Married in Tyron e United Church Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roy Youngman Tyrone United Church was tlhe setting for the marriage of Doreen Marie Goswell, only daughter of Mrs. Myrna Goswell, Bowmanville and MWr. James Goswell, Stellar- ton, N.S. and Norman Roy 'Youngman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngmý-an, R. R. -- - - - - Vi-lé ý Style cSiioppe PHONE 06231-5455 5, Bowmanville, on Saturday, June,16, 1973. The oificiating rclergyman was Reveiend R. C. Hopkins. The salaisi, Mu. Ross Meicali was accampan- ied by auganisi, Mus. Gordyn Buent. Given in mauriage by heu father, the bride wore a formai length empire gown ai nylon aveu satin, with a flounce on the boitom. The bodice, neckline and cufis were trîmmed with venice lace. The, fiaor lengih veil feli frora a lace headpiece trim- med wiih seed pearîs. She carried a cascade bouquet ai pink sweetbeart roses, pink carnations, siephanatis and baby's breatb. The maid ai hanor, Miss Betty Ellis wore a formal lenigib gown ai pink polyester jaqadtrimmiedi with whiite 'lace. Thefide nis-Mrs. kllOTHER SPECIAL- THIS WEEK MULTI-COLORED PATTERNS & DESIGNS 100% ACRYLICS 45" wide $1,98 yd- WATCH OUR AD FOR A NEW SPECIAL EVERY WEEK JOIN OUR BONUdlS CLUB AND Q UALIFY FOR A PERMIANENT 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL FABRIC PURCHASES. 80 KING WEST -BOWMANVILLE Photo by Astor Harold Langille, Miss Marg- aret Comber and Miss Betty Youngman, wore similar gowns af mauve. They carried bouquets of white daisies, pink carnations, mauve pampoms and baby's breath. The best man was Mr. Gerry Cornish and the usheus were Mr. Allan Youngman, Mr. James Youngman and Master Wil- liam Goswell. The reception and dance was held in the Nightingale Centennial Hall, Bawman- ville, where the bride's moth- er received guests in a mint green formai gown with a corsage of yellow sweetheart rases. The graam's mother ware a formnai gawn of deep pink with a corsage af white and pink sweetheart rases. Yellow sweetheaut rases; com- plemented a blue plaid pant- suit andiwhteaccessories cho.sce, by thbiride far goîng Fallowing a honeymoon in Nauthern Ontario, Mu. and Mus. Youngman will reside at 400 Guenfell St., Oshawa. Previaus ta the wedding, the bride was honared at a shawer gîven iby heu attendants and also a showeu given by the guoom's auni, Mus. D. Thomp- son. A rehearsal pauty was held ai the home ai the guoom's parents. PONTYPOOL Mus. Gerald 1"îsk and Dean were weekend guesis of the Storey family in Ottawa. The annual Street Fair wasj favored wiih excellent weaih- er an Friday night. A 'good cuowd was in atiendance and Bingo, other games ai chance, rides and a new attraction this year - "The Dunking Mach- ine" - ail did an excellenti business. Severai of aur localm gentlemen gai soaked an thei latter, - some more than once.1 One of our local youug mn1 duessed apprapriaiely fau the1 occasion, - in bis wife's bikini. The ladies la the refreshmeni' booih were kepi busy supply- ing bot dogs and cold drinks. Music for dancing was supp- lied by Mu. and Mus. James Lnweuy and Dave Masters. Winneus ai the three duaws wxere Ist. - Ms. Curtis MeKa~, * 'dn- iss Judy iAnne Miîtcneul appeared in Canada in 1944. SUMMER SHOES at REDUCED PRICES TENDER TOOTSIES MEN'S SUMMER White and SHOES and SANDALS Beige Clearing $39 u WOM!N'S SANDALS lang 5.5U WOMTEN'S - White ý& Beige Clearing $299UPL NATURALIZER MENo"'S HUSH PUPPIES WHITE CROSS Reg.Cerig$«)995 SUMMER SHOES CCelear$in5g9 CHILD'REN'S SANDALS MANY, MANY oTr1ER SUMMER- clerin $399UP SHOES GREATLY- REDUCED LLI SH .ES 49KNGTRE WEST BOWMANVI LLE ~venîg Wedîngat Trinity United and ,,id -Ray, Alward ut Oshawa .Sellers of' the N inning tickets n order wxere Curtis MeKay,. Cru. VauDam nand Mus. Hiauuld Wilson. Attending ftic Bobby Or Mike Walton Hockey% Schoo! neai' Orillia foi'ftic next2 xeeks are Kelix Neafs andi H-arvey