BICYCLE RACES - With the current popuiarity of i-speed bikes, a large number of entrants is expected for the YMCA's lonz distance bicycle race at the Count Town Carnival in Whitby.. The rae v - ein at 9 arn. August 5th in the A & P parkingl- ot on Brock Street North.Itwicoe a 25-mile course through Brooklin and Ashburn and will return to the p3arking lot. Classes are junior, 13 aind under; intermediate, aties 14 bo 16. andsenior, 17 and over, al competing for the Dunlop Trophy. The Whitby Police will provid-e an escort at main road crossinçïs, and checkpo1nts and pikus ill be provided b the YMCA staff fromi Yoth Power and thie Local Initiatives Pro- gram. 'Crestswl be awarded to ail partiri-oantq andextra trophies wîIll be provided for the winners. Entry forms are i-,,-a;able from thbe recreation department and YMCA offices. thbe Snrincsfield Mill Youth Centre. 112 13rnek Strpet North, and the Leo-ion information booth. At 1i p.m. the same day. the noveltv rnhs dva-'1 ro ur-éýz -d lniber bi cycle events will be held at the parking lot in divisions for a-ýes five to 13. Carriace-and trike decoration c!ontests ar(- onen tri those under four. Entrv forms r, irp vulbenfi- ihz arnp rlqnpq ~aq for the longý distnce race, and thbe Local Initiatives Proýram aind Yuhoe staff are in charge of the events. "THE 1ýTIkD ANNUAL STAG"- Reunion and Dinner of the Combined 407-415-431-4,14- RCAF - WWII - Squadrons Association will be hield in the ballroomi of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday, Otober 2th, 1973, fromn 3:00 p.m. to muidnight. Ail Ex-Servicemen, etc., wloe For full particulars, write to George T. Sutherland, Organizer, 30 Edith Driv7e, No. 1201, Toronto 12, Ontario, or Phone BARRY LINNGSTONE-of Mapie Grove. meiber of Bowmianvilie Minor Hockey set-up, is a patient in a Toronto Hospital. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. David Livingstone, bis father, is a coach in the Recreation Hockey League. WATTKIN'S GENY will be in action thiF %wee-kend, Juiiy 21-22. The Six Ilours of Endurance, counin g for the wide-ouen World Chamipionship of Manufacturers, and the third roiund 'of the Canadian-Anierican Challenge Cup foý-r unlimited sports/racing machinery will again, this year be combinedl there at the 3.377 mile road, racing circuit into the most spectacular doubleheader ýof the Anierican TENNIS TOURNAMENT - Now is the time i-o regsister for i-be. Whitby YMCA tennis tournament and swim meet to be held at the County, Town, Carnival, July. 27th i-o Augusi- 6th. The tennis tournamnent wili be held August 4tb, 5th and, 6th, starting ai- 9 ai.m. eacb day at the new tennis courts in thieHnr Street Hi c4 Scbool parking lot. Junior, Intermediate- and Aduit classes are open to both iedf and fJem-ale,$ for singles, doubles and mnixed double.s. Piayoffs wiil be held Augusi- 4th and 5tb, wîth the fi nals,. beý;ing payed on. August 6th. The YM,',CA expeci-s to have i-wo court- avail- able by the time of the carnival, to replace the former couirts ai- the Rotary Park. Entry forms are available from týhe YMCA office in the Cen- tenniai building and ai-thebe tennis courts. The swmmeet, siaffed by i-he recreation departmeni- and YMCA day camp staff, will be heid Augusi- "f 't rom 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The meet is open to al persons aged six to 17. Stopwatch times wili be taken and goid ribbons wili be presented for the best times, and red ribbons for equailing, the araetimes. Ail participants wiil get a carnivai etrest. Elntry for-os are availabie ai- the recrea- tion and YMCA offices, the Day Camp at Heber Down Conservation Area, the Springfield Mili Youth Centre and the Legion Information Bootb. PORT DARLINGTON MARINE E NGIN E REPAIR Beach lRoad off Liberty St. S. B'owinanville NOW OPEN FOR REPAIR ON ALL TYPES 0F ENGINES. LAWNMOWER,, OU TROARD, INBOARD, FARM and CONSTRUCTION. G'AS or DIESEL Cali 623-4361 Bowmanvlle Lions Club WesternStl IîBreakfasf LIONS CENTRE Sunday, JuIy 22nd Serv,ýingfrom 9to ila.m. - Anique Car Display The Antique Car -Club, wilI with their cars on display the morning be guests 'throughout PLEASE JOIN USI Breakfast -$1,00 per person describes the gaine in a special edition of the "Jackass News. 