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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 5

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NEWTONV v.and Mvrs. John Velek, PMr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher o -Ereo, Holland, arrivedsetls week camping at here last wveek, to visit his Cameron Lake. brother a-id wife, Mr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Mrs. Gerard Veleke. accompanied by Mrs. Alice Husband anwd Wife Graduate dauigliter" of Mn'J. and Mns. Robert Schiecl, Welland, grad- uated recently from Brnck Universit y Witb a Baclior Of Science degrec in Biology. 1,111flry 48 KING ST, E. 1Robert Douglas Welsh son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Welsh, Bowmanville, recently gradua ted from-Bnock Univen- sify, St. Catharines, with a Bachelor of Science dcgree in Chlemistry'. c &h oppie BOWMANVILLE DURING THE jSIDEWALK -SAqLE ODUTSIDE RACK VALUES TO $45.00 $5.OO-s$10,00 BARGAIN TABLE MANY, MANY MORE' IN-STORE SAVINGS Young Wctchmaker Swczmped with'Business Edward Bear - Elton John * Carly Simon e Sergio IMvendes & Brasil '77 e Anne Murraye* Gordon Lghtfoot - Ian & Sylvia - The New Seekers - Mac Davis -. The Fifth Dimension - Henry MancIni * Hoyt,,Axton - The Bedsý, Helen Reddy.- The Carpenters - Elvis Presley * Paul Simone James Last e Ka! Warner - Susaný Jacks - America - Jerry Walace,, The Boston Pops Orchestra.e So und 80 * Peàtula Clark,» The Laurie Bower Singers - Dawn - Johnny Nash - Bobby Vinton * Brenda Lee- Gîne-tte Reno - Freddie Hart - Lynn Anderson - Marty Robbins - Ray Price - Ray Connift Singerse WNaynie Newton a Paul Anka e Ronnîe Aldrich é PaulMauriat * The Philadelphia Orchestra * Floyd Cramrer - Steve & Eydiee- Perry Como e The Lettermen - Gibert O'Sullivan , Bobby Go!dsboro * Tomi Jones - Engelbert Humperdinek e Apollo 100* The Stampeders'- Glenn Gould 0 The Hart House Orchestra a Oscar Peterson - Jackie Mittoo* Vikki Carr - Johnny Cash ; Sonny James * AI Martino - Henry Cuesta- The Boss Brass - Tamnmy Wynette e Sonny & Cher a Ferrante & Telchere Lobo -, Jim Croce - JohnnyMathis - John Arpin e Tony Bennett Peggy Leele John Perronee Ben McPeek - Neil Diamond - Bert Kaempfert- Bobby Edwards. Blue Haze 0 Bobby CurtoIa - Albert Hammond - The Statler Brothers - The Nashville Brass * Roger Williams* Johnny Pa,ýychecke- Liza Minnelli - Cat Stevens - Peter Nelro # Vicky 9 Waldo de los Rios ..are somne of the artîsis featured regularly on CFRB 1010, I01I on your rdi gets ,%.YODu MUSIC! Al knds ot M USIC on Radio CFRB 1010.Thr'WaI Crouter musîcG ta get your mornings rolling., Earl Warren music to lighiten mid-mof rin chor-es. Bill McVean music tQ) help you colîect thoughts BilIDega style ta smooth yourdrive home. There's Ray Sonin music ta stroîl "Down Memory Laneîi George Wison's ta relax with "Starlight Serenade". WAaynieVan Exan's for over- night lstening. The Don Daynard, John Dolan and John Woodbridge ,varietyfor more entertainingvweekends. What's your favourite music? You're sure to get it on 1010', CFRB. MUSIC FOR EVFRY MOOD.,..24 HOURS A DAY! F!U1LL E Rowe-Sleemani, of Toronto, spent ast weekend ata Y., Falls,' and onanaNY, visitîng relatives. Miss Minniie Randali has been in Ottawa, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arry, the past month, and they returncd wifh lier, for a visit, the past weekend. Recent visifors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan,,Page and boys, wcre Mr. and Mrs. R. Powell and family of Scarborougli, and this past weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page, erry and David, of Toronto,, and Mr. and Mrs. O'Doberfy and family, Whifby. Mr. and Mrs. G. Veleke and family of St. -Mary's wvere récent visitors here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Lcland Payne home early last week from ia holiday trip of several weeks, f0 the West Coast, Calgary Stampede, and other points of intercst. Saturday visifors witli Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher indlu- dcd Mr. and Mn. J. Sandafer, and family of Lansig, Michi- gan, and Mr. and Mrs. -Rod Coulter, Laurie and Lisa of Harmony Road. Mr. and Mrs. Phiil Gilmer, and famnily and Mr- and MIrs. F. Gilmier were Wcdnesday visitors wifh Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer