22 The Canadian Stateai _IIn, Bowmanville, july 18, 197311 Z1ý> ý ý W11.r1r1 11Tuesday,_ : O - o . arrivi of heirchose 1 . ad Ms.Ry Meu-an rndaker 2ibetA- ,pm.' Ladies bring lunch','. ment""1ý 1ý_ ,,ýýý,,ý,,ý , A.li-Chaiers.Sles AI1DRSSER ante imWLLDRLLIN . Catmar -LRG,,. ceroo, part MONSTER-.1' . > - BIG,23 912- elDilnLdPnyol et dlsol.$2 K l . 1 _2 9. l--* l B',C- . nn u ce t e o th4mS1si e a es an ha o s R SS R , ,-Beds ý , h dP o e 7 5 2 7 2 ._1 _ ___il-tf on, h. 63- 519 . 9- BRO W N,,-,!ed, an, Joanne ren, Karen-Ue1 Furni'. EXPERIENCED Suzn: ad al Bt wet rmebrnc TRDA -7:4 -m. fi-d, ilkidsf ui o prttu. WAERwelsboed 3. ue.TW -b-rom patmnt .ne Bom l) ar.r ud t re nk T e m rra e tooassalî S-ponsorcd by ture > ýrý,- ',, A tius ndA- lane'Tîe i1Wad el orngel -aed figeabto'e sP BrW1 r.dM. Howrd rlNeteto, areplesed- I v- ares enua h, ken aie ou ure. ot f TUK rve eq- -,fa hoe62-29.- 4 W REOE'torg.,pceandtrck ae ttaiyre Broel. ret-radpaenS nnune heforhcmigBtRDTTlovig Brb cî, an ait ihfr.Poo6330. 2- _e .Tuxtn to meory'of adear huband andThursda , uly 26th,,ron - mi.iawlth- diese . Aplyin A1J xpeicedInjaîto- vatabetorfuthr ifo- itne'an garntedT ar-Nny1yn, to Wilamfthr.sel-C Br ett h nie hrc ae en,63 AR T PClnes av Pprsn uvly Wo1ro.ti wok dsre o trtn aio alJonRc,,2-52ma npette ,drv hm an n Aai, ctad.Hlon Dcsn, Brin'n on e' ubn, gnefo - so dut-$7 . Èickets » ,strator models. Partsl and, ac- -__ clean.ingIl , ,_ yad , bsmns nig, wse nd dyrW lay ae a g ',u-de and the nurses on Saturdy, August ilth, at-ow we missyour mling __,__ Cere, Hwy.N-2, Potop.nce Apl i peso,9 ur - tis tc Rasna- erte.up.e. ho 2-14234 s1eti__ maternity.29~î* 5:00p.m. in Bickstock U it- ac,, w anle1ios1lu Pon 85-44. 7--py oo Podct, roostmaes Tleho - 9-, NýWY- LIDPjAY - Ste.phen1and ______ 1 Lynne nee Capman w1 hMnanjMrs en Cok__f entreSUeP.UMPS EGISTEED Nusing ssit1reasnablerent o thenîIl BOWMN5ILI , anu' h ith0 hi ot ayaepesdt n-A hpy hm e oce SNAJL 2d EAE O AL1AKS tNrA.Adeep.-W TRwll lrdo nf. o4l.Aalbe u.1o 1 îgt at-1348 soStat aes ls o. nucete otcoig a- noyd Atqe as nDipaydpefred eqied ~. CnaaDrlln Cmpn .S. -1 ot fBwa-"h on Fnida, Jul 1, 17,-,nge0 he>dagtr.MrHw e-e hemeor, sl, Evrne clom1H RV Y P1,M, meiaeiy Cli987422ïhon Ohaw,56-004 R- vll. hon 23-213 2-i,-\et Osa%1enra 1osia, ALndtoA"dewWStel utda hsleta onln1.BrakatLrm ftl .. 8-freetaiv aryL.Wae 2- so"f Dr a d Ms. Aa . h oid cn n ye 11.