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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1973, p. 8

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July25-1973 OI nfrsCrn u fMtballs sBsbl Stars of the Pasi Take on LocksElcrn FLASH BACK - 25 Years Ago - Arizona Queens, the World Champion softbalh team, defeated the Sunday Morning Class, Toronto, Canadian ,Champion.s, 4-2 on Wednesday at B.H.S. in a ladies sof tball game phayed before 4,000 awe struck fans. Umipires were, Ticker Crombie, plate; Dutch Osborne, first base-; AI Osborne, thirdl base. The play-by-play in the game was announced over the Radio Shop puîblic address system by Stu Kenny, CKEY, Toronto. FLASH BACK - 10 Years Ago - Mr. George Mlansfield, the tennis pro arrived in Bowman- ville last Thursday afternoon and showed a large nu mber of youngsters the correct way to use a racquet and other rules of the gamnes. He was -assisted byý, local instructors David Hig- gon and .Janette ïMarsden. THIRD HOLE-IN-ONE - Pebblestone Golf Course reports the third hole-in-one for the season. This timef the honors go to Bihl Romanuk, playing with 'John Wihlinal and Paul Henderson at the course on Saturday, July 21. Bill used a seven iron on tlhe 190 yard, second hole, for his ace. FED AND JACKETED- We understand Sutnday was a big day for the McGregor Drugs MAidget Onktario champion hockey team. They had a get-together at Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wood's homte on Scugog where Stew Preston supplied big barbecued steaks1 for the huingr-y teami and. Don' McGregor of MIcGregor Drugs presented each membher withi a new' jacket, to officially wind up the quecessfui fhockey season. On Sunday afternoon, it was fun and some good basebaîl when Locke's TV Electrons took on thle Stars of the Past who were all members of earlier teams here. It will be noted that some of the attire worn by the old timers doesn't fit quite as well as it used to, but they certainhy put on a fine exhibition and defihitely outweighed the Electrons. There is still some question about. who won the classic batthe. The Stars are, from lef t to right, Bob Bates, Maxie Yourth, George "General" Jones, Clint STILL MINOBILE- The Basebahi 'Stars of the FI Vers Tai Past' on Sunday shiowecd they still remember wha t to do on a bail diamiond. Several of themn were carrying m-ore poundage than in their earlierF u- e o yeaïrs, but they moved -quite well and could stili toss the biah around. Itwas interesting to see the b iiCak old uiom of yesteryear and compare them The Port Hope Flyers kept with the outfits worn today. Bob Bates had the Locke TV Electrons ln unearthed thIe top part of a Royals uniform from their hosing spin, as they backabot 139 nd t ws 5 thck nd eav tht regîstered a 6-2 victory Mon- backabot 139 nd. t ws s thck ad havythaday evening in Port Hope's youngyer memabers of the Electrons in their Cool Agriculture Park. It was double knits co,,uldn't beieve it. Bun Legree was Bowmanvile's fourth straight dressed ir, a Brcookidaele Roses uniform that must setback andi lef t their regular seasoi recordi at 12-8, with have shrunk considerably and others came up four league gamnes left. mith a varied assortmnent of colorful attire. Coach Po-rt Hope, wbo started Ah Oshorne piled a quickie by clafimîng that the Boýwm-anvile on tbeir recent gamehadendd a son astheoldtimrs entslumpi with an 8-i victory Juiy garne h.ad endec] as soon as theod inrwntItt, created mnost of the inito the le-ad by one run. Hle proclainmed the hast damage 'n' the thiird îinig. two înnings when the ILocke- bys beg,!nrislUggilg Tbe y sfýiinen l ' he and scoring, were just pr,ýactice. Jack "Red" plate as thiey