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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 14

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14 The Can,,adian Stahesinati, Bowmanvîhle, July 11i, 1973 New iister and Family of St. PauI's EtBcw mariNiv1 ies Honr)eywriEllPlntilBukilds B Eanking, Terminais OBITUARY .4;, ~. ,~ s ý M~ A prominenit citizen of' Port 'C.'.~7y~4~ ~ ~ :V. miontîe Foui' Counity Separate ""' ., ShoolBoad, died suddeniy '. îrday aftenonn Wahbis farm gus r Dene had fbeen an % e. e * actie member oi the Port , Hope Lions CiuL nd h-ad been sou, sled mo Le nducted as '4presudent oaiîLie club )on eue ' ; T2 ...,~. 4~ Moridiay for 1Le 1973)-74 leur, He had vd as firi and 7 ~,' r ' ~ econ vie-pesientand had .ICI ienli receivcd a pin foi 15 Scyeans service2. Be was also a o-1 e formerli presîdei of the Cobo- s ~4 cnkLions Club ibefaýre mov- .si ng to Port Hope about 1963. Boîn in Kinmount. he taîm- '4 '4 ,' c at Noîhand betwýecn CoLo- .': u cok and Kiinmaunt befare in' ov'ing ta Pont ope wýhe-re he waýs ia sales repreethv for 1À~ Canadian Germicide. ,~~ Be xvas first eleccd a h Fus our County Separl Sho s" 4 ~ Board in 1969 whcn il wafs 4 farmcd and Lad been id( eced by accamation taLis third termni office !ast Deceînbei' epeiui a served on ihe tawn Separahe "ci A suiss eh asbeîî aciv o One of the first bankin.g teller termninais buit at HioneywelUss Bowrnanville plant is weeked recietoaiiatdd salcommit out bry, left to right, technician Rionaéld Carter, operations mantager Ted RoIf Von de Baumien and programmer ShahidMl asood. Fj WflhR best friend yÔ Hoewl as strtd ro- sîmilar to Caniadlas.Au- duction of i e aain-e iFancWetGermaýny, signe on-ne bnkýing teiler Sedn nd 'Mexico are prime factory ,ýhere. aie xiSting in theU nited Accoring to oneywl, theStates, Hioneyw eh (,Ilsaid.The Bowmanývfllc planit is io pro- f ir"st BPolwïnil-pou duce he terminais for world- term-ýinais are bigshipped to widc dlistribution Tbe com- Banque Provinciale du Cani- pany esti'mates a potentilal ! aainMotel Million market for the units in Tbe ermnl fîtannounc Canada and in otber couniries ed l'late last!yer. nabies a with branchi banking systems teller at any braniclb bank location to cmmniat itb cribes information directly tbe, banks cntalcomýputer trom original documents to system tio obtain thie status of optr-sal magnetic account, t o enter deposits tape. To date the plant has and witbdrawals and to auto- pîoduced more tban $50 iL- miatically update pafssbooks. lion wortb of Keytape)ýs, large- Tbe unit can also pcîform ly' for export. oewl' routine aingiii- and subtîac- large(si Cainadian, facility is a tion, 00,000square-foot plant in Hoewl uilt the Bow- Scrbotrough, Ontari'owic mianvil:iefctryin I1968 to manIufacture.s en virmetal produe Keytape, a data aýnd process controldeis preparation device that trans- and systems. tees in the Lions Club, Mr. Demoe was also an avi miember of Our