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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 1

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Corne to Bowmanville's Great t.............. 1. I pss I t .5~*.55 A'..... ... l~l J I 4i:iee~ ...:.....~:. ç II *Thursday, Friday and Sat-urday fiii VOLUMNE 11 4Pgs BWA ILOTRO ENSAJL 8 9315C Per C opyNUBE 2 Lennox to Oshawa Une Publie toLCho ose 0One of T-hree C 1orrid--tors Offered' bv II'dro At the conclusion of the Lions Club Carnival on Saturday evening, the draw was helci to determine the winner of the trip for two to Hawaii, plus expenises. The winner was Miîss Patricia Cowle, 198 Church Street, Bowmanville, with ticket 229, shown here being conigratu!ated by Lions President James R. Franik, At righit is John Jeffrey of Jeffrey's Su'perette, who sold Miss Cowle the winn-ing ticket andkwon a trip for twvo to Freeport. TheBo anie oty hias always focusedci onsid,- erable amýount of jitS atnion on 'tie young people ïin the, comnmunityv. At their July l 2thl mneetJin, two young ladies who bave benefitted from Rt ary-sponsored youth progyraml, cameý to tell of thleir experien- - 4cne o Oman Dies lA ter Fali fromi Bike The dleails arve very P ft>i Cashin, didon ST dynight. July 17t1, afier feU4h1 off a biec-le in Cla hrke -Townuship earlieýr inth Mrs. Cashin and her six ea-qdSon, FerikPaul Ca;hjin, were riding their, bicycles on 'a rOad betweeni Lots .30 and 31, just north of thie (Tïurn fo Page Tw,,o) The twýo gils, JoanGrnsenaatuensnirit frmCourice Secondarynin ingston. In. ail, 8 yuW Sehool and Valerie Bothwell pelople vwere involved in this drom BS, rmeenty took paMr ock LIDO session and tS in a mode! United Nations <Tom rnta Page Two> Extr~eme ar Dirèg DC.. r Spc% c EIt Vire Chief Jim ama a issueci awann tovior aInd area rsdnsaieta thereaivl d ryweathe r during the past week or so has greatily increased the dne of, grass ancýi dforest fires. Bowanvllefirieenhave beeni called Ouit'five times wn less lta awekreucenly to douwse sýucb la .)zes. Altboughl none WaSLserous ithe potentiial for a mnajor disaster inicrealses wAith each rinfre ay. Four of the e ccent' grass fires begani at the side of the roead and. im eacb case, a <Turn ta Page Two> Port Hope Arec Girl Dies in Car-Truck Collision WIN TOP AWARD IN ORANGE PARADE Membhers of 21 lodges mook part in the Orange P>arade at Cobouirg on Satuday wit Boman- ville Loyal Orange B"enevo- lenit Axiiry35 ining the award for hvigthe bet and and thlm arges't Next year, the parade, wÎll be held din Btèwan- Other local lodges repre.- sented were LOI.238, Bwnminville, LOBA 1244, Tyrone and LOBA 1291 Onitario Hvd oenviron mental consultants unveiled three possible corridors for the 500,0ü00volt, powver tranis ision corridor une between Lenniox and Oshawàaa a press conference in Port Hiope on)i Friday. July 13t11 The selýection of the three alternate routes camneafter a year of enivironmený-ital studies and public participation. The next step tin the selection of the finalroute VUl be a series of E ublic e etings (o obtain the eeligs of citiens mn te variou areas afected by the power lines. ,The first of these public maeetngs will take placenat M. J. Hlobbs Senior Publ]ic Sehool on Taunton Road on July 23rd and z4th, startingr at 8:00ý p.m. (-I-urn-iltoCPageiTwo0) ('0 F C N,\AM1E 0CONTEST This week-end, diing lï,the Sidewalk Saleà, the cbiai- ber of CommIlerce is hlingti a contest to finid out ;what name woui)(ld be the mos popular for thl bottob formied newý muic-jiplit of Bw avleDrig ton-Clarke and Newcüastle. Special coupons are iný- cllided in this edition o h Statesman and othiers will be available iat the iBank 0f Mlontreal l'rom 6 to pi. on Friday and 9i a.m. to i-) noon on Saturda. Entertains Orono 'Faithe in Son g' Get-tog-ether Reeve Mralcolm Running Election Race for Newv Township of Scugog Beginsto Take Shape Pouwg IXUgoUWIIIdIIU. Certwright Townshp Reeve LPerry, Jackmran lost out In the LOSWSEN Lawre!nce Malcolm is one of race for the posiion