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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 11

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Newcastle Hlorticulfural Socilety Holds Success fui Frower and Vegetaible Showýv Mrs. Florence Ftrguson, left, shows her Sweepstake Wînning Astor to Mrs. GxwenCiibson who is holding her first prize salad tiay. Mr7s. O live Watson Daisy she is hoôlding. 2J1d~nd2n! Mrs. Sam Brereton I/ewca s/le CSý0/;1/ ana'/ PerSona!c 'P- rlre has ,thel ii silmiler' aughittr Jo nf C 'tew ~ Sersno! to long ago 1'ecemtiy fate'x\jdiyi 1l lr eg er 11lit];annmg antheVilae 1itn iied lookng frwar to wee orand relati\ e iwo o rcos aain Miss PBe,ýh HopePic aafomthe heeie pace Of Afbert, spent sexerl days las tdys living, and eSPecwiallY week with hrneeand b tepeace and quiet. nephew. Mvichielle and Tommy'À Reebrthinking 1 cala get Hope. ue! whnIl like i. eat when Several families froin New- Il fellieidrink when 1 feel castie spent Satu Lrday Warr- lik it plOi~en 1 feel like if ior's Day> at the CNE.So me Whait a ite, eh!! Well. don't of the Veterans took palrt in depar.yo can start plann- tu eerroving Warili oi s ig an1ooking forward foi' Day Parade.' marching pro ud- another yer to the same îl 'ith tîheBwmanîll rlatio Dont worry a bouit Legion. Branch 178 bhýind thei t eiwng so ar ahead- the hgh-tpigBý ýiil wa ýV bbc days seem to slip by, Legion Pipe B~and. Nu mater nluf year's vacation will be how many tîmne, you iew tfnsj' here before youcan Say narade it neyer f1a ýils 1( lto hrng t ransmagifyoucanbanjanjual- flump to the f lîroat arfd earslu ty! No matter what Y011theiceye b scetheepru pleasure. we do llh ope you genlemenmahigo ra- re-1ig and e aatoforthse ell w rdsoian' days util Chist(da many f us tke for grlanted Mrs. Joan Sk'din and her fOdýît'lit our humble'opinion. ev-ey m'tean hxbnis able,' sbouid be proud (o take part in this demnoisrtion, ot orîly for then-iselis, but also as tond irememace and salute to those who died. Mrs- R. G. Wrigbf, Toronto, and ber daughter, Mrs r. F. Innes, King Cfy spent Sun- day svitfi Mr and Mts.('harles Aq( .uilinla and f miy. Wbiie oration Day Service aI B'ond Reetv~tors wîth i Mr. and MGis. Gro Garrod Jr. and tamiily w(,eMrs. bac Fried- lander and Mrs. diii Brown ni Toronoo fier oîanv Newcastle trie- nds wil be pleased to learn tiiat Mri W. Butterîli. Snmith Fil, ill be makinig ber home wýitihber daughter and snn-a.Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Storks ý,and amily. EBy bbc way.anlyone wishing homedelieryof bbc Canadian Staesmn co bs-etbrh wisb hy~ ~~~m dilig 87421 ndasing f or lrene. Irene Býrereton b as Stacsrao very . 'Thursday, àn oid îcymucb lîke to bui i) up berroute. Remnember tor, (,;icýu nd courteou,s deis t- (!ae ail Ircîte at 98-22 ho xxiii!wpleased to Aug. l3 and 14. Rcv ho' The best protective Self-d! eèn ce Is the eq uipmerit aginst job secret of safety. Yolu've got accients is already yours- a lot to live for; work your eyes, Your ears, (Iefenisl'iel, and enjov life. your brain. Keep alert, wvork The sure defenýsively, and yout'll stay way to -n the jb.seaevis Yourorkmn'sCompiensationBor and The Sf~ soitos nai Phone 98 17-42211 Smith of \e-,casblc t.iteud 'hurch bnok lxxo groups nio voungsters on a.s ery eioy'- ible bike doxvi back nf the school. tbrough bbc cornfieid and loto doses Woods. The ayroups met at bhe Sunday Schoi xherc (bey firsi