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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1973, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviýlle,,July, 25, 1973 Car Club Holds Lawn Show andi Tour A ihree-day Invitational Lawn Show and Rod Tour, staged by t* over 7-5 veiceles f'rom-r Canada and the United Sýtates here last wee. two, were of somewhat ancient vintage buaeuiul rsre their stay at tlhe Flyig Dutchmyan ýMotor hinn the cl ub hel1d several ~Fa1rms -nd Loher4Ltrestirg eýpuotfs,.as well as the L.ions Cu mornng.Awards were presented at a bnutSatdurday nýîght,j Two Men KilIed in Two Car Collision A t ouir-car -accident on Hlighway 401 at Newcasle cmeci te leh s aàa a 'baunrg man and a Ton-onto man on Sunday night, Juiy 22nd. The top car in the ýph-.oto was tbiven by 68 earob Freder- ick B. Henry of King Street là Cobourg. Henny was heading east on401 twhnutene-w tem-ponary lanmes at the detour area near the Wlo Creek bridge At 10:30 p.m. on Sunday. For som neason bis car struck tbe 10 inchi by lu inchimdian tbannier anid jum-ped inta the westbound lac ae taffc.The Hlenny ve ic inst ganced off the rear-end of a car driven by joseph Pibp of George- town, Ont., and te smashcd head-on int the car în the lower photowhich was being dniven by Wabten Pinder, 48 years, fnom Toronto. BahPinder 'andHienny died almnost instantby. Two passen- gens in mhe Pinden Car, bath fighcr of thje dead mn were alsoîijurîed 18 yea(1i Sharon Pinder was taken to the Oshawa enrl opia where she isliste(dii) satisfaci- ory conditioin i nineiv Care unit, wvhile her sister Susan was taserdto the Toronto Gnrl sia A furth car. dîven by, ~erickPennoEo MAPLE Mrs. H>on Uogers entertaîn ecd severa1olfhfien s (om Suniset badýge,Bwmnil fan lunchel and the- alternnoon o Mond.av at ber home. She, was assisted by ns.Olive Cawey and Miss NnyGihit Visitonswt Malld Ms. H, G. Freernlm wenMn. and( Mrs. Ken Courice M. and Mrs. LloydDonEbeneze,j and Mnr. and *MrNls. as Twist, Saicmi. Mns. Rayý VanîCamrp, Mn. and Mrs. Lloydi Snowvden spent a few' days at Mink Lake, Mn.ý and lvls. Samn Van err hqe MoorCty Car Club brought ,en ,' any of them, like these A and mneticulously rebuflt. During tours to Camp Samaec, Wnil western breakfast on Sunda,-y follow-ýed by a, dan1ce. and Bob were Mr. andi( Mrs. Ernlest Twist, Slm Mr. ajnd e Groe ndthir daughter MissV Mlarg4ret Campbeii, Edmoen- 0 ton, Aib-erta,, and MJr, and Mrs. Ernest Helwig, Oshatýwa. Mr. nd Mýrs. Sam Van Camp, Lori an-_d Lisa spent a dasin Ottawa. Mrs. Alan $ode svisitinigr * berdagtr Mr. and Mrs. S Hward 1Hagedorn and familya Mr. and Mrs. Frd7l iht Bi an, Leslie,Babaan Beverley, Ms an rgt Paminela an .d Jaiýson, Bowman- ville, Mr.EmrWigt KÇingston and Mr. Bob Des-2 mocnd, Hamilton attnde th Werry Centennial Ruina Bla,,ckistock on ,Saturýday-. t Mrf. aind Mrs. Fred Wrght Mlr. EmrWrigh-t, Kingston anid Mr. anîd Mrs, Wayne Igh411t, Bwavleattend- ed the Werry etena ReucLnion hrc eriein Bla,ýckstock Hall on Sunday Mape ro 'e UnitedChurchn-e conigregai;tin wor:shipped with EbIenezercoi (ngregation on Sunday m norning at Eben)ezér. Servie on Suinday Juiy 29th will bei1at Maple Groveuat 10:30L ORONO cokeý, ws tnuLCk by, lyn debnis froîn the(oliin Tnaffic on 401wa e-oue through cwasi tram 10:30 p)11. munilil