Hamilton. Sbaxxn Sut- cliffe, of Janetvilie is also in a ttenda nce. MuIs. Jean Wagneu of Well- and has been x isiting wxith Mr. and MuVls. Geo VanDam and Mu. aýnd Mus. Hauuy VanWieu- Muand Mus. Mlel White- head and tamilv of Brampton xx eue at the Stueet Fair on Fuiday uight and then wxeue ox'eunight guests at the H. Van Wl ceri ngens'. lu the fiust gamre oi the playoffs our Sr. Men defeaed Bailiebouo --2. The 2nd game in this 2 outof 3 seules will be played lu Bailiebouo on Wed. eve. Our Jr. Men defeated Scugog Island 8-5 on Sunday afteuuoou. The Ponty pool Mid- gets won both of their games this week. Poutypool PeeWees ended their regulau season lu 2nd place, juIst 1 point behiud Bethany, and our ladies de- feated Bethany lu both games this past xeek. Miss Augela Ostucu return- ed h'ome afteu a vacation of 5 weeks in Geumdny. Heu pater- ual guaudmother retuuned with heu and is presently a guest with'Mu. and Mus. 'Joe Ostneu and family. Mr. and Mus. Percy Beggs and we the C. Fallis' were guests 'at the veuy lovely weddiug of Anu Wilson and Ross Huruen i Yelverton United Church on Saturday. The reception was held lu the Yclveutou Church Hall with dance followiug in. Janetville Cammunîty Centre., A shower for bride-to-be, Miss Cheryl Hamilton was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mus. Ruby Chapman. Mrs. Martin Dwyer was co-hostess. George and Erika Vizino had several members of their familles as their guests aveu the weekend. CANADA MUST BE CAUTIOUS The U.S. gas supply is still the second largest in the world,yet consumption of natural gas has risen 50s dramatically over the past decade Americans won't have any gas in their own country, unless they can haIt-the spiral. Gas will run out by 1988 if present trends continue. The United States and Canada have ail reserves totalling 45 billion barrels, only about i/s the reserves of the oil-rich Middle Eastern nations. If the presenit worship of the automobile continues, by the year 2,000 there will be 300 million cars on U.S. roads - thuce times as many as today. Isolated facts? Not at ail: Dangerausly relevant signais that shoutd be leýssons ftou Canada. The United States bas iignuslng e, rgyat a m-uchl faster rate thian it is finding cither' ail or natural gas.ý Admittedly. there is enough coal in the United States to last five centuries, but Americans don't like coal foril 'social, health and environ- mental reasons. Canadians cannot affard ta ignore the U.S. energy cuisis. But it wauld be foolhardy for Canadata adopt a short-term view, and let the United States drain aur ail and gas supplies for the sake of profit., Nobady denies either that capital is required ta recover gas and oit trapped beneath Canadian soit and waters, or that we don't have some responsibility-ta aour migbty southeun neighbor. But in an energy-hungry world, Canadians must make proa- visions for future generatians. Today's grandchildren and yet unborn great-grandchild- ren xvll never understand the excuses being put farward nawx - the need ta make pro fitsc In a lovely candielit cere- înony'ai Trinity United Chur- ch, Bawmaaviile, on Satuuday evening May 19,1973, Rever- end N. W'esley Oake united1 la mùauriage Baarrýa Elizaýbeth,1 daughte-r ai Mus. Freder-ick MVouley Vanstoneiand:the lai Mu.Vrt:',n omn Ville, adJmsDougla Brign aîl, son etai Mixand Mus.1 Douglas LweneBrignaîl,t MAcrried 1ji 1Mr. and; Mrs. Dona A very pretty weddng wasï solemnized by Rev. Haroldt Turner, in St., Paui's Unitedt Church, Bowmanville, an Satuuday, May 26, 1973, whenD he uniied in marriage, Sherry- Lau, daughter ai Mu. and Mus. George Mitchell, Bowmnan-v ville and Donald Ray Both-u well, son ai Mu.'and Mus.1 Robert Bothwell R.R. 6, Bow-D manville. The organisi wasv Mr.,Rnss Meicali.r Givea lu marriage by heu father, the bride was radiant in a formai length gown, wýithC a bodice ai Ve aise ace nd a( lace aveu polyester