poured amould of the manger --e and thrn set off oni) oi then -,tbu ey'ietunedf0 bbcth Sundayjt Sebiool whcc they renmox cd tbeîî inoulds and i-oad bbc Christîmas Sfory frm the Bible. The eilîdreis who accorrnpanied bey, Smith on Mooday wcre Debhie and Janet Prunci-. Susan Whyte, Bobby Forget and Rusby McLay. On TuesdayI, VFreddy. Christine aod lan Vard, Georgina and Parada Bligbbt and doy D)oucette wint with Rex' Smith. The children returncd hon-e f îred but ver'y content allter fbeir happy adventure- 1ev. Stoîthfiaisu iîibw îîîd us fic United Clîiurcb is atfeînpf î-ing f0 ciai-ber a bus le go to bbc lut echurc (' etivai of ' aitb ai bîie (NE iext SundayY'ý. Aug. 26 ai xhc f re1rJa N anier %vi]cbbctheraaiii speak(er uJ 1a ,sonderfud servienI0 ui is planmied. Xlix 1)0 oiteim-csteid V iadvs sd' t0 coîttaut Rex srmth at 997-425fo ni- Mr, Har'sJose a> 987447 sSoun as possible, Thebus xxi- ii Pc leavmng prpl ai if .1130 ain.. rora pur 1person is ýoimty.320 Oktoberf est N vvs Jaîted iNesx castîcOut. Aug. tOt973 '11wý \owcasble and Diisîrîci b'lîtIoImiei f Comr' ce mx ptese ,oannounce tbat (bey xill f)(e i.ofdîngtheit SIECPiM'D AINNM"Il OKI'OBEI{FEST ON SATIR1I1) XX SEPTEM,ýi Cormunîbliy I-tatiPains arle Weil inerxasIor'f P osClY 'Ihere v, ilho a (,erranan Banu Ger i ond xiii lcasai able. ( ui, fîîsbannual OI'O- BERtEST. field a sovi go xxas a Ituge su-ccess iýýnd xa 1iioyed bx aliinaîîdîc MoV0re debails xvii oIlosx a fater date. 1'veantiraec, shouid ynîî bave any questions on bbie ex cnt, picase deont besibabe (o1 contact any member of bbc' Chamber of Commerce Exece utive. Come, join the happy tfi-ong and -enjoy yoursels'es. Newcastle and Disrct, Chamber of Commerce Keith D. Barr, Presi dent .Newcastle Hoiticulbîîral Soc. Annuual Flowxer Shiow Dii Tbursday, Aug. 16, Junior Gardene-s, came outinî full force and -proudiy- shosxed their own groxsn producbs and crealions. The foi iossing xxere the, xinneî-s in fbbc soungor gro4ups Gariden Plotf- lessica I-losti erb.,Arnoid Moslert. 'Crs'stal ,Aderson, tîod Anette Martin dind Michelle Tuffo'd. Bottie Garden Arnold osebBecky Crockctt. Jessica Mosteit., Stexvart Sim- pson.,lason Gînson. Happy Ilours ïMar k Sîap- son. Becky Cockeýtt Cý,i- ai Andersonî, Angm de Plaa., Kex'in Brvant., Di-cambouse - A-nold YMosit ci. Jessica Mosîcrt, Cî-vstal Anderson, Becks Crocke4tf Jason Gibson, Scuba Disvr bisoun îsn Several cf the visitors at the show takie a goo lok at, the table holding the many entries in the salad tray n te eeal competitions. Becky Gibson, Les Cassel- Xnnuaf Decorabiun Da);I mhan, Suzanne Vandemale, Bonid Head Cemetery scoreieýss. but they couldni'f ied Arnold Miostert and Jess- on Sunday, ý.Aug- 1 9,a control Newcstle in thie >T ica-, Mostei b.smlr crowd than usual second when Newcastle broke r~ Ve\igetable Character Kevýin attend(ed theL Annual Decora- loose with ten runs at the sanie E Bry ant, Jason Gibson, Angie t ionrDay Se.rv ice at Bond Head tîme holding Garden Hill 'i de Plaa. Brad H-opk-iings,-. emeter. Veterans and scoreless. From this poinît ab l3ccky Crocketf. members of, Bowmanvillle onward Newcastle neyer look- nc From the Fi'elds Arn1o1ld Branchi 178, Royal Canadian cdi back gaining sixteen more ai. Mosbert. Jason Gibson, Jess- Legion marchéd in to the rues to Garde:n I-il's eigbt. ica Mostert. Becky Crockett. ceemetery preceded by piperÈ Thus the final score was 26 to Pl' Keys of Nature - Arnold et bhe Bowmanville Legion Il ini Newcastle's favor. The mostert.tied Beddie Pedwell Pipe Band. Organ prelude was winning pitcher wxas Darlene and Beckv Crockett. Jessica played by Mliss Nancy Dicken- Jenkins who allowed only' Motert. son of Port Hope wbo also seven hits, one vwalk and four Pore Po(m Zinnia Arnold aceomapanied tbe choir trom strikeouts. Thet Newcastle Mosteri. je-ssiîca Mostert, St. George's Anglican Church fichuers playe-d excellent bal Rîoberi býoogkamp. Maýrk 'Simo- during the, singing of the havihig olyfhre rors. Good psnBeky Crockett. hymins. The, Cali to WAorýshiip,hier foi, o~csl were PfaaJesicaMostrt.Arnld eetor of Clarke, followcd by mclKnigbt 6-6, Beth oucb4-6, Mobet he singing of 'Abide Withj Me.' Elaine- Stade 4-5 nd Deniýe SpdrPlanf ra P- Bible readings apropos te bbc Tuf ford -1-5. în.Jessica Mset Crystal occasion were rea d by Rev. On Wednesday e(,\ucoing the. ndroMichille Tufford, 1liyne. President of Branch Bantam girls pinycd agaiinst Robert HoogkarnP. t7tt, Mr. Edmund Majer,- theïr mothers, A thou Il the' Beets Mark ,Sim1pson.ý called the veterans to atten-- mothers put up a g onf fight, sadeRolcy (lrysalandRoer- tien at whicb time bbe pipers the younger girls were able te son Anie le laa Roertplayed 'Lament','Last Port' over power thera just a little. hoogkamp and 'Reveillc.' "lie beautiful The mothers got off to a good Carrots- Arnioid Mostert, sonig Amazîng Gae was star' by scoring two runs in Jessica Mosterb. Mark Simp- then sung after whichi the Rev. the first inning and letting son, Tracey McBîide. BeekyxEr. Frank Mihelie, Revtor of their daughters only score six. Crocketf Sc. Joseph's Catholie Churcb, The boas y hitters for the Special Prize - Denise Ped- Bowmanville, delivered a cf o- mnother's 'teani were Jean we, eli Bowler. Geoff quent message. Pravers were Wgr em akr ik t3owler, Faye Jose. Gordon given by Rev. Thomas Smnith, Gray, JoAime Alldrea-;d.anid Jose. Mimister of Newcastle Unitbed Shirley Nicholson. hlome runs Priie xvînners Senioýr Reeve Alfred Gray extended for thbe dautglters were made gro 'up. tn words of welcome frora the by Susan Wagar, Lauira Garden Plot Chirîstn village and then Mr. Murray McKnîghb and Mary Parker. Crockett* Paterson gave a l'e,, reparks We imagine there svas lots ni btlie Garden Lynn Park- oni the accomplishments and use made of ]inamnfn for sore,, er.ý Christine Crockett. Jîm goals of the Bonid H-ead aching muscles thie n dax' loogkarînp (ceietery Board. The singing Maybe if these Newcastie f3ý the Sea- Christine ni bbc hymn '0 God of Bethel' Bantams had playcd this teýar Croeckett. Jim iloogkampn iaj ýýs, followed by tbc pronoun a. few years ago it rnighb have Janef fBrown celinent of bbc Blcssîng bY bc-en an entirely different D)ieaînhouse- Christine 11,ev, Havne. This is alwaYSs a storv. Special thanks to Mrs. 1'okt hi beaul 'itul. stirring and solemn Mý,aiý'g Brereton and Mr. Hai' Fo i(and Polage -Crser(j- ice--a fitin 'g ihemorial. b oold 1icholson svho lhandled tbc tire ('roekcli.lanut Brown bb ie s cd ones iresting ifwrc. umpiring chores. \ eget1able Zoo anet Bro- wîïýptis ý catîolî The Newcastle Bantamns ý . bisin Crockett, tied BbeSbo jouriîcyed te Garden Hill1 on LInParker and Kim Bove Fîa ight. Aug. f7, Par- rbursday 1 Aug. 16, to play tbc Arranigement nf Nature entsIrelaives nd friends of seconc gamin 10bliir semi- ljir floogkat-p, danet Browni, bb[iu1idi'en