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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 3

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CRIMP 60,Wide BLACKSTOCK Several local families are p)articipatiflg in, the Urban- Rujral Exechange sponisored by the Depa rtment of Agriculture in wicýh a ctystudentl spends a1 week 'In the country wýith a farm student and later the countýry student spends a week with tle citysudent in his homi-e. Heather Anîyon, Bow- manjýville is spen-,ding, this week as guest of Lois VanCamlp, MvichellIe Morocz of Willowvý- dale is Lindla Wheeler's guest, Tod Wlcx f Bwmnv0l is spending a week with Doug Larmier and Rodd Stiller of Peterborough is wt Craig larmner. Mr. and -Mrs. Ross Duff have returned home from .a weeký's h-olidaýy to Vancouver and Calmry and other West- ernl points. Winniers at the Sno ii zen's Card Party: on Tuesday evening xere Ladies' High- Effel Forder Second-Rubv Tripp, Third-Edfla Kerry. Men,'s higb-Ella Venning,Sece- onid-Stan Plough'tman,Third- R>oss Alsop. Mrs. JinMro as re- turned from a twe'lve-da-,y holiday with bler sister, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bilbey in Los Vegas, Arizona. Marg7,-karet M CnÏ,y asied by bier dughters, Judy Gil- bank and Linda Kytýe was hostess to a lovely brîdal shower in ho1nor of Miss Nancy Dorrell. Thiswaatnddb specialiingin Perms Coûr Clairol ligs Latest Cutting ,-Techniques PHONE 623-5455 37 King St. Wv. Bowvman ville tamily triencis,' former teach- ers and Sunday school teacb- ers. Nancy replied fittingly for the lovely gifts whicb she received. Welcome toth community is extended to Larry and Beth Shribert and baby Vicki wbo have >recenltly moved from Oshawa to Mr. Sleep's bouse at the corner of Purple Hill and Scugog Roads. Severa] new famnilies hiave also moved into the new subdivision in, Blackstock and while we don't know ah y'our naines, Our comlfllnity welcomaes you. 1Congraýtulations to Mrs. Richard Wall wbo celebrated ber 90th birthday on Friday. Mrs. Wall enjoys fine bealth for ber years and she and Mfr. Wall are able to live alone ln their own homne in North Blackstock. HapipyBitdy Mrs. Wall. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and MIrs. Maurice Edgerton and Denise in bonor of Donald and Marlene Edgerton's baby boy, Wayne Donald were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Price, King- ston, friends and relatives of Donald and MUarlene from Lindsay. Mr. Bill Tripp, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Knapp, Oshawa, called wîthl gifts for the, baby in the afternoon. Mr. Robert Gerry, Toronto, and great-grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Edgerton, Port Perry joined the gathering for the after- noon and for supper. Quite a niumber fromn here attended the Orange Parade wicb was hield on Saturday in Por Pery.The Cartwright Ladies and Men's Lodges were led in finle fashion by the Cartwrigh-t Fife and Drumn Band under the leadersbip of Bill Fergouson. The bank looked sharp in their white uniformrs and provided fine music for the occasion. >Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Bryans and faiîly spent the weekend at their cottage at KellY's By on Saturday the family atten- ded tbe 25th Weddinganniver- i __ Announcement 0 0 $2o77Y s Pretty Summner Weidding sary of Bobo's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bry ans at Fenelon Falls. Sunday guests at the cottage were Mr. and Mfrs. Vic Hlanc and Tracim omn ville, Miss Pat IMark. F'enelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walker