$,0 pe es n.O o o 98-28 --Zenith 14620 Mewcasle 9874531 2 - OFI CE Spc i B wn -_ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ ___,_ Augstpuscomýson On a - ivsio S - hoe 63587 ucion shd, ayon.on 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ,1 , ý_,_' ,b. 1/-os. a MmoiaiCrs f ha ks hubadfahe ndgrnd 745iim.haer ew Holad 01PAROL lek reuied shetan Foa Gas hopighete. valai Alageseecio o1tins Hopia, Bw anlle n ______________ ate1whasedawy uy EDBAN - WYEST. mpr.ntraioa nlp1anyAgut1us eexe__Sae Us- tr Wnos etmbr 1 1 ; Phone 623ý,týýý-- Sle7 ocok lf ehc Jul 7 173A tIe roter Thnkyo t te ampon22 170 e;-ase--arisrae;Ne- ecc,,pefraiywih ,Ee Sor Fons1,Foa11Isro, 73,or62-385aftr . scldee. 9- -1 ,- -,appreclated 1l 'ays a ha, when one 2îî .,-, 'ý,?'986, -83 21 Wood roducs,,Oroo, On. _cd, Aug.1 to' Oct., Lake On-ý SHA Rihar4 n-Ky"Ilh ,ta osady eac, 2bcdMFIDA, JLY 7t chse auhtrTamyLila lwy , rc. >houhtf 1 .Alway APPL-A -ES waacd in o Mobile ervice uiet, rsponsiblI,11,,on. 2, RachTwp-,3 mi, .(>el shwegfîrwere remere7yNEW ALE- esî. lae 'phon - on write,,, T-ý ERVI-E THRE.-bedroom house in souîh 0f Mancheeter (tu Mary- Ann-,a1d _Chanies thank-,ceived. Special thanks, to wife Ina, son Orville, Isabelle .L<ý;ýý, ý. - O1 Enterp n -e, God for he saf earrivaiof tho woz arrancd the»ad7fam.i . Ï 29_lél-1 , St,- 0- 2 HNE1 22 a h oe ul rPrtlm T W ewatl,$40mnhl x ws a rspc hu1) 1ý mý ___ _________________.._____ sn.ingers,-197 Ford pick-u paetsae rd a Poud Rnd eapie 9- fmydanhsbn woMOTORNY COO USDIVR dinSttsmn POBxî iwihsaeyilck 3 thanks10 _ 1 Sylveter1an'LasscpawayJuly 2, 1970IBloodnt C R E ! M WOBEROOIM arîmn, ie e Capre mwr Ewent andstafo hem-Korthany, inceriy .1lvemoznreely tha rnn ed., Aug.2i PICK VOUR NtDiig n rctospovdd are pnîtr lreivlgrosaddnagq.tyoia.nmci 'enIt-floni * hak thir reaîvs, neg - wcCsho, - - y - uër -- ay-wt -ïl - .- Qart$1 00 i cIRDen e wllbepidbCa nt-tc-cPoesonly Cene om ktha -pe ah-Fn od. Tri cs.Sl ___ bns ad fnends ho jinedLovela dethamkes s1sec -iBsket- erays C. Lt. Plase party X FREE ETM TE om Piaelanadga-a12:0)e. n a Mn.7---- and -- --Mns.Rusei - Max n- o ocai aad orCASEa 2oo20iabrathELL.JOTTPhone 63- 2002 Advc-g--,'o-i-- 'f--,ý---rtic o9,om The Can- 75 5737;Gead Ga MasagoedigAniLiryajy- raly nB o ANVILLE COCS iN 'ST. E. , 11. anv ll or7P5one.6281. BOWMgalaNVILe ,a ,adu]ian Sy.Ta ele n e 623ox- , îek 2- wel re appy tI O ann once lovel gif--and- crds-n- But neer SO tr fLy deep-Hll1:30 - 4:3ly 0th m. B t o WMANeýVi . IlLE28411-f 190 onavle 9i_ ïIhe m1arnieof their daugh- eon lve. . 29an sdeMs OY MMlathent6:30 - 9:00 p.m.-!