t4 The Canadiani Statesman. Bowmanvilhe, July 18, 1973 Tolke Part in Lions- Carnival Parade Grandstand FiIIed at Orono for Enthusiastic Fciith in Song Cut 3-earoldDarlene Rowve ail decked ouf like a Christmias tree Trudy RWne looks as though she shouild be ini On Sunday afternoon, several hundred participants and speci "Faith in Song" gathering in the fairgrounds at Orono. The program inchu presentations by local artists. T op picture shows Ed. Hoad and Bill Bickle Dewell on piano and in the background, Rev. Ted Snelgrove, Rev. Gerry Ho Long. In the middle photo is a singing group from Orono Hli-C's led by Rai Carol Barnett, Betty de Jonge, Linda de Jonge, Diane Barnett, Kathleer, Cheryl Cornish and Valerie Partridge. Bottom picture shows part of the larj Orono grandstand to overflowing. Included are choirs from churches thr4 Newtonville to Kirby. B LA CKSTOC K July O.N.O. Meeting Carol Porter was bostess for [he July meeting with- 19 mnember's and :3 visitors pre- sent. Tbe nminutes were read aid approved and correspond- ence was read fromn Mr. J. Kirkaldy, Princvipal of Cart- wigbIlt Central Public Sebool. Tbe treasurer reported a balance of over $600. in thie bank. Th'le O.N.O. bas been asked to cater to the Frew Wedding on October 27. Joan Thompson made a miotion tbhat we do it anid Diane Davie-sseconded it Donina Kyte on Grouip: 3 wi! be the convenor. The Hloho Tea wllbe mnentioned again ini the.FVahi as very few; members ventured out. Stîmmer seemns to bu a very busy time. TÏie girls tbiougbt it'( would be niice to haive an outinig of somne klind, so Aileen VanCamrp wll try to organize a trip to the O'Keefe Centre. Kathleeni Dorreli wil belp decide wbich show to see and, arrange,,( transportation. For the Husbands' Baniqut at the Rock Haven, it, wasý decided tbat we try to arvrange it for eitber November :3,or November 10. R oll Cal was -What you did before you wvere ~are" After RolCal, lunch wýas served and tbe meeting clos- ed. The annual MLughaPic- nlic was beld on Sunday in CatrgtCommnity ';park at Caesarea. A fine crowd ,from quite a numbner of out-of-town-i locations as weil as our ownvr area attended this family gatbIering. Heather, Pam and Penny R-'ead frm Brampton conducted a fine program ot gameis anid sports. Swiminig and v;isîing were enjoyed botb before and after the bountiful picnic supper. -TheComing Werry Picnic Our village plaiys host to the Xerry Cente(nnial Picic tbis Saturday anýdSundayv. Several local famihies are busy wîtb preparations for this uniqu -e occasion. bv you hieard of any other family celehrating one hundred years of holding farnily picnIîcs'? Athough the first picole was hehd in Tyrone in 1873, tbe second, in 1874 was held at tbe home of Thomas Werry, just south of Backstock, on the century Iarm now owned by his great-granidsoni, Neil Werry. Other farms in Cart- wright which have hosted this picnic are, the Philip tarm, The Wllows", the T. A. Wrglfarm. " Lieu, Villa" (now owned by bis great- grandson, Glenni Larmer) and the farmn home of Mr. and Mirs. Abert Wright, Mrs. Wright (Louise) re- .-alls this 1927 pienie and said they hehd the WifedPienfic tbe same yeýar too when evýerything wa'Is ready for a pienic. Blackstock eretonCn tre and Park have hewen the home location, of this ainnual family gahern sice 96a5 This year, relatives taeln from Montreail, ClarSud- bury, and from points in the United States as far away as iowa will bring peak attend- ance to over 500., Events inchude ai Saturday noon 1buffet hunichieon, a beet barbecue, dance and a Sunday morning cbiurch service feat- uring a îhen's choir and quartette. So welcome, W,1erry visitor, hope your styier is a pleasanit'one.' Sudywas the first oî the ,omhined services for the United anid Anglican Churcl4es during thesu er On July 22 and 29 cburch wilhe at 10:00u arn. at tbe United with Rev. V. AI. Parsons and on August 12,19 and 26 Service will be at il arn. at the Anglican Cburch witb Rev. R. C. Rose. Please note that there will be no Churcb ch vieat cither Cburch on Aungust 5. A good congregation attended the combined service aitfhe unit- éd Cburcb on SundahYý l. Rv. V Parsons preachedi an excell- ent sermon on "T he Prodigal Son Whio Stayed om" Gî Malcolmn sang alvl oo Vacation Schooh wili he helca at the Unite-d Cburch C E. Roorn on Juflyý23, t o 27Î a t 9-11 arn. for cbildrenl 3-1ý2 years. The tirne mill be ,spent singing, playing ganes and doing crafts. Directlors olfiethe ool ar-e Donna Kyte a--nd Ruby Parson, MuiDirectorsar Linda Kyte aind Ju;di Mlountjoy and Leaýders aire Donna Rob- ertsoçn, Barubara Byers, Joan Gr ove, Anne Vaniderbeul and Cindy VanC'amp with quite a numbeî- of assistants. Sounds ike an intere-sting week for the many children wbho are tired of bolidays.