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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 5

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Nichais Motors Salesmen Receive Awards Three salesm~en f rom Roy Nichols Motors Ltd. received awards at aý din.,ner held at the Flying Dutchman lastwek Presid'ent Fred Owen. (left) is shown with Ross"Ae Richards, and Fred Endley, G.ýM. District Sales Manager. Ted Miller and Harold Michelson als.o were presented Vith memibersh'-ips ,in the Senior Sales Masters Club and Mr. Richards was named a Grand Sales Master and presented wvith ai bronze plaque and a Longines watc. __ _______ E NISKLL E Master ames Avreter- taied eveal riendics and their mothers on Thursday, oeccasion bewing his 3ud. i day. CongratuJltions James Mr. and Mrsn E.R. Taylor attended the Mountljoy icî at the homieofM anMr Judy, andLuvîslitedMu ville, Mr. and Mu-s RoyWru andi amySudbury, and holidayed aactgeo Manitoulin Iands,latek Mr. andMu.FPeic Scarboro, wr audyvs toswith Muand tMrs S.R The Canada Post Offl fo ter ovyneo incusie.Tenderis w anry person '21 Years Of buisiniess firms 1resàii a reasoniable dlistance by, this mail service. CI of tenders in ÇToont( September, 1973 at 3' FuS particulaus as to he d(A et c.-, may e otined fromt Onta rio. or from th iIle Directoi Postl ReionRoom430, 2 Otaré In M5IAS ofee Pethîck. and Mus. Don1ld irab and Mu. and Mrs C. Avery, John aib aieor.wcuc ere- and James, Mu . and Mus. en istuaLM. ams Muruay M'I'arshall and girlsL Lms.Wlim am spi(Satýurday eveniîîg ith remîne fo a ew holidays. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Eagle TrntMcPr and Ms. Fre son, Baýýiieboro. TIý-t,:uýd_ýr.Fe Mu. anid Mus. Rov Sp)ry and Blett, Searbo1ý,ro, werc callers Timy,i M ýr.and Mus. Frank on Fîa nn tMu. and Spuy RchPst~ N v.weue Mus. o eGl iatwek\isitors at Mr. and Sunday dinnier guesis of Mr. Mrs.ý E Wright's. Mus. F. Spiy and Mus. E. R. Tayiýlor were ueandfor holidays. Mr. and Mus. Ll1oyd Siemon, Mr. an Mrs. Wayne Beck- Fred and Susan, Haydon, Mr. et1. Peonny and Pauline were and Mrs. Eveuett Mnuntjoy, Sudy supper guests of Mur tuhnn ak ani Mus, Loran Pascoe, Dale Mu. and Mrs. R. Howe and and Robert. Oshawa. family visited with Mu. and Mu. and Mus. Afan Wray Mus. Harvey, Howe, Beaveuton and tamrily. Bowmanville, Mu. onl Sundayý.' Misses Ptii and Gai] and Mus.Ral > 1LMb an Mu11. and Mus. Kaul Piper, and Kathy, Maple Guove, weue Sunday dinnier guests nf Mu. and Mus. Kc»ith MeGill. Miss Elva Orchard, Mur. and ice is inv iting tenders Mus.. Milton Stainton weue Uer unday afteunoon visitou.s of f 1u Majestyý's Makil Murs. A-na Peuigoe, Caeýsauea. Rout No 2.1hiisssDarla Lamb, spent toSaturda oldyswthMs.Du il1 be accepted from Mus. James Petti and Tanyýa fage or older or from Moncton, N.B., Mus. W. E Sanderson. Columbus werE ig or operating with-iù> Satuuday evening callers ai eof the area covered the E. Wrights. losing date for receipt Mu'"I. and Mus. Murray Mar shall and girls, Master Johr o0 is Wednesday, sth Avr, spenacopefdy .00 .M. ithMu. and Mus. Do] Hare-MxwelLondon. tai oftraeltederf orriS. Mu. and Mu\Is. E. R. Tayloi taie ni tuaetenr fos, attended a presentation foi )he ContaDstruiat, Oshawa, Mus. Donald Bickle (nec Jun( r, entalDisric, ntain Taylo1r) Blackstock. i Front St. West, Torontoý , Mu andMus. Leïonar( houe 416-369-317.3 Saitoand Mus. ,E-Staintoi vwuc v 1isitrsonSundiay witi Mu ad Mu. Eie Stifintor LOshaxt V, CEARNCESALE 26,1 instant al ly Color TY Transformer Power Chugsis Solid State AFC with StereCO SOUnd RU2LT.71HU 8 TRACK TAPE PAE 180 S 39.00 Valu '-re with purchasro Admirai Coloir"T.V. illustrated ab5oveý. 42,6 SIMCOE S. Master Brent Clernens, Ke Hampton speut hoiidays with an hîs grandparents Mu. andlieof Mus . jE. Wrightl. gi Mu. and Mus.