The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July8,17 ,,R EWZ.KE NEKE,,UEKRKmEURU REm .KZ RHR U.utýE lmltzzufMMM1 ez Zm 5m R ME IRRXRRX5KZKKIl -- M a , STARTS THURSDAY AtThe SHOP HOME HARDWARE FOR Modern Swing Top Waste Receptacle 29" High l&" Diameter (ai top) Perfectfor Homre, APart-ment, Office or Cottage . Very, ýturdy 981971 - Avocado 9819ï2 - Gold 982459 -Red 5 gai. & à SOn Jainu ary 1 Ontario uveIrr ý cA l1y yve I 2..97 See this fine Set Today! 3 Piece Bowl Set 3 P'opuLlar -Sze bowls' Glass, 6" - 7"' - 8" Diameters (Approx.) Set Only 982443 Green,-. 9844 oldi 1.47 Stack -N- 0 Easily StoredW J Easily Cleaned u NoChippinig O No Staining * Weatheîrgesistar 50AVINN A ApprovN 2'/2 % gal. as ' n II'3 nw egsltonpiýe bNh luen fi-Us t lle o aytin 1 ,ýs nt' p ileda ,tSevi - Nl S nAVnr o iG s Nl ~~1/2i ga.Ga 9an7 nm nt rirtIea and ythýrng o î gao Petnaretow n lated .... ste s ga. iz S.. ered or n ...u ( gue2s44 OBtte rswet it Beer Tankards 121/2 Oz. Capacity 41 Pce. set1 982-412 .-L.47 beerLabzî Glasses 12 Oz.'E Canacitv ~OLcL taild4neÏ/ &1l(/t! 6 Pce Set, 98213 .44 1;i A 10 Days'Only 380042, Amber - lass -L.77 ),i Gen lasComplete With- F(tCîmny Clear Glass Complete with ickBurner, Wick, Reflectr al'rGls nd Bur ier. Handie Wall Bracket Use sai ýs i,,,as a Cookie Jar, Sz Apoxn <'y,< 16 oz.800 75 Deluxe Poý,er i.antemno for Candy etc. 6112"Hgh 7" Deep, * 982442 5h/" Widie. 4T.47 Eac h -LMU~P i<')il 32 oz.021.1# 4 CoellnihUNnSnc é/9824161 ~Cel~95955nos urinTal - otal amp "odls"982621 C 9,13 Chrome finsi22 gIvil Coplete Comjplete wîth â975954 Niq ewSyng 6Vo Battry ery 4M 35.ClI 7 4 1 .Cu c wpes Cleani n a 1îl LanterO Chrme finî0,fChromehrmefinishv I Q 5vEern C, _'!*j tlSet- ConvenientChrsd 97Lantern Oly 2.97li * ___ OflIYJe3/ ~~~975953 955 ' J a lsi 865Hih 0oz. and lGoz. Capacýitys, 4 9 0 Just ight for- Sna-ck, w *Engiish Tray 1-2k Basin sel 982-157 Lettuce Keeper Cold - Crispe Compltewih abe f Pce. Sîze 9~~~~"x12"x23/4"CStkngW te cltue Legs Fold For SoaeiMîe LI O Attractive Addition to Ma[n) M ~~Any Setting- Pa t ioDnIMre The Perfîe t 'Extia T!ables"'~- tL~tru M Foi ~)rIndo or o udo ht 982391 flfl 98262 iTieats, Uiily Container [tîtin gGoc , ~ J982458 ( Freeze and store inltvegetab s, ith Snap - on Cover O I oddMcnMre 77, Oniy9l4fris ces Nc Ol 7 e osso ov0Seals and retains freshnessloner TouIgh , lia blelied Top O D ecorted Metl Set Cnsists t 2 Pol BasinsNatural COolur tut~cesse Coos1-15"Diam n i i1 12, Diarn. Kee p your Lettuce1, 0Snap -on self - se,,,lin,,,Poly Material 5 8Ice ih O AsotedAsortd olorsFies h This Summr.artgh Ov 1h"8 x 43' 921 9Ice Diamtei.9i 982644Tool and Tackile Box M Hadwar With Handy Canti1ever Tray Breýak Resistatiit Rust Proor O t loats, For Every: 1001 Ujses 51HomeExcellent value 0 fieYour Home Hardware StoresN Dime.cnsions: 1l"x5"x3Y.,' qlBoat and Marina 1~J2 2 O O " Redtanguiar-Poiy Pail Psychedellic Barbecue/Oven Miftis L N E A U A In ~ ~ ~ l O Hevy dty odelCayp,-ycheldelli,-prînts with rhick insulationN * O0 3 împ. galloan nylon stitc:hed quiltino. 13" long, Heay dty aîl421288 ~ C Heay dut pai with steel handlé ah309 L C RC L D A D A E L Perfect for wîde "ÉT ImL DeH R WE or large mops 9 Pleasîng assoitrie ~ tasummeB 1, ~~~olors to ci-'hooseýýý-ý46J to .PairN 623-5774 6324 M BOWM-ANVILLE, ONTARIO N »,IeZmýuw auamu ;- ý; Om su uazx;;z=;zzz amâ of/itiqi 3802 32 Oniy MVMW mm mimm ý, 0 (1 h u-, 3, ý ý, 3; ý ý ' ', - FI (Ir ý -9 JL . 44