and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mumford, Oshawa. SMr. and Mrs. Glenni Lar- mier, Doug and Craig and guests, ToddWicx and Rod Stiller,Mr and Mrs. Ralpb Larmer, Mi\r. and MIrs. Gerald Kelly and famrily attended thie reunion and picnic, of the formner Y.P.U. Pebtr Executive field at Miss Marg Pellow'si cottage ait Echo Bay necar Bobc(ay7geoni- on Sunday afternoon and eve.ning. On Saturda v ening- a giood crowd attended the comimun- îty showecr fbeld in the Rec. Centre in bonor of MNr. and iMrs. Roger Fannon (tiee Margaret Carnaý.ghan). Ralpb, larmer performed the duties of M.C. very well for tbe following jirogrammne-Solo by Janiet Parsons a3ccomlpanied by Don Wrigbt Pianlo Solo by AlIlan Ferguson; Reading ,en- titled -Seven Sae of a Married Coid-' by Cindy VanCamp; Piano Solob Louise Va-.nCampil; Vocal Solo by, Alice Carnaghanaccmp a.nied byv Linda Kyte; Piano Solo by Cheryl Wr-igbt a nd reading "About W'ives" by Marie VaniCamnp. Comica-,l songs reminiscing of Margar- et's younger da'ys by four of bier school chums, Judi M.,ounlt- joy, sharon Essery, Betty Bradburn and HîelenSai wýere enjoyed by a11. At this point Ralph Larmer presented Roger and MWargaret witb a round card table and padded chair set, rose bowl and candle as well as miscellan- eous gifts along with the good wishes of the com-ýmunity. Mrs. Doris 'Marlow bad pre- sented M1argaret wt a lovely red rose corsage which looked lovely on ber long white lace dress. Both 'Margaret and Roger thanked thecomnt for the gifts and wishies. 'lle remnainder of the evenîng was spent in a social time after a lovely lunch. Mlr. and Mrs. Bob) Mahaffy of St. Mary's spent a couple of days% recently withi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahiaffy and Neil. îMr. Neil M\cLautgliýn was a Friday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mlrs. Jack Chap- man and irls, Port Perry. M.and iMrs. Bill iM'ahalfy were mnid-week afternoon and supper guiests of M,,r. and Mrs. MaIýrtini Devitt of Fenelon Falîs. OBITUARY MR.G. E. IBRADLEY Following a lengthy illness of nearly seven years, Mrl Elva Bradley, paýssed aayii. North Bay, onî Thursday, June 29t), 1973. Born in Enfield and educated in Eniniskillen she was the daughiter of William and Mary Grif fin. MUarried to George Edward Bradley, w0io predeceased ber, she hiad resided at Toronto, then at Burwash for 21 years and at Callandar for 8 yea-rs. Mrs. Bradley wvas a memnber of Callandar United Ch urch. Sur- viving are ber daughiter Mary (Mrs. Sherman- Davis) Ca Il- andar, son George of Vale Caron, 6 grandclildre~n and 5 brothers and sisters. The funeral service was held in Sudbury at the Bernard Funeral Homne on June ni and theni to Nortbcutt Elliott 'Funeral Homne for funeral service on Tuesday, July 3rdi. Pall-bearers were Mlessrs. Clem RBahmi, Dale and Robert Griffin, Roy Grahaým, Francis Wotton,, and Rober-t Backuiss. Interment was in Hiamfpton Cemetery. Dutcb Ev-lm disease w,,as first observed ini the NCetherlands Mr. and Mrs. Alian Ja.mes Flintoff -MecRobbie Photo Reverend Wesley Onke unit- were arraniged pink set ed in marriage Gladys Lor- heart roses, white carnations raine Bowen, daughter of Mr. and baby's breath. and MVrs. Reginald Bowen, 'Miss Debjorab jones, the Bowmianvýille and Allan James maid of hocnor, waus in a formaI Flintoff, son of Mr. and MIrs. lengtb g 'own of pink figured PercyFinof R. Rl. 2,nyo over taffeta, the iAdes- Bowmanviihle, n Saturdjay, maids, sisters Mrs. Sam Junie 2, 1973 in Trinity United Cle ments, M-.rs. Donald