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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 10

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m'Il Io TheCanadi#tian Bowmanville, August 22, 1973 T u rns id f0 Start ConstLlruction of i -e Nursing Homne Jw These A&P "Exclusive grand" are ypur hest M ySu gValudes! On WdnesayAugust 8th, construction began on the new1be, $1.5 million Strathaven Nursing H.omie complex on King Street E ast, with Alex Ca rrutheFrs, MPIP for Durham, turning the first sod. The dr-aw,ýing at top shows how the complex will aqppea,-r when completed next summer. The structure will be built in two stages, according to the owner Fr-ed Beaucage. A 60-bed wing will be added to the rear, of the present building that will then be tor n and replaced by a 52-bed unit. Present at the sod turning in addition to Mr. Carruthers, fromn left o righit, Mmr. Beaucage, His Worship Mayojr Ivan Hobbs and Darlington Reeve Garnet B. Rickard. Representatives of the builders, Souter, Lenz, Scott, Taylor and Maciver were also pre-sent. bave been in one location for a number of years, they tend to becomie rootbound and Dr%)ýURHIIA4 AGRINW by Dol L.alrymple, Agrîcultw ral Repr-eSen-%tat'ive yosoudtkterot Ouvyfn Use of H1erbic ides be rececivinig a Copy 0f a opruntÏor prens nd ai a henijh snfra anýd nSeecticides questioînnaire sent out!y h y1g-npl o e tgther hour or so to soften thein, cut Ann31otiicedl Econiomics Branchi. FarmerP)s atind meet mnd 1take part in off the healthy younig rhizom- We have receivedl notice are asked to com-plueethis Man"a' iiie.Bae fn es on the outside of the roots. from MN'r. 1T.R.Hîird questoinire and returni it, ýso resuits thIis !er h 974 vIffthey are name(d Iis Deputy MinisteronfteOntario tthh le results can be pieie looks hîke11;Uit wl e tbe sure1to eeth Minfistriy of Agriulture & tabulated. This surve'y per- bigger unl bette r thain ever otpices separate to avoid ['o0d, that a surv"ey -to Checktan only to thîe use of frnpatIiluuut confusion in identification, the use of H lerbicides and herbicides and in'secticides in fo BterBuenbelore replanting, trinii the Insecticides by Ontario farmi- field crops, such as oats, Ir-iS 1bloorns hv ae Iris foliage back to about 3-4 ers will becodtd acr-oss barley or mixed grain. Be- the pflanits myne pc inches and <lien plant the new thne province in 1Sep)tember of cause of the large nunîber of ateto1f0hyaet roots so tlîat'the rhizome is this year. The \"vywIch new chemicals that ai-e con- pefornii wll next snîmer wolly coveed ii soit. If the will be carrie-d out by the stantly coming onito the miar- Thîis acrigt r u soil is, drv,, give the bcd a Econ)oics Brand-ihof the ket and thedifferent rates to Hoci i, itcultuial Se thoronugh soaking. Th is trans- Ont. MNinistry of Agr-iculture be used for'chemicals. it is ialist with the Ont)Pario Mni plaiîîîng procedure should andl P'0od, wîldtrmn the important that farmers doc- tyô giutr od Mr. îeadt to bggrand bel fer Iris aýcreage of varjoüus field crops ument what pesticides were 'McNeii1 states that atte2r Iris jhinoins i 197î. that are treated, theconcen-i tration of the prodcivt used and1 the farmer's rating ofj thei effectiveness of the treatrnent.1 In his release, it is essential that fuil knowledgie of the( usel of pesticides b y the farmners is1 available, lThe Pesticide Act of Ontlario places bonafide fjarmi-1 ers in a very'%-knowliedgeable categcory relative to the useý ofj pesticides. A periodic surveyv of what pesticides are used and in what manner, xiil