___LARGE _one_______________ 1e, Judith Arybr pil 1 ,n OM le ýna, MrJaes occwpn my heartyuwill Tanpr tatiwelon P 291rovSevie.dcd 2tck 9e- AT-IE1ate Sc UR E S t RNT- ebdrom Sthnon sn0fM. dIwol-ik 0exedmawysaPlaeCîl63900-' ~w lldianegi Pone63p019efEr- BRINEC-F.NCESglw ieebtatahdWDEDA,.UY2 ia nae29ookplace I the n o uadnceîhbors for Sushrefeny day.osM N T R BN O 8- .s ,-di-ý--- -ýPoe75-7-201 t -nnh--632- 29ýý-ýN,_Frd a ,-e e Knluai.e andHsp-alEe ABuGtTERD din taesmnP. Bx si wnd y Mnry ooer ý a-t)ttrdS1 ST u-, A L ea d Apl2632151 oiar ie.TlpPO Wr' WI Brng ee -a,BM anfiil, n t. 29su- ot1,doe. 4 ec _ -RcrfeptoonW Noblie. 9- HIK-n oin emr Wdns, uy 5 Lo Rts USIGASiSAT al dres:l Smle ouh fSudrl Mn. nd M re Preo to rdi.Asa a Mno otas incr yak o 1'97.AL OsP1 eC I ON lghts________ 3-tf_______ rc, o 1 mls nnh 0 nn )Ihbours te aan O e ous e ent crs e u trs 97, -wewasytend er, darb 6 -24 .f p ni 12220 erseP d, PA- she. Phone. 23 -1im l at 5ha,3 o s 10 elc,1'ipelrae heir Gon and ifî ilitCh p atient la JusI 10sow we stîli neLE AVLON ý___ -- _ -- _ - 6 t- C u iy ak C lur S se s AlYIternat orweeke»ds or E rv L WDeTI N G0BT)'ý10M bus n d.Jly 22n.f0rSmHîwo 10 Rcv.1LongERevi Harnis, 623-2006 2 3 5 S 1 spoAlso 0f -451. -,v-I. ____,7 bed eiers 22opn hif Wcdd-!ip ni vcou nar ntSn-29-1monialrHospital. AlsoDrs. -Sadiy missed by Fraak and 6 - à9r W eO ldg Anig ae x-epted. unit sires. This ishonea9high - Jur-,!(r ý a1sWactedasexcellenttocondition..---ho--e-291 iagiohpaidtwighPiause nye test ;3L1ve la he Ile onan d ,'l s Feen Mr.eaieand r.Dalton D ar g - Harrisaand girls.1 29-1 vs. hom, , R, Noî . Onoad cno, W s t Spe cial thk o1r t he AdmissionveI- Adaîtsins Barb-cu and COrTRAUTS '66i PONTIACTRpowcrivsreceinge large and la beautiful condtru- ______ psscdaway July 1, 1966. . _ Admiss29iVILLAG 0F Bach R . -or w,,nvlle MUSANG 1rce 8sp 2doMuhteMkTakwt Au Hiloly. 2 ; Brl-1 n.a PhFOR 6211343. --,. tmnti asen(,yar) to attend'! % a celebýzý, rtonla cer th nks 10ail m fnindsorld, w tcneniy "' of ,lg LVY ýRE(, .D, a jintenceer_-_--- - _- _-_---_ 2-* ion. Ordono 98-5444. eebe- and eM l e odaes Mn Icoor0fthlTenDi'.lBThe ndngrswho etae T s i5 a pil2ture AryN DANCoE.Twr Poe63-33 VIC ORE '1DASN 4 , ei ful agadAcinen.2- Wcdd.', gieAnnlvon.ruatryve &oMn ecardsLIGHgifuîsnanan flowobss dur-o holdr,, ran Fnlday, Julyr 27the 1973,saonltral Ho gsptl pecai l%,,-%e ns orsk 1eps. UHF-VHF - ol r npAer4als Paerhin pes - alnt i dg muîesge, Onon 29-2 e eAliow ale rpny 0 8:,t3 p.m. at the-Rec 5:0i,0Ithank you B10 Ds, D. M.i t o love, B10 chensh, 10 iteven -D-T6'VD C'- 4 2 1.atpentry -p Cent--e, Bacstck Pogam S roulH.. Rundl -1 John orgleftus Are enier e Ls'Ptoe 885-54 omeS Pr -edp ' ' 4 HOUSoi 0al e. REaNV e a it es:G '65 DOD GE ruck,,hi o, M. R ubcu 9 A ead an - nig.Cmmtce n RnNonus~an tff 0 E eoi remembend byMom REEDa P ISC ' _8-, IVFee es mae-- le h dl --f-o-b---West,-saw" on atu --E,!SEM >--- -- - 27Lbry NBomnll ay uy, eAliîg o X dyJiy 2it, VictorA y S., Pt, ,H op r4 M1. SeT Ry__f_.