Lady of Ii Church and was ach r mnember of the newly formedi Knights of Columbus in Port* Hope. Friends say he bad gone up to bis farm near Coboconk oni Friday to take off the hay when the attack occurred. H1e is survived by bis wife, thie former Olive Traynor ofl Lindsay, a teacher at St. Johni Bosco School at Osaca. Also, Surviving is one son, Paul. Another son, Stephen, predie- ceased him as the resuit of aný automobile accident about, four years ago. M Nr. Demoe rested aI the D) E. Allison Funeral Home, 103, Mill St. N.. Port Hope, where prayers were said Sunday at8 p.mý Requiem Mass was cele- brated at 10 a.m. Monday f rom Our Lady of Mercy Church, Monsignor L1A Cieary officiating. uI GtCash Today through Phohe 623-3303 lur home ever hade". AVAILABLE AT- ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 KING ST. W. PH ON E 623-5431 Tbe new iniister ait St, Sherol. nine years and. incmron was inducteýd by Paui'jjs Lnited Cburch. Bow- Iront ofI ber, is John, i ive he BPey. FE.Alan Brethe manivilie h e.Ewr ersOeohrcid ieChiman ' otff te Osbaa fa i, ora State'sman pic ithe.photo Secrryof the locl Pîesby urejusi prior b theInduction vScaehîncms10 1îeryý, cnutdteservýil- aI Service hed t fhe'church 0on St.Pufo h lro osi Weneda veng ýJl 411sit- roa nited soa Cagjusi oulside ingst on, AnInfor101mi recý(,[tîo anmd In lthe chair is 1eu\ cam onario,, where he srefrs ocial bour foliowed - the ndue- their yugetson Peter, tW) olownga sermon b h mmesof stiPl's cngr 1er Stnigbeicbe 1v Gro'ure t , amgainachance to me hi mother is their eldest child ony Road Ijnied Chiurc,v e~miitrad i aiy A bolcruise through 10ocR 20 andAt h ifiok at Peerbo ough hiiigted the aninual picn Il]' the Be1tny usr Schooi ldin aet are intcruietdnin eitrn ch1ildien are as"ked to conitact. MisNo',ooMis.1"Bob Ryeyir is W. Capelting. Mi. andMis. lBeg. le x îsted ith mIa Palmýr, Mis. Rs ail, Witby. visited îth bermoth'erMi T akon isJaksn a AItcr-forlaviSit la!miiy of ite lie B alph Becentguess ith Mi and Mis V. Jacksonweîe Mr. and Mirs. Sid \MKinnon, CevIîuIa11d. and MI!(i nd Mr (eorge ConnesofMorI s Mi. and Mis,ý Carl Porteous paiticipated ini a bus tur Moteland Ottawa on the holiday wckn weîe Mi. and Mi-s. Bih BýamIord adsons Dougiad Marty of îsisuai nd Mirs. C W. Hughies, Toronto, a nd i ( aI nd Mrs Boy erren Cavan Sus Thp Abus tnp 1o Torontio was taikeni on Wednesdiay, June 27 b", the Golden Star Seior- sp, 0wen a picinic lunch"was en1-joyed 1and a dCorate-d cake wa1s eItiihoni of the( sayof Mr. and Mis. Emeniry a]nd Mis. Argue wei e nized. A elaxing, îtrigba 't-p was taken around the Tor-onto Hrorxhni lands, wjichaeusda residenitial places, inie grounds. yacht bouse aiea, anld nairpoît toi iniidui ondairpianes, wcreobe vods as Weilas tce shore une o the c 'ty.lTe geese aind docks and t he gulI sn'îavwr Afler he boat np mfýany tank a tour. on, the architect urai sculee!)fOntain Plaýce, and.a tou of Edwars' Grandens s aiso aken. Gifs