'The donkeys aretr ,,ained to do all the, wrong thiags and just naturally haive a mid of their own. Eager men and, su b r donks, il add up foin enlinýg eofhilarijous entertain- menit for theseca, r. Thie game gets underway at i:Opi.a, Soper Creek Park on jj luy24h 'ickets are avaiJlable at the Recreation Departmient Office. from any Kiwamis member or a t tie park. WINNEBAGO NMOTOR 1HONES AiONDA MolvoRcCCt-,LS all ai ONTARTO' 0SPORTiS Orono 11wy. 11,5 983-5444 Cartwright Bantam Basebal, or Kiwanis, KInsmen T IF YOU'IRE FIXIN; A FORD CAR- Where Hus Ail the Silence Geone? r oPayBsbl hy Ron aryn SeviceSwu o Johnlstoî e tlit, summeî urd ý W hile Ridfing Donkeys BUY FORD PARTS res Ç ar rigt anbe a St oreuLeatherdale uto Li, ne ou!t and xibiysupport peacefu1 uiet area. But on Wreckeî sMarlob ' s I i h aue sorne O f th C kiD nkey baseball wil ii eî t b bmse h the otherhand, there aMarty ýn's Stor e. eioabcîx o ghbor ovavleo usa ok ntain canaries" certain indîviduals who are Backhoe, Pine Ridge Packers bta dte o acenn uyathTeBx s the ow',,er of the animais quite eager to destroy thîs S'Aain Seed Cecanei- ri- on bs pîedise ou vvnmalle Kîwanîs Club bas describes tblem R N AV R golden bliss in the name or linson's Garage,\ ne s out(tmce plavîn challenged the local.Kinsmen The game is played alongR0N AVER sport. The only components, Garage.el nestar i1 6 L;30 pin to contest to sec who .s the lines of ordinary basebal needed are two, groups of And iiow how about yo - -- - -,------ xep hat once the batter bosterous 15-\year ld boys. a Wbhat are you doîng two night 1.hîts the bail he must mount a A littie equipmentý, and a pre-a ekWvnojînnth BREAKS RECORD - On Fridav, the l3th, at donikey and try to get on base arranged place, and soon the, the fn andi exciten>ent of Eil ofCusWb al lyn nte Wih. the exception of the gentie sound flxxn ate watching these Young guys Retirvees.' L fgîred a ifty 70 i-o break the icealfedr r c O A D F R are replaceci by a woe new take out.their ii uitratnions on a irequired ti be on their Mac u audiri-visual experience. , ic fbudlahrI i egi' eod Plavioc witbh hm were Bill oney to partiîpate in ai-,. This summer one cati hear these local concerlîs aire Clark wîth 79, Gord Cobhiti and Charlie Heath play, the varied moans and groans interested enough to tinan- with 84 eac hat-'s niighity nice shootin' for Bud Smîith irom Stoufîvî.ýlle,.Phn 60348 of basebali gaimes throughout cialy support a softbal m who are011rd on eys bBrin nvflie, ________________________ the township. "What does this league foryon boys durîng t oiinlf really, involve?" 1 hear you mm m m mmmm m n m mmm m mm m~-mm --mm, ask. Wel, let us turn to6 and just listen to the action.,, "Play bail!" cries' th e umpire, with a certain amount *T R EDV UL 0 bis quavering voice. (And with good reason. This man repre-I sents, the elite of manj picked especially for t. . SiPECI AL SALE gamre from among a few I6 uîlsuspecting spectators). Amid a constant barrage ofIP I E ECAD S insults, the batter takes bis position. He smiles a leering smnile at is foe, the pitcher *R C DECAD S t wbo in reality may be bis own brother - ail the more reason wind-up. the pitcb . .. a hall.FAURD TO R Don't be dismayedt, for even I L- lE though it wasn't a str-ike, the *£E catcher did manage to grab El ELEl~ the bail before any real A.,EllfL'Lt damage was done. (Don't *î E GlElU r forget about that umpire - be .1ý is la a vuinerable position. El l j.1 lJ l Souldhecmake afew tow El 'EtlEE l l~DDD £1 ~l17,1L B B L many bad cails against the .taE pitcher, that caceIibT . - : ~ . . 