'8 The Cariadian StateSMan, Bowmanviiie, JulY 18, 1971 Brow's Bsy Bes uy Weelcuirfor Hsia MJrs. Joan Simpson (second from left), of the Brown's Busy Bees, was on hand at Mlemorial Hospital1, Bowm lanville, last wýeek to presentl CoucilorNorm- Allison, wýho serves as Chairmnan of the hospitl' Equipment and( Furnishings Committee, with a cheque for$10 The -money raised by the 20 meimber 'ladies group fromr the Bons community, has beenl used to purchase a new wheelchair. Also *included in -.he phojto, are Tom Cowan (left), the chairman of the Hospital Board an'd R-. E. ElAston (right), Chief Administrator at BMý,H. Mrs. Sýimpson indicated that the Brown's Busy Bees have been holdling bake als baizaars,, a dance, penny sales and the like, to raise theirfnd.S'he added that they are planning a car wash in the Faliso, if yoii are in týhe area, be sure to attend. SL EYVILLE gooid vîsît iintlhe lovciy surroi und inig s and fan views of As w\eillas Ib w serývice road t1 h-be bIlt by hy 'dro. other changes atre coming t0 tbe lakeshore r-ond wîth sur- veying being donc, to widen, somne of the turns west of the pow)em' plant area. one of the local colectors of Canadianna was ýdelighted the other day xhen he found in a parcel of books purchased i an1 auc lin, onie pn-intedi in Port Hope, in 1832. IP was a book on mucom)pieýd Pby-Mark Buvnham. Tbis is holiday ime and among ,those away f nm home enjo.ing travel are Mmr. and Mrs. BmodAustin.Thy r on a. tour which i Iiake h thrughVatcouerand up the coas 10 he Ykonand otheur Miss CaaDan'ke waStae to Port H"opeHoiaiat wek lýsufeigiihbc troýublIe and since then baus shwn a sU0g1timprovmn but, not yt bltobemoile. M.and NMms. Cari1Nich- Sun1day morning's surrie sbowem on wbe lkeshore> fconoui of doors 10 the churcb bePinginGadn i.Bu whnthey", iedi a fon btNorth ýiHope hlad not benbiest it ai and thle aI heGioiaaleFam.The joit cngrgatonoif Hope colrned byM By Philp and the srvie cnducted y ey J. iBamjit who sed a-s is teýxt -0 Is roeumnuntothe Lord nihyGod frm tce book of iose lan told of the steps ta ke by many away from Gotiii ite final one of rejcte loeand thé conclu- sion that God ban;no pleasure si the doetbofa sinne. A uio(n choir sanIt "ofjy 4u~.weadoe tee'and1 MI, and Mr S. Lawmene Dubar of Caionasan.g -wTh Lord's my Sephed," s a dtue. Foiiov ing lhe service ereh ments wone seoved by the ladies ofùthe ch.mch and al enjoycd the feliowsbip of a ols and 1Donrald speiii Ibe wee-kend ?n Ievcnof Cbatbaim v 1ïwib dagbt Gloria tr-om Lodo nd Mr Micae an Pfrckyf ha Mmad r.Hond ae diomt, Bian Vickie andtep ('n, Plttviiwre una A1'lan StnowdenUMs. ag VdVcianSepnar wihMrs. SUwde Mrsl. LlaLaelClig Mis C. ricadMno Bob Sýnowýden and Mr. John and Mr.Johin Hbn, h Mr.Keih Bickell and Date. Na pa nee wereovrgh gueLsts of the forrnýer'sparnts Mr, nd Mrs. 'Arthur Mrti on Tbursdayý. Mm. an-d MRBoyToppmng anld Mr. Tedi Topping vere recent v isitors with Mms Fred Steývens' The JuIy meeting, of(tie, Base uLin 'e Good Neighbouir Clubi was hield at the home ofý Miîss Ann Boit. Courtice, aU 12.,30 noon when Ann sýerved a dewliclous dinner te 15 nmemb- ers. Pres. Mrs. Rex' Fowlv,-er presided for the business period and then severai gamies of Bingo were enjoyed, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deweýl Rexdale,' were recentisor witb his sister Mr- and Mrs, Arîbur Martin. Mr John Topping and Miss Jili Fox. recent gradualles f,'r London University---not Of Toronto- were Saturdav callers with the formrs' grandnmolher Mrs. Fred Se There vvas a very good att endance at Maple Grove, United Cburcb on Sunday when Ebenezer congregation, joîned us for the 10:30 a.m, service. 'PhiBey. David J. H-arris, BThchose 'Almiost Persuadd- as the tIeý of his sermon, MrS. (Cedric R'usse'I1 sanig Precious Lord. Take Mr.ý Leslie Collacutl On ithe Tlhe oit -evice on unay ,luly 22 xvii behe ld at F'benezer United Chrc a 10 30 a.im YELVERTON Miss Pamnela, Stinson bas retuirned' homne from a week's holida ' ai the Calgary~ Stam- pede wvith a side trip 4o visit some, of bier kissing cousins in Edmionton. Pam is currently enjoving lier summer vaca- lion firomi her employmient 0ihwheDept. (0F Imnmigra-, ion iTor-onlo. Mr. anýd Mrs Don Browýn andl Mt' ndM rs cGeo tboghAgonquinrk. Aniothei r bidai sIboxmerîs schedLýuid fl-or oneolevr ions poplarlasisMisAn July 16f1I. Anne is schedulcd to. stalte of matrimony next Sal. .July 21 in Yeiverton United Church. More details next week no doiubt. Speedy ireover,, to Mr-, and Mi. eordie Krrboth of ,wloiiientered 1bospiitl Ibis past week. Mrs. Kerr- for a check up and Geordie for surgery. LONG SAU visite ith Mr and Mrs.H. 'r.H .WlM. M.a AlderwoodM. andi Mrsan Mrs G ernrdJoanecand 'Jean, wer'eSndyvisitons of' Mr. and Mrs ;Glin Puigsley, Chri 1andAprl ad Miss P1atsy Parkin)soni, Coibomne visied wt the ye, Gîbsons HAY DON~ Mr.C. Fl. Rîce, Kinigstorî, Mr. anid MsA. Diliinlg, Bowmianvilie, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mis. D. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whii- nee, iNewcastle were Saturday evening visitor's at Mr and Mr';. 1. Camerons. Mis, Wlter Mr'aTor- qontLo, is lholiday'ing il('tb Lloyd 2Ashton fa'mily. Mr. Arthur Bead is still a patient in Bowmaniville hosp- Mi% 'and Mrs. Gordon Du,?- ley and Neil, Buriington, loi Llyieo ttne on ~ ~ ~ ~ ýl Wensa hw for, ghlin's, and on Tbursday afenmoon at the home of Mrs. Keith MeGil. The ackurn a-milies held1 a pcni aISerpent fMounv-ds Par, Kaneon Sunday. Mrs. Ross A'shto)n and Mrsi*. LMod AshWon attended a shoer for Ruby Trewin at!the lhome of Mos, Keih McG lo Thursday,, Mrs. A. Thompson was luncheon guest of Mm. and Mr.F. 0smnOn Bowmnan- vleand over nighit guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thompson, Reud Mapie can toierate exces- sive amounits of water.