- Lloy d Ashtop, Haydou, Mu. and Mus. E. A. Weruy, were Sunday calieus at Mu. and Mus. R. McGills. Mus. Marie Tobin, Cobourg, en spent the weekend with heu WE parents Mu. andI Mus. F. fai Draper.1 Mu. and Mrs. Carence He Stainton. and famnily weue MI Sunday vistous with Mu. and ' Mus. Charley Stainton, Bob- PC caygeon. Ti Veuy pieased to report Mu. oý Athur Brunt is imuvng LE nicely at the Western osial, Torontob Mu. and Mus. Albert Hu-gh- v 1es, Miss Shelley Hughes, Bi Calgary, Alberta, Mu. and Mus. G. F. Beech, Bnwman- gu vile, Mus Keith Wouden and>w Richaud,'Bowmanville R.R. 2, so twerc guests of Mu. and Mus. 0. C. Ashton. g( We regret sincerely to leaun ci of the tractor accident causing m If bone, fractures for Master James Weuuy and Master E dKeith Kellyv of Blackstock. Our ni e wish is fou a reasonably Scomfouitablle and speedy re- covery. in t La Belle Province de Que- sbec will hv upletasant B 1memories for MUAlan, J. w a Weury who luckiiy e.scaped 1,~peusonalinijuuy wheu his car e w as wuecked near Montreal. SI Lt t coule have heen fatal Allan 'T but we are uealhy happy that Il the nid cliche is applicable fou v In you that "a miss is as gond as I rsa mile" A gond attendance continues iE at our sehool fou the summer,, r i-w-,eekhy classes of cuafts and 0 rsports. Our yong swimmeus d eare puoguessîng satisfactouily dat Cedar Park classes also. a ýna h PONITYPOOL ' Danni ,Mitekell son of Mu. and Mus. Maurice Mitchell, iss récuptrating at home fnlow- ing surgery ou hîs kuee. Danny was injuued when he feIl off a motor-bike. Mu. and Mus. Carl Wilckens and family of Willowvdale have moved into their new home on the lst Concession of Mauveus.r Mu. and Mus. Clarenice Phead- weih of Ajax wilI also be moving into the viciuity thisc week. They have puuchased the C. ýFallis home. We welcnme both families into the community ý. We - the C. Falhis hope to be in our new home by Thursday. We weue very happy to uead of the honor hestowed upon Mu, and Mus. Floyd Stinson, by the city of Moose Jaw. That would cetainiy be a niost memorable experieuce. The Park Board Field Day and Dance was' hehd ast Satuuday There weue feweu enfuies in the parade than usual and ont ton many people in the park lu the afternoon. However those pueseut did see two gond bail games. Yclveu- ton hadies phayed a team fuomn Bowmanvîhhe and our '"Ohd Timers" took ou the Jr. Men.. Even Ted Graham tgok his t uru at bat. The hall was filhed fou the dance with music supplied by the Bistow or- chestra. The home ni Mu. and Mus. Bart Meddï has taken on a uew look. Other buildings lun the village have been ue-duessed with fuesh coats of paint. Congratulations to Mus. Tom Badluk who won the uccent duaw hehd by the Su. Men's bail team. Mu. and Mus. Laruy Bradley and family and Mus. Helen Brown and Denise were guests at their neice's wedding- in Omemcee on Satur-day., Mr .111d Mus,. Harvey Aikens adTmhave hadi as their guest, Mus. Cuetr a sisteu Wcaesorry to hear that E.Vanhaverbeke hias been hospita1iized affte failing from a kilo and breaking his leg. The fîust- puesident :of the LONG SAULT Mr. Eveuett Gallagher, kefieid, spent Sunday with ssister, Mus.G. Bernard. (buoughit