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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 4, M93 1 ,,%ntecostai Pastor Goes to Peterborough The Rev. W. Harold Dawsonstands among the pews in the nave of the împressive Pentecostal Church on Liberty Street. This picture was taken last week, prior to Pastor Dawson's departure for Calvary Pentecostal Church in Peterborough. Sunday, June 24th, was his last service in Bowmanville. On Saturday evening, June 23rd, members of the Pentecostal congregation gave a farewell banquet in honor of Rev. Dawson's five years as pastor of the Bowmanville church. Durhamn County CIub's Annual Tour, Included Visit to MUcLaughàlin Home by HIelena Shier Chn June q, 1973, a day filled wilib blue skies and golden sunishine - thie imembers and fr-iends of'the iDurhian County 'tub of 'l'oronto headied east. 'Ne had a liueydrive tb Whitb)v wheïi, xve visited bbhe LaisCollege- We were greeled 1)y vthelDean of the ('(llege who showed us vani- aus points ofitret.'e saw Ille ieep oniooiim, ciass 'onis, audito(riumf, irecrtŽat ion om îig ea, chapel and Vfmiîo I.i i nold building or'vy coner is put to use. -College hiad closed the day )re nd ilbc studenis are settre 3-i and wide l'or the Our aext sto)pvwas at Mrs. Evorett Hoar's homeif in Bow- ninville. Ilee e were- warmily welcomed by Mrs. lloar and Miss Aked. We enjoyed, our box lunches au-itgmented by plates of' dcli- vious home m iade cookies, ice cvvam. tea anid coffee. After. enioying ia leisurely lime viewiig t1w grounds and the bou-se, i' L. Peacock, on behaîf of' tbe Club, thanked Mrs. Iloar foi' ber hospîtality and genurosiby in having openied fieir home to the Club, Latei' in the afteî'noon we visited -"Parkwood" at- Osh- awa, the hom-e of' the laie Col, W.-S. McLaughlin. Upon eiîteîing the front door, we, stepped intb cool beauiv w'ichi fptmzdine bygone eî'a of gracious Jiv ing. Pi i a 55 oom bhouse on 12 acr'es of ]and. The building was comimenced in 1915 being eomnpleted in 1917. John -Lyte o'i)ar'ling & Pear'son, the firm tuat designed the Parliament Buildingsý in Ottawa, was conimissioned io design ihis homnE. In thie 1930's there were miajoi' additions and altera- tions. Tbe home bas 12 firepla<'es aîl of which hoasted Ltabian marbîe. The home had ovei'tones of the; orient, pr ice- less antiques ii-rom alI ve the w'orld, imported crystal, taip- êsres and painted miurals, t'ugs, and paintings. Thec rec- reion4-i area featured a bowl- ing lane that bad the first autoýmatie pin setter ever made, billiard 'room and a swimming pool. The grounds witb sunlight B yAMe;, PLUM1BING -& HEATING and AIR CNITOIG TYRONE, ONTARIO Phione 263-2650 fi ltering thî'ough the trees and t he nianieuretl shrubbery xvas a kaleidoscope of colorful lwautv, the niain features Iieing a sunken garden and a 997. foot Poolwi t b several lountains. ()ur delicious roast beef dinner %was served 1w' Maple Grove 'Nomen's Institut e. I>uring the meal, Miss Aked it roduced thle head table w bich ineluded the Pasi Pre- sidents, their wives, Mr. I tendeî'son and, Vr, tce Jamiies. Aller dini'. Miss Aked, retiring President, gave a resumne of ber work as fiiesidet- theseveral knotty prohlemis that t'aced liei'and m'hich she soived in ber own ca pat)le way. She also thanked DOUGLAS D. VI VIAN The many friends and schoolmates of Douglas Dan- iel XVivian, aged 19, were shocked and saddened to hear of bis sudden passing in the New Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, June 21,1973, the day following bis birthday. A grade 13 student at Bowmanville Higb Sebool, be was ill briefly, following surgery. The son of Dan and Diann (Colley) Vivian he bad resided at -119 Ontario Street alI bis life.