skiuf . U Juliet ca~p utsee pearîsA Ebenezer United Chiurch was the setiing fou the marriage ai Lyla Jane Osborne, daughteu ai Mu, and Mrs. Harold Osborne, Bow- manvilie and Brian Cale Fiee. sou ai Mu. and Mus. Carl Fiee, f Oshawa, ou Saturday, June 23rd. 1973 au 4:00 p.m. Rev. David Harris olficiaied and 'Mi. Ross Meicali was soloist accompaaied by Mus. . f Courtice ai the organ. Given la mauriage by heu inther, the bride wore a iaumai lengigowù in camna- i -Photo by Astor Studio Aucaster, Ontario. Mu. John layered loak in lace and Crookshaak was the organist. ouganza. Heu headpiece, a' The bride, given iu marri- small baud of floweus. held a cage by hieu mother, walked full, tulle illusion veil and she, down the aisie alone, lu a carried'a circular bouquet ni foumal-length white siik org- stephanatis, white carnations auza vtfea gown. The and shacking piuk str'aW- bodîLce was oni embroideued f lowers. lace with. a high neeklue and The bridai attendants weue: empire wit The full skiui the matron of honor, Mus. had an attached Cathedual Bruce Murray (Helen) St. train and the sîceves had a Catharines, sister af the bride, ~ bidesmaids, Mus. F. W. ~ ~ roui SVanstane (Sandra) Vancouver B.C., sisier-in.-law ai the bride, Miss Patricia Brignaîl and the junior bridesmaid, Miss Di- anne Brignaîl, bath sisters of the groom and bath irom Ancaster. Tbey were attired lu f ull length gawns, bai pink and White sîlk orgauza aveu tafieta wihabstract fioweus and carricd bauquets of white Fugif nums and sbocking pink s ýtrawfloweus. Thflo\ver girls weue nieces VnteVancouver, B., whio woue formal gownvis Of -white cotian and embroidered lace. and cauried bouquets ai shocking pink carnations and baby's breath. The best man was graam's brother Mu. Kenneth Brignaîl, Ancaster, and the ushers weue Messrs. Fred Vanstane, Van- couver, brother ai the bride; Bruce Murra, t Catharines, Broiber-iu-law af the bride. ýad Ray BiothwelI 1 and Douglas Ford, Ancasier, and rhinestines held a three- irieud af the bride and groom. tiered shoulder length veii af For the reception hcld at the tulle lace and chapel train. Holiday Inn, Oshawa, the The bridai attendants weue bride's maiher received the Misses Susanne Mitchell, guesis i a formal lengtb gown Catherine, Biynzan and af French silk lu sofi ivouy Vaierie MitcheillThe best man background with brighi yellow was Mu. Allan Flintofi and the abstract flowers. She carried ushers were Messrs. Robert a small hand bouquet of Bothwell Jr. and Allen yellow sweetheart roses and McMuilan. The ilower girl baby's breath. The groaras was Michelle Hogarth and the moiher assisted lu ueceiving ring bearer David Hogarih. lu a formal length, deep hot F'ollowiug a recepiion ln piuk gown and woue a corsage Clenteninial Hall' the happy of white carnation. couple ici t for a honeymoon lu 'For travelling ta Toronto Ottawa and on their returu and Nariheun Ontario the will resîde at 206~ Simapson bride wore a navy and white Avenue, Bowmanvilie Forireli shirtdrcss, white coat _____________ -- -and accessories, with a cors- age of red and whit'e varie- Marriedgated carnations, The groomi is a Research Englacer at W estern University and the bride, a Psychology studeai there. carnations, and for ' some thing nid" ware a ring giveu hieu by hieu grandmother, Mus. Herbert Osborne, R. R., 2, Bowmanville. Miss Lola Moore was maid oni honor and Mus. Lyna Haie mnee Farrell) and Miss Karen McKnight were, the brides- maiids. Mu. Brian Beare wxas best man and ushering were Mur. Philip Lcîth and Mu. Kennetb Osborne, brother ai the bride. A reception and dinner, held in Ebenezer Church Hall, was (Ilowed by a dance ai Graadview Golf Club, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mus. Fice are re-siding at 12 Frank St.,1 Bowmanville. Several shawers were held Lu honor ni the bride. Mu. and lus. Gord Faundale, Whiiby, gave a paatuy shower. Miscel- laneous