-_____---cge-4,00. -Phne 63_ _______ ~~~ ~ ~ 2-233.26-5*tf 7WONd$,4clneba- eadcdtbeocsoa 2ý, l3acktc, Mn. barand Mrsh Mr Phonee oo of pac.; Lin Cnre1 uli FM s RGiTRE siig ssstI - -----retif l gold , eing a ,h,,I $14.chi, R,.. otblM1 ID" rJi(na alcini R R. Noerth 3 e amly fIeI ean mothernand grand-, t-'WATE TANK Onlanlo Sportsci iil,MOron.o 29 K ithsad(gk e) oen , . and Mr 7t-s. 5Vict o nn ognwshtoeprsstiqrVuaRoeewo idC asoe siL AMLON ang r]l reerdr 5444, i--. aaaDrlig opn . 29-2 basket chairsa- G.E. nefnI',lgpte1na-(r' Mal'o., 1R1R 1, NetîcOon ouwath5kI316ou04f ""dsGî'ly'1, 1968 _____ 38-t Mn n Mr, Harper ,ý,,j1ke itc naeo hbor adrauties fay or Fîv eeshvemoassed, dean Rides - ______ - Become sel! 987-4252.lRe-our PUMPING 1969 GMC 6½-231wthbo3on.hmiife9(e r) __________________ an donaionsto Ie Cacer înce od chledyou ome DMISSON - 50e NSTA L AN are and- ___2 Fine_'_Fe.good-ondiionsafey-chck- crome suit,7-ict31 fan FURNACE AonlofBERTaTOMPKINSAld. Lic.hC8000.lPhole Don's bunk beds.01angettevstep lohf 1--ùý291 engillessande cen t Whand e iy 91- I a gryouwlihve24r 8- UMDFIR Pon 23241fr poitenS t. r hl' hoesie had'tlie 1 sy oo- Atile Fr SleHETE ____________'________rs__________ cî0fdaeraniu July il, 13 ,d , Fn Brre li w tif, oh a y,1,.d griimsin, ùî .-'ýand ohs_____ ____M L RFM L 5 t anichain, 62o3s5681d rock te lIeDooty icarsnB.LogDr MKezi, Ihe To thoE. you lovcd S wli, 12xM90NTýîl . Phoe 63- o pymets fr s visihoT'n StT . TCUhodoubl bedsplaypcP1ay uc Susan toan Lesie.. en- he staff f9 Mmoall Hospi2-- calHAbae t ied 3e.H RVT bl 1 . upigt veumscwngma à - e spccially- -ikeng m ento - aly 1o ser y A oneflla, or shel AIP.ýled cra Pon o £550 Serv-i"Ic elrSe- loý4ý - - o m ý ic, ' trone , 'EïD1__0(_ý- Te rnis as h, N esr birt Chf a .,ýI p, E '1Bowman -- ad hn hsewosreAie and f ai CBr291d-FEE"ETIMAES CIIMNES & IREPACESMylesKlng aucioneran 1, Iaturday aI 2 786-2563.)__._- Oaerator 'eey 2- nalHsialo hecn ILLbarTS-n î viigmem QLJNTIY Ifgooegran 93-526 Oono -ne .~-±o__ M-emo ý,ý,ùza enia osi-given 10ohan; an hekind7o4y,0f my dean husbend cota. Phone 987-4439. 29-1 or General HeAp149-tf f-atnsdntongvn 0we war, wbo p assd away RADIO-Phonograph, go O d f(,iti h-, -)ýJ-T u hl urne onîy. SATURDAY, JULY 31rie ' 'l '73îeoftelaeJhn-,nymnios .i" hoeZI-47 291 24 Hour- erv n ices VOYer.lAGER 37ELINSTEE SECALinedsespiiivs t. J u',' orn'- Arîy t ofTsnl otc t aTe s sed Sa 'oun so]i itIaid RSAUAN lu n ad lc, -Heaia the prpenty o thelae J. Va LU ~nimsbymuDean morhthe0fe______ And10prp1ethlOapyBRND WguA lonpol41tf H.hay40COT3 T, 2 ishDl, 1h e- Aln if ehldo1h (Mrs. A. E,, .2Hamilto n) Ibe Est T he inJh lctable8 x4. Chl 23-3804. 