Paul 3eunard )rrue after spending 2 wveeks Iidays with him, on. his .uun home he took Dannyý urnard with hiMi,lhe i s aiso u ing to sbPetit 2 weeks Iidays ihhis unicle.n )n Sunday, 1Mu. and Mus. ye Gibson jouuneyed te alto)n Airpout wliere with ýir daughter Mu.Ir and Mus. umian Davis- and fam1ily, îteuloo, Miss B)renda iCairu d several fuieýnds Ifiomi, aterioo, saw thieir grand- àughter, Miss Jennqifer Davis âc off via B.O.A.C. jet for ngland where she is to spend 'cee weeks with relatives- îre. M'r. and Mus. H. Baker and si rls, Oshawa, Mus. Keith obie and boys, Mu. and Mus. P uce Baker and Para, Buuk- li ,n, Mu. and Mus. John Baker .d boys were guests of Mr. id Mus. G. Baker celebrating ýan and Bruce's biuthdays. Mr. and Mus. F. O. Smith, owmanville were Satuuday ipper guests anid MU. and -s. J . C . Cook weue Sunday ippeu guests ni Miss Grace mith. Mr. and Mus. W. Vaneyk ere Sunday'guests of Mu. -and [s. A. Vandtyk, Bradlfoud. Mr. and Mus. John Dennis, unone, Mus. Mary Watson, ronto weue Sunday supper ests of Mu. and Mus. G. ovacs and girls. Mr. and Mus. JamesRwa d boys, Tyrone, wý-eue Suni- y supper guests of the Johin Lkeu's. Miss Guace Smith visited er aunt and family, Mus. J. ~dGoodwood, on Fuiday nd' as a Fuiday supper guest î fMu. and Mus. Roy MlýcLau- - hin, Blackstock. HAYDONM Mu. and Mus. NIicheal Stu- nge, Scaubouough sýpent the iekend with the Ross Ashton Mu, and Mus. Jack, Histed, amlon isited Mu. and urs. Jaick Pntts and family. Mu. and Ms Jim Ashton, lort Erie, Mu. and Mus. Jim id Mu. Trick's sister, shwvisited Mu. and Mus. ,slc Guahlami. Mu. andIMr-s. Doug Black- iteidMu an Mu.W lackbuuunon Sundai Mu. and Murs. George Feu- .ison, Hlageusvilhe, speut the eekend with the Roy paiýter- ;n family. - Mu. and Mus. Walteu &34id- 5ett, Bowrnanville, were re- ,ent dinner guests of heu nother, Mrs. A. Thom-pýsou.M SMu. and Mus. Gordon Taylor Enfield, weue hast weej< vîsit- us at Mus Tomso's Mus. Walter BuidOgett and Mus. Gordon Taylor are visit- ýg relatives in, B.C. Mus. Gien Thompson, Mus. B001:,m11, CntnPlace, Teue last Satuuday' visitous atý Nlus. Thompson's.« Mus. F. A. Osmrond and Mus. Smith, Mu. and Mrli'. E. R. Thompsnn, Mur. and Mus. D. looper, and Noei, Bowmnan- ville weue recent visitous Lat Mus. Thompsou's. Neil Blackbuun, accompiian- id Mu. and Ms Wayne Blackburn and Susani of Orono on a camping trip fou a few Lays. Mu. and Mus. J. Potts, Mu., and Mus. Fred Ashton, Mu. and Mus. Bert Ashton, Mu. and Mus. Clayton Read and boys were Sunday supper gucsts ni tirs. A. Rcad. Allan and Grant Ashton, spcut a few dayýs wîýitMu and VIrs. Micheal Strenge, Scar- bnuough. Mu. and Mus. W. Blackburn, Cauol, Dale, and -Neil spent Sunday eveuîng with Mu. and ,Mus. Wayne Blackbuun and Susan, Orono, and had aý couni roast. Mus. W. Martin Suniset Lodge, Bowmianville, spent -S-nA- wIu. _AndMs.1 73-77 KING ST. WEST il -(§) E LTO Hîghway 2 two miles west of Bowmanville WE US MKEROOM FOR THIE '74,MODELS 8I6 DISCOUNTS - GOOD SELECTIONONAL 623-2586 JEFFREY'fS SU PERETTE OPEN TILL 10 P..] 7 DAYSAilWEEK 83KIETYS 623-5879 STEPHEN reaîîy FUELS RISING PRICES UItT HAROLD KNIGHT' TW Federal oermn New Pr-op..