for pertetatna ncme were given ho ,Mi. and Misý.R. Ferren. . rmhaean Mi1s. C. Bowani The inexi mweeting iiibe 0on Wednesday, Sept. 5, wbcn a new siate d offi2cers wiil be psntdbh e n ominating commitîe. Ot)hersenior it zesare welcome to Io in aI Mi and MisrTyorCiw haxe aýgin offered ho coine to Beth'Ilan ihanother ihrs îng programme. fi, ishod tha hel1r senior cizenis Ifîo sulrîouniding ares wil jffin at this occasion. The ,date will be, announiced afIciý final arran gements have been made. N s o~îf ,ntitament BET H ANy ai, aWýLway, elcoreiie.îlieint v iisi ndilis Cerne- Pipils Pieseni tery Pianlo lHeetal M i Rýa atenedLitford Pianio pupils of Mis. 'Jeane Sclool anlas timied in !lhe MeMiahon recently parhici Betan iaa P i i itetme. patedHin a nmusirecihal.which Be was ais) a steward in the was heild in Grandview Public Bethany Unvied Church. Schlooi. Pupiil pîiîpîn n - E giaup anc were : Lori nHio'. CO. IL2 Suz, WodhadLisàAl~ Te - ,Jenifi îmm, aînynAg 'ricihlur, Gardon M( CabeLauie Un vie pea Skitcb, and Kim Hav1mee1n\1 C rouip txxo icue h 'pth loloowmg elecions.JaePede MeCue, "Spooks"Hgihatmti C1îfford,'Waltz'*' Kim jim-Ieralc mno, "heTov Train" Kaien "Bnown iu'el a e",Ss- aon. RyieyAlgetoi" Timmx Cý -hltor , "Jets o Parade': Hln Natessl Cauniy urne' : Lo rine Migan an1d Debîý'a ls ton, "Tý arhele" Sehy is JaetDrro, iut Group thîce inciudete Whit. "Burre i G". Arlhne M lith, 1"tarf li",Lriem Sara Sale,"Medley aIoo igs 'arInd Rle"yHa I,îng Song", Lynn rm« in Jim an Hltern, "alhz udy Keri. "Lebestraum" M eme ta Bmaand ~ iosn y GSao ard" Doakig older" ShrryJoh rston Aemande": Mileay St igensm HagingGardens' Mar ie Ctioî'de, 'ati A' fiat". Rth.Pie n RiALPH R1loWAN Funraisericefor the laIe Balph B'owan oftbany was hcld inri M ackey VFu ncra1 Hlome, Lindsayv, on Juiy 4.Mi, He was the Son of Mis. Irene Bowan and ithe laIeEmr Bowan, and bohroh H1cel, This Cdem une l- oung boise- womnan is JiliCniedln of, 53 enriesin h ie i PonyClu Opn HrseShowý held atIllhe Lbrt table o-n ,uda, Ji 1.Miss Cani field to ok a i4i, place iribbon. in Ibis palicuflal event. the( ure 2st ah 8:'311 ilvt DKpatmet a oet ne' lýd th1o yn i-, l u i ORONO NEWS Mr. Lance Plain who was a passenYgeýr ini a car that was in\olved ,,inm ,uiaccident on Wedesayof Last weknear Mailreturnledl homle Sat- uîd(iay vein1rom ilthe Ross IMemoriaîl HospitalLidsy IMiss Merle owr Ms Baýzel lPower andmiIr aod Poýer of1 Osluiwa retIurnýd sulimmçr home on Tauntfonl Roea( Clarke Union. Mir. and Mis. rcieLun visited fMr. and Mrs., ale Paîr'linder21 of Solinaý on Tue- daiy of iast weýek. Mr- and Mrs. Biil!Saso Scarborougb spet1theweek- end iber paýrents 'Mr and Mrs. Lawence Baris. Mr.Larry' Edward gg(he former 1 ondca Lynn1Tnnant on their marriage t (ionlo E. Long officiated. M'Or, and M'rs- Hogg wiil reside at Ida. Mlrs. cse Cawvker, Mrs, G. L.Mceeand beraut Mrlis. S. I.Snlýl oUBrmn vijlle visihed Ms .B Waddcll on Tu(,Sdayý of last week. M[rs._",S. IeNa11% who Mr J 'ohýn Mather wasalrcntvreune rom the usher at;tf Harper Muflv-ihe Oshawa Genreral Hospital is xveddinig in 1-o4y Cross çonvalescéinaCte home of Cburcb, O)sbawa, onfJine lber sister, Mlrs. FedLycett. 