ý Doug had been eînployed part time at Liberty Esso Station and attended St. Paul's United Cburcb and Sunday School. - An alI round sportsman, be, participated in hockey,base- bahl, basketbalî and football. he also enjoyed hunting, fisbing and camping and was also concerned about conser- vation and our future envir- onment. Doug, was also keen- ly interested in cbildren and animais. Surviving besides bis par- ents, brothers Kenneth and Perry, sister Janice, a dear friend Nancy Heavysege, bis gràndmother Mrs. C. A. Vivian, Bowmanviîîe and bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Colley,Almonte. A brother Jay predeceased hlm. The funeral service was conducted by Reverend H. A. Turner from the Morris Fun- eral Chapel on Saturday, June 23rd,Mrs. Abert Cole presid- ing at the organ., Paîl-bearers were Messrs. Peter Heavy- sege,Bruce Simpson, Frank Cook. Trom Stout, Arthur, Doyle and Ralph Bouwmees- ter. The floral tokens were too numerous tb name,- and among the donations received were1 offerings to the Cancer Society, and to a plaque to be named the Douglas Vivian Memorial Tropby 10 be pre- sented, at Bowmianville Higb Scbool each year for Outstand- ing Sportsmanship. Interment was in Bowmanviîle Ceme- tery. MRS. R. M. STEPHENS Following a bief llness the ieatb occurred in Oshawa General Hospital of Ruby 1. Stephens, aged 71, on Sunday, June 10,1973. .Born in Taunton, the daugb- ter of William and Margaret Ai1 tbiise' \wIiihelî)ed her. eýslpeciat lv , Mis's Irene ()rcb- ari(. treatitîî.î'and t he secre- taries 1 eleîi Baker and Hel- (a S hie r. S i e inIitroduced t he new Pr1esîdent Mrs. 0. B. I )ickýiison w~ho gave a brief' accel)taflce speech in wbicb she Ieq(test ed oui. help. sup- îîoît and suggestions. Shie also ga ve a hint of, things -aa foôt' t or thew 75t h a vin iversa rv i n l t ober. As Mss kedwas th, firsi l~ilvPreid Nt. r,. Ot ien- <lerson. with a l'ew weli chosen wor(ls presented Miss Aked withi a token of' appreciation. SFaèing loto a golden sunset and -home, thîs concluded a most enjoyat)le and relaxing (laY ens was educated in the Oshawa area and on Oct. 5,1920 was united in marriage witb Robert M. Stephens, and tbey resided at 7 Cburch Street, Bowmanville for 44 years, previously residing in Oshawa. A devoted mother and housewife she was a member of St. Pauî's United Church and of the U.C.W. Surviving are ber cbildren Eileen(Mrs. Harold Moore) Courtice, Mar- ion (Mrs. Roy Aîmey) Bow- manville, Bill, Scarboro, Bessie (Mrs. S. Forsey), Ruby (Mrs. H. Knapp),.Helen, (Mrs. F. Cook), Bowmanville, Betty, (Mrs. G. Thompson), Cobourg,Maurice, Brampton, Peggy (Mrs. R. Frank), Newtonville, Gregory, and Robert, Bowmanville; a sister Mabel Greenbam, 31 grand- cbiîdren and 12 great grand- cbiîdren. The funeral service was beld from the Nortbcutt Elliott Funeral Home on Tuesday, June 12, witb Reverend H. A. Turner officiating. Favorite bymns of the deceased were played. Palbearers were M\essrs. Jim Almey, Elgin Greenham, Rick Forsey, Frank Cook Jr., Bihl Knapp and Johin Weronski. Showing the love and es- teem bheld for the- deceased were many beautiful floral takens, among wbich were ones from G. M. Follow Up Group, Local 74, -General Foods Cobourg, C.N.R., Tor- onto and Montreal, Ford Motor Co. Union, Brampton, Memorial Park Association, Liberty Belles Bowling Lea- gue,McGregor Hardware Ltd. Donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation, the Cancer Society and the Gideon Bible Society were also gratefully received. Interment was in Bowmanvilîe Cemetery. FINAL OFFER TO IMMIGRANTS Manpower and Immi- gration Minister Robert Andras introduced a bill in the House of Com- nions offering llegt1 immigrants a final op- portunity to apply for landed immig-rant status without penalty. Those who do not comne for- ward will be deported xithrnt 'n',v ri"ht f ap- OPEN THU RS.0 F R. OBITUA RIES 7'z/'Black1 Portable Circular

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