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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 7

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Igt emnstifgnterest Phone 623-3303ý United Church Minlister - Rev. N. E. Schamierhiorn, Organist- Mr.MR.Meteaif PUBLIC WORSIIIP Sermion ,TUE 1ROUND 0F 1-HEAVEN- 'trîinit.y and St. Paul's Congregations worship in ST. PAýlUL'S. Ail Are Welcomne. .SERVICE A«" MacDONALD FORD Phone 623-4481 *Mariposa Sumnmer F'estival M of Fine Arts is opening itS 'w season July 18 in Orillia. Thle theatre group,' an Opportunit- F ies for Youth (OFY) project, ai will open wiïth Guys and Dolîs T and later will produce several ui other productions, iniclu!ding ;p The King and 1. Li Opening July l7th at thie Q Rob'er-t McLaughliin GallerY C will be a selection of works by Jacýk Bush from jthne gallery's vý permanent collection, When 0 the Boston Mý,useumn of Fine C Arts opened their departmnent X. of cotemporar 'y art thley f( chose to do 50 wvth an S exhibition of paintings by jack L Bush,Hilton Kramer, the New York Timyes art critic, stafe-d a thiat 'the exhiibition "estab- N lishies Bush as one of our besf tb livýing painters." N Shaughin Houston, aged 3, soni of Mr. and Mrs. JamesN Houston,15 Little Ave. receiv- e ed a letter this week from the F Canadian National Ski Assosc- lat ion thtie had been one of L the top twentv monotev-eairners f across Canada in thie NationalE Ski-a-ýthon. incidentally,E Shaughni broke hlis thumb,;2 days before the event and stili, com'rpeted using a rope tow. M.and Mrs. C. W. Downey, spent last wýeek -,isiting Mr.1 and M%,rs. R. T. Bowvman,1 Thornloe, Ont. anid IMr. and( Mrs. Clayton Yeo, Port Loy- f ing, Ontario- Mr. and MIrs. Fred Smijàh, were dinner guests oif thieir children Mr. and Mrs. Rloyt Boudreau, Newmîar-kef and1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob) Smif -h, Third St. at Lic-hee Garldens, Toronto last Saturday even-1 ing, theo occasion being their 35th iWeýddinig Ann.iversary.' Miss Donna and _Master Gregory Boudreau have re- furnied to their home in Newniarkef affer holidaying wifh their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pres- cotf, and family, Sf. Cathar- ines attended the Bryson family, picnic last Saturday and a re now visiing IMrs. Prescott's imother Mrs. Geor- ge [\cNiullefi and other rela-1 tives. Mr. and Mirs. Ruluf Beebee, Zion (Hope Township), Mrs. Ethna Austin, Port Hlope, Mrs. Cora LePoidevin, Victoria, B. C., were Suinday visîtors with MN'rs. Ray Camneron, Weling- ton Sf. Miss Doroth y Somerville leff by car Monda t visit her sister Mrs. E. Cleary (Lorr- aine) af Spencerville. Accom- eanyZing her are the Bizi Ifamily fromi Afica, as Lorr- aine nd Muriel wvere close friends when bo h were in Toronto. They will visit Of- awa and comie home Thursday and go riglif on f0 Torontfo for a reunion of formier united Church Training School frie- nds of Mluriels and return for the weekend. Mr. Tommry fHanson and Misss Donna Hanson, William- sburg recently visited their cousin Raymond and Nancy BarkJey'. MIr. and Mrs. Brianl Judd, Ottawa recently spent a few days- with their cousins Mr. and M\rs. Keifh Barkley. Mrs. George Kuirpîn, Julie and Kevin spent the weekend with lier parents, Mr. and REHOBOTH Christian Reformned Cbur-ch ScggStreet Phone 623-4896 SUNDAY SERVICES 10) .m. 7 p.ni. Back to God Heur Diai 1310 Radio Every Sunlday 10:30 a.m. Mrsy. John MeMahon, Comber- mere, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetlh Fletcher, Clearwafer, Florida nd Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kersey, rarpon Springs, Floridla, flew Fr in the latter's Beechcraft pane to spend a few days with teir parents, the Fletchers, Queen St., and the Kerseys af Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell isited hier cousins, Miss Aima )ke and Postmaster and Mrs. Calvin Oke of Richmond MIichigan. They also spent a few days at the Cranston Scott's cottage, Big Cedar Lake. Weekend visifors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug' Hately and- Matthew were Mrs. Hafely's brother and familv.