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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 17

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The Canadian Statesman. Boi ~'FUAsks Ontarlo Gov't to Protect Agriculturail Land 'j' he \Nat0Inal Far)merS Unrion recently caflled uipon f li governotent of Ontarulo t jintroduxjce a compile freeze on the saleý of farm Iland b( scuarsand develo4pers. Thew NVU expressefi conceri lta nai may lose une of its, mosb valuable naftural resources, tlif industiaiand resideial eveopmntpro- c.eeds as in the pasb. wt planing.' Afree,(ze us neieded î{ possiblegornebato from imovýinin onifiilan nwto aodfutur'e !regula- The NF si acomnpre- biensive land us plan sbouic be drawn u ip for the province whlcb oudzone lan1d for -present and futuree Ans ladtaken from ag2rcuiural uise for dvlpmn oli TeNFU condemneud ti tetro Toront Grbget D ur rhcL Assistent 4-H1 Leadership Confereiuce b)y Dave banner M'lai were you doing at five a.m. on Satuirda, June l3th? Approximiately onei--half of the 90 4-H delegates from every county; and district in Ontario ai tlie4-h Provincial Leader- shjip Co)nference were doing exercises. Don't be alarmed, thiat only happened on the final morninig anid only because we needed something b t keep us awake, since none of these young leaders had been to sleep that night. The Conference started on Sunday, June 241h at the University of Guelph and continued until early on the 30th. During the w,ýeek the delegates were divided miet five ships and each ship was divîded into two separate discussion groups. The. pur- pose of these discussion groups was te reach consensus »(EAD IN TRIS W0RI- ARE THOSE wHO MAKIIMy ýS NSIlNE OR HMT.,I rural areas toi' disposai and said legisiation for recycling vvastes is -"past diue The governmefl N as'asked to support the marketing of Ontario grains. including corn, and soyabeanis. through the Canadian Wheat Board. Notîng that prices for leeds used by daîry taî'mers had doubled and even tr-ipled in the past year, the NFU asked Ontario to supotls position that farmiers be paid $7.0ot per cw\i for industriai miiik and $8.01) per -Wt1.foi, fiuid rnilk lIowever. the NFU teels ik processors and retailers shoutd not be- aliowed odl take advaitagt of botter' prices to tarmiers ste hav e in the pasl -Wie sug4gesl a public audit (0 miIk p-ro!essuor-distri butor auc-rounits hefoce any further (*on!Sume1r price increases for uniiIk are ailowe d.- the NFI' Th amunion) saîd the Bie ic( Cheese Exchange is oslt.doriniated by curp- orati<)ons such as ,Kraftco. and rm Agri News by Bob Watt Agriculturaf Representative on a number of questions on bbe next fiscal year, f you are things such as leadership and planning to apply this year, meeting procedure. You may want to do i( before Duing the six days eachi the end of the year. ship was responsible for such Farm ClassificationiMeetings things as flag lowering and The Farm Classification 7raising, organizing an evening Advisory cormmittee rcently )program, vespers and provi d- appointed by the HnW ing the conference news, Stewart, Minister of Agi-icul- Probabiy one of the higb-, ture & Food will be holding lights of the, week was the public meetings. The commit- chance the delegates had for a tee, under thie Chairmanship short question and answer of Ediward Cowell, will study speriod with the Honorable and mnake recomrrmendatioun William- A. Stewart, Minister on the feasibility of classifying of Agriculture for Ontario. farmns, types of farms or farur Although the main, proposed operations and the application ipurpose of the conference wa3s of such a systemn of classifica- 10 teach each delegate more tion to Ontario Legi slation 1about leadership, I tink each affecting farms. These publie delegate learned more about meetings will be an opportun- tbemselves and others than ity for anyone interested in about leadership. presenting their views anc Capital Grant Ceiling- their theory on it. One of the Annôunced meetings' will be held ai It bas been announced that Lindsay on Thursday, Augusi there wiIl be a yearly liiit of 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the s$10 million, beginning Ibis Province of Ontario building, year, on the Capital Grants 322 Kent St. WV. Othier meet- program in Ontario. Àny ings wilI bc at Belleville or grant applied for after the $10 Wednesday, August 22nd at million ceiling is reached this 7:30 p.m. al the Sun Valley year, will be hield ove4r iuntil Motor Inn, 407 Front Street., DOust Bags for FIy Control Are Saf e and Easy to Uise Shouud be replaced b\ theg- C aiiadinn[Pairv Cominission actinig aa si ngle('-Selimng agencx toi.r il ( ,anadian Dairy (>ntario wsasked paj-ss would perit the icNFU Io bari Liion ehitof the pI'O' inces frmeur: when mor11;anoitper cet, 0oifthem 1be(olme mcm bers ol tllie t -lon [iThu , 1i also a<kUd the coveniflnt1t I'dacheck-olt on cUattie ernirmcnt topr'oteci te inter us 0f farmerl tad ieot mat 1ion> 'onfiscate il a1sýýsets fltlhe Uuil Telcýphoie ,Conrppan anid oieaethe cmay a pubfflc t t'il 'tIinstiltlpblic fIinancingot uetiicaniipaignsll. iand 'ongrat ula ted bc11w er mencit tor inistitutinibe ilprin- cii)ie that quotas lx- non-sale- able in fis egg ma,,rketïing plan, BYAM PLUMINIING & IIEATING anid AI CONDITIO0NING TVRONE, OTROu phione 2325 For a number ot y-ears. farmers- have used i6ack rubbers tu control born and faice tuies on tbeir 'cattle. CatLe sometimes dro not use tbem. reducing thec effective- ness ut tbehe Ivîcesý. "Mechan- ical breakdlown ot the back rubliers hbv rougliusgecani al1so Ixe a problem., Aý ne(w pr mue, n te orm oI du1sb bags. gives effective fty 'ontrol. Onie such kit, the Dust Devil tm nCattie Duster bas recently been licensed for sale im Canada. says R. E, WVrÈ1ht. oA the Department out Environmental Bioid;gy ont- ario AgiutrlCoflege. The kits inicilde ibeag tinsec-ticide, and rope, and are( eas\ to inistail. Tbe bags are suspended from11 supports or aý ceiling-iimounbed twio-b -u in front ot a feeder or doorwa,ý. Depending on thec loainof Ibe dusI bags the catie anciteruseltbem tree choice, or b% forc ed usage uocaiting thie bags wherc catewiil have to pass under tbiein Tbe bags can ,be, ad(jujsted l'or bbe proper lheighti The bags give -better than aver-age, fly control if catiile are torced 10 use bbem and there bave bee-n no problemns connected w%ýit the amount ot chemicai released. Even with maximum usage, thie amount ut insectici-de reieased is oniy 0.26 ounces per animal, well wibbin the safety range. Eacb kit cornes wibh 12 and unie-third pounds of Co-Ral one per cent dust. Professor, Wright bas found in bis- tests thatinthsaot iicdi bag is efficiient andecono iail Th'le dustis i-ýapplied readfly and thre refe probiemis with thie insectiie ba1rdening Thewebr-s Last Lto x'eiars xvitbout dcter uorating, DusL bags are >,afe and easy Io use, if the directions provided inside each kit are fullowed. Particular -notice sbould be taken of the precau- fiotus. To prevent contamina lion by Ibe'insecticide do nul place dusb bags over feeders. waterers, or minerai feeders, Wben used for lactating dairy cows, the dusters cannot 1;e suspenided inside barns. iilk ing parlors, or entraî -(-s lu milking parlons. These kits, now licensed in Canada, sbould be available ai coopenatives and feed supply deniers across Ontario in ýa lew 'ks AT KEMPTVILLE 'lOppontunitues neyer wer better in arclueD Ford A. Stin.son, Principal. told 125 4-H high sehJool students who attended bbc recent two-day Science Sen) inar af the Kemrpiville College of AgriculturalTenog. The gradle iel d1 td camie from ithe 16 mz-t easterly counities to learil about the carcers available thr-ougb ci ourses in Ag,7ricultI tureHome conlics and OwePEN THURS,& FR1. 'TrIL 9 pm __ TO !SERVE YOU BETTER FREE' DELIVERY Piping/plumbing needs, PUBLIC MEïETi NG Ontario ON FARM CLASSIECATION IN ONTARIO The lonourable Wm. A, Stewaurt, ïMinister of Agricuflture ami Food, has nxamed an Adioy Cmmittee to study anmd make, rccommend1>1(1ation)s on thie feýasibility of classifying frs types of farms, or farm operations and the application of suceh a sy'sLen1 of casfcto to Ontario legisia. tion aliecting tlarns oc farm operationis. i orâder to provide an opportunity for individuals and organizations to express their opinionis on these matters, a series of public meetings have been arranged. Yýokm areinvtd» preýsent written briefs, or to ma;ke oral representation at one of these, publicmceeings. PLACE DATE 1973 TIME BRADFORD Wednesday 7:30 p.pi. Alugust i Sir Wlliam Osier Sehool, General Purpose Room, Hiwy. 88 -½%ile west of 400 LINDSAY T'hursday 7:30 p.m. August 2 Provinces of Ontario Bldg,, Conference Room, 32 2 Kent Street West VICTORIA SQUARE Wednesday 7:30 p.n. Communjity Centre, September ýi Don Miilîs Ro,,ad Woodbine) North 33/jiles from No. 7 Chairia n- Edward J. Kowal Farm Classificationm Advisory Comnmittee P. O. Box 638 Postal Station ",A" Toronto), Ontario M5 G2 For further information cali - 416-965-7661 ½ hîpÉm convertible jet pump OnIy ,e r, ,e s n y 9 t- p y is 9 n ýn 1- ýn n d ýe it it [gý Y ýn it ýy 1

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