showers were heId by Mus. Jean McKnight and Miss Brian C. Fîce Karen McKright, R. R, 2, tion white nylon ougauza. T'he Bowmauville; and Miss Loin fiited bodice and fllu length Moore and - Mus. Lyna Hale, sleeves were ai Chantilly lace, Oshaxva. A Tupperwaue show- with orgauza ti iranad cover- er was given by Miss Joanne ed buttons acceatîng the wrist. Hoskin and Mus. Sharon l'he full skiri featured a deep Hoskin,.,Oshawa. A commun- flounce trîmmed with lace. itY shower was held at The Bateau neckline was Ebenezer United Cbuuch. Mus. adorned wîth' organza and Ana Gîfiord, aunt ai the bride, .,eed pearîs.' A matching arraaged a puseniationtoîthe Chantilly lace cap-style head- bride and graoom. veil which was outined with ace. She cauried la cascade bouquet ai red swýeeJieart 'oses, baby's breath and white xeght xatchers enjny de fonds and other reducing agents made frorn wood cellulose. The Cnadin Sttesmn. Bwmanille Jul 2 .1 1973 DEMONSTRATOR SALE '73$39 GRAN TORINO 4-DR'. PILLARED IIARtDTOP l ith \-8, automatic, power steering, power front (lisc brakes, radio, white walls, wheel covers, dlx bumper group, racing mirrors and body-ý-idc iouflding. Ser. No. 107899 '73$2,595 PINTO 2-DR. 2000 cc 3-speed automnatic, discbrks radio, wxhite walls, wheel covers, body side moulding, rear electric defroster. Ser. No. 148419 MU.STANG 2-DR. HARDTOP with V-8, atmte power steering, power, disc brakes,' radio, mh'itewalls, wheel covers, protection package. Ser. No. 1,81763 FORD11 GALAXI E 500 4-DR. HARDTOP loaded wi:i 4V0 eu. in. engine, automatic, power steerinýg, power ds brakes, HR78 x 15 steel-belt4ed ýradial jply tires, whitewalls, electrie dlock, deluxe bnînperýr group, electric defroster, radio with dua'-l rea r fspeaýkers, body side moulding, remote mirror, elc rtiunk release, wheel covers and vinyl top. Ser. No. 18,15» GRA N TORINO SPORT with blue glow paâint. 351 -8 automnatie, poWer steering, power dise brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel covers, dual racing mirrors , laser stripe, sport cloth interior, and front and rear bumper guards. Ser. No. 162667' 73 $439 MU1STANG CONVERTIBLE with 351 V-8, autmatie, power steering, power dise brakes,,decor package, power top, radio, whitewalls and wheel covers. 5cr. No, 183605 '73 $5695 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WýAGON completely Ioaded including automatie, air condition- ing, radial tires, dual rear seats, deluxe iuggage rack, etc. Ser. No. 248471 GRAN TORINO -D.HARDTOP lhid lwwt 400 cu. in. engine, automatic, powerstengpo r dise brakes, whitewvalls, deluxe wheel îovers, adi with rear speakers, bumper guards, rear 4electrie defroster, and racing mirrors. Ser. No. 143750 '73$26 PINTO 2-DR. 2000 c.c.,4-speed, dise brakesý, radioý, racing stripe, vinyl roof, mag wheels, whitewalls, and bumper guards. Ser. No. 197359 '73 LUXURY GRAN TORINO 2-DR. HARDTOýP wt 5 V-8, automatie, power steering, power' dise brakes,ý radio, steel-belted radial whitewall tires, vînyl top, super soit tan interior, rim-blow steering wheel, visibility group, rear electrie defroster, tintedýglass, bumper guards, cut pile carpeting and more, Ser. No. 200106 MI73I $3995 MUSTANG SPORTSROOF in Blue Glow, V-8, automatic, power steering and'brakes, Mach 1 sports interior, widc ovals, protection gi oup, racing mirrors, wheel covers, competition suspension, radio and bumper guards. Ser., No. 170193 Pho®rne%«%623- 44 J î BEATY UEEN CONTIEST ENTR Y FOàRM This pageant is to be held at the Orono Fair Grounds on Thursday evening, September 6, 1973. and is open to residents of Durham County. Good cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Winner is eligible to enter the Sweetheart Pageant at the C.N.E, in 1974. Namne.... Age.. Address... ... Telephone No. Seîîd entries ta: Mrs. Alani Risebrough, R.LR.2, Bx , OronoÔ. Tel.: 983-570 ,2 i Mr. and-Mrs. James Douglas Brignall m