed by Belleville Cbami- ber of Commerce. Plans are underway ton a community shower in honer af M]r. and Mme. Rager Shancn (nec Margaret Camnaghan) ta be held in the Rec. Centre an 'aturday, July 7tb at 8:30. M~oney gifts may be lefI at acy local storeor cisc miscelian- eus gîft may be brougbt. ,Many of aur local teachens of bath the High Schoal and PublicScbooi staffs arc at- tending Summen Schoohs at vaniaus locations. Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family attended the Dc oratien Services at Bobcay- geon Ccmctery on Sunday atternoon and were supper guets of Mr. and Mme. Wm. Kelly. ELIZABETH VILLE &ài church servi ,ces wce behd on Sunday. On Fniday night lutIle Julie Anc Fowhen, daugbter of MVr. and Mrs. Keni Fowler , vas christened aI Garden fHilchurch. Those attending wene enterîaincd at Mr. and Mrs. K. Fowlerý'sý afîerward. Mn. and Mme. J. Ingram, Mn., and Mme . E Fowlen and tamily, Mm. and Mrs. W. Casselton and family. Mn. and Mme. H. Thickson, Mrs. R. Westheusen and Alyson and 'Mn, R.Yde attended. Mn. and Mme. E. Fowler and boys camped at Apslcy aven, the weekcnd where Mn. and Mme. G.,McMumray and family anc spending the next week. 1Mm. and Mns. R. Westbcuser and Mr. H. Thickson spenit Sunday je Stayncr witb Mn. and Mme. S. Moore and girls. Mme. Tbicksan st ayed witb Alysan Westheuser at-borne, Mme. J. Dekoker and Mme. D. Halliday, Oshawa, epent Wed- nesday at Thickson's. Mn. and Mme. C. Beatty had Mn. Morley Wilson on Sunday. Mme. B. Wheelen is slawly impneving. Mme. G. Morris je home and she and Mn. Marris are convalescing at home. Mms. E. Fowier and Mn. O. Mencen were in the hospital for a tew days iast week, but