jar-nred Locke's hurler Doug Crouigb for f'Our Mlantie and Lloyd Stainton had plenty of trouble runis and four of their eight keeping the gai-e under control and honest, but base bits. the most fun camne in the form of comments from. Wayne Hlogg opened the inning witb a double and the old thimers' bench. They were,>- priceless. scored on Ralph Hodgson's UnfortunatLely, the crowd didn't hear most o first of two singles. An infield them.i It was a good fun day alh the way! Too bad error, a sacrifice fiy anid Port there weren' >t more there to enjoy it. One thing we H ope's third waik kept Crough noticed was the mad scramble for cover when the. town police car drove in to see what was going on. IEw ft on Wonder why. __ lecton PRO BEN MUOSKO -.of the North Oshawa GolfDrvg Range had a hat trick of Coke winners atî his Drivin g Range on Saturday evening. Three g oIfers hit the "Coke",sign winning'i a case of Cke each. They were Daw-, soni Carter, Rý. R. 1, Smithville, Rod For- sythe, Ajax and IRon Wilson, NewgateDrive, Oshawa. The(-k sign is located a distance of 250 yards from thIe tee. FLYING EAGLE - On Tuesday evening, Louise Lyle of Bresin's Ladies' Wear hit the peak of her, gol ing career. On the par five fourth hole at Bowmanville Golf Club. her first shot was wel the hili, the seco)nd fairly ecse to the greenan she chippedî in for an eagle three..We'll bet Lou let out a wxhoop that could be heard ahi over the course. Thati.'s nice shooting! ke Electrons on Monday id lime in Eight Days anti fus triends in trouble. eigbtb, lBowrnanv'Ille picked T% Rick Austint and B-ob Trew up tbre of their seven bits, as hir- connected f'or run producing tbey notcbied a single run. 8-1 singles before the offensive Parks, who opened the inning J1 fore was snuffed out. witb a double, scred ou Larry The Ehectroes' Guy Parks' Perris'. one outt, wroki-g field, (le two-out, first iuning borner two bagger. 'Butcll," Bjagneli Th had given Bowmanvilhe a 1-0 puncbed -a single to ieft,, but 'nî head. 'The' 340 foot drive, off tbe unruffled Smith whiffed PO John Smith was Parks' fîfth of tbe next two men. Port Hope, FO the season. Kim Rogers lined behd scorehess since the third, DO out to centre field lu the third, used a base bit, two tbrowing D witb thie bases fuii a nd two mistakes, a sacrifi.ce bunt, M:f away, as Bwnnih threat- wahk and Hodgoson's single to thi. ened to increase their one run complete the gamie's scoring IÔS edge. lu their eigbtb.32 Crouýgb, aftLer being roughed up in Poert HIopes third, Around the Býases - H-odg--d pitched weil cover the hast, five son and Hogg led Port Hope to1 sti frames. Hie gave up onhy tbree their third win lu sevenga bitsjand two runs after the meetings this year against (W third. Bowrnanvilhe rmanaged Bowmanvihle, with two hits., in only four bits over the first Trew, Austin, Gerry Lord and Ke seven innings, as Port Hope Dave Bemima added singles, Pr( phayed solidhy behînd their Srnith's triumrph on the Sai steadythrowing, rightbander. rnound for Port Hope was blis Bo, Trailing 4-1, entering the second lui eigbt days over the vis Almost fvake It, One Short Oshawa Wins 6«,5 by Jim Clarke this season. The final meeting worst innmng was the fifth Bowrnanville's Locke TV, between these two teams will wben the winuers cohiecteti a Eheçtrous saw a spectacuhar, be at Soper Creek, Thursday, pair of runs and four straigbt nuth înng corneback ruiued August 2nd. bits. They had a two-on, as Oshawa snared'a 6-5 wiu at Guy Parks, the Electrons' nobody out ralhy brewing, but Kinsmen Stadiumi last Satur- leadiung bitter (.354), took the Rogers retireti the next three day evening. loss, working the final two men. The TV crowd rallied f'rom r a inniugs ouý the mouud. t was Bowmauville took the lead 5-2 deficit, scoring thr-ee runs bi s first pitcbing outiug of the iu the gante 1-0 lu their first, in the top of the nintb. season. ef gave up the wben Parks doubled, scoriug Oshawa's Brïan Desroches winning run on three bits, Murray O'Brien wbo led off rifled a drive to rigbt fieldi whilè strikîn.