aller midnight wiciml anu dan aa h damaged voeide C'amip, inmbiaMasýter Lec the cottage on Minkbae Mr. Alan Jamews and fien-rd laud-e (rami lishopion, Q-,I, bec spentSaturday cvenîng wîth the fonmens aunt AMs and-M Bob Desnmnd, Haîn- itnspent te eecn wtl Mn. imndMnjs. FedWright aind failiouy Mrs. ,J.R Bnnt. Trno Mmanýud Mcs Chas, And- new, oblenand Tnacey of ountMAbet viiedN. and Mrs. Re,(g. Sutton on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson aînd dauLghter Cathy ange bah- day ing at Bosbkung Lake, nlorth of Mînden1. 1\11s. W. . obînIson is ai patient nBwavieMm oiai optl Mns. Jenmechadsnof Church Street North bas been visiting in Toronto for the pasi ten days. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mirs Harold Daniel Bannis the ormer NMiss Debbei ynn Canxetih of RPR. iOroa>on theuinmarriage on saturday at 4 p.m July 2is>t in Orono was ai the .O.F HalIl, Orono Mliss Dnnailbank was mna id of honor at the 'hrashen- Picard wedding on Saurday, Juiy l4th ninSt. Andrews Presbytenian Church,. Whitby. Mr and Mrs. Rg~Sultan Mn.Geo GreervOlîwaon Mns: FO. Cooper returnedi ta Mýarkham ailer sedn the weýekend ith ber sister MIrs. Fred LUltals viitiGà Letter to Editor Friends Hold Refîring Part y for Former Supervising Principai Juiy 23, 1973 ?Open Letter To the Ciiaens of Clarke Township: t is certain that ani electri- cal pow.er route will go through theý Towpsip of Clarke. The-re is no doubt that the urgent need for the power exists. Since new power sour- ces are imminenti along dhe Lakeshore, it is unrealistîc to suggest that a power coridor should go niorthi of Clarke Wherever the ue are bo- cated. people wbI be disurbed, and individuals wili suffer loss. Hlowever, Mhere are sound technical reasons why the chosen corridor should beý as far south asposbe 1. Industry, ,.ill increase, wherever the faclities are available. Lake Otarjo. the railways, and now eetia power in quanity aretheu facilities. Line losses (12R losses a;re reduced 1to a minimnum when thie electrical load is near tMe power source. 2. The weather pkays an important part in the smnooth operation of an electrical systemi. Wind, electrical storms, and icing aire amiong the miost im.portant. The risk o)f adiverse weîather on thle north route is imuich greater because of the higher altitude. higher bym400-500 M. W ith h211 winds and icing con3ditionm shorter spans and increased tensile strength of odutr and structrl steel should be conIsIdered,ý Should icing occur, the possibility of e mnoving it thermally is increa- sePd on a southerly route, Patrol', either by mxIotor vehi- cie or helicpter, is simupier and safier in armas of littleice aind low vwindvecty 3, When building a power route of this capacity the cost is important. Btit, is stîli mnore imiportant that when the unes are Ilt, they do the job) intended. The stabilitýy of thle entire system, depends on the( reliabity of its comiponent parts. ,, , -- - - A surprise party, sponsored by a group of friends who always get toge ther New Year's day, was held at the home of Councillor and Mrs. James Bell, Concession St.. on Thursday evening. The purpose of the gathering was to honor Andrew M. Thompson, formner Suipervising Principal of Bowmanville Public Sehools. For the past several years he has been a