who attended bbc inal seriles Tlîeycarne up Christine Crockett Vaaion Bible Sehool lield bbc agaiînsf a rnuch improvcýd Keys of Spring Jnfps week at th(, Baptist Garden Ili]] bearn but soon Br~own, Christine Crockett ('hurch weîe ti eo hear becaLinerL very discouragecd as- Pora Pora Zinnia - dae bb cbldren sin gi bbc songs ite offýiciating lefi mucl hu b Krv iin aBos ler.i hisine t.bey had iearniedanid b OUcdsi.Thie fina:l score svas, Crncke>- t he'handicrafts they had bheen! C alendeeia- Kýiin tower.brsils raking a1Il week I-r. ,]aîîet Pi ownl, Crsie 'ok 'obe elcomed evrLAn e t a.xxib ,ih Mrs. Green1at bb Spider Plant Chi tîn iaobiecbildren ere leýd in jw1tsv t ro1n.Chri- ,oîIgsfaces oTtheasA lue Crockett. Kim 1o0ss er 1bcy7 sang bbeir soîîgs and( Carrllobs -daniet Bîos'ý . rI-peated1LI(thleir Bible verses Clirisline Crocketf. Kim B13w- cerauinly, att ested to the funO N % er. and e]y etthe cblîdren Congratulations to ail these li-d experienrced alweek. The Si«IGEVISIlON y ,oubhful competitors, it iS. eîîîjng wsa o oocasi(on Indeed. iîeartcning to sec sncb netori only for theboyan, od girls, and interest ta en in bhc buf also bor lý,bcprns pr(LCSand bcauty of' thejIvsýj soi]m cen, pastur f thc-3pts cartoon on theso o h ) Ipider'and tbbc Fiy at t1we end - - of which ic, iîkencd fbe HI PIC 01./ &A$LINE1$ BFAR temptabions of hfile bthe H1 PI 'THt 6AýLTNEI$HS8FN spider and warned [bbc cbild- a CHOICE 0F 65,BASIC FRAME 7-H BS7,1-ISHSB ren . îepresenbed by b t 10 eYOUR PRESCRIPTION, IN Wh PROVLC' BY CI./$TOMER heed bbce warnings ot t'heir 0 ONE YEAR, REPLACEMENT V bi familles and ricnds, irtepre- e YOUR CHOICE 0F CASE FROMj « sented by the buring bird, e 4 1îOZ BOTTLE EYEGLASS CLE te stav awav fromn sucbhý * BIFOCALS IN KRYPTOK. FLAT-TC i emptations. Af bbc cnid Iof the ex coing thechcildrcn gatbçrcd Latest mod, and rnelal style up their handwork and pr-olad adto iv carried il home.adtoa 'Iantaen Girls Soiftha 11teva M Lawesb prices on ispecialt sdayeeig u fM P 'e, 1c-4 w aste irls and Geasplaycd bbèit' irst kplayoff, AND RPAIRS L'log ofi e Tela gue staf hdingsW (,as %iotî'Oil- lu i iingadodn Newcastl.3r.XVlo e ,-10 in Gairden HuIils favor-. bhis game bas since been rotested by Nwateand iwcause Nexxcastle's protcst as upbcld will be played iain on Tuesday, Aug. 2lst on iull-aIgrounds -Welcome oid xxt ibineutrai uînps. ('a:n you imagine our sur- 'ise Monday when xve ans- wered tbbc ph1 onrie o fino urrahWaltoiýoron bbcother enid?. Not pboning front Flor ida as we reported last xvecl butý calling irom righbhere Se,ras George and Dureabi- are still visibing in and ar-ound bbc vilage and will be ding -sc (hem stili witb u-. and very snrry' we foofed. [ýCHAIMBER 0F COMMERRCE FaliFestival Day 1973 N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL 2nd Annual "Oktobec-rfes f Far;mers' ,'M,,lrket For further informatiion, at thiis timeý, contact, Chamber of Commerce atý: 987-42"'02 or 98,7- 5187 Newcastle Lions Club Auction Sa le WHAT CAN, YOU DONATE?? Basement to Attics!; Telephone: 987-4821 COME AND HAVE FUN!!! BIFOCALS EINCLUDES STYLES, SHAPES AND COLOURS HJTE, ROSE OR GREEN LENSES ViARRANTY AGAINST BREAKAGE A WIOE SELECTION EANING SOLUTION >P OR ULTEX STYLES es available aIt oniy $10.00 types of lenses and tints r ues., Wed., Thurs.. 9-5 Friday 9-9 Salurday 9-12 Noon Monday Closed Phonc,:7?28-1261 Zï

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