11NEWCASTLE Pressure SystePone ' ageeaut.H.fully equipped. Lnde. premises S miesAlouth'if T o1 -nî0 hgneîa: yW a ppillcintd .. de C ou a an yniansi ons _ __ - - - __ __coast . . -l--o- -apantm ent i:to Wn C A R Ed c s r n , o . . - -ý- - - - - - -- - _ , ,g ( c . a e O - R D 5H ,l Bowmý-anvîland a i otdeese.Hetaveld on aca.27 -Wa te T-R n 2-LNw ok1u Rp iaArF5o, - pri, c igh. v2husboeN.ilHih W.O.Ailn L Hoe: iesoans Jeavng aIs M ivd n, 00 asjur. OR e n od acuuSDMService sud Estimates1 , 8-2 sSent Lie, DZZýT, !A ES AN or aesay;ýs --c) our,- $21500 a h is, rn d alpiebb Royal Canadion cradle captainIchairsactsn 1aierboog, As BowmancT>]ýcvil.1nqie efl ro fsnehswf laysn Rg _________ 9Im a ncd ,%Ping a nd hy Le Rwi-anie rý M e er ine'01 VOVQ 12S -2 I-. cain),,,et <eae gaf) alPi gare-.r hak o am -1ý ,, e Ham7lton,,-,io Chlotmnil. nvt efn h151 a fAuut a l. 29-1 old. ToEEi UIsed FurnIeç/ anaiaE s tatesm treirteosceakne f 232or Iemy3ud _5e3micl i.hniglm, ag if h~d onStudy I103 eto ill be it ibur d wthWLATSI l.ia c - NEW aSohrp Idcaspreered.AIlappic--Cmmecilsd___ __'0_EV is ne4 D ilipdC ,OG.occh vat MottriaI PCli-'eas an eno- nOvleIaeleý K olE trP ,13eS ýain wrPitaý'h rwingtePhneBÉT VE eautifu1l br-0 ow n mtl cvi ,antedse ccnptwt ted , by A hde avcn H-r*,,o e hnve noteiceandthe nder- andaits who29-1asscd away ulyJu-2y1' ' cupa aad saucera. Toby jugt',, 6 trLýrbof.r ane '()ù.is hs w of whose daimhe Gdloc rudbsgr nd uc at. Gaa ikpPHONE 2-321A 2166 Osha- pontso cake plates,, handundrede 0fI is (-' AN - ai Eil5a 1,h- any pwerndnnoic. caGaag. -46-63812.25tf_ 8-' B wmavrleLade H rd ar oheoattle..ot,9bi-i ., taBý ATDaIBwmnileIis Ad onda epylce SDAFNCIuraN App-i- USEDvsFn t. d w App!ýlil- 29-2 and ELECTRIC Ci' arDï,As Bel.W r e fth e etsaesefth 'î-ît 1Aort ai W c eay,: >shah neteIhen bar 390._c/o__ _ _ _ _ _C ali-_._ _ innl e , and -É--on- ' 01h dy of Juy1 e 9 -1 of , ea u ow ndneatb anes ruu 1 irîeL nmpWunîTuRE an 1t ALGODRNNN ya v9t-1g oa.Sl ~'f il 93 rneLgn rn, W~Bhîe îd ansd s*waybis ti2ed face. to ôon, 263-241. 2-tfLanG.. Pady's Maket,,Hmp- CA E TAKE , CARScallcdte1s2t e tee esda;. tnanio, Ilios ,ývý1e awifrc 0f Ex aesuoW.Hpu hin ms arolus nohlmCHE RRyouEowT;Monmoneac 23G224î. 6tf forT, ie racsheal I 03 FiilîrdLoga;den oîbr y is elcion beel, îdiite hm 1 rstinstructtnioAnsENee aLiti Reai am. ed ad arr Jhnon t Ru-eth <Mrs. Naf'onman Al l înie, sre& ansnceeI , G o v Gren m u e ýthau- 623-3358g . tables, boes, etc.Wit e Ad- Newcastle - 'O HoietigActoees