ýg out a pair. with a triple. Oshawa tied it up scoring the wiuuîng run, Kim Rogers (1-2) received ou catcher Tony Joues' single bowever,. lu the bottom of the bis lumps over the first seven lu the second. inning. t, was. Desroches' iunings, as Oshawa roundeti Tbe winners buiît up a 5-1 third bit andth te wiuuhers' lSth, up five runs and a -dozen leati beading into the eighth. as they sent the Electrons to safeties. Kim wbiffed four andi Oshawa beaver Dave Whitely their seventh loss lu 19 gantes. wahked a hîke numlber. His nicked for six bits after seven Oshawa hoid a 4-3 edge in- victories over Bowmanviiie Kendal Eagles Clobber ElectronIs Put$ on Enjoyable Exhibition in Wide open Htf est Wednesda Hlejre Sundaiy Af ternoon 1,IMEtnt a N ec1 Âl is Fik by Jim Clarke You couLýdu't bvebaned the pitchers àl ast Wednes- dayi' riemediae contest at Keudai if they operated fromi fox holes. Hlits feu ike hall stones, as thie offences took over ,vwith KndiEagles tnmpingthe Locke TV Elec- tsurs 12-5. The w nes arnered Bowmnanville pitchiug for 15 bits wil &Knda's Ralph Kennedy was shook for 12 safeties. Darkuess silenced the offensive rumiblirgs lu the bottorn ofïthe seventh. The victory for Keudal was theirfirst inlusx outings withi the Electrons lu 1973, They cbased starter Gary Akey after 0111Y two and on-e-thlird Inbigs. The "Hawk- carne up witb one of h bisfequent off gamnes and wais rephaced by Pat OReîly. oth Bowmvnan- Me e havers were slarnrnedl around by tefl ebihappy Eaghes'crowd. They gruuded the Hawk, witb six runs and seven its and continued to pummreil O'Reily. During bis four frames of duty, Pat was nailed for icight bits and '12 ruus. Kennedy, holding a î-0 leaci after twjo framnes, was beted for tbree runis and five strigt btsin the Electrous' - E third, but was iround at the finishi to dlaim the pitching verct. Kendal led 8-4 after four inns Around theBae - Sur- prisingly enougb in the hit infested affair, pitcher Ken- nedy produced the game's oniy home run. it was a two-run shot -off Akey. Ken- da't top lubbèrs were Bill Robinson and John Mathers, with three hits ýapiece. Ron West and Frazer Wallace collected two each. For the Electrons, Doug Crough had three, whiie Leo Kelly and Chuck Kilpatrick both sýup- phieti two. The EaghIes are playiug mucb impilroved bahl and should provide the-ir supporters witlenty o cheer about before the sea.son is finisbed. This Saturda y, Jh 8h thcy' invade Sopef Creek for a twO p.m. contest and host the Eheýctrons on Suniday for another two p.mi-. affair. Sunday's game wihl be the final meeting this year between the two clubs, who travel differeutbaeas when the OBEA. phayoflfs commence lu a few eeks. Darlington Twp. $eeks $550,000 ÇGovt, Loo"n to Build Sports Centre Th'le Darlhngton Council app- roveti a m-otioni made by Couincîlors Don WNeanandý Thomias Baker ou july l7th to make au1 application tIo the provincial treasurer for a $550.0û00 ban to finanice thie construction1 of an, arena COmplex lu tie township. Ahthýoughî no firmn plans tor the 'Darliugtou Sports Cent(re' can be drawn up until approv- ah is received 'on the boan application, Darlington Clerk Walter Rundie indieoated that Coun-cil has a rough idea of the kint of complx ex h M I lbe buli. The arena Wih include an ice surface, dressing roomis, aý snack bar and seating