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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1973, p. 12

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T2 i- Statesman, liowmallville, August 1, 1973 Briho Dsate The United Counties Councîl last week voted to donate $5,000 to the Brighton disaster relief fund to belp îresidents of the village recover from the damage caused by a violent, tornado-like storm on July 13th, Brighton was officîaily deciared a cisaster area by the Ontario cabinet iast week. Warden Weston Banîster, thxe man who suggested the idea of the donation, com- mented that the Council sbouid send "some tangible form of sympathy" to the Brighton area. There was considerable dis- cussion on Council about the amount of money tbat should be donated. Figures of $500 ani $1,000 were considered before the sum of $5,000 was decided upon. Brighton Reeve, Mrs. D. Brintnell, who has donated her own salary as Reeve to the disaster fund, thanked the Council for their support. She said the money would flot be used for town properties,, but for peopie who were flot insured or had littie insurance when the storm struck, Warden Banister pointed out that ail the money raised for the disaster fund xvould be inatched, dollar f'or dollar, by the provincial government. Farm ers Try fa Decîde Whacit a Farm Is or Is n Y What is a farm and what is ment takes thîs responsibi not a farm? The question wiii away from us be form be discussed at two public regionai government". meetings in Lindsay and Tbe first public meeting, Belleville next month and the be beld in Lindsay on Augu United Counties Council Agri- and tbe second in Believili( cultural Committee plans to August 22. Botb start at attend and possibly present a p.m. brief. On a motion by Der A motion that the commfttee Reeve Foster Russell otfIH, attend the meetings and ilton Township the cou report hack to council was decided to send tbe passed by Counties Council on agricuiturai committee Wednesday. botb meetings with insi An earliçr suggestion by tions to prepare a brief Reeve G. B. Rickard of council on their return. Darlington that a special ND ftItc committee be established t -f0ef ntc prepare a brief and make As MPS Review representation at the mneet . ings, was not accepted.- Ridin gCha nge "The classification of farm Tbe federal riding of N( lands is a most important umberiand-Durbam will issue todlay", Mr. Rickard be eliminated for at least said. "Ail people , wo own next 18 montbs. farms are not farmers, there Last week in the Hous is a výery loose arrangement Commons, a bill was pa classifying tbem . . . just wicb delays tbe redisti because a man owns a piece of tion of federal electoral b land doesn't say be is a farmer daries for 18 montbs,. -lbe may be a speculator"'. The latest recommei Mr. Rickard said the Ont- fions from the Electoral B ario- Mipister of Agriculture daries Commission wi William'A. Stewart had nam- bave meant tbe carving t ed an advisory ýomimittee to the Nortbumberland-Dur assisb in tbe classification of riding and the eliminatic farmlands and the meetings Allan. Lawrence's seat in were beirxg beld in order to House of Commons. give the public tbe opportunity Lawrence strongly, objecti o ive their opinions. this proposai and claimned ,"I 1tbink it is erimortant partisan politics bad cmt t hatf we have somtbn to Say into the proposai. about bis'", Mr. Rickard said. In effect, the bill pa "Ar e we serious wbenici we say Tbursday suspends tbe ol we are concerned about tbe tionsý of tbe varions provii systemi of aissessment. .commissions, wbich madi 'We are the major unici- recommiendations. The1 pal elected body of people iin bave nowv been giver the United Counties anid we mnontbs f0 corne up witb à m-iusîi accept tbis res-pfsibil- tncthod oif altering the ity. If we don't accept it don't torai boundaries to ever let us stand up and cbanging population patl ,nnnnlain ,.,in th, an,,orn- inta nerm,i dity .ing fwili îst 2 e on 7:30 ýputy full ;ruc- f f or iorth- 1 not t, the ie of assed ribu- )oun- nda- Boun- vould ip of [rham in of in the Mr. ed to d that iered îssed )pera- ncial e the Mp's mi 18 anew eiec- ta ke terns ii~J day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Area CîtizensAttuend Specîal eefing-to Seileai wîthPro ,osed.Hnu oPower Corridors Geo. Knox and family. man aind family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowiees and fam- ~ ~V ,iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor - . and family attended the Tay- lor famiiy picnic at Orono on Saturdav. The sincere sympathy of the community to Mrs. Walter Parrinder ami family in the sudden passing of Mr. Walter Parrînder on Thursday morn-, ~ ' ~ "'~'ing. e wiil certainly be % ,,msedb bis family and 7 5friends in the community. 4 ChuckJones. Maple Grove, recentiy spent a few days with Bruce Snowden. Mi'. Isaac Hardy and Mrs. Endi cott, Lindsay, spent Sat urday with'Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Irviig. Scarborough; Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, Woodville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires. Paul Larmer, Blackstock, is holidaying with Dennis Yel- lowlees. Mrs. Jack Marks, Scarbor- ough, spent the weekend wt Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson enjoyed a week's vacation in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Ray Oberne spent a week with Miss Pearl Leach and on Saturday retcurned to Lakewood, Ohio. THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS 1H OSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED 0F ASSISTANCE Tyrone's Community Centre was not completely filled Those at the meeting discussed alternative routes and what when this picture was taken on Monday night during a special action they should take to make their views knowIn to Ontario public meeting called to deal with Ontario llydro's proposed Hydro and the Solandt Commission. power corridors for the Lennox to Oshawa transmission line. * ~stretched to tavor the ladies, Mr. and Mrs. Dawn Lownie, ~. M ~E W~' ~such as four outs etc, but they MIrs. Dave Lapham, Gail and N E S in l E T C ) Ndefinitely would flot shorten Darlene. Hampton, were Sun- W m - '~ -the bases. This was a "fun" A wedding of local interestc was solemnized in Emmanueli Ciiapel, Toronto, when Karen1 Campbell, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.' Grant Campbell, and1 Mr. Bruce Wiliamson were1 united in marriage on> Satur- day July 28. at 7 p.mn. Dr. Joblin of Victoria Colege, was the officiating clergyman.1 Following the reception, at the1 Walker House, the, guests1 were entertained at the borne1 of the grooms sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rossel in York Milîs. The1 young couple will be-residing in Jasper Park, Alberta. This1 community congratulates tbemr and nay ail of lifes ambitions be realized. 1Congýratulaýtions are also extended to Reeve and Mrs. Lawrence -Malcolm who cele- brated their twenty-fiftb wedding anniversary Friday evening July 27, at the CarwribtRecreation Cen- tre, Blac,,Kstock. Botb Mr. à ,nd Mrs. Mvalcolm have been active in church work and al local organizations and have been a tower of strength in the comînunity,. May tbey cont- inue to enjoy the biessings of bealtb and bappiness. Nestieton extends a wel- corne to Mr.' and Mrs.' Fraser Wilson ofOsaa who moved Ihis beken4no heprecent- ly purcbased homie in the village. Mr. Elmer Wright, King- ston, spent Sunday to Friday, with, Mr. and Mrs. Carke Wiliams. He and Mr. Wilians were school fien,ds, in their Public Scbooi dJays 4t Caes- area. Mr. Wright visited at bis nepbew's the Victor Malcoms from Friday to Sunday. On Saturday Mr, and Mrs. C. Williams spent the day at Emily Park. They, visîted with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis and boys, Bowmaniville and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and family wbo were baving a camping vacation.