Jenseni Cburch, omavll.The and sse-nlwMrs. LaÉrry organistwa John Crook- Bown, wore similar gowns lin, sbank. bu.Te carried bouquets of Given in marriaýge ,by ber wbte0 aiie spiink carnationls father, the bride was lo0vely in anId babyýVs hbreatb. Thte best a formailent gown ofnyo man w'as MrI.DoadBhwl over satin, wýtiiia traditionial and the, ushe_-rs Mtessrs Larry flounce on the bottomi. The Bow,,en, Robert Gordon i ia- bodice and highneýckline were toff. For the reception and trimmùed wit.h veniseý lace. The dance held in theNitngl floor length veil was edged Centennial Hal, owman- with the same lace and fell ville, the bride's mnother from a pilîbox headpiece. She received th gueýsts in -a carried a white Bible on whicb formai g,,own of blue ecrnimp yellow sweetheart roses and wýhite carnations. The groom's mnothier chose a formaI gown of yellom, crimp polyester with a, corsage of orange sweet- bepar't roses and white carna- tions. Following a honeymiooni in the Peterborough district the happy couple will reside at 97 Quleen Street, Bowýmanville. Pr1evious to tLhe weddingr the couple were honored at sev- clparties given by M,.rs. Ar-ltur Ramsey, and Mrs. Gerry Brasseur, Burlington; Miss Debbie Jones and Mrs. Larry Bowen; MUrs. June Jen-sen and Mrs. Ron Wrigh.t; Mrs. Kenneth Wright and a r ehearsal party at the homne of thie groom's parents. for, ail the cbildrein. The beatutifully shaded lawn provided a pleasant place to relax and visi. MIr. and Ars. Cornish graciouly treated everyone to ice cream dui-ringj the afternoon. Next year the Reunion wîill be held at the homne of Mrn and M'rs. Corniïsb, Indian River, again on the second Sunday in July. WC are eteeygrateful the Cor-nisb's for theirhospit- aliy each year. WVITH MAETHODS Tooth decay is canada's most prevalent disease, affecting 95 peu cent of the population and c-osting $250 million in dental bills alone. A sadder fact is that, while derntistry bas developewd newv methods to control decay and gum disease, neither the public northe dental profes- sion is putting tis knlowlwdge to thorough use. Preventive dentistry demands serious readjust- mient in tHe tbinking of patients and their dentists. The patient' should visit his dentïst twice yearly ano faitbfully, do the bomiework prescribed. More time and onrnis needed uon tflecpart of tMe dentst hoshoud draw, up individual programs to prot)ect the, teetb of each patient. Although sound.,iing comipli- cated and irkýsome, preventive dentistry in- the long run is less comiplex, less costlyv andî less painful than the old repair- slanited dentistry. From) birthi untîl the pre- teen age, whiile permianent te-eth are forming, every cbild sbouldi have fluo-ride in his drinking water, in vitamin preparations or in chiewable tablets. Fluoride is taken into the enamnel of developing teeth miaking them resistanit althougb not immune - to dàeecay . Additional resistance is built into baby and permainent teeth by topical application of fluiorides,Ithrouigh 'home brushing with a fluoridated toothpaý,ste anct by twîice yearly visits to a dentist. The dentist gives the teeth a thorough cleaning - removing tartar - and the fluoride solution is painted on. As soon as a cilid bias a full set of balby teetbi, when hies about tbree years, bis regular visits to the dentist shoulnd begin. Preventive care of the baby teeth wbicbi influence the positioni ng of the permanent teetb, (can ensure a correct bitle, attractive teeth and can forestaîl miay cn ditions wbi(i ccuse ýgumi diseane cand teetb loss- The