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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 9

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IN A BRIEF CEREMIONY - on Saturday, July 7th the mayor of Oshawa, ~James Potticary merged the Ontario Games flame and thie Canada Games flame in a brief ceremnony conducted at Civie Square, j ULY 2o-2Ç,-22 - will be the date of action for Waitkins Glen, N.Y. when the Glen presents her' fifth Annual Six Hours-Can-Amn Extravaganza. The second doubleheader of the year, worth another $100,000 in guaranteed piemnyto competitors, will feature a six hour endurance test Saturday afternoon which awards points counting toward the World Charnpionship of M-anufacturers - the loth event in the il race series this year. Coupled with the Six Hours is the Glen Can-Am, a pair of twin 100 mile sprints for the giants of road racing - the unlimited horsepower and 'dispiacement Sports-Racing mnachinery of the Canadian-American Challenge Cup Series. Sanctioned by the Sports Car Club of Amnerica, Inc., and the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile, thei weekend wiil present two completely different types of .road racing for the spectator. 'The drama of endurance racing - cornplete with scheduled pit stops, driver changes and refuelling - and the awesome, ground shaking 1000 horsepower Can-Amn cars in a pair of sprints for the checkered fiag make up TH-E sports car doubleheader of the yqar, QUALIFIES - Ron Jukie, 'competing at a regional meet for Bantams, and Midgets held at BirchmountStadium, Scarborough, this week won the 100 metres in 11.7 seconds, came second in the long jump with 17'-9" and fourth in the 200 metres in~ 25.4 seconds and will com- pete in the Ail Ontario meet to be held jin Windsor on July 21. The topsix winners in each event qualified. Congratulations on a good showing and best wishes for the events in Windsor. JUST A MITE DUSTY - Both the Juveniles and intermediate, bail teams, and their opponents found themseives piaying or trying to play bail in a dust bowl at Soper Creek Park'Diamond on Saturday and Sunday.'It was steaming hot and the high winds had dried out the playing surface, so every few minutes the games had to be delayed whiie the wind took over and blew clouds of dust ail over the place. Every time a player slid into a, base, he raised a cloud of dust that made it difficuit hi find him- in the sandstorm. Somehow, a system will have to be worked out to appiy somne dampening solution or the whole infield surface could disappear in a high wind. S PORT DARLINGTON MARINE EN GINE REPAIR Be ca ch 'R oaid off Liberty St. S. Bpowmanville NOW OPEN FOR01 REPAIR' ON ALL TYPES 0)FENGINiES. LAWNMOWER, OUTROARD, INBOARD, FARM and CONSTRUCTION. GAS or DIESEL Cai li623-4361 SA good crowd, estirnated at, close to 200 people, turned up at Tyrone Park on Saturday evening, July 8th, f0 watch a soccer game between the Darlington AJI Stars (pietured above) and the Oshawa Wan- derers. The Al-Stars, coached by ln the front row of the photo, Ralph Davies, the President of trom left to rigbt, are Brian the five-tearn, Darlington Soc- Burgess, Ewert Werry. goal- cer League. played some fine ies Jack "Taylor and Rick soccer ai times but weni down Rundie. Roly Co ombes and ta defeat by a 2-1. margin. Pete Randv Allen. ScI-aaniderbeek picked up the In ihe back row are' Glen goal fIor the Darlington squad. Electirons Vin Coe udDuel Against Kna on Thursday by .iim Clarke~ Pat O'Reilly and Don MeMurter were promineat performers last Thursday evening at Soper Creek, as the Locke TV Electrons aipped Kendal 1-0. Bowmanviile's red-headed fliager lii'ted theieEagles to a mere three b lits, as he bested Charlie 1Reid ila-a sensational mlound duel. Kendal's hurler aillowed jusi five safeties, but onie was McMurter's third inning triple tbat produced the winning run. Kim Rogers led offt ibe Electkons' third witb a walk, tLeirfirsf of six h y MReid in the game,. ich Little advanced hlim imt scoring position with a sacrifice and aiter O'Reilly bounced out, McMurter belted bis first of two bits, a resoundiag tbree bagger._ Tlie t wo hieavers