capacity tentativehy plauneti to bold 800 people. Clerk Rundle aiso add tha t a response from the£ C rovncil goermeut on the wvitbiui the next month or so. The tounship is hopîng to take advanlaiýe of the Ontario inter Capital Projects Fuudc to secure the kban. 1 by Jim Clarke The Locke TV Ehëectrons about to embark: on a heavy tition, reîaxedI on Suinday as they indul ged ilu their secondc aunuai Old Tim-ers matc.h. The Soper Creek crowd that vijewed the entertaininig exhi- bition contest saw the Ehec- trous escape with a 5-3 decision. over thc "Stars of the Paast". The final outcome was secondary to the garne itself whicb provided both the phayers and fans witb seven inings of enjoyabie, basebahi AI "Goose" Osborne, an active figure for rny sea- sons with past Intermediat e teams, iutroduced the 1973'î 'Stars" club. It inclu ded the fohwn:Ted Bagunefi, Ron Richard3s, "Buck " Cowle, Dan <iirardî, Ted andI Bil! Dadson, Tim Cox, Chu)ck Kilpatrick, Maxe ourth, Clint Fergu- son,ý Jack Parker, Tedi Bird, Mike Johnson (a pickup frorn thie Ehectrons, Jobn Stainton, ,George Piper, Bun Legree, George Joues, Jack Buittonj- slaw, Bob Williams and Bob Uunfortunately, somle of hast year's performers from theii "Stars of tlie Past" lineup were unable to attend Sun- day's gamne, but manager Osborneq'.s gang this, year put on a greýat show. Electroeis' manaer tainonLegree, Piper, Buttoushaw and .Joues toÀiled 0on the "Stars" mouuid. Blird made a couple of remarkable catches lu left field, Yourth carne witbin a wbisker of unfloading a gra-jnd sham borner and looked rigbt at borne at sbortstop, Bihl Dadson exbibited fine s'peed, whihe the rest of the crew bad tbemselves a dandy a ftfern oou as wehL. Prior to the gamne, a miuute',s silence was observed for phayers frorn Intermediate clubs of, former years no longer %witb us. Ohd miemories were rekiudled after the game wben the phayers frorn botb teams and tbeir faiffies enjoyed a barbecue and nio doubt dsisssed next year's get-together, The Locke TV crowd would ike to thank ail of the "~Stars" wbo took part this year and hope to 'see ther ajil back- again lu 1974. Jack Manthe and Lloyd Stainton handled the umnpiriug chores and kept botb clubs bapply witb a dazzhing assor'tnt WOf cahis. Their contributions were vital in Sunday's success and they deserve a special "Thanks" 'V troop. He fiung a spark- ' îg, four hitter in Port Hope's - win at Soper Creek, on Juiya tii Bowmanviiie Ieft Io runners eserted during, the garne. 'ey had at least one mnan on iail but' the second inning. rt Hope ieft nine rnes or the Eiectrons, Parks and lrrisà had two hits each, wi tb )n McMurter. Bagneil and ike Johnson rounding uip mir seven. bit total. Crougbi's ss ieft his pitcbîng record ai .witb one save. The Ehectrons continue wn the reglar seaýson hmem Lretcb, witb tbree more ames this week. Tonigbt Nednesday) they are again Port Hope for a 7:30 match. endal Eagles, a much im- roved club are at Soper turday at 2:00 p.m. witb owrnanvrille returning the dt, Sunday afternoon. frames, was touched for a i-Un in the eigbth, leaving the Ehectroes behind 5-2. O'Brien, wbo opened with bis second bit of the match, scored, folow- ing an infiehd out and Parks' single to heft, After Parks replaced Rog- ers and blanked Oshawa lu the eigbth, jhe Electrons' corne- back began. "Butch" Bagnehi and Mike Johnson banged out Bowrnanvilhe's nintb and tenth bits, but Witeley retired the next two batters. 