> 1On Wednesday forty-one2 members of the Cartwýrig(ht Senior Citizens enjoyed a trip to Toronto by Dorrell-Rohrer Bus Lines and visited thle Science Centre. The Blackstock, Fair, pirze lists bave arrivedl. if you wisb to receive one, kindly contact theý secretary, Mrs Geraid Kelly, 986-4257, Third-Jim Latimer. Mrs. Elizabeth Skeiding and Mrs. Veiva Bailey returned on Wednesday after an enjoyable vacation to, Banff, Vancouver and Calgary. TlIes day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Kelly and girls honoring Elaine's fourth birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly. Bobcaygeon, Mrs. Courtney Graham, Dwayne and Julie Bryant. Tara Lynn Baiiey celebrat- ed bier fifth birthday with a patio party on Tbur-sday afternoon with the following guests Susan Gunter, Fred Maricàw, Mrs. V. Bailey, Mrs. Catheèring Corden and Julie. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arch- er, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Joy spent Sunday after- noon and supper-,with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompson at their cottage at View Lake celebra- ting Mr,, Tbompson's birth- iay,, Happy Birthday. Mr. Thompson. Mr. Leen Van Ryswyk and two daughters of Holland are visiting bis brother Mr. Bar' VanRyswyk and bis many other relatives in this area. Sunday afternoon callersof Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and boys and Mrs. Argue were Mr, and Mrs. Michaelý Koprowski of Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey . and Roy, Soi. ina, Sunday evening caliers were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes of Nestleton. MIr. and Mrs. Royal Wbiit- tield of, ý!, Catberinjes bave spent a wteek witb their dauigbter MÏNr. and Mrs. Hlarry Degeer, Roy and Glenn. On Saturday Miss Ellen Cusiek an d Doug Smith (formi- erly of Nestleton) were mnarr- iedf at bier home in Hudson near Dryden,Ontario. Ellen was Lorrie Turner's room- mate at university and Lorrie acted as bridesmaid for bier friend. Ron Minshail was usher and the duties of bestman were performed by Rob Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter and Family. at Thunder Bay for several days before going to the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith will be goingý on a three week camping boneymoon on thie coast of Britisb Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden and Julie, Mr. and Mrs, Neil Bailey, Howard and Tara Lynn spient the weekend at Turner's Cottage at Coe bill. 1Mr..Jobn Venning was able to be home for several days last week but returned to Toronto to hospital for furtber treatments. Mrs. Russell Mountjoy remains' in Port Perry Hospital and bas made a slîgbt Improvement. Our tbougbts are with these two resîdien ts and tbeir families at this "cfficult time. ELIZABETH VILLE, * "~ hucfi services were heldi atL Gloridale Fams.Thre S was a good erowd attended. SRev. J. A. Ramnjit had a excellent address for us. Mir. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunbar, of California sang a duet and renewed acquaintance with old friends when he lived here and was one of the Garden Hlli ( Quartet wbic-h won 50 mucb '- Cclain- years ago. An excell- S'~ ent luch was provided. Many I hnk oMr and Mrs. Roy SPilýips for their hospitality. ~ ,. ~On Mloaday, evening a m1s- claneous bridai shower was ~. hel onna Castieton ~ at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fowler's borne. She received many Eatiors to part in a gîfts, games were played and aded hymn singing and àfris to marryw on the trumpets, Doug Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson fstetter and Rev. Basil %were at Mr. and Mrs. J. !ph eJone, ieludiig DeKoker's new farm north oi Lph e 4oge nclu~ng Uxbridge, on Wednesday. n Gustar, Joan Duvali, Mrs. J. Hanaka returned -ge crowd that filled the home from Port Hope hospitai over the weekend. oughout the area front Mrs. Wheeler is stili in the hospital in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mercer On Tuesday evening Mrs. and littie Christine, California Harold McLauglin ianid cdau- arrivéd on Wednesdayý to ghiters acted as hosteýsses for a spend ten days with Mr, and family bridai showe,.r ini bonor NIMrs. Orley Mercer. of M1issý Doreen Trewin of On Sundav afternoon about Ennskilenand Ottawa. The evening was filied witb the uisual activities associated wit'h these happy events and A concluded as ýo so miany witbi a delicious buffet dessert lunch. Gue.sts <ere present ST foshaaFort Perry, Dowiisview, Ennis-killen, M'an- illa. Nestieton as wilas iocally. Mrs. Dorothiy Marlow and AXnne were bostesses for another bridal shower, thev bride-to-be was Nancy Dorr- ell. This happy event toofk place on Friday veinig and guests were Nanicy's relative(s from- here and othier near-by On Saturday, evening Nancy A Dorreli and her future bus- ARE GOING OU. band, Bihl Dickson wereAF E guests, of honor at a kitchien A T R 1 shower beld at the hom-e of r.and Mrs. Fisks of Buringf- ton. Guests w7ere Bill's nieigh- hors and friends. Mrs. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli, Leanne, A LP E HTeather and Janis also attenid- ALLP ed and spent the weekend with Mr. and M~rs. Dickson and Bill at their cottage. SA C Mr. and Mrs. George Bry- ant, Dwayne and Julie attend- ed a family bridai shower in P bonor of George's sister, Miss Sylvia Bryant in "shiburni on USE F U L .Saturday evening. Sunday guests of M1r. and Mrs. George Bryant and1 Dean Ormiston and family, D N Br.(ooklîn. Card Party winners from the weekly Tuesday eveningTH party wecre Ladies' High-Ann Mans, Scon-Lorna Rich- ards, Third-Erma Strong, Men's Hg-ymrPl'ough- FIRSTi manm, Seclond-Ross AMsop, Tranquli'ty cand Snowtracks Impress Goodyear Visitors They hadn't seen a snow- track, up close, but that was soon irmedied for six stu- dlents f rom Franklin, Penn- sylvania, when they visited Goodyear'sB o w manville Plant. The six, guests of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, toured the plant to get an idea of local industrial de- velopment and found the plant far removed from any- sixty-five decendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer gathered at Garden Hill Park for a, picnic. Only families missing were Mir. and Mrs. D. Warrener,California and Mr. and Mrs, H. Moore and girls, Staynor. .Mr. and Mrs. H. Stouts, Brantford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thick-, son. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Provost, Lindsay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer. 1 didn't hear how the Westport race camne out on Saturday night. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew were Mr. Reg. Beebe and Don, Mrs. and Mr. H. Gordon, Port Hope. thing in- tueir own City. "We have a different type of ini- dustry," explained Lucille Jones, "like manufacturern of mining machinery and glass factories." John Fonzo -found the plant fast and. efficient. "Frankin is an-industriai and trade city," hie said, "lbut we don't have any- thing like this." Wt a pop- ulation of 10,000, Fravnklin is, about the sarne size as Bowmanville. Franklin, unlike Bowxnan- ville, isn't ex:actly snowmO- bile cotlntry. "There are some people -who drive them, but they have to go to certain areas," said Davîd Steele. "It isn't cornmon, like it is iihere." While ln the area, the students saw and were li- pressed with, Toro)nt.o's City hall, the science centre and Chinatoýwn, apart fromn the pastoral scenery and rela- tLive tranquility of the Bow- manvîlle area. _ Wing.foot Clan. Moistuire content of sapwood is normnally much greater than that of heartwood. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE DISPENSE WITH A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THIAT: 1.The Council of the Corporation of the TIown of Bowmanvîlle intenos to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board. for approval 6f the works referred to in Schedule "'A" hereto,-at. an estimated cost in respect of the work as shovyn in such sehedule and thiat the sum of $45,000 less an anticipated subsidy from the Departmient of Hlighwvays of Ontario iinthfe amount of $30,000. that is $15,00 shial be raised by the sale of debentures pa'yable out of' the general rate over a period flot exceeding ten years. 2. Applicaitio)n will be-made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispensè with the b assent of the eleetors to the undertaking of the said works.. Any ratepayer may within twenty-one days after the fir-st publicâtion o!-this notice, send by post prepaid to the Zýlerk of the'Towýn of Bowimanville the'addre sý given below, a notice in writînpg statir or his objections to such approval and the* grounds of such objection. 3, The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shalflnot be required and may approve of 1he said works, but hefore doing s0 it nxay appoint a tie and place for a public hearing when any o)bjection will be iconsidered. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE THIS 1ITH DAY 0F JULY, 1973. J. M. MceILROY, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk-Administrator lu Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3116 SCHEDULE "At" Jackman Road Culvert ReplaceMent at Bowmanville Creek and Road Regradîng $4.5,000 D p LOOK tU LDERS., UT 0F THE -CLOTFîING BUSINESS ýYEARS IN BOWMANVILLE SENT STOCK CLEARING AT CRIFICE PRICESI SC ES'WA Y 8ELOW COST... TEMS FOR TH E E NTI RE FAMI LY T miss OuT ON ESE BARGAI1H51 COM-E - FURST SERVEDI