The Canadian Statesmian, Bowmanville, July 11, 1973 Off icially Open Beef Research Centre About 600 people attended the officiai opening July loth of the new Elora Beef CattieResearch Centre. Present among the officiais for the ceremnony were (lef t) Hon. James W. Snow, Minister of Government Services; Dr. W. C. Winegard, President of the University of Guelph, and the Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Minister-of Agriculture and Food (right). The research centre, planned and buiit to serve the needs of Ontario's rapidiy expanding beef industry, has been designed to provide producers with accurate information in areas of feeding, housing and breeding. The Elora Beef Cattie Research Centre wiii be operated by the University of Guelph, under contract to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Sometlnhing f or Every&âbody at OshaRwa fa"r This Weekend. Residents of Ontario and ing o f fun is in store for ail who Durham Counties with a flare enjoyed oid tyme dancing. for nostalgia are sure to enjoy Live music will be provided by the programn prepared for the Earl Brown's Country Echoes. Oshawa Fair on Saturday Included will be a variety of evening, July 21. The high-, old tyme dances, including the lights include an Old Tymeé Schottische, Rye Waltz and Fiddlers' Contest andý Old Gay Gordons as well as Tyme Dancing. modemn round dancing, spiceý The fiddlers contest, start- with some old square dancing ing at 7:15 p.m. is an open and country music. This event event and any old timne fiddler is free to ail paying admission may enter. Each- contestant to the fair Saturday evening. bv~e askef0 pýlay a wvaltz, a HIarnesS Rcn jig and a hoedowni. Prizes'of Due f0 a conflicnt witl $100, $50 and $25 will be another meet the entire pro- awarded to the top three win- grami of harness racing will tiers, commence at 1 p.m. on The contest has alwa,ýs been Saturday, rather than Thurs- an interesting event and a day and Saturday. There will climax to the Saturday night be 10 heats with purses entertainmient at the fair. This totalling $2,000. Wagering promnises to bc the case again privileges will -be available. this year wvith fiddlers coming, An added attraction for the fromn far and near to prove Sunday afternoon prograri their ability to play oki time xiii be country and western tunes.1- music supplied by "Senator' Starting a p.m,-., folowing 'Jim Coyle and the Cable TV the fiddlers' contest, an. even- Boys of Bowmanville. NO, RESERVE MONDAYSTHRU FRIDAYS 9:00 à.M. to8:30p.m. SATURDAYS C LOSED 9.:OOa.m.to5:.i0p.m. .SUDA ;IHow Dto SNA et! There:. S WATSON'S 4q m BASE J>N O z 401 rJGrHWAY INTERCHAN&E 74 TED W' VAATSON R. R2 Bowmanville Phone 6Z3-7252 fobr your mny Benjamin Moore -AVAILABLE JAT- [55 KING STW. -p o The South Ontario Agricul- *tural Socity has entered the y namne of Rhoenda Hlastie, 18, of ;. 290 ivarland Avenue, Oshawa, f the winner of the Miss Oshawa e Fa ir Contest last year, in the il Sweetheart of thle Fairs, s Coýntest to be held Aug., 15 at d Lthe CNE. g Anr employee oif the Royal t akof Canaýda, Miss astie rplan_-s to work and travel for [ wo years anld then attend coliege tio taýke a course in h early childhiood education )- specializ'ing in retarded and Il handicapped children. ri 'The 12 fina.ýlists whu will take ;- part in the Mýiss Oshawa Fair Il Contest beingc held on Thurs- sday night, July 19, are : Laurie gCarter, 17; Karen Green, 19; .Catherine Lawrence, 21; eShieila Lgcy 8; Maria a Mazzochi, 16; Lynda McMinn, n18; Divina Moinaro, 16; Beth "Parker, 17; yli Puszynskî, V 17; Julie Smykaluk, 16 Linda Reid, 16, and liiez Rice, 21, Mvaniy gairdernnig enthIUsiastý spend small fortunes or annual flowering plants ai then expect them to'bloom alI, summer long without any hielp from fertilizer. "Too often, we selfishiy expect a sea of color without any more help fromn us than a Iwatering now and then," notes R. A. Fleming, horticultural specialist, Ministry of Agri- cultutre and Food. 1Petunias, moarigolds, zin- nias and miany other small annuals will produce bigger and better blooms if they are given periodice but regular feedings of ither a iiquid plant foodl or sm)aill amounts ofô a good gardien fertilizer, such as a 7-7-7, a51-5or a 10-10-10 anaflysis. Whnusing soluble fertLiliz- ers, follow the mnutfaciturer's recommendations 'for- the type of annuai to be tertilized. Granular garden fertilizers may be applied at a rate of 1 - 11'2 ibs. of fertilizer for every 100 sq. ft. of garden area. This application should be repeated once a month. It helps garden vegetables too, if they are side-dressed wvithi a good fertilizer, fromn time to fimie. Larger, heaithier vegetables xill result. PAINT and VALLPAPER 'HON E 623-5431 r