1O'Brien capped off a great night, shashiug a single to heft, scoring Bagneli. Larry For- sey's first bit of the game brougbt Johnson lu and the Ehectrous trailed 5-4. Forsey's blow brougbt on rigbt fielder, Murray Godfrey, wbo luten- tionalhy walked Parks to load the bases. Doug Crougb outdýelIed the Oshawa reiever and drew a wahk to force lu the tyîug run. Godfrey got Ray Crombie on strikes. witb the sacks stihi jammed, to end the inning. He aiso opened Oshawa's nintb witb their 14th bit, a dlean Ferguson, John Stainton, George Piper, Bun Legree, Bill Dadson, Ted Bagneil, Manager AI Goozie Osborne, Fred "Buck" Cowle, Ron Richards, Tim Cox, Danny Gerardi, Bob Williams, Jack Buttonshaw, Ted Bird who made the fines t catch of the game when he picked off a left field drive and rolled onto the fence, Ted Dadson, Jack Parker, Charlie Kilpatrick and Mk Johnson. single to ieft. Af ter pinch rîitter, Les Kirlay fanned, Desrocbes (aiready two for three and a sacrifice), iasbed a single to rigbt, driving in Godfrey with the deciding run. Aroutnd the Bases - For the second garne in a row, the .Eiectrons mïanaged a dozen hits, but came awayhosers. )'Brieu's three hits moved bis average to fourth on the club .324. Parks, wbo was t-wo for three, with his twoRBIs giving him 20 after 19 contests. Bowmianviiie's other safeties were coliected by Larry Perris and Johnson (two apiece), witb singles from Forsey and Crough. The five first year men in the Eiectrons iineup accounted for eight of Bowmanville's 12 bits. The T V crowd made two errors and stranded nine. The Legionnaires' offensive star was of course, Desroches, with three bits, inciuding the winner. Bernie MceGuire (two R.B.I.'s), Whiteley, Masa OIno, Godfrey and Pat Brown bagged a pair of base kniocks. Ted Lutton and Joues (two R.B.I.'s) completed the Osh- awa attack, The winners performied smoothiy in the field as they naiied down a pair of double piays. Iu England, 1973' bas been called the "Year of the Tree". GONE WITH TUE FIVECENTCIGAR - At a political gathering3a confus efahe 'akl his mem er of parliament~ what he was prepared to do about the increased cost of ice crearn bars. It seems that the~ father now has to pay 15 cents- for a daiiy ice cream bar for. his child, after only paying 10 cents, and thought the govern- ment shouid act. Hle appar- entiy saw nothing about ai1ow- ing his child to accustom herseif to, this kind of indulgence!' The member, an excellent economist, ,dipiomatically pointed out that we live in a society that no longer suggests~ any limits to our wants, and perhaps this couid have somne- thing to do with the case.ý Inflation alone hasn't depriv- ed us of the f ive cent cigar or' cuîp of coffee. In an era of ris]ng expectations we have grown accustomed to more and more and damn the expense. But there's a change in the wind. People ail over the worid are piugging into this western philosophy - and why not? Many of them live on incomes rangingfrom ! 35 to 200 annuaiiy. THEY have a long way to go. SSo if some of us in the western worid continue to set this dizzy pace - "getting and spending" - the day wiii soon corne when we are confronted with the immutable iaw -of society which insists that those who g et must aiso give. 1Gel Cash Today For OId Auppiances through S T AT ESMA N C L ASS 1FI1E D Phone 623-3303 PHIL ý VOWLES FIIATING SPECIALIST 1 Queen Street Bowmanville PHONE 6217591 24 IHOUE SERVICE 011, Cas & Electric Furnac%,e & Air Condition Instala- tions - Central & Wlndow Units -Clare Hecla& Fiindley Equipment Frece Estiniates Budiget Terms Avallable LEFT OVER from SIDEWA LK *SALE.e BICYCLES Girl's or Boy's BLUE CONVERTIBLE Girls 71-1094$444 OI 359 Boys 71-1034 Boys 71-1088 0 n 9 9 5 Boys 71-1155 Girls 71-1255 Girls 71-1280 4495 SPECIAL DEALSon . AIR-CONDITIONERS LUCKY WUNNER 0F OUR SWING SET DAVID HANCOCK 1SUNICREST BLVD. D RAW OMNIL C. 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