aid in mainitaininlg this s"peciail categlory and, alsoi, may indicate*sorne caises, wh1ere additional avior vork is n1ecessary-. Ail Tarimers in Ont1arjo will JOHN F. rienera inua e PIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact HJARRY VOERMlAN 623-3111 or 623-3)150 33 KING ST. E, 50 WMAN VILLE Corne to Labour Day, Si HORSE RACING SE PARI-MUTU E' RIDES, GAMI HORSE anid CA" IMPROVED WOM îIMPROVED WOMI EXHIBITS OPE SEPT. used and where. Because of- tbe important nature of -sti cilsand their val uiw io Fou r ro eP o r m farniers, il is "estalit, inomainas to probiieShO UIO Be PianneajNow a rea ad the 2effectiveîîess of i ou1 iiýCO pesticides be dcuened 5 Lgue eao s utb cuemao that farmiers wilî contlinue tfrstddurilng the autmnrto vrl nue have asnian yp esticides esr go tad nd toe gr)edneiar the U ava&&Ia o <hein as poAsile ldsne -asysRS hreidate(Sel in their fight to control wýeeds uieron crop scientiisï, (Ont- Siricetlîis daite var and inlsect pests. ai griclualClegtini the provinc. arni eriyof Gulph. c(onsuit O TV1 4-HandJunor armrs Cutting, or -rzn lol Agriculture and Foi Picnc a ucces roi take llace on0to' quaîitylion 296, Field Cr( Onu Sunday,. August1 12, a 4-H legueiosuinn Se'p- mendations, or coi an(! Junior Fairiner famiily tembolkr October in south1- local agricuiltuaral i picncwahelatCeaPrkwestern OMnro, if these ixe, ftufînd out t] Hampton. 4-I-Iand Junior îneadows aru e f0gelthe rest lîarvst date forth Famrinmebers and their they require. This rest perl' failiies brought picnic l1unch- iits lfafaîîdi1(otul1irfiae esuonduerynne eod a Io s ugars w in ce o l"N R d Fol- protecIflle plat gans lowin he meal, a mnmber 0 owinter femperaturesTh s *P gmuies foWbh x>unr and ocd proe,ss mt b omitd SD Tr were codute b nin-ebr eosehayfrsshv of the 4-11 Members ýCouncil, killed helavs mknga Nery 0per There \was ,ilso soccer and es urnSp<merOtolarinaccidents ir basebail played and everyone ber essenfial. sons under 19 yea enjoyed aim in the large te must. however, be fed "Many of these swimming pool at Cedar Park. duingtis auturn peiod involve snîall chi Approximately 100 4-H nd Here Are somne suggestions for provide no physica Junor armrs embrsandplanin yor orage prog- the fairi! operatioi parents took part in thle day am jusf along as pa and froi comntn1s rcei ved, Each year t amiers plough ays Don Brown, c it xvas asuces roiniall rîn of eadiows. Tweaeof Public Relation standpoints. The day w'as the meactows that should Farm Safety As plan-ne-d by the 4-H Member's proIde heatlefeedadrinlg Children should'n( Couincil and it provîdies ain jj lthe afumnrestpeid So ed on farm machin( dfont cut or graze these larly when the ma sunîmer. ULefi<em ggi-w and Yomalhn use, 1,0orfedduinttl( ions are quick, but autuniwhfen the best hay anrd lha1ppen in mnuclesý -~~~ pasture maosaebeing -you îelzsays IN r3 lIR R netdIf takes on!,,; econi Another feed alternaive i child to faîl underî IRto undergraze a pasture o hayi Nto thepafh of a meadow during the critical haler, uch less ~~nêan~kav barvest perod Tis uîîer- tp.u it coul e te I~.uiI~.3grazing wAi permiltote plantfs Point outl, the ( E PT 2n and3rd to build up food crerves a) rîdîng to your chi they wijllhette ithtadrefuise te.Keep L0 WAGi EZrdNGWwfe oditions, oving or operafir ES SH WSIli late October or Nv\ep- eryý. ESSH WSber, mreadows witlî knuee-igh Farin machines TTLE SHOW grwthcaîî be hightly bows- aytlîys. Tihey're t6 ~ENS IVISO! c d. -but don't take off all 3ces -ýof a competi %Ezdi DIISON growth. Leave a foot or more d" "nXn