mnember of the Purchasing staff of the N-D Board of Education, and is retiring this year. Following a deLicious buffet lunicheon, Councillor Bell read a laudat9 ry message recoûnting Mr. Thompson's maycontributiîons to town organizations, and school pupils who had been under his supervision. Hle concluded by presenting both Mr. and Mrs. Thompson with gifts. The above photo shows, from lef t to right, Piper Duncan Bradley who paraded the honored couple in for the presentation cer-emôn-,ty, Mr!7. anïd M4rs. Thompson and Counillor Bell. NEWTON Having taken part ii the Mrs. Terry Stewart and Rutherford, and Mrs. Dora peration of H.E.P.C. electri- faiirly of Windsor, were DeSnt. They' vîsitied theIV ai systems for twenty years, rcen visitons here with hler Erland bLee Howe, at Stoney ,hrough good weathen n parents, Mr. and. Mrs. G. Creeký, as well as Dundunn ad, I feel that I1kn iayof Veleke. Castie. he pr-oblemis învolved. It iS Local ladies among the buLs Mr and Mrs. Carlisle, of'3 My opinion thlat thle amiis ond, sponsored by the Neýw- sterling), have been visitîng ýrtors, enginens, and techl- ton-ville Womeni's Institute i, r ad rs. -Wm. Stacey and t icnsare the best qualified iast Wednesday inciuded M1r.s.faîy ýo decide whnere this miajor Oliv'ýe Hendenson, Mlrs. Bern- M r. Kuntr Reise is a patient ower route shouldgo ice Hfenderson, Miss B. Mlii-1nOshawýva General Hospital,9 gan, Mns. A. MUillîganl, -Mr1s. whlere he, underwent recent Sinicerely, Bea 1JoneIS, Mrs. Mary Jfones, srey R. D). Morton, iMrs. A,. Lancaster, Mrs. Leta Mr. and Mns. Jimi Adams Dikadel Farmns, Lot 2,Coni. 6i Samnis, Mns. Iva Farrowi, Mrs. were away an a holiday Townshipof Clariike, E. Farrow-,, Mrs. Wî,,nnie receiy, visiting relatives R.R.1, Kendal, Ont. Elioit, Ms. HT. Trimy, Mrs. and friends in Nova Scotia. Phione: 983-5682 \Visitors with Mr, and MLrs. C;r huslnd n BomanIN F. -G-ilmer the past week vwere f Vemorial Hospital. Mrs. M. Trevail, 1Mrs. Bert. M.adMs ln nw n Congratulations to Mn.an enthan, Mrs. Nichais,àiL.adý Mrn. Ed. Majer, of Newcastle, VIs. Roýbent Robson, Jr. (the _M. Wright, Oshawa, were Miss Inez Syimons of Morrishi, armer Miss Linda Lowery of callers at the Lloyd Ashton Wýednesday supper guest, and R~. R. 2 Newcastle) on their home.-r o okano ign rarniage on Satunday evèn- Mvrs. Walter Mnaoo-Fbs ing, July 7ith in Oreoojlj*ted to, netunned homýeIwith) Mr1is. Mnr. and Mrs. Ross Brown Churcb. Rev,. Basil E. Long. Hoar, having s p cnrt aadfm have neturned >ffcite. oliaywih1he Àlod lho home from a western ioiday Mr. and Mns. Reg Suttoni , a tn olsevenIo ecks, incld- Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray Mlr. and Mrs. Boumne, Osb- igavstt h tmee alled on Mn. Ed Farrow of awca, wvere Sundfay callers ait mr. dos. -Mant el is a patient Oshawa at his cottage a-tMn and Mrs. John' Jones. iin, Memnorial Hospital, B3ow- Williams Point, Lake Scugog Mr. and Mns. H-arry Deg1eeýrn-manville.