ý Mr. Dan Smitb and Miss Margaret Smith, Toronto were Friday evening guests and over-night guests witb Mr, and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. Earl Bowers accompan- ied by is sister Mis. Dorothy Cbapman. Jeff, Ryani and Lisa and Laurel Vine enjoyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls on Tbursday.1 On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lywood., of Norland, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers for evening dinner. Mrs. Dorothy Cbapman and children returned to bis borne. in North Bay, on NMoîday, Ioliowing an extended vaca- tion with lier parents Mr. and NI Mrs. G. Bowers and other tc relatives. L Sunday visîtors with MVr. N and Mrs. Larmen Hyiand xwere Mr. and Mrs. Jim t] MeMullen, Pontypool, Mr. and tc Mrs. Maurice Samelis and, Wendy, Peterborougb, and ir Mrs. Annie Fowler, Bowrnan- b, ville. Mi-, Norman Samelîs, wbo lias been in BowmanviIle o1 Hospital, is expecting, to be v! tîansferred to Por'ti Perry ic Community Nursing Home, bi this wýeek. W Friends are pleased that n Mr. Harry Wiliiamson was w able to î'eturn home fx'om F Lindsay Hospital on Satdrday. Mr, and Mrs. Austin Mabee of Windsor, visited Monday to e: Friday with Mr. and Mrs. e, Oliver Robreî'. y. Mr. Raipbl Sadier accom- tl panied by Mx'. Pichard Mac- T Kenzie exbibited customers' j( Hackniey Ponies and Hackney f( horses at Kingston Fair' on y Satuî'day. p Sunday mid-day dinner C guests at the' Sadier tarmi were b Mr. and Mrs. Eaî'i Brown, of _( Latchford, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. N Wetbera Il, Bowmanvilie were T Fridlav 'evening cJ\rs Chartes Scott, C'orbville is t, spending a few days witfh bis L. gî'andparents and Mr- and ,Mrs. Ian Scott and Jennifer were Monday visitors. Mrs. Richard MacKenzie and Claire spiýnt a texv days last week visiting Dr. iVrs. W. F. MacKenzie, in Toronto. The Sadier famiS" enjoyed a picnic recently at Port Hope Park . Tbis was in bonor of tbeir daugbte' Gioi'ia's (Mrs. Scotts) birthday. Those att- ending were Mrs. Robert' Sadier, Mrs. Robt. Wetherall, ot Bowmanvle. Mr.- and Mrs. 1Ian Scott, Charles and Jenni- fer, Corbyville, Mr., and Mrsý Ralpb Sadier, Mr. Wilfrea Williamns, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard MacKenzie and Claire, Nestleton. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colin and grandson. Anthony Haines motored witb their uncle. Mr. Elmer Wuight to bis borne in Kingston on sunday. 1Formier Nestleton Resident Co-Authoî's Book Mrs. William FortuneBA. 1 nee 1Mildred Langfeld) of 1Willowdale bias for miaxxy 1years been interested in the slow leainers and cbildren xwbo ar'e retarded. For fitteen 1 cars sbe taught tbese handi- capped young people in North -York' Scboois.These bave been her main conceî'n and to tbem she bas given most of ber time and talents. To aid ber in bier work Mis. For'tune bias taken a number of extra cuî'îicular1 courses on Remedial Reading. She is a readîng s pecialist and f'or eigh t cars she Iaugbt speed reading to adults. Fori the past two. and one bail vears she hias been empioyed by Groliers Ltd. as reading consultant. Just off the pr'ess ijs the book, "A Cbiid's Curiosity. is Infinite", written by Mrs. Fortune witb lMr. Kenneth' Brown, vice-presi- dent,. of the Company.1 co- author. This book is to be used in conjunction witb the New Book of Knowledge to moti- vate cbildren.18 montbs ro 8, years. It bas recentiy been proved that tbree years îs tbe peak learning period in a child's life. To complement tbese, tbere is also a set of books. "Pr-reading Exper- lence Programme" witb an eiectrie pen by means of wbicb the cbild knows wben be has cbosen tbe proper color, object or animal. This.over-ali programme is to be called Aladdins Magie Worksbop." IParents as wcil as teachers, will find tbem invaluabie and if tbey are used wiseiy, there shouid be a vast improvement in reading abilîty. as weli as, împroved mental alertness. Nestieton is proud of' you, Mris.iFortune, better-known to us, as Mildred. Von bave c imedtladder o fsuc e TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES e DRESSINGS ePAIN RELIEVING DRUGS *HOME AND HOSPITAL VISITING * HOME NURSINC SERJICE *HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE *LODGE ACCOMMODATION t DIVERSIONAL ACTIVITIES Canadien Cancer Society BOW3IzJNVILLE d? DISTRICT UNIT Box Ne. 42 Bowmanv.ille, Ontario

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