10 The canadian Statesmqn, fluývmanville, August 15,.t973 Co..uld This be a Scene from B3ownvýý,ille s Harbor- Not recently, but t'he-re was a time when it could have been. This photo was taken a week or so ago at Oshawa .harbo,-r that was dredged this year. At Bowmanville, there is no commercial] shippiîng, buît there is an excellent marina, housing quite an assortment of pleasure. boats. At the moment. the barbe'r is; not deero enouRh for anvthing but fairly shallow draft craft, but if the necessary dredgjing can be arranged, there may corne a tirne when Bowmanville or Darlington flaror illonce -aain be used by larger boats. Iftt-OG, Yý\LLAl&oOCOATE SUTEUCO MINI PUDDINGS iCTOPRE' YUKON Cffl, ZI fLAVoURS 4N'CZUDING <PLUS ait DEpOSIT) GINGER ALE6, bi:us SALAA TA BGS 20 $1,.69 Or.ApEîý FRIJI JIJIcV UEO, VERY IIRUXY mytACTION PRICED! HAWAIIAN PUNC(H 3ins 0$1 W T E. PINK YEIIOW ACT IO PRcTO' SCOTTIES F3 boxeu 3 s l 100 DU RhA ÀM A G RI N EWS, by Dol Dairymple, AgricuJtural Representati, the Ma,-rketing Board, well in exesof $2,00 per bushel, th-.e Mark-ýeting Board established anintelirim pymntof 50 cents per bushel. There wýl iaso )be ÎVe a finarlpam t when the crop i s ail soldfollowing, crop year 4- Ahiveen Dys Stabies which is on Liberty beef anddar calves t orm the end . June 30, 1974. Upcomig Street North of Ta untn fiR oad. Achievement Days aicross thle The announacemrent states Nwtha.t -we are wýell Mernbes bring their horses County will bce elgile to take that [lhe inter paymient of 50 the month ofugut the4q-H, and take part in as muany part in the 1nter-Cournt 4-H cents per bushel will be paid te Programn in Durham County is classes as they wish witîîhde Champonhip Show, which s all Ontlarijo Wheat Producers draw9 fg toarIs its conclus- idea being that they learru heli in conjunction wt Lini- mwho received initial payments ion. Each 4-H club in the show techniques and proper say Fair on Thursdja, .Sep- on 1973 new crop deliveries uçp SCny bas their anual mthods of taking part ini a temrber 20. This is one of the toth end of Septenmber, 1973. Acieeen ay as tuhei orse show, as well as argest .4-H showes il Ontaric, Producers seling\vÀheat after w'rap-up event for the year. cornpeting against each other and provides an) excelleniitSceeber 0t wl receive Thie Acieeen ays are lor top placsing in each of the opportuýnitY foryon4-er the set $151 per bushel iniia sometimes held à conjunction classes. On Thursday, August to comnpete against 44H rnem-. paymnent, plus 50 ýentshinterira wlih local faîrs or individual 30, the 4-H Farm & Home bers from a wide area. payment for a total of $2301 e clubs woi put oný their owný Electric Club will be holýding We have liéted the various bushel. They will also receive Achievemnt Day. heir Achievemeont Day at the AheeetDy for the 4-H- at year end the final paymnent. On Sat urday,ý, August sti a it l.0.0.F. hall àn ormnostarting Clubs 1that will be upcomng in Started Pufllet Blackstock Fair the 14HFoui- at 8:00) p.m. Each mnember of the next six weeks, and we RegistWtiofForms tr y club, 4-HI Swimie Club, 4athe Electrc Club wigive an wan! to encourage ail intere.s- W have been informed by Sheep Club and the 4-H Beef Oral presenitation on, their ted peope to corne 0out and thle Secretary-Mlanager of the C'lub wî be holjdingther project during the year. This support the young people ;as 1Ontrj arted P Yullet Pro- Aciemnt Days mwith jd- WH range from mnetering they exhihàbither projects. ducers MarketingBor that ing ofthd vroniohr lusprojects Don electrical applian- This isone time he yongail pesons raiing puleth to be carried on cuigte cesîin the home or on, the fr 4-H1 m-ember-s can uise the either for tesevsor mornig aM ndo ito the to demnonstration teamns ont- ecuaeetofparents audsomeoneeIse, amrehqurd t< afernoon. Oni Tesday, Aug- lining various aspects of friend.s to show they that they complete a Startcd1Pullet ast 2d, te Durham 4 eletricity found in the home are truy intercet inwhtRgsrioFrmTeBar Laisaig Cu ilhl or on the fari.Our Young~ people are doing w0%l Mie toe bain sone Mde t1heir Ac -hieeetDa hc n rdy epebr7h ntd of the number of pulets thai winl ake the form of a car tor conjunction wîth the Orono Winter WVheat are being raised and wxhere to a hrember's home or Fair, the South Durham 4 --H Pie none prodJuction is lctd If you farmn to obseý(rve n score D)airy Club and the Durham The Ontario Wheat Produc- raise under 500 putiets per tir r&ect. Membegrs will be Fîeld Crops Club will be ers Marketing Board an- year, or do not raise any ased ào jdge each othier~s having their Achievemnent iiotnced on Auiers 2nd Ihat pullets at ail, dis;regaMd' hý, ppoect