of Rev BR ý,EA KFAST two) men whl-o have declar-ed by 181 votes.M On Suday norning Vthir intentions Wtarn for the M.Malcolii, \who îîiakes irom 9 tow il o'clock, the pos! of theMaDyorof the new bis home in Nestîctn, bas . Bowanile Lon Cub lunicipality of Scugog in theý been reeve of Cartwright for ý\l1l hold a Western styeiOtoesfeections. the past several years. lrafs oi, only $1. a(t 'Thi only other person, to 'Thle new Township of Scu- their Cenie on Beech date, to declare his canididacy gog AiU combine the existig Althoug2h he was in the pr-oceýss of e(uoverîng frorn a bout of \venue. for the Mrî in *ofggfuiàisciCrtr uswil icldememn s Myr o cggtwsis Crwiblarynigitis, Rev. Gerry Honfstetter, Wtivýaco deuws one of the sformer Pot Pery Council Reach and Scugog plus thdi(rproresa h Fit i og gLtoehri rn bers of the Antique WC a ,otJrry Jackmnan. in the last!town od PortPerry. faue e-onesa ý. ch uwoe viotge vWhi- nmuniialeectinin Port Vters in scugog wili elec a FairgrDunis on snday affersuon. He p,,Ild Cded s ia osn les ~f be o displa' evn mambrouncltwo ot hyrnu sîn i -n ubers whulechoîrs frornta ehï cL and i he large Wh1om, he myor anld one audience jie nwt ra nhsam spcctfcaly elected regiona,.l _ _____________in_____________________________________________ A counicillor, \vill sit on the regioinalcouncil as seoi AM So fat-, only two mife lo ç 1le en haveco ,d . A o ALL RO)ADS !LEAD -- This wreekenid, ail declared their initerest in Bowr-nanville merchants are hoping that tohRachTonshpeeev"""n weather continues for their thr-ee-day Sidewalk Arthur Catton is one and""-the lâ WUPansI or Lonte tn Ale. These annual events usually bring shoppers other is Armnour Icrela himiself open an11gay let hî frm id re o ae dvnag f h mn Hwee, cila hsleft ïn Forthcomnigv u rEechons bargain available, We would suggest readers niesadfroe6 h corne to town eariy and often and join the fun that other positions cme nomma r Ascfarau imoysteected. .l1ve made up my mnmd a, on the Conervatin Authorit alýways accompanies this event. ion day in September. mnuniipaýl politiianb in th<b isoi-o Reginal Conclr, ad f our yeas1o the Hospital ______Cartwrigbt Councýil]or Har- area are concerned, il'S just commented Prout. He board, give bîm the necessary BUS HSPi2A -Wehav jstrea te ey Grahani has indicated befe arly f d"eclare their indicated that is eigbt vears (Turnto Page 23 ý,WY OSPTA, ---ýV hae us red ie will retire from mniciepal candîdacyithe Bgoa weekly hospital report and were amiazed to politics when regional govern- Counicil elections L S Deatmmhadedagrand total of 402 At thecir June 25th meetingercions on Ocbr lmt only emergencies. If this trenld contiâues, it won't Cartwright Townshiip Couil emmbrofBwmniles o tinues RcinÎg uespmte b)e long before much larger quarters and staff camie ouf in favor of designat- Town Conil)ePty ýReeve wiIl bc required to deal with the flood of cases. mg each ofthâe four eti'ng Maurice Prout, bias dfntl r te'~ mnunicipalities as a ward for îdecideýd <o stand for, re-elvèec -lh rS Broken 0DOC k the purpose of elècting one --------10une ple0.o lmgà dneid MOBILE CLINIC - The Ontario Humnane local council miemiber apiece CIEFKITNEYHOEnduedytebrkn ring is ancrte Soiey' âobleClnt OI b iakngabnief St opThe' counclindicated thUn i owmanvmle's Utef, ack suffered Y bisyounger CovKee ngine powered Socity'sMoble Cini wil bemakig a e ffth oca Polce ernad Kineyliasbroher n aboat race near speed b!oat calJled tict at the Shelter north of Whitby on Monday, July they elasthella Huffa opii wdi ý\ dlo in June, Theo Gerritts Business" in Ottawa on the tak ptsforconcllr, s el a th lfthopitl ndisnow ofSolina RAd bas en oe uy7hwendhe piîcked 23rd, froi to 5 p. m. Dr. Easton Mwili mays or toinr and the regional coun- recuperating at home from coniderable success in maj or up a gid medal for bis firsf diagnosis from I to 2 by appointment only. Phone illor, sbould be èlected by a a heart aittack thait ocr-sprsot power tboat races plac f, inish overaîIl in the i79-0591. From i2 