and boys at their cottage at Twvelve Mile Lake, north of Mlinden. The Sunday afternoon mnusi- cal program "FTaifh in Song"~, bel d at fthc Orono Fair Grounds, w,,as an enjoyable event f0 the many wbo attended. Accomipanying the choir, composed of singers from Kirby, Orono and New- fonville, was Mn. Douglas Dewell on pano, Organist and Choir Leader at Orono United Cburch,' wifb Rev. Gerald Hoffsfefter, of Janetville, on the accordian. Local boys, Ed Hoad, and Bill Bickell provid- ed duet and solo numbers on their trumpets, while Ralpb de Jonge accompanied the group of s'inging Orono'girls on bis guitar, anýd Mn. Van Hamiberg of Orono. also played select- ions on bisgutr Rev. Snielgrove an Rev. Long announced the various num-i bers for this successfffl com- munity event, the first oif ifs kind in this area. Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Lan- caster have returned home affer a four wýecks holiday trip acconpatnied biMr. and Mrs Sam Butter y of Bowmanville. Tliey proceeded tbrough fthe States, ouf f0 B3.C. and Vancouver Island, visiting flic Jaspar [ce Fields, THE Cal- gary Sfamnpedie,Saskatoon R.C.Mý.P. celebrafion, etc. and refurnied homie by way of the norfbern route. 'sfopping af Port Carling for a brie--f rest1 and arriving here Sunday1 cvcning.' Miss Marilyn Efcber,of Port1 Hope, spenit flicweekend wý,,itb .jpnelle Susan V efzal dauglîten"f Mn. and cMuNsi Ryerson Pltclnciinsi. in flic Badliclor of1Applied Arts Pnogram.- Janeile and Donald G Reekie, Keniora, are being umarWid on 11, 1973 in 'Uni tUied Chundl-ci. Sie is flic grand- djauglien nfMrs. George Ve-fzai, Cufc îdfi a Mlrs,.MeeifFofBwma vill done any advertising and d )esn'f eveniihave a sign ouf in f-ýont of thie shop but, he bas ~ben "swamped" witb butsini- -6s. Many of flic docks Irought into fthc shop are old aitiques and lie cm fd 'I've been gainm ingavs expeience on antique dcs 1 sccm to have acquired flic knack for fixing tbcmi." one of bis prized possess ions is a beautiful nid pendu- lum dlock whichb las stoýod in flic display window in flic front of flic sbop. "I've beeni offcred $400. lor that dlock by a passcr--by ,who happencd fo notice if," How- ever lic las no inteinofn parting witb if. If was bilt over 100 ycars ago by Ncw England dlock- maker Sethi Thomnas and ifs movement is so0 accuirate thaf, until recetly, Hoopen used if as lis master dock, flie one lic set allich others by. The younig wafclimaker lias a few intere-sfing oiin aboutwiswcbs "I'd like f0 sec m-ore people buygond qualiy watcl-Iei type that wiII ast tlim25 ycanrs or more. Cbieap atci aren't a gond invcstircnt beh s thiey,, wil only last a coplf)i' san fc arcn 'narly as ,reliabie on accurafe." - People should have more than one watch," lhe fees, to suit their varying styles of clothes and activity. A sfurdy, nugged watch. for, example, when you're doing a lot of physical work or vigorous necreational actîvities, and another, more elegant time- piece for dress or tlie office.' You: doit wear the saine, pair of sbocs ail thie time but most people neyer change thein watch. "It would ,ave a lot of repair costs if ppehad more that one watcli." lie addcd. Althoughlie liast:,- iPbee ii i business since ana, Hooper lbasacuuae some soplistocated electronfic equlpmcnt fo augmient h)is own teclinical acumen He brofuglit a $3,000. Vbrograf back f'rm Swifzerland and he feels if is the most aceurate machine of A number of Yelverto.- itsý kind between Toronto and l d e te d d a iî clai Moý(.ntreal. It operates rather lde teddarîcla like, the electro-cardiograph cous shower for Brîde-eleci., whi0h doctors use to deteci Miss Bernice MeNeil of .Janet- her iseass fi is capable ( ill ois chdedt detetmg ven ic mnutet rarry one ni ou 'rYlvto flaws n~a w th enettawrs ary n uut Dan l ooperi ufîintyDricwsth eîli tof sue ibi biiie t ixav inyovi gfs rm h watch hal h gises~ ~ lrge c o ssmbcd montfguraneewthalic h Yevro xeky 'ig) flc Sr Grls wonbnth n eneto re.