2D 2 D £0 £ Just let tbe bail continue onI undeterred to-the mid-sectionI . of the unwary umpie). g But not so with thîs batter. fUKRSUM-RI DJMT.-oMIUKUMTDA -J U L 19-20-21 The second delivery is a bo t I_______________ one, and the would-be-Casey - connects. lai some disbelielfibe beads for first base, and -ITaba eS c e FRUUE encouraged to go oýn to second PCKAGE 0F 10t (the bail is mieanwhilePAKGOF1T fumnbledat thirdl and continuesj aaiRG.9777 on tri left field). The runner "s VWA -- closing lai on second base, The S WUN al Ie C but 3 RE.$î 9 cA ND son.There's a slide, bi brwt1____$1__________6ae9 -- cloýud of dusýt, n a heartyLih Bub Square Drive R$16-4 1.9 re;pon1se from fithe baseý( Strooa lC p Lumpw)e - Sae,e-cries s as u the outcomne, the runnier * les tri bis coach for advice. -1 9Ialt8 think youf.e safe - stay there >amcie :2Tor 29e____baie___19__ u ntil- they tell you to get off. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Yes he was safefor the nextj ox20 pay?" ey cs p o tpac an9c ae 89C the play continues. Meanbatrsesu t h lt n WASTE WASH PAIL OHRBRAN coach enjoys the game as FFNRN1Snd l neither umpire norspectator DISPOSUA L ONTH WencnIpwecacan even dimly imagine.U REGULAR watri oplay field?" "W'hat WNT PR E$99AlSzsA SSO GEKTSD ALI inning is this?" Are we e .; EG 9(, REG. $1N6 wînning yet, huh coacbh" j UMmne r aîPRG 9 -Hey,, he îsn't supposed to re- G R.39AN upy thes ferquestins re curset river a ns e' la_______ SaeSl $1 9IN OUR qpred ovr À extndI perioýd of about 20 seconds, as sale_____1SOR the coach flashes signais tn Sale___29r___soi,__STORE_ the batter, and advîses the man on base when to run. I How long is this mayhem g allowed tri run rampant'? For seven giorlous innings of agonizing ecstacy, the kids go through these actions under the guise of softbali, inter- rutdoniy by the occasionai trydgon thefid or Ios bail over the fence At times like this, everyoneý, including spectators, isallowed to take an active part in the game and SPECIAL LOW PRICES at LADIES" CORNER sýearch for the missing bal You are -corrc i u-sn KITCHEN AIDS HOUSEHOLO HELPERS -- ETC. I that Ibis t i' ao guen h ail, or for that malter, il doesn't quite compare with Ithe big city icagues, The lm iprtant point is that ihe kids are fiavinig fun, and nio one really ra;res if a hig-h aloe rgi 1lymainîained Foliiowing a game. wheiher wo o ost, the first question is invariably "When is our next practice?'- At that practice,, the first question is "Wben is our next gamne?' Yes, you can be sure. they arE enjoying tbemselves, There are four boys- Bantam teams in bbe Cari- wright Minor Softball Associa- lion. ocated in tbree centres, In Caesarea. the team is sponsored by Emmerson"s insurance, Port Perry. Nestietonl Bantams are, sponsored by Armado Fîgueiredo, The remaining teams are located in Black- stock- Prices Pros sponsored by Pric-e's Store and Grieve's Gutif, sponsored by tý he station oft the samne inme M Port Perry. These four sponsors bave pravided suIIfficient funds tri supply eacb tearn wýith a set rif sweaters. Mnyother businessmen in Ihe- com- munity bave provided additîonai mnoney for equip- imenrt througbout the -season. These sponsors inc!udeý Beacockllardware, u. il Plurnbing and Heit în-g9. Caesarea Fis-h andCipSoe Dax'ies Aulto Bd.D Electrie,Fethr' anId and Gravel, Gord's Foodl Market, CANAIAN IREFREE GIFT FOR ALL THE LADIES and GENTLEMEN CAAINTR SHOPPING IN OUR STORE THURSDAY NIGHT--6 tii 9 ~ P] SPEIA L DEA LS ofl AI CNnTERS jAPPLIANCES RADiiiiOs SNOW BLOWER (Ot FRIDAY-7:30 to a:30 il, $4A4 OIy$35095EXR IGirls o"104EXR *RIGHT ON THE FRONT STEP Boys 71-1088 ,.) Onfy$ 59.95 (inabox) Assemibîedi The Boys 71-115 Th besi old faýshioned Acinelver staged. il-115 Bargains froni pots and. pans tM motor oil, Girls7-1 0 fl surprises -o ;ï ii o *LUCKY DRAWFOR.. SWING SET C. STEWART MCTAVIeH LIMITED *Just f111 in the dÎrawý ticket at the cashier station. Draw vwilli be m-adle 16 CH R HS. OA VI L à Saturday at Pm H5:O H G MANV1 ýý