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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 13

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22, 1973 ,Cefter tothe 8ditor Durbani Federation of Agriculture Secretary cri- ticaïl of Bowmianville Coun- cil's; Decision on Hydro Uine - Outines Federa- tion's Position. Bowmianville's Town Counicil 's reported unani- mous approval of their ",generally speaking, Most Of Lus really don't give a hoot where i t goes", tm-oti6n re the proposed Lennox- Oshiawýa transmission lunes, has promrpted imet to write this letter. This kind of totally irresponsible action by a counicil on la matter this wî Il affect a ,large numiber of people simiply can not be tolerated. To dfecide on, a matýter is one thing but to decide in the way whIich Bowymanville Coýuncil acted is wýronig. 11ow, many nmembers of Couincil attended the Hydro meetings in Hamipton July 23rd or 24th or in Cobourg the following two nights? Hlow many read reports of thlese? If they did either of these one miust wonder how theyv reachied their decis- io:They are certainly going against the wishes of the majority of the people. ,'How miian-y memibers of Council would appreciate having a12 foot Hydro tower 90 feet from their door? This wilI happen in some cases. If the counicil- lors owned property or Sfarmns would they like a 6i25 foot severance through the middle of it'? These are only tw,ýo of the anticipated problems. There are many ni more. SThe type of action taken by the Bowmanville Coun- cil is exactly what Hydro is looking for to attempt to convince those opposed to their proposed corridors thiat there is nothing wrong wvith thiem. When we mheet with them- they ýwill be probab]y be quite pleased to Show us photostat copies of the motion or read it to us. They il also say that Council represents about 9,000 people. Are they going to believe us when we tell themn that Bowmnanville Council really doesn't give a hoot where it goes? 1 doubt it. Bowmanvîlle Counicil miust reconsider their mot- ion. If they are going to miake any decision they miust know mnore details before any proper decision is fortlicoming. Would mnemnbers of coui-ncil ap- prove of rural people gi ving their property w ay? k,,ton ~rhamFederati.on bas taken since the . Hydro meetings in Ha!mrpton and Cobopurg. On Wednjesday, August lst a meeting of ail ISM *BYAM PLUMIPING & IIEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO u Phone 263-2650 (Incividual Service Mlem- bers ) for Darlington, Clarke and Hlope Town- ships was held in Kirby Centennial School. Timie was spent revîèwing the abo'&e mentioned meetings. There was considerable criticîsm about the wayv these meetingsý were con- ducted. r.Mason Bailey, Chaiir-, mian of the OntarioFer- Lion of Agriculture Hy ýdro Comimit tee, was speaker for the evening. Mr. Bailey outlined waiys in whichi the farmners in the Huron- Bruce area have grouped together to attempt to get a fair settlement for the sanie line that will be going through their properties. They have hired a cons;ult- ing firm fvom Edmnonton to study the effect this line, \cudhave on farming operations and also the extenit their farms will be devalued w ýhen there is a severance across them.' Hy;dro will not attempt, f0 purchase land until the study is completed. Mr. Bailey stressed the need f0 get a good settlement in that area because if will set a precedent for the rest of the line. Two motions were pass- ed (1) The Federation is to submit a resolution to Hydro asking that a more northerly route be sought - less viable farms and less good agriculture land would be affected. (2) The Executive was asked to sec if Hydro would attend another county meeting and answer more ques- tions. The executive met the following day, contacted Hydro and a meeting wýas arranged for Friday, Aug- ust 3rd in the Agriculture Office. Ail ISM's attending the Kirby meeting were invited. Six re presentatives, most of whomi were at the Hampton and Cobourg meetings, from Hiydro and Commonwealth were at the Friday meeting. Hlydro again eniiiphtýsized that (1) they do not know the exact location of 407 (2) under- ground lines are not feasi- ble at this time. The methods used to obtain the proposed corri- dors in the County were discussed. Present propos- als affect much good agri- cultural land and a number of buildings. The ways in which Hydro weighed in- formation received f'rom questioninaires filled out during the first round were klue-stioned. The ileed f0 retain as much good agrîicultural land.as possible was stres- secL At the present time it would appear there is a shortage of food. Failure on the part of -Hydro and Government to retain good agricultural' land will only increase. the shortage of food. Hydro lines can be moved but there certainly is no way to move good agricultural land. The Federation stressed the need to seek a mTore northerly line. Common- wealth assured us they would do more field studies fü see if another route affecting less good land could be found. An exten- sion for thie submission of briefss also requested. Fý_rm reports in your paper Iast week if now appears Hlydro will propose another corridor. The Fed- erafion will hold a meeting for ISM\',s in the Agriculture Office on Thursday, Sep- tember 6th. We hope a t thaf time to have more infor- mationi as to where Hydro