-Mn e in today's paper youý'd like to own, remember Who Cani help you buy it. You cao converi the buOIl-uip eqjuityrin your hIOuse into cash in your hands Cash to rýdo wateeyouj want t do, and pay back corvenîentIy over a peýrioc' 0f jears. Cali R. W-.'Bob" Taylor, - 1il gStreet East, Bowmanville. Tel, (416) 233326 ,,WiAVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES WenOne fhinks of a 'wvatcima'kr' tfli iage fthaf prbalyapears miost offen is oneo a gr-ay-laircd, bespecklIed nidgetma liunchcdoverUl a tinly wnrk- bêncli. Somiebo lic thefine "Id deicaýjte art ni repairing dlocks anid watches seml-s a thmowbaick fn an canlien ena and niof one which is associa- ted wîthi today's young people. Hlowcvcn, 23-ygar-old Dan Hooper, pîcturcd above with some oftfli beautiful dlocks lic is wýýorking on, shaffers al1 th'e nid preconceptions. Dan's intcrest in wafchcs stems hack (pardon flic pun) 'to bis days as a youngsfcr in bis fatlier's jewelelery st ore on King Stneet. "I've always been fascinatcd by watcbes." lic admit.s. Af fer graduating from h. iili scboi, lic affcnIî-ded George Br-own (3oliege inToronto for two ycans fo sfudy flic craff, of watcbma,.iking. Then, affer a year apprenficing at He-oper"s Jewcllcry, lie was offened a scboarship f0 one of lic best wafclimakng schools in switz- cnland, locatcd a fcw miles from tfltown ofNucaf. For J11 imonfis, ficBoh an villentieliv>ed wit a SI sss faiy iiinflcir chalet in flic fo-othfil district of flic finy European counfry and spent long, 8:00 a-..!0 *:00 p.m., days at flie school. There were only 10 students enrolled in flic course C(Dani was flic only Canadian) and they wene tauglif "virfuii,ýly ever'Ny aspect ni wafclimak-ing - nîgli diown ftflitesadbc- obv'iously sfod ,Jhim goncmd sfcaid because iw e ored anli8 per cent average in bis Canadian govennlment wfh mnaking exarns in June 40 this year. pndo Hoopuren dUp sbop ol King Street East, nexf f0 flic Carter Family Bakers, in Januany- and lic shares flic premises wifli is older broth- er Ron, wli is an engraver, wnrking prîmarily wifh tropli- ics and flic like. Dan hasn'f fûits and sfniking ouf five. For fthc Roadtrunnens, Carol Hen- derson wcnf 6-6, Rnsey Spry 6-6,Junc Kibali5-7. & Aida i3ecken fa home rnuîî.)On July 12, theRarunr piayediii Port Hope andwn their fiffli game in fle icast, six starts 21-zi. 'lenesa fHoornwig and Jnany Willcmns sliarcd flic pitclîing duf.ies vwbulý!e Ncwton- villes top buffers we(reý june Kimail31, (Canol t eson 2-3 and a bomn, Joanne Vogels 2-2, JoanyWillcms 4-4 and Donna MIcNcil 3-3. Nexi Tucsday July* v26 flic Rnad- ruinnens tra)vel fo Garden Hill and are af home fo Pont Hope on Thursday July 28. -Graduates FOILWRAP 18", z For Barbecues Speciaàl 63C MOON MIRROR Ideal for Bedroom or Camping Only $2.99 OVEN MITTS ONLY 77C R-AZOR 1.09 onIy 69C DANA I)ELUXE STICK COLOGNES RtAB--ABUI PAPER PAE Only 99C MAE-UP Only MIRROR Super Savings I I See Our n-Store Specials Too I I TAIN -BAIN de SOLEIL Special $1.69 1>1AYMATElý11ý RADIO Special $3.49 SOLARAY HAND HAIR DRYER Was fL3.88 OnIy $11,88 Toy Spec'il Bargaoin Assortmentl TAKE YOUR CHOICE FROÏMOUR BARGAIN BOX FREDERICK'S PHARMACY 67 KUGST. EAS-T 6 23#-5 46 BWAN IL Visit the. Mrs. Bea Jones.' Mrs. Prouse and Charley, of Port Hope, were Monday visitons ,vitilMr and Mrs. M. Samis. Several from here attended the bail gamnes in Kendal Park, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bunley, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale,,Mr. and Mrs. Evenett Stapleton,, Mn. and Mrs. C. Burley, Mr. anl Mrs. Bert Tompkins, Mr. and Mns. Phil Gilmer and family, surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins at thieir home here, Sunday night, witlh varîous gins anct a gaily decorated weddîng cake in honor of their tenth -Anniver- sary. Sorrýy to report the death of Mr. Henry Sheppard in Port Hope, Suinday. 'Weil known to many of the older resiàdents in this a3rea, he ýhad, lived in Elizab)ethville for many years before moving to Port Hope, last year. Sympafhy is expre- ssed to, bis widow and family members. On July 10, the Newfonville Roadrunners travelled'to Wel- corne wbere they defeafed the locals 24-4. Joany Willemns pitched the entire gameé for Newtonville allowing just nînie SAVINGS. AT FREDERUCK'S PHARMACY SPECIALS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! ICE CUBE TRAYS WHILE T HEY LIAST! iFAMIY PCK Set of4 I GRABBAG SIR V1IETN TEC OnIy77cOnly 25c 69C free PHOTO ALBUMf W1rH ROLL10FCOLOR FIL 9,M 1LFTI'FOR l'yRTNTI1N( JI-nxit One per Customer DELU XE

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