busine EN'dS DIVISION oi top gotl.It x ilIholdthf buinesagricultui snow, preventl icinig, and kueepque alert and eý E N 9: 00 a.mn. tîhe oil arm. Schop meworsKecp yo 3rd ~grwtHis goodninsurancplel uofhammwy- 3rd againstwinterkill. N idr"poilicý ws maiy be if cut or uriticailfait pt emiber)., ie-s across ners should 'Iinistry of od publica- rop Recoin- qntact their the critîcal ici aeas. cent ot ail ivolve per- ars of ge accidents lIdren who Id input into' n,1) but are issengers" CUoordinator ns with the ;sociat*,ion, otbe alw ecry, par-tic- iaicie is in1 t accideýnts ss tfime thanl Mr. Bon ds for your a wagon or r-nowver or turne you ,thein loff Ilie machin- itive and ezsý s. As ir also re- ýxperie-nced îr children -obser've a UNSWEETEEURECONSMIUTED A'P OangeJuice 'HSS nANANA, CROCOLATE, COCONUT, DViLS 00 COOKIES A&P MaIIow Pies 4 oy4 WHITE, BLUE, ORANGE, GREEN A&P îPaper Towels .;R1-,59 AfNN PAGE Tomato Ketchup 2of-ztl41> A SUtPER!S BLEND 0F 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE, 8 O'CLOCK Instant Coffee lo a 13 A% SUPERSB ENO0F 10V. BRAZILIAN C0ïFEE B O'CLOC (3-LB BAG, $2.85) Bean Coffee1-bag7~ PRICED E S -C L S26 - 01 S Iz RETURNABLE D po i I Fumiily Furvourites - G;reat on a Grill!I PORK (IHO PSS OiiJLDîE& R OR un 18$1 .18 CHPnICKEN LEGS FROZEN 518R BOX $ 3e%59 SX BRAND WIENERS1- -LVAC PC78 â%98 LAMB STEAKS NEWZEMAND SWEET PiCKLEV, VACUUM PACKED Cottage Rllis lb$ 1.0 8 SMOPSY tRAND, COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad ý24-oz ceý,lon 74< MAPLE IEAF BRANDSLICED Cooked Ham 6 0oz vac pac 98< BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK Sauslage-s BEFF&PORK lb 88< JANE PARKER (PUY 3 CAKES - SAVE l7c) GOLDEN lO-oz lt If LOAF CAKE ckeO JANEË PARKER (BI' 3.1PKGS ý-SAVE 17t) Engtish Mu1ff*gls 3 pkgs of six $1.00 JANE PARKER, MERINGUE (SAVE lot> Lemon FPe fui! .nh,22-oz pie 59< JANE PARKER' ACTION PRICED! Rhubarb - Apple pie Full a in ch 65< 24-oz -Pie JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c), ChoZolate Brown-*es 15-oz foi! îray.5 3< JANE PARKER, COFFEE CAKE ACTION PRICED! Raisin lw:st 14-oz cake 49< JANE PARKER (SAVE t) Chelsea BuotS 16-oz pkg 5 9< JANE P'AltER, P'LAtIN ORt SUGAR <sAVE loc) Family Donuts pkg of 12 49< Action Priced! CHOICE QUALIY, WROLE MUS"H%"'M OFT-OWlN3 9ý A&P OFFERS YOU A CHOICE 10O, YOUR SHOPPING CONVEN:.M4CL A&P WEO MANDLES NATIONALLY FAMOUS ýR&NSC!,Cf SOFI DRiNKS 1!" PQTI4 RETURNABLE AND NON RFTUIRNAflI.E BOTILES. THE CHOICE1m yt~iRs! A NEW A,%P UALITY PRODUCTI SUNM X, A&P pk g 95 YUM(Cn. Z-'L -- F lkV cR <PLUS BTL DePOSIT Ginger Aie 30-0 oz bt!s FRESH PORK SMANKLESS 5SOML0 IF LAN BUTT ROAS ROASIS I9~ bI1 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN Réelf S iEAKE[TIFS (zp kg 98< lIaMburg PAýTTIFS ~ $ 9 MIGHLINER, FROZEN Ocean, Perch 14-oz pkg 93< HIFNZ, FROZEN, SOUTI4ERN (14lb plcg $j>7gOý Fried Chicken 2-lb pkg $3 3 9 j &n't miss These! j CARLTON CLUB - Grape, Ginger Aie, Orà.nge, Roolf Beer, Cola ACION PRICEU! Canned Beverages 1$1 .69 DETEIRNT AClION PRICEO PD p<. 14' Kraft S'ices 8o pg47d CORN, SW',EET GREEN', HOT DOG, HAMBURG Rose Reîishes 32iojas $l,00 BOUTIQUE Kieenex Napkins pgor /5 39< BOUTIOUE -- FACIAL TISSUE ACTION PRiCeO' K(!eeneX 3 boxes of 130 sheetýs $1,00 CAT F000. B FLAVOURS Puss 'N Boots 5 5.., !o t ins$100 B3EEF, CHICKEN, L-VER ACTION PRICE0' Heaithe Dog Fond 5 26-oz îin, $1,00( INSTANýT COFFýE Maxwell House l-oz pt $t.99 CAýIfORNIA, OMSN ELES NOW AT THEIR BESI '1b39< I ~ .0 MONARCH CAKE MIXES e: OR ICING MIXES 7/, Àxs,ý", -7

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