put on an impressive show the rest of the route. Keadal straaded four men, wbile Bowrnanville deserted 11 over the nine innings. The Eagles' best threat came in the fiftb, on a pair of infield errors and Ronnie Wests double. C'atcher Rog- ers erased Pete Henderson on a pickoff play at first and O'Reilly escaped unharmed. Kendal managed only Iwo baserunners over the last fourinnings, as O Reilly took dead aim ,ai bis third piftcbing triumph i;n four decisions. acrobssti( game s only- run in the third, threatened in the fîuth, sixtb, seventb and eightb. but Reid and bis mates bore down in the clutcb situation. LeoKelly, Rogers,, George, Sainisbury anid Little ah er unsuccessful in two on. txwo out showdowns with) Reid.' ,round the Bases - Bow- manville's victory 'was their fifth in as many meetings this year against Kendal. Two of thie triumphs have been down ta the wire, one run verdicts. MciMurter, with a triple aad single, paced the Electrons' tniniest but iifficicnen of(iee. SainshuryChuck Kilpaýtrick and ORilhad siingles. DogTay-lori pbKentiedy and West octdte Losrs saeies eid fanned six, camýpare'<ta;h onrly one h 0 ellbut t1e Electron tbrower gavqupno walks. These two cus next meet- ing will beon(a July l8th, (Wednesdaý ) ini Keadal, at Ashton, Doug Broome, Mitch' Davies, Simon Grootehieaven, Pete 'Schoonderbeek. Bruce Baker and Jim Potter, Not present for this pre- game photo were Pete Pinsent and Don Burgess. whiffed nine times., In the second, encounter, Ron Stainton and Walter WePreszczynski saw mnound' d1uty as Kingston rolled to their 9)-3 triumph hewnnr rang up fnehits onthe atfensive reister, while Bow- m-anville baigged six. Brad- den, on the bill for Kingston, claimed Ù' strikeouts during the seven ianings., while the J3owmanville hurlers regîster- ed five. ,Bowvmaaville took a '-1 lead in the second, oni Cornelf's leadoif borner, folowed by bits from Pete Nowlaa 'and Stainton. The Juveniles could manage only fwo more singles over the remaiaiag f our in- nings. Jim Burtchi led off the third wîiiha a in bilto 1(21e1 and Stainton alotcbed bis Juvenîlies Drop Both Games 0f Satu rday's Hot Twin Bih1 by Jim t larýe Kingsioa departed f romn Saper C'reek witb a pair of victories foilowing last Satur- Bowman ville Lions Club sa- turday, JuIy I tii featuaring Chidre'sParade Starts at the OId- High School - 6:30 p.m. DECORATID BIKES NOVEL COSTUMES Plan to Enter Have Some Fun! NOVEL BOOTHS - BINGO- REFRESHMENTS .51G DRAW FOR AilVACATION TICKET$ $M Proceecls for Lions Community Work RIDES day's exhibition double-head' er against the Bowmanville Ju'7enles, Under stearning, 85-degree plus heat and a diamond that resembled tbe Sahara, Bow- manville were edged 6-4 in thc first and 9-3 later, The opener was a well played encounter, witb Paul Forsey suffering the pitching loss. despite a solid chore., Bath teamns managed jusi four bits, with two af Kingston's coming in the second trame, as they moved in front 4-0. The locals replied witb a single run'in their baîf oa, the frame, witb Tommy Nowlan ripping oui a double. Bowman- ville balved the lead, wbea Forsey who had walked, eventually scored on Nowlan's sacrifice fly, in the fourtb. The vi siiors f inisbed their scoring in the tif tb, nicking Forsey for twa ruas. Bowmanville bit for their final twa tallies in the last of the fiftb,, as Mk Cornell, Andy McCullogb and Steve Parker connected for hase bits. Forsey. despite .the sizziling weatber, fiaished strang. wbiffing five of the last 10 mnen be faced. Around thie Bases - Over the seven inning route, Forsey hung up il strikeout scalps, wbîle Bowmanville batters Town Leogue Softboll Frankl's Wien Lead to 2 Gamýles As Defaults Enteqr bx 1err' Baker Franks \7aricly ý ideine their lead in the Mens Tow~n League lasi xweek ta two garnes over Siephens Fuels wýith a pair ai wins. Franks downed Krarnps 6-5 anîd claimed a defauli win over Stephens ta remain an top. In tbe otb0r games,i Stephens gained a detauli win aver Ellis and Kramps edged Ellis 11-10 tô stay witbia reacb ai first place. Franks. trailing 5-3 in the top ai the seventb, erupted for three Iruns for their winning margin aver Kramps. Ron Hayes (1-0) picked up the win allowiag anc rua over the last tbree innings. John Kramp f0-2) took the loss. Neil Fry led Fraaks with a three for four the SchedUle -nd is firsi bamer of n.r Beam, Woody Luaï., Day" Taylor each added twa bits. Mike Cornell, Doug Craugh and Brian Evans eacb bad txvo bits for Kramps. 