- Mr. and M'rs. David Robinson & Sean (Mr. and Mrs,.,Roinson, Micbelle and Sean were week-, end guests at the home of Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Vrs. George Meeks, near the Lakefront.) and also Mrs. -lately's parents, formerly of 3owmanville, Mwr. and Mrs. a Bill Robinson 'of Gelert, (near x Minden). Mrs. John Morrison(neeo Vlargaret Rowe) of Benning- C ton, Vermont and'Mrs. R. b Brandreth (nee Frances J Rowe) and son Scott of Calgary, Alberta visited wvith g rriends in town recently. V Mr.an Mrs. Clarence J. ( Aflin have returned from an r extended Trailer trip, viýsting ci the scenic ponts of interest in 1 Wyoming, "Montana and the û Dakotas. They also attended -. the l6;th Annual International s Wally, Byam Club rally at s Bozemnan, Montana, to which f 3909 Airstreamn familles from c ail parts of the United States, t Canaýpda, and Mexico jour-neyed e f0 spend ai week of fun. r Mrs. Bruce Overend and t Mrs. Floren-ce Jamey,'or- 1 onfo were recent visito rs with 2 Mrs. R. Hawthorne. Liberty p St. N. Anyone in Onitario County with a green thumb is invý-ited to enter the Whitby'\ County Town Carnival Flowuer Show, to be held Augu.st Sth at the fown hal. Entries in 39 c lasses t will be accepted fromp noon unfil 2 p.m. the day of the show, wt public viewing being from 3:-8 p.mi. A trophy ýwill be presented for the best specimnen class entry and one for thie best in thle arrange- 1 ment class. Ribbons -wull bne I o)ffer-ed f or first, second, third and honorable mientioni. Classes are open for a -,ide1 variety oi'f flowers, and arr- i angements of vegetab'e8 md I fruits. Specimen class a:re mnusf have been growni by the 1 exhiibitor, but miaterials for 1 arrangemenýts need nof be1 grown by thle entrantl, potted pliants miust have been. in the entrant's possession and care for at least three monfhs. Full rules are available by calling 655-4434. Neil Newton's Photographie Gallery in the Bowmanville Public Library is drawing considerable attention fromp many sources. Recenfly, his exhibition ;was featuredt as a place f0 visit, in an isisue of a United 1States magazine, Pop- ular iotography, along with Galleries in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Devitt and daughfer Melissa-,, Niag- ara Fails, spenf the wveekenid with their parents M1\r. and Mrs. Ron Aider,' Centre Streef and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devitf, Jane Street. Seven young women are amrong 19 students working for the summer af Pîne R']ige frai ning sehool, a reformatory here for boys aged 14 f0 16, Arthur Handelsmanl, schiool superintendent, said if was the firsf timie women had been hired and "if's been asuccess- fuI experiment. "Mosf men in our sociefy have problems relating f0 women and these boys are no different," he said. "But you jusf can't talk ibout pnobiemis iad hope they r Till govaa ." TeGraduation1 Exercises e f the School of Nurising ý,of the a ishawa General hospital will a ec held on, Fri..day, the, 270h of ci uly.t --- BEAT 'THE HA-Ji ;rowing numibers of families t ,'ho've dicvee he Milne c Conserva-tion Area is anideali~ ecreafional spot Jusïa sorti rive trom etotheMer Region Conservation Areai offers fun for the entire famîily f --swiminirirg, fishing a'nd a t and beachi just greaf for unbafhîng. Bring your own ' food hamrper. Thiere's plenîty of noom for picnicking and use he barbequefaiiesvi- able. Hot and cold snlacks are 1 offened at the refresýhmentt booth ini the Area. _Mîi1e, ocaited*west oýf the Town of Vankhamr, south OfHiha i No. '7 on the 7hLinýe, is operated by Thè' iuMetropolitan [oronto and Rlegion Conser- vation Auithority. It's oPen seven days a wekfrom i10 a.m. f0 sundown and is one of 4i Conservation Aneas open foi the public. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lee mdKir, Ms Sherry Pnice, Oshawa wene Sunday dininer puests of Mr. and. Mxrs. Jim Visifinjg wifh Mn. and Mrs. ilarry Cooke, and famïily, Division Street, is \Irs., Cooke's fath ler Mr. andM'r's. BetWye Nigeria are sedn a few, înonths in Vanc2ouver, and in Bowmianviile with thieir sonl [Vr. anid Mr.alphWht b'efore returnijng fCi Nigeria ini the faîl. Murs. Wyeis ýwell kiiown In these parts -as -Mo" IWhyite. ENNISKILLEN We are so fortunate f0 have escaped the fury of the stormi exp,einced by the little comniyof Brighton . We sincerely hop-ýe M. P. George Hees Is sucesszful in securing assistance t'rom Parliamnent Hill, Ottawa, also Queen's for the destruction. Encouraged by a pleasant summnrer norning somne 50 f0 60 orsipprsatfended the Sunday Mlorniing Church ser- vice. Vcaio Lime, family picnîcs and reunions claimed many regulars in our congre- gation. The small fry and y-ounger folks were also con- sýpicuous by thein absence as a scarce haîif-doizen were in affendance f0 share our min- ister's nmessage enfifled "Se- curity in a Dangerous Wonld,"I Rev. B3igby in a fone of urgency use.d as his text Jesus,' w-ordcs "Whosever hear- eth My sayiÎngsad o themn is a wise man" when he stressed our