proposes a new corridor. I thank you for vur anticipated cooperation n outflning thie position of thle Durhamn Federation of Ag- riculture. We doC give a hoot on this important miatter. Vours sincerely, Don Welsh, Sceay R.R ,Bowmlaniville. WESLEY VILLE These beautiful days ofi Auwgust.are being enjoy,ýed by' everyone butfnot[bydoing things that require reporfing, so no neWs went f romr here las;t week, and the main happen- ings are stili usual sme work. The women of the househld are busy lilling freezers which take the place of mnost of the canning arid preserve making of other days; men are comrbiing lçin the fields throughi the long sumrmer days. Church service ati ecm was weIl attended for summrer Sundays and held in the church. Last Sunda's ý4Joint service was af, the homne of Mr. and- Mrs H. Harris, Canton, and held in the sunshine and breeze under the maýjesti~c maIpleýs which are oni the spacious lawns fhere. All three outdloor services , this year havte enjoyýed fine weath- er. Service at Garden HilI church next Sunday wvill end the joinit services for' the season. Welcomie choir wvas back on duty after ifs summner recess. A few, fromn here attended the meeting sponsored by Ontario Hfydro last week to hear deta ils of thie operation of the proposed oit fired ln here. Most elyil people have been welcl inform-ed through niegotiation)s for their land, and hbyiîferature receiv- ed. Manyv of those who were direct]y affected have left the neighboroodifor esîdenice elsewhere(. Exploratory work is still being done, b)oth on thle acéess road and 'the site ifsel1f. The area required for this road will cause no disruption of buildings. Friends attenided the visit- ing hours ai, the Ross fLuneral chapel and the funeral servJice, last Friday for the late R. R. Elliot. AMr. Ellio)t was mninister on this charge at the ouf b)reak of the last war and was called awvay for armry service. Among those things f'or wiceh he is remnembered wifh appre- ciafion, were the excellent Bible study courses hie held here. Earl Ashby recently enjoy- ed a trip to Waterloo, Iowa, with about 80 other menl to see a John Deere factory there. *The trip.was sponsored by the company. Thle commnunity was sorry to hear la)st weeke of the death of Mrs. Vivien Duffett in Tor- onito. Mrs. Duffetf wvas the daý-ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker who acquired one of the new homes on the lake- shore near the town line. A neighbor recently had trouble with some -,4,na1 desýtroying vegetables so set a trap and was amazed to catch a pair of weasels. These little creatures seemied to disap- pear after thie day,,s \when a hen, wýandered about with ber own littie flock of cbickens. Is it possible tbey have becomne vegetarians? Mir. and 'Mrs. E'. Karvonien, Melody and iDaniel visited With] Mtrs. E. Barrowclough on Sundayý. They had just return- ed fro a oldayinFinan and hait lots to tell of the different way of li .e ithere. Language was not too great a barrier and f-hey heard and0 saw mnuch of' the hardships and sufflerings ofl the lasf w,ýar. Il was diifficult to adjust to the, whenthywrupiLaard The only unhappy part oif the trip for the children was comning homne f0 find that their much lovedl cat, which had in the providing of compensa- tion., PREMIERS MEET Cana;dai's 10 provincial premi ers met ini Charlotte- town filast week flor a two-day annual confere D)iscussions during the first day focussed 0on energy and particularly on t1huefderal gvernmentS ene Msud tabIed in the ,Commions ear-lier this year. The peir have decided to cail for a fedieral- provincil conference on meergy for the beginning of 1974. Other matters discussed included health care financ- ing, regional developmnent and offshore fîshing. onibergIa R-7 21/2"~ thick. Easy-to-handle rolis or batts. Reg. 6.7e sq. ft. Now: Fibergias is the ideal * insulation for the tough Canadian climate. In winter, Fibergias insulation cuts down 5 M on heat loss-you 5.6 q get greater comfort, RI- 13 i2" thick. Energy-saving plus you'll save on batts or rols. Reg. 9,9tý sq. ft. Now: fuel and power bis yearroud cmfor. Rg. 9.3esq.f.Co frisis: sund in fuel onsution. iD .4 ôyu Effocent, lihbeight, 8 04Sq'il.incoustibhle - thes R-2 6 tic.Sq.r-tic fr.oarjut atfew of th NOE: ridcson forergla,(s extýcellent souns you insuatin, tus' areforfuilcaronssuld un es ederas ande roilu, only. OP N T UR .& fR1.nt igtweg 'TILbustblep.m.s TOSiEYOaBTT re utafwo h i ulation FREE The Prelimiïnary List of Electors for The Village of Port Perry, Township of Reachi, Township of Scugog and Township of Cartwright. <Area Municipality of the Trownshlip of Scugog> Prepared as required by The Municipal Elections Act, was publicly posted in the office of the Micipeal Clerk on the l7th day of August, 193 Electors should examine the list to ensure that their namies and relevant information are correctly shown. Complaints in the nature of requests for additions or corrections to or deletions from the list mnay be made by an elector completing and fiing a form obtainable at the office of the Clerk for'each of the above respective municipalities. > "he Iast day for filing, fornis requesting additions, corrections or Deletions: LAST DAY FO1R APIPuALS AUGUST 27th, 1973. J. N. erodie, Municipal Clerk, and Returning Officer. loi jji

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