Canadian Statesmnan, BowmaPnville, July 11, 1973 susIGS 72 PINTO 2-DR. 4 SPEED At the- price we are going to pay for gas you can'ýt -go wrong. Lic. EYA46M $2195.00 70 CHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN V-8, automnatic, power steering, power brakes. Real good transportationx. Lic. E'YCO10 $17î5.00 70 CYHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN V-8, automatie, power steering, power brakes, low mnileage. local car. Lic. EBL3O5 $2295.40 70 DODGE SEDAN V-8, autom-atie, ail heavy duty equipped. Former police cruiser. Runs real good. Lic. DZB582 $12,50,06 69 FORD GALAXIE 2-DR. H1ARDTOP V-8, automiatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Ail reconditioned, ready té go. Lic. EB0404 $209j5.00ô WHIY DO PEOPLE BUJY FORDS, THE QUIET MNES THAT IS. WE KNOW 50O NOW WE HAVE 'lO HAVEý Aý-N ACCUMULATION SALE. 65 POINTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR& H.T. Full power. Two to choose from. Lic. EBE3'75 and EZ088 TAKE YOUR PICK - $279.00 62 CHEVY il 6 cyl., standard. Lic. EBP115 $210.00 SEVERZAL OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. ALL, OLDER CARS SOLD WITHOUT CERTIFICATION. FiI f Holds 1lth IReunion Famiily Reunion of the des- cendants of Jamnes anid Sarat Hend(erson wa:<-s held ait the home o Mr and Mrs. Miton Corish InianRiver, -On ALSO AT MOTHE MD Summer Clearance Sale EVERtYTH.ING MUST GO TO MIAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW! FALL FABRICS.ý Drasti'cally Reduced Prices 20 % Off COTTONS end JERSEYS 30 %Oeff Batohing Suit Fabrics FAINTASTIC SAVINGS ON MOST OTHER FABRýICS Sunday, July 8. About sity, partook Cof the sumptuousq Picnc Dinner served Buffet Besidues te rguar attnd- ers from ingsoToronto, Ajax, BowmnanviHlePrt Hope, Leskaýrd, Tyr-oneCam pbellûjcf, avlokwe were pleased tô wlcmcMrs. Lîllian B ennett, Dauphin, Man., Mm. and lMrs. ly Benntt, annvand Davimd. Oakville, anUr. and MIrs. Rowevll Bell, Kigtn. W were lad to see Mir. and MIrs. Lyle îMajter and sixý children- frmFrankford preseint again. After inner Mr. John Pertguisoni, Port Hope, caled for order and( conducted a short business periodq. John wsPut ànas Presidet lst yeýar for, two years. Mvrs. .Joint Chutrch service ior Ebenezer and Mlaple Grove will be held on0 sunday mnorning atl100 a.m. at MWaple Grove united Church. Miss Margaret Campbell, Medici-ne H-at, Albeýrta, is spending a mo)nth4 vacation with b er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ji Campbell. Recent visitors wýith iMr. and MIrs. Cifford Swaloaw were Mrs. Amny Niddrie, Toronto, Mrs. Irene Densem and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Humphry, Scarborougb Wýelco)me back to Mr. an-d Mrs. John Noble, Nash Road, w1o hvereturned hmefromn Strtfod wereMr.Noble bas been a patient in thehopal there. Sunday, evenin callers whn Mr,. and Mrs. AffrtrMri were Mr. aad Mrs. MelSie, Pauli1, Terry and KviNe- Imarket. 66 GRANDE PARISIENNE 4-DR. Full power. Lic. EBB048 $299.00 The Staff und Management of LTD.u WISH T lO ASSURE ALL tHEIR CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS 0F THE CON TINUIED HIGHI QUALITY ANI) FAST SERVICE THEY HAVE ENJOYED FOR THE PAST 23 YEARS. *HARVEY YELLOWLEES *KEITH WHITNEY eTHELMý,,A COUVIER % EDITH MITCHELL ,MILDRED WRIGHT .BERYL BROOKS OTHER OD ATERUALS, Weekly 5pecia I WATCH OUR AD FOR A NEW SPECIAL EVERY WEEK JOIN OUR.. BONUS CLUB AND QUALIFY FOR A PERMANENT 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL FABRIC PURCHASES. 80 KING WEST - BOWMANVILLE

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