Po1.75)3 C>nono aad Jean <rsreE.tG:eBox 7 tful, phone_6W3-392 onFTeof [ CASH ornneal osd1cup1ordsgPîumbing- SediAs ù.3270anderad Grahani, iter4 1erï'*i!ownianvil-11l-, 29 ý2*6 v rtn379 c/ TLÀCaadi n llb pî b Hl ar- Poifn E ly leial ________he, -ec 'ah-Far s - - ->,__wcasllc ansded I enswo ntave ila nth aes sbesî. SBakestnBo 90, Bowman- Coriumunity ___and___ 29-12:30 th_ B.rlow Funcral Ho e L i 3 ak8. thi 29-3 -Lo vin emcmbiMed by RED curnaonsCeuar e; i - C ille- rý,ysC. (q L t.Psu pplFROE R IAL '69 RAMBLNe EoR Ae rinJnso6 Orono.- Service_ -1wastibcldviFrî-r _____63-3811_._.1_______________vrsadaaughîen Gweny e, son-la-lawNVquart- baskets delivCe>ncd ino 18 Simson AenueRo_ -,7cy,., s0.,T Ph nDr.2-Lic.2 EBDîi52.e-Auclio31,Sale/oThf Cnnc(75) 3d day aI 2 p.m. Intermeat Or- Ron - CONCSaIdN-family,.I29-I ,bown if -,dcsioccsionPaoneor623 In àlAppkynstatingh, ag-30 experlence BOMNDUSTRIALz)dail articles fronPni MaOXkie's CVan on Cmer,.!y. 29-nn -ci l_________________ 211 andl rcs ifdny) su slarBetectd RveDNTAI. '6oRA BLE A eriao,6 ad Sorge IdI 128-4e Ho 1_al Bw anv I il on ug inlusve.29-1iv Farm e o unaysaes.Jon aynD9_2ooiagan cpia,_haima,--CII,-ay-Juy-7,6-,m,-ls tenr , July t'1 A, 17, Ea,-ýs 2___________n___Attenion 2* / Oronoa786-471aAuon, powcr eqipped._Lie.-Tbursdy,-July 19, p.m P.Syvstr.Blocdwfecl oces V umc Hus: DAD aSOSERVICE 623-2059, 8-29010 aIl bîecds, Poodies aJACadRGESpa-g25aL27,3 pElecîniebrefigenator, elecîni ,hi mc G. Slv)es, 3 HigbCsed ail ay M onreatisnd aI M a R iLL FUi FIM 20 BLCK a1 w tepon- - s ourspecialtdenso bar-,NE.CsTLE, ON. 33-tf t ove, wasItgmcie u St, Iowanihe, fomelvWcd3nesdays during Jully and une aaee t dablé, 23- black and wite n.uîraroîsto ae " o 0fTro .Dean mtni' Agut.Aio losd1,e otoaesbpcWeappecat aan 2" oln tleison RR.6,GrnoL78-234IALlcaiosNG b aceveUtUIDIGiacON.LDaIea asintmchne 0fD.Allan B. Sylýves, ',JulY 23-28 inclusive. 29-2 cî rn o baacsay hneq3.83 9 ___ __ _29)-4 on rbeoe6pm Tusauoai dyn,3 bet- ________________________ _____________________ - 1-day,-Ju .y 3sf,193OR )fed sisbd c sefil, aI SevnDvi, oronRya CnaiaFe Ion Br. i alc. o.41C7e rdi ad263a-9ap7pa-21____ _________________ Ca etrF eevsins1feze7(ee. leýving ý_"graluidmoîber OfPoa- Thýe La dic!' uxlary Cl ole 6-71 solIur StSerco AM/Fl-M' Lost 292 BORDANVILLE bookhl, ofe n .4 atanlo1,e -Lo t 29'tbleýsc,cid' rok ,pwr a Vly.Serv7iewshed178 Bîngo will be closed the R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontan (2 sep_)an 8lat paesAlB~KLao-ype ae AETlKRnoain 1 Kn Es -P, 2-48 awa mwer cotinnta la the Morris Funenal Cl1apel, last tîwo ýweeks iiiJuly aad R. W. BO)WERIING LTD. codiio. 