- on Sunday. anmi boys, Blackstock, ',n.r and Mîr. and Mr4s. Gerard Vel- - Mrs. John Jonies, Jr'. andi eke, accomnpanied by Mr. and Susan, Bowmanvijli wreMrs. J. V eleke, of rmelo, s AJ Iy, also Sunday visitons of thle J. Holland, spent a, couple of Jones famrily.Iay last week with relatives Mn. and Ms.Sam Buttery Mn. and 1Mrs. Ci Woodj, ' ithe fNiagara Falls area., eturned necently fnom a tnp Osawa, ere Saturd\ay evený- The wedding of Miss Denise .) thle west coast. They ing visitor's at Mn. an1d Mrs.Eiit to Mr. Art Watts, of accomipanied Mr. and MnIs. Charie Garrand's. Port hiope, was~ soleied in Sid Lancaster, Newýýtonville,. Mrs. Phýillis, st. Louis spent Newtonville Chunch, iast Fni- rhey vijsifeteiri nephiew and the weekend withber ,,-sisterý, day evening. fanily, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ~s Alice l'lotnpson -Thene were five tables in Lockhiart nean Denver Col-i- Mn. and Mlrs. Walter Bnci-pay Frïday evenîng, at the )rado. Then they mrotored to get, Mr. and Mrjjs. G. piper ,iJast Card Party of this season V1ancolivefr sland, visited Mr\Is. D. Hfooper and Noci, Mrs. ini Commiiuity Hall, with the. Banff and Jasper Park and E. Ri. Thiompsoni, Mr. and Mrs. folbowing winners: High lady- attended the Stampede at 1B. McDonald, Bowmainviiie, Riuth Yeo, Low lady - Iva Calgary. ue,ý were tea guIl sofj rs.Fanrow, high man -Alvin Yeo, M.and Mns. Gien Black- Thiompsoni and Mrs. Pililis. bow man - Argus Curtis, 50-,50 burn, Gordon and Jennifer' Mr. Russell Tabb. Mý\idie dnaw_- Iva Farrow.,; and Mrs. Blackburn's parents, Road, Mn. andMr.Sa Mrs. Don Vinkie with Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Andenson, CowI, Salem were Sunday Hiaroid Burley and Mn. and Kemptvîble and MNi. and NMrs. supper guests of Ms.IreeMr.EaiMcw1,o Ptr John Kinghionn andfmiy Tabb and family. borough, attended the gradua- Zion were Sufnday dinnen Mn. Jim Grah, regr y tii nexencises at Civile Hospi- guests of Mn. and Mrs. F. Garfield, and ardon, Va!ey ta1il, Hamibton, during t hle Blackburn. Mnr. and MnýIs, field, Que., spent the weekend weeýkend, where Grace Ann Ernest Bradley wvene aften- with his parents, Mn. and Mrs MEe was one of those noon and s;upper guests for a Leslie Graham.grdang visit with their frîendis Mn. and Mn, and Milrs. Roy Paterson Mse Carol Henderson and Mrs. Anderson. and Bian cailed on Mr. and Mn. and Mnts. Matthew 1Mrs. Peter Galagher, French- Machn, eh and Timmyn man Bay. wibl be netunning this weekýend Mr. Tobias, is a patieni in Fromn a thniee week 1holýiday Memnoniai Hospital omn spent at Yeilow.stone National ville having a knee operation. Park wbenethey hiave been A mniscelaneous showeï cnoing ii it e iter for Doneen Trewin 'a bridle of and famiMn. and Ms ùuywshelcý i atHayo Nelson Sabten fnom California.Cmuty enronWd Mr. and Mrs. Brian Driver, nesday evening. Mr. and Mns. John Tit Mr. and Mrs. Llyd- Ashtion. Toronto, Mn. and Mns. RaY Ronald and Ray, -attended the Twist, Oshawa, Mr. and M,,rs. McGiil famiby picnic, hebd a Fred Twist, Whitby and Mn1s. Haydon Comimunity Centre. Edna Laird, Maple Grove MnI. and Mns. Ross Ashton, wuere Sundlay visitons wit-h Mn. atended the McGilb picnic a and M\tis, E. Twist for a Hlaydon Communfity Ceuntre oni j an ewýell party-Nfor Mn. Mumjray ucjy Twist ý1 wl eaves next Satun- Sandy Jones spentr a few day for a six wxeek visit ta days with' MnI. and MIIrs Jh Edinbî)trghi, Scatiland. Jns owavie Mrs.Noran venylef by Mr. and Mrs. Athur re plane on Modaiight for aLin, William and Paul visited three week visit withi relatives Mr. and'Mrs. Russel le nder- in Eglan. sn and Billi, Port Hlope on UHIDRE'SPROGRAMIS M, and