and corne up wih a Days. MWernbhers in the Field the Board will make an forms tha you reeive in th* final score, as wel as miakingC, rops Club will have on interim payment to Onitario nmail, but you are asked to let suggestions and comments as display their crops projects in Wheat Producers of 50 cents the Mgarketing Board know as to improvemnents or good the formn of samnples of grain Par hushel. Unider the new to whether or not you bave points ta were foýund in epach or stalks of corn or hay mnarkecting systemin îaugurat- pullets. ïfyn are aý puliel projiect. COn Wednesday. Aug samples or whatever field ed for the 1973 Crop ofOnai producradhventrci u 2c te 4-H fHors mdPonycrop they have chosen as a WVheat, Producers rciean edoneWofthce Regiskratio Clu!b will be holing thbeir projeit. South Durhamn Dairy initial paymnent of $151 per Formrs, yenu carintc the Achivemnt Dy, hich iî Club %wHilhold their Caîf Show bushel. Basis grade mnmer Agricultural OAffce in Bow- take thie form owf an aIl-day incncon with thie ur- two. 14 per cent imoisture. The manvi îe and we will send you Hor:se howpn to mmesham lack and WVhite Show Board deducts froîîî (is a one a copy uf he or, or you car oM tde Horse & PoxayClub. Thewih tde 4-H part of he show Cent busheli license fee making write to the Pulle Producersý hhwwl e hed atiiberty startin at approximately il an actual price tW producers Marketing Board at 47U2 a.m., Also, on Frîday, Septem- $j.501 per busheL. As sufficien iVnge Street,Wiowae ONF.ber 7. the Inter-Club Champ- sales of whet ade toda., y 'by Ontao îonship Shomanship Com- u t r o S1cpetition for the top LivestockICo se Showmnan in the Sheep, Beef,Agi Daîiry, and Swine projects I ~ .ein e o m r from ,across the County ilii E UEers take place. Comnpetitors in i is Yu'efînally done iti eeses eventwmillbe asked toshow;the purchased a farm. But how do Bccislo the courses, GenraiInsrane tour diffe-_rent types of live you go about gettng the most popularîty in 1972, locations FIEE and AUITOMOBILE stock and thetop showman in out of hl? What cropjs do y,, for thecla,,s ,r being eNNSAC ach class will be the overaîl plan? Do you raisebef epnddthsYea INSUANCEwinner. On Saturday, Septem- Horses? The On<aio Agricul- itrodnctory Course mî agrieul- Coniaei ber 15, the Hope Caîf Club wil ural Collgae, mWcoeratioin ture,wic gives paricipant 11ARY UER1AN hold thýeir Achievemnent Day in wih he office of Cntinuîng a broad background and 62= 11R cS6VO ERM N c njnto wt ot o e E uc to , University of lnnderstanding of agriculture, 622311 or6233~5 Far. Judging fOr t(ieHope Guelpbwiii be offering even- WiHlbe offered àincnon, ~3RN S.~Caîf lub will start approxi- ing courses in aplýied a,_gricuJ- ttawýa, Toronto and Guelph BOMAlLLuatey 11:3f) a.m. Fînally, top ture during the faîl andl winter beginning the fîrst wveek of1 Just an'tReatAêP IWEO Meut! bastng hicens5-Is&u ~b68< Potat!o SIlad SWEET ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H -IIIO V C U A4EDM PMLEF U SHOULork 09 btUi Pork Clwps FROZEN Chimfken Legs sx RN Wieners StN RmseAN4o, STORE PACK, GREAT ON A GMLL! 5-lb bx$3,5ý';9 GREAT ON A GRilL i-lb vac pac78 :,SES! OWFRESH PORK ROASTS NkW T 13AST 018 -oz carton f7 4 SNANKLES LtEA 98< 19 Ib lb 88U frozen Cickea £&Fîsh ý 7F Octoýber, the date depe-ning on (liescain. Dnladiion iýito tIntode tory couirse, the b eef course will becgin. at the Univerjsity of TorotoOctber1(i and at the UnIiversity of tGuelph, October il. A new course, soil manage- mentforcrop producton, wijl be introduidtced at the Univer- sni of Toronto,Octobr 9 and at! tfe University- of Guelph. October 10. iInstructionI for each course wile beu miýiiimum of0!10, two hour sessins on consecutive weeks, ith no excepions Mor holideays. Aniy field tours will be ait the- discretion of 1l3e course inistructor. Ahi the courses hlave been scheduled at tehearous insiuios to allow apnyo)ne (o take a comnbiniat ion fourses ilaa givenlocaion. Applications are presently being accepted fo the fali program, witîh a limit of 60 persons for eacb location. Sen-td for furtbeýr infoirmaýti and applicaion forms to Gary Hutchison, Coorýdiniator,ý Of- fice of Continuing Edýucationi, Universîtyof Guelph, or sion 3401, Unaro' frest indiustries rvdedirect cân-ploymnent forapoimey 781,000ý - an harvetingand nther64,0 in prc~îgand imanufac'tur- AU, PgICES OW UNT45À GiR TED ECt TlikOuONSIRAY UIS Ih 93 SCHMEIDERS BRANO0, FROZEN HtG"LlINER, ffIRCEH Ita.mnburg Patties 2-b~s. 8 Ocean Perli Filets 14-,z pkg 93< SSc4iOERs BRAND, PRZEN . lISNTFOZEN, soUTiwq N 24* pe.<G $3.39) Beef Steakettes 1-b pkg 98<é Fried (hicken O-b pkg $179 e. = lllillimai UMM Imam 9 e' 1- s d h Ff