23rd .Mrs. John Eddyvem an rcc- MiJ. 1Hary L Iyceitt bas been a ly visited Mir. and Mlrs AW patient in Bowmnanville Mtcm Prescott of Hampton. orlial Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick and i. and Mirs, Fred Dayes of i. Amnbrose Lynwood of Blcstcvere Sna sup- Liday ir, Elford Cox of pier guests of Mi. and M frs XiiwdlMrs. John Cox of Reg Suttn.Bomaviievisted Mi. and Paper Dive on Satuiay at is. Reg Sutan on Thursday 9ý:00 a.,July 141h. of last ek Mis'. F. O.Cooper uis with i. and NMrS 1Bî,ll Sears Of Mr. and Mis. O. M.,J. Fagan Scarboiougb bad lunch ith oarkbamjjj aýfte awek n igandmIothcr MrlS.Geoý the Osbawa Generai Hospital. ýMoiton at noon oin Monday. Mi. and Misý. Paul Sniod- BlCo)atham, aýge 16, son of grass of Lindsay, Mi. and Mi. and Mis. R. J Coatbam of Mis.Wm B. Ha of Bow- Reý(d lDcci. Sask., and ai mnanvi% lae M and Mis. EBR, gîandsion of Mis. Hastead Ranyof Oroniowreguesis Cabmoh Orono, waýs acci- of Mi. and MWsNeHi anynhaily >kilild on Monday, R. R. 4, indsay on Wdc-July 9th. day, Juy 4tb(on the occasion of Mis. Snodgiass' birtday. Since hey are a îenewabie, Congratullations. Ciý11i'euce foes swill be Uinît Two of the Orono î'qvuýId'to prov ide icesn United Cuc Womien be-ld a arnnsot materials and Pot Luck Luncheon and iiieu- goads whîch man depends ing onJuIy 1l t the summeir iupan) home of Mirs. Everclt Staple -____________ ton at Balieboro. r u m m * m" EVERYDAY LOW PRICE FEATURE -ý&»Hmom-at McGREGOR'S *BUIRT WiTHMOST 0F TiHE FEATURES' 0F HEAVY.DýUTY LAODERS BUT WITHOUT THt EXTRA WEIGI'T e Q Att WeRITTEN- < TANDARDS FOR ALUMINUM 20, 24' 32 PATENTED SAFF T BOND RUNG- TO-RAIL fJOINTS AS WI'Týi4Att LITE LADOER. EXTENSIONS SPR'iNC, 1OAEO SAF ETY LOCKS ANO PROTECTIVE SURE GRIF RU6BER FEET ON A'DJUSTABLE SAFETY S9OES MAPE WTH T LA DO0RSENE F!,AT RUNGS FOR E'XTRA sAFEY ANO COMFORT FLAT2VI zEXTENSION zo' AND 32'1 EXTRA STROI INCREASEC UNDER NRA USE ASK ABOUT THE OETAILS OF IltS G UA RA NTIE r 1.. i RUNGS 4f,0369 31.7 4s0289 36.71 4gn39C 45.88 ffl3si 51 .88 LAOOERS ARE RR NCG FORI TI4E TO REÂCN AORSZ O KEIONS 1Ici LMAD LIN " AN IDEAt ALt PURPOSE SiEPLADOER " EXTRA SîDCE 3- RAILS AND " Ont PIECE EXTRUOIEO ALUMINUM TOP 0 EXRUOED PAIE HOLDERF SUPPORTS A FUIL t0 EU .D. OR MORE WEARPORT 4' No. 4603F82 12.77 5No. 460383 13.49 N.4603,84 15-49 7No. 45n385 29.97 8 oN 460386 31.97 12.77Up WCAN SUPPLY SPECIAL LADDERS 'OR INDUSTRY -INQUTRE! FRIDAY SA TLJffA y JULY 19-20-21 the shw an uquailified suc- cess.Therewcopiin as; hs l thîie ted,! Six na-hes, FROM 29.77 U SFETY WATCH NEXT WEEK for. 95 KING ST. W. 623-2542 BOWMANVILLE Rides in $uccessful Horse Show AR PRANI 'i U N DR NORPMAL 'USE ASK ABOUT THE DETAILS 0F THIS GU ARANIE SPECIALSI

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