1Kramps juiwped ia a 10-5 lead againsi Ellis with seven ruas ini the lasi ai the third but they still bad ta score a rua in the lasi ai the seventh ta edge a determiaed Ellis team, 11-10. Ken, Crydermian and Don Sheehan led the wianers with tbree bits each wbile Len Kenny with three bits aad Charlie Nash witb two were Ellis' best. Curi Vanstone had tbree RBI's for Ellis as did Dick McLean for, the winners John Kramp (1-2) gained the win while Raady Beauprie (2-2) took the loss. Frank's Variety ....... .. ......15 11 Stepheas Fuels ....... . 15 9 Kramps Furniture . ... 15 ,8 Lloyd Ellis Shoes. . 15 2 TOP TEN (30 or more at bats) GP ABF Webster, Kramps 8. 30 Lee, Fraaks 12, 33 Kenkny, Ellis 13 47 Dragstra, Siephens. 9 32 Tugwood, Fraaks. Il 37 Passant, Kramps .11 Il35 K. Cryderman, Kraînps 13 47 H-ayes, Ellis .............12 34 Blackburn, Stephens .. 12 41 Anderson, Fraaks 12 4 second 0f th garne in the tourth. Kingston went ahead to stav vAien they unloaded for three hits and four runs in the fifth. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmaaville, JuIy il, 1973 SPORTALK- ANYONE FOR TENNIS - The two tennis courts at the rear of the Lions Centre on Beech Avenue are busy night and day with players of ail ages as the gaine:increases a gain in popularity. Incidentally, the Cana-. dian Lawn Tennis Association recently'an- nounced a prograin designed to invoive a, large group of young people right across Cantada. There will be Junior Closed Champ- ionships in Ottawa August 13-1e, followed hy the Canadian Junior Open from Aug. 2th to 25th. Thé Ontario Open in Toronto is sched:ul-ý ed for July 30th to August 4th. NEWCASTLE, CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKEND CELEBRTON PROGCRA M~ FRIDAV - AUGUST 3, 1973 SUNDAY - AUGUST 5, 1973 7:00 P.M-Get Acq.!ainted Hour- Bar Privileges 8:00 P.M.-Official Opening Ceremonies 8:15 P.M.-A Musical Play, "Moses" SAT -AUGUST 4, 1973 Throughout the Day - Sidewalk Sale 10:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. Throughout the Afternoon- Fire Department Demonstrations 12:01 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 12:01 P.M.-Community Hall Open House 1:45 P.M.-Dedication of .lJoseph E. Atkinsor, Plaque 2:15 P.M.-Commemorative Service and Dedication of Plaque Commnem? ating the 50th Atiniversary cf the Opening of the Newcastle Community Hall 2:45 P.M.-Band Concert 5:00 P.M.-Communîty Picnic- Bring Your Picnic Lunch Beverages Available 7:00 P.M.-Ballet and Baton Show 7:45' P.M.-Popular Singing Group MON. - AUGUST 6, 1973 Annuel Newcastle Lions Club Sports a nd Carnival Day 11:00 A.M.-Baseball Tournament- Intermediate Class. 1. Port' Hope vs. Bowmanville 2. Oshawa vs. Kendal. '3. Winner 1 vs. Winner 2 6:00 P.M.-Parade 7:00 P.M.-Carnivai onyour radio gets o BOiI Stepr'e:sori Dave H-odq.ý WVe believe one broadcastinçj service you apîe -nî osti s a professional job of sports coverage, every day. Thats what you -get on Radio 1010. -,.overI120 sportscasts a week with at least 40 on weekends,. CFRB is the only radio station in Canada with three fuli-time sportscasters-Bil Stephenson. Dave Hodge and Brian Wiliams -.abIy suppo.rted by other pros like Jim Coleman, Mili Dunineli,. Ken KMCKee, AI Nickieson. Jim Lampman and Peter Head. Whenever Canadian lathietes are i nvolved n major sports action -you'Il always know the s(co)re. Liste-n here! 114 94 0 110 84 2 121 103 3 83 147 9 R H RBI, 10 15 3 9 15 10 8 21 12 10 14 5 9 16 15 14 15 7 14 20 il 6 13 5 10 15 9 13 15 9 Avg .500, A454 .447 .438 A432 .429 .426 .366 .357 k Best bet for SPORTS every day! Darlington Ail-Stars Play Oshawa Wanderers, at Tyrone 6:00 P.M.-Flea Market 6:00 P.M.-Farmers' Market 6:00 P.M.-Old Tyme Movies 6:00 P.M.-Beer Garden 12:00 P.M.-Beer Garden 1:00 A.M.-Dance !-,,, ni, Williams

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