Mrs. Thomas PolIs, The report of the Comnmons and Charlene en « oyed a t Bnoadcasting Commnittee ne- trip with their boait t Pesi jccted theCBC pnoposaltiob"n 1Pointi, on bake On-tilnio, thn on'tMis ail adventising on childnen .S through the WbadCanal ontMis T prognam-is, b ut calied forBy of Quin te at King'ston,an stnicten conitrais on such tý hen took a (cruise of thJTHS V1EEK adv~risin. Thusand Islands. TrIturning The repart recommiends oeb ak nai that the Caniadian ai-ee n.WltrMralnBA T vision Commission provide fori, r. ly sho.Rn auvertîsngta be dinected t id n a ttne h the parent n(hnthan exclu- Wemg rk pin eidat ant ta the child. fit also sswih ak nStn n siveiySunday. the CRTC tare ýduce the Mrs. Alice Thamonpson attI- numnberof îcommeircial muinit- nded,;a barb)eque ýat the(. homei es permnitted pern hour during ,,flier son M.E. R chidnn~spngras. Thollipson. Bîoma illeIfi Mr, and ïMrs Rs ;stn hi 93 senIiausdesi>clin lh BrbaaAllan andi( lo B irhIees duu e la Bi c rnspent a few ýdaýs ai !1[:rîiIjneF Thousand Islands.a0 aaltIbmeaO FILLE PleinyWebster were cover- niih t glests, Saturday, withl lssPatty Lunai at Orocýno. Mrcs. M-ýary Wade, with Mrs. Edith Burr-owý,s of Tor-ontio, spent the wveekend wý,itj Mr. and Mrs. Hlenry Bickle, at their cottage, on Pigeon Lake. Gary ard Davy Frost, of' Osham'a, are visiting their grandpàrenits, Mr and Mrs. b. DeSmnit, while their parents are away n a trip. Mr. and Mrs. P-ýeter Hlender- son of Bowmvanville and Mý'rs. Mvarie Trni were supper guests, Sunday with MIr. and VIns. F. Hlenderson and Carol, following the bail gaine at Kendal . Mr. and _Mrs. Laurencýe Gilmer, of Tonawandla, NY. were Sunday visitors wit h Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmen, and ail were supper guests with iMr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmen, and tamily,, at chemong. Shelly and Julie- Gray, of Orono, were vi$itonrs hereý withi their granidparents, Mlr. and MIrs. C. H. Lane, on Saturday. Weekend guests with Mr.. Raym ond Bruce were Mr. and Mrsý Ailan Stewart, and Mrs. an-d Mr. James Stewart and daughter. ' On July 17, the Newtonvilie Roadrunnens hosted New- castle and in what was again a very close game ,won 14--3.1 Joany Wilms as the winn-, ing Rarne pitcher. Top batters for Nýewtonville were June Kýimbaîl)qI 3-4, Susan Spry 3-4, Carol lHenderson 3-4, and Jo.any' Wiilems 3-4. On July 19, the R.oadr(I-unners ran their record in the Port Hope league to, 5 wins and no losses and took oven first place when they deetdWelcome 25-20. Joan Wiiemswas again the wnngpitcher. Top Road- runrbatters were Suisan- 'Spr y 4,JAqny Willims 4-5, Diane WýIllems 2-2, Janet Caflder 2-2' and Alida Beeker 3-5 and a homne run. The Roadrunniens Îpay at home te Port-ý Hope on July 26ï and Welcomne on July 31. SOUNOSFATTI DISCOUNT RECORD SALES és proud to annovunce a sp-eetacuar1 RECORD and 8-TRACK TAPE SALE in our- Ei'xclusive Hadae Dealer Lander Hara re ',â Z cLtdo .51 KING EASTBWMNVLL STrEREL-o PIS NOW List Prices $6M2 - $6.49ý - $6.98 ONLY CH1ARLEV PRIDE - ALICECOOPER SPIN O ONR 8-TRACK IALS-50TIMEX STEREO TAPES and lIMPORTED List Prices $7.98 - $ 016-"SwIS WATCH ES Now OnIy, $5.98 at Special Prices I.,, S S S .55 S * S*, S.S e esees SUS vuv"wwwwwwww

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