need f0 pay heed f0 God's, advice and follow with definîte action, "Word illustrations including the Bible tale of the fwo house constructions, and simple stonies clearly eluc!idafed how f0 be really secure. The Choir's selection wa s a new hymin from the hyn book. Our orgafîist and leader Mrs. Chambers infnroduced the new tune through hber Sr. (Choýir with vre2as; a pieasinIg solo by ie.Bib Vacatin Bibl Scholaex week or al',cilren 41-14 years, on1 the total Pastoral chreUothers are requesf- ed to provide nutless cookies and fruit, freshie for da.ily "lunch break" a;lso craff materials. Assistants areý in- vited to hielp by contacting Mnrs, Lambert of Tyrone veny SOon inordenf -ncoplete -onganized sehedules. Bnief visits by Mn. anid Mrs. Laurence Wright, Toronto, 'Mn. anid !Mns Chas. Ashton, Oshawa, MnUs. Keith Worden and Richard, Bowmanville R.R. 2 were enjioyed by Mn, and Mlrs. O. lC. Ashton.* Deepesf Sympathy is ex- tended f0 Mn., and Mrs. sheldoàn Pefhick and'family in the deafh of Mrs. Pethick's brother the late Mr.' Henry Shpar f Port Honp. P E ýeatives along the -vay. Mr. aInd NirS. MWayne Beck- tt, en and Plalne, Mr. nd mrs. ussell Tabb, Mr. nd MrFod Becke'tt atten- ed a 'Moore famifly picnic ai hie homre of Mr. and MIrs. Reg. eaviîng, Ancaster a10ong with h)eir RiÎce cousins from! Lond- n and Scarboro and Mr1 and Mrs. -Rick Wavi',Chafhamn ni ho0noV of their Au!nt, Mrs. d,ay Rlice (nee Moore) prev- ýos 92nd. btihay who came r-om London. 'ongratula- iions", MIr. and Mirs. George Irwin ,vere Sunida'yvi.sitors of Mr11. and Mrs. Wlbert Irvin, Bni- ghton.L We ail wvish Mrs. S. RIL Fethick a speedy recovery in he hospital. IMr. andf Mrs. F. Peýthic:k, Scaïrboro were Sun- day visifors wfhtheir part- ens Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright, were callers at E. Wright on way home fromt East Coast and the U.S.A. Miss Betty Wright accom- panied Miss Marguerite Wright last week visiting wyith [MI. andMrs. Herbert Wrîghfi at Cameron Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Keeler, Lauder Manitoba wene recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. Mr.' and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sharon were Sunday suppen guests at Mrs. R1oss L'ee'Kedron.ý Mviss Sandra Wýerry is Coun- selinýg at CmpQuîni-MNo-LaCe. A large number of ladies andc younrg folk atfended a misceilaneous shower, Thurs- day afternoon at' the homre ol rs Ruthý McGill for a' bride f0 be Miss Doreen rwi.Mrs. 'Shirley Sztainýton and Mrs. Allan Werry gave a- helping hand f0 mnake the affe.,rnoon a pleasant one. Doreen received miany beaut- if ul gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Scott and, Lisa, Newcastle were Sunday supper guest s at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. .Miss Betty Wrighf and Mrs. F. Spry wene recenit vîsîfors at Mr. andMrs. W. E Sande- son's, Columbus. A family picnic was held on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz cottage af Dor- set, Master James Werry is at the Haliburton Hockey Camp this week. Seventeen frîends and relat- ives enjoyed a coffee party at the home of Mns. Alani Werry, on Tuesday in honor of her Mother's birthday, Congrat- ulations Nrs. Lee, TYRONE~ Masters Brian and Bobbie Guble, Blackstock spent, the weekerid wifh their grand- parents Mnî. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and Bruce. There were 12 fables of Euchre in Tyrone Hall Friday night of which was enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Ruby Malley won first, prize 2. Mr. -Carl Wright, Mrs. Ann English, Mrs. Toms, Mr. Archie Thompson, Mrs. Marion. Thompson. 50-50 Draw was won by Mrs. AI Fletcher. Mrs. Ruhy Mailey and Mn. Clar- ence English won the carryîng prîzes. Mn, and Mrs, Ceeil Heal, kathy, Cecile, Robert and Raiph, London. Mrs. Gordon Wolfe and baby, do, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gobie and boys, Biacksfock. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and girls were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gobie and Bruce. 1We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lackie f0 oun village. 1Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Byami were Sunda y visifors of Mns. Ethel Horton, Oshawa and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beckett Hillsdale' Manor, Oshawa. Miss Maxine Alldnead and Mr. Don Hendry, Toronto ivisited her parents ?,,r, and Mrs..Lloyd Aldread. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble -ere Sunday eve-ning visitorsq

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