to 5, rabies and distemiper gneral vote c eealwesagie. rcefl Twmta ltage Two) vacintion wilb given. Paymient is on a O torCaptD dctdu ieRdeSho donation basis. Last Wcdnesdayý afternoon at, :15 an accidenti resuiting in one dpatlh occurred at the intersection of thie Taunýitoni Road ,ind Hligbway 115 nortb of Orono. Eieven-year-old Chista Moranda Pattison of R-R. 1 Port Hope was pro- nounced dead oýn arrivai at the,, MeoilHospital, Bowmanl- ville. Christa w,%as one of four passengers travelling in a car east on tne raunton tRoad when if was invoived in a collisioni with a gravei truck trvligsoutb on Hlighway The car wais drîven by Cbr-ista's Iser Linda âmue Paittîson who wvas taken ta Bowmlanvlle fHospital witb lacerations to bfer head, shouider and ani injuredi wrist. Mrs. Levina Pattison, rmother of Christa, was taken to Oshawn H41-ospital in serirous condition. A cousin, Russel imîmerley of R. 3 Port Hiope, %was no! seriously injured. The gravl fruc-k, load-ed, was driven by William Geo,(rge Shepard of Caesarea. The truck ended on ifs side in tbe east, ditch co' 115-)soutb of the intersectior. The car was a ttlwrite- OfPf IPhoto court esy Orono Ti mes 'WANTI-EP JUST CALL - If yen are eldel«y and would like some hellp or just some compnyPhone 623-4851 Mna to Friday - 9and 5-' and a nice youing university studenit will be 1happy te ornoe tW your aSsistance. They areta, ryawiin our ealu. MG HANE -Stairtiig rnext -Monday, Don Plain's two-storey Sheli service station at the coner of King and Liberty Streets will be tom down and replaced by agas bar- and car wash that sh, ould b)e 1lu oper'ation lun Septeniber. This willi be quite a cag for this corner whiere the wh.ite block building h)as almost becomne a landmnark. CENTENNIAL PICNIC - hsSaturday and Snamembers of the lar 'ge and widespread Werry dýan will be headîing for Bl1ackstock where the lOth Werry, picnic will be held, starting at nsooni on Saturday and co0nGtiuin on throuigh the day with various event1s, te be followed by a Church service and other activities on Sunday. We can think of qutite a few departed Werr-y folk, who whierevter they are, will be with the gaýthierîing in spirit, and in taie memnory of many of thiose present. HDOCORRIDOR, - In the-7 centre two pages of this edition, Ontario Hydro has outined thie alternative proposais for 'the 500,000 volt transmission line they propose to build in the years ahead. Readeýrs i the areas a4ffected would do well to study the routes and attend the public meetings thiat are planned next Monday and Tuesday at the -M. J. Hobbs Sehool. Ptie Ridge 'i'rînîg School Sebool dad ail te work on Utb ed in the sevics. btk that the outdoor chapel niAsteGe Rev Gorrloutdoor cburcb whicb bas Chaplain Paterson said be MUi do tde rik for Il 2 boys Brwown <(On leffi, and his been i cistenied Sunsetlees tde boys respnd better bere e get 15 or 20 ouf for assistant, the Rev. Brian Chapl Six of themn buî1t the ta the oiitdoor atmiosphere ,lie service duin he we Patterson, are pîctured cont- conicrete altar, under the because if is somnehow less and i fhink ta' a prety good ducg tce dedicationî service direct-ion of Toe Trades formaI <ban the ervce he urnou't for a volujntary ai the schoo's new outdoor Teacher Huy Turner; âbre or nideteauioumerc. ChapeL. Singer Carolyn Bell four re ruwor-ked on the "YongobysMcnbveysofte from Oshawa (fAr hrit was wooden benches at the geltCànto bing close ta nature, "hts1 r 0by h aioon band witb bier gitar, Scbooi's camrp near E-endal amronig the trees, and ilhope -1 a re realiy looking for, some- last Sunday, July 14tW. fo sing and Chapian Ptteson super- m-ake týhem aware of Who fhPinig and I feel the initimqate the bymns. vised a workshop in Mue toawtd ifhil, he saîd. atmosphere of <bhis outdoor- The boys from the Trainirg designte bn rwhîch are 'm ninot naie enugh tn Ch'aPelhelPs," Speak AtRotary meeting 'Two Local Girls Describe United Natioins Seminar As Stimulaing Experience t 1~

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