2-- 7.'9- *o, oacc lgty csedm a pplicaions wli be acei9-Kiher Fsteudl.6.'l-4ee48111 hrmesute'bssck I2, cl o r) la ee Bow- u 'st__ veksln_ 29-2 o TADNIle pro.1 Rwn Phone 263-2544. cd by the uindcrsâgaed until -a d'21tilgbs ibby oîit nenvll Cmtery. 2-m ent 1 __- Lvsoc aearebynmuIbret;__ 91 MnaJuîy 23, 197i3 for Ihel Paintinnegf baydaccssonis, bo VISIT. . ._____________0________ lantmiriÉton syslenwih- - _-ptionC.of Head CarPulitakerat teWori .iuction snSale.mîtese,,hef CANAIN EGSERDpolled Hare- o1 hu islmln al-R u~o ule Cnree____________occasicnal carceto FOESand SEED STORIE S UL L '" fn ul evcal .poe7841.2- Good kno)w[Ldge Of bujldin.g SPECIALIZING IN SAT., JULY 21, 1.15 pâ<..daesdrsrdiet Y prfrmnc tstd lt a- OHSO uïboarS, ne inteior finishesec¶a Saveon Producîs Waýre- sukite, lan car, rcr 33 DvisinSeeets enage daily gaitn inde-x f and used, -îi: boals at fainla.- 1 and electnical, apparatus. GOod Recreation Roomis abouse on Hgwy28 lai thej player, nigtabe, edon Hopia -Arageens BARBER 15SanAla R rnotccîaac pîe uyn kîC)édge of caretaking pro-Village of EwLdley, coansist- 'suites, gae ols os ~oruaes SOP 93-571. 2-1" ntano SprtsOron. Op aow g ~ hon ~ 1ig(1fwasýhstad(, rnockla clothes nc, uîass lnn 5cI 9l ï(rosnt" rrO fe1 , 3 Jledures. The abiLity 10 work cPhonofdrawâs,21ep-beding, pl ap ihs Potted LatesI l fHair Culs sud Styles HfSSB DE b .22harmonilously with others:. The 292 tbaca irs adtbefnpaeeupet pc N 'WASTLE Trailan Park c'abýiIiîy to organize own work, ALODPT-OilASIR OADN aes-Your distric( ïRambler firapla.ce, iaundry tubs, bumi- drî-U.m, rugsi lscmnnt Weddlng G $-~~5.00 a ~month TraiLer IDealen. New anndwok f the,, vrs.GTCAHTDY hsefila cdatfiilbatr adnb,20 al Bouquts ,. p ,, SDoeBOX STALLS AVAILABLE ua _len.HieayN.periet nomain1: OrL»APIAiSdfier, giassware, dish-es, pic- sale. Items tl asoaea In lune frames, lampa, bech tue of pnaîagis Icoi 1 OS15 mvinutes fren Bom ville 2, NRvCast1o, 987!-5131. 16tf M. A. Maceo , Buiness Ad- THRIIOU.GH saw ,tili press, steel fcaciag plate. Terns cs.N e Aftagenent *~ anSOLS ad HELS Phione BOB BEDROOM sile completa; mnsrao n d. Treasllrer,l S T A T E S M A wiholsectialpp-srv.Aiensecme WeSedFiwes~ land éTOP'WOK 417663 îig suite,9-picce: chester-,Nnhmala ndDnaiCLAS 'îDsalnces and other ar--ticles 100 SalcsroomonMody1 --fcd ut, i0u1ata- eav or o dcain umarous 1a mention. Roger Fniday 7-e.MlsKn.Ac Fhoe 63- r41 63-57 5KigEst-B1mnVI aler 6 p.s. odaw.M selsli. Sacri- Box 4M, D'Arcy Sret oehyPOE 23303hoanise7a7-2o651. Bew-15,51oner ad atae47 17-tf U-_264 fiee. Phone 12157.31-If I Coibourg, Onluanlo. 91ly hn 9-61 9155 r7300.2