ý has undertakein to deal wvith 138 Wharf Rd. ising fond'piceýs and to lessen (bowmanitvillîe fhi e fcý in ons. It thxedir cfes.o epl ih 623-5410o Prime Minister Trudeau announced a thuee-point pro- guam, assuuing CanadfiansMcGREGOR "there is nshoutage( o fon Canada. nou wilî any e I... DRUGS aloe odeveiop". . tempouary contuols on beef CONTEST P CA ani pouk expouýts olnd age pensions and B ROMO SE LI inom sppemntpayments Family Size wil increase quauteuly r'ather Rg 13 thani annually --- a p)ensioner quite now ueceiving $100 monthly This Week Or wili receive $105.30 on Octoberl KING ST. W. 1 ______________________ - strengthening 0f the Fond FOR EM1NERGE1 Prices Review Board and giving itpoweu to inivestigate SERVICE CA] individuai, food price incereas- es. Art Evans or Mark Comments on the goveuýn- 623-41566 7 ment's measures vauy. PERCYS Atsi Pl-op. A ts i PERtCNYLUXT(N BEAUTY 623- 2500t TuneUps - Geix. Repa irs SALON Licensed Mechaniic Mon. thru Fri. Sat 8a. -6 pm.Soft Sumimer Perm Sun. 10 .mk. - G f. Ili 146LIBERTYS Re.25$55 MORTOR Ld Standar d Perm j MOTOR Ltd. Reg. $15 0.5 If)!FORD SPECIAL 4-rpower steering phone either and brakes. Nearîy RUDY -INDA neW tires. Safety, KATHY..JAýNET SPECIAL $1295 aor MI A NEWCASTLE for ai] appointmnen 333 KING ST. EAST Food Market :ontest Specials myself!' LEAN WELL TRIMMED RIBR STEAKS Id lfo t e$ 1 .5 9 McGREGOR HARDWARE Your ONE STOP FLOORING iCENTRE I 95 KING W. 623-2542 i ;OTE: (ur Jug tops or SUDDADUAL1TY gnature froni ANV of ourQULT d«Oducts ý aIid in this contest STATION & Y()U C(A NTR tUST A ejnn stead of entry forrin. GufCRWS WET NMor Try our pure New Prop.Pit APPLE or ORA NG ;E Stan Suddaî dPAN-LPAE JUICE Flying Dutelimfan Inn ioaig pcait in the new 80 oz. 401 & Liberty Sts sc 12 returnable botties YES! We have the neýv el Glen ae Dir noney game cards! WESTEN5TIR 85 KING W. 63-3134 5 igW. 6353 M ODHRKu,0 ATERIALS nurl SEE OUR EWSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OF 7IKinSt. NEWt FALL 'Plastic Table Cloths Oven Mitis East STYLES Dish Cloths - Household Utensils' 80KING W. '623-2826 67 King Street East 623-2546 623-5019 TIM'S RENT - A LL "We reint al most ever ythling(" SALES and SERý%VICE We rent anPd sel)i most types of equipment by the day, week or month for home or industry. 623-4321th 55 King St. E. at Division Bowmanville BRESLI N'S LADIESe WEAR CONTEST SPECIAL! Our final SUMMER CLEARANCE SAL E CONTINUES! 7 King W. 623-5854 I A NMLII (to W el t1 silkrsh mg1azi NIgift-M 3'Moi VARIETY Supplies- g StW: Apollo BY BW( "test drive one to-day!" - ROY NICHOLS Motors CHEVROLET i SALES-SEIC TZER 'NCY LL udi fn Borutskie Bwavle Courtice ~8-253 63-256 -728-6206 -7VâîM.lmVweMr 24" B 3position swn-out spit and niotor. 166 KING EAST LUMBER Co. LtdR $13.49 ;23 .31388 McDONALD'S VARIETY il Ki NG EAST peWeekay 9a. .-I .i l'Iisee' FERTILIZER BoMvle the Cartoon" CONTEST R1, ES:Pick 0ont1i03, sua XY1lwORDS lu om o e- a.ilý correcly îarr-angcî ed bey il1 lïiake up thec aptoio fortht- (àaitoon., Prinit ýor nseron an ntryforim lfron m ~cî adsrtin ad mIl orbin g to tht- CotesiEdior.1 h secod0,d tid s ill eal ieci ea rca, g dýi i te ache'Ni î bcomlt an o oficiaI contit altrvlorn or eco U prodbi-ýu-tvsigntmre fiom \ N)l ( i, tliait, produet. tbis - cutîtesi sdill appt-ar weel uill peîbr101h, 197:1 affr' which the grand prizea. lfor $1lW000 $25.1W tht-que te 903 four contest asponsors aslchosen b iwinner will be made fromJ ail entries recived. Viher detiails will bie publishied later in The Statesnitin. Regu 8,990 SE[ IT A MARYANNEISI FABRICS Open ail day Wednesdays BUTTER1CK andt VOGUE SEINGCH-,;ïfINES EA- WHITE -1 - Sale 719 1 C23-4351 'CON TEST SPECIAL! PRINTED CRIMP1 60') and 70"' d Wide $ 9 d 33 KING W. 31 Kini, PHONE

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