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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 6

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Senator Jim Coyle Reports WOn helburne Fiddie Contesl' IiîSen tor 'Coyle at 7o' dock, the samle nighit, the WNe taped the wvhole showý For 19 of the 23 years that fiddle contest started fior the and if fthere hiadt been,, a clas.s fihe annual Sheiburne Fiddle best 10 fiddlers in the open for, the top) 10 fîddlers of in,ý rContest hias been field, we've class, lady fiddlers a nd yo)ungge."(1 would ha1ve pickIedRd been reclainiig reports of the sters 1m and Linder and '12 and Màeeks, Ele anor MAoorehe(,ad, event to Statesmnan readers. under. This event concluded ia Ed GukJohlny Mooring, Th'iisyear-,therea,ýremanyneýv the wee smnall hours of DonalReed, Cha rlie Joýce, angles to report. 'Thle show bas Saturday morning. Saturday Johnny Givensr Wilfred Qillis, grown 50sofantastically that it nigbt, the 10 top fiddlers Wayi ýne Rieàh i and Gerald is becoming too large for the played off and three wv'ere Joyal. Bruce E"lliott o)f lBow- area in whicb it is beld. declared winner. Judges f'or nv nýilie Jambhoree famew the ".Hyland Park atone had over, the 1973 contest were: Jack fly left-hand idýdler inthe 1,000O camping trailers, trucks Montague, Chairman; Hlarold contestr did a g-reat job foýr hisý and cars and it was impossible Sumnburg and"Bob Woods. first timie in top fligh 'lt comIIpe- to estimnate the numrber of Wnners ln' the contest wer.e itii. Many Duirhiam countyf ~epeople thiere. The horse show as follows: ýOpen lass. Rudy fans miade thQ trip and 1 lfeel vtbat inyvears gone by has been Mâeeks, Johnny Mooring andi certain tbey alIhada vi eldin he ai grunçs, as d yurki. Ladies : 15-year- wonderful time. '~cancelled. old Kathy Ferguson, Dorothy, SThe wveather was hot and in Houston and Matîlda Mur- SOr th Patrs ail uili 1974. 0the arena where ',!e conte-st is dock; 65 and over: Tommy lvSheiburne is to be cnrtlt fi eld, the large, brligbtil lights McQueson AmeMlgnit dwen you con"sider that being used by television crews adJmsMCo;18 antUd they started 23,earas ago( asadedsomuiicbhl)eattbatitwas under: 13i11 Sitbf David wihony20fd iesad ithýe quite ucofrtb e e Os Hammi-ond l andlci Bo bby howthis ýyear hlad 136 ;en1tres;, wsthere truhu the LaLonde;ý 12 and under': rayofte nw oung' il tree-day e'vent. preRarîg batRobet Reed, Ricky Cormnier fiddlers wichi spea]ks weill'for rdocumlentary thiat wil1l be and Karen Reed. the fûiture. shiown somfetimle in October. It oflue the bgwhoe ekend. C V;&A l infusthe whl ek ena ton ie h1 ~ u t v or camericias were allso thene i s o o W r ~taking a great mraniy pictures uwIe othat were shown on Chaninel 9. SIf you hiave neyer attended W Mi U r n e ýthis ra h youd be Permission to work will be ain existing Job oir an ofro amlazed at the amounit of work granted to people who are permanent job; an)effort at 'the people of Sheiburne puit elîgîble to apply for landed seif-imiprovemlent, such as ,into it. The service club-s are imimigrant status under nen, upgrading occupational quali- 'deeply involved, the citizens legisiation to adjuist the immii- fications or learnnng Englislb »are fiendlyv and open their gration status of persons who or French;ý owning a business homnes to visitors just as ït may be in Canada illegally or that hias or is likely to become ,,ays on the large signi as you as visitors, Mlanpower and wel established in Canada. enter the town "Welcome to Immigration Minister Robert Othen factors, such as V'iddlevýile", They do every- Andras announzed recently. famlily relationships 'with fling tbey can Io nmake you Such persons have '60 days with Canadian citizens or wvelcomre, righit downt to the fromn August 15 to apply under residents will also be -taken Jolks who (do the parking aniid the a_-djustment pnogram. into consideration. the police. The atmiosphere is This means that.any person "L should be miade clear," ýo friendly that it is nio wonden who came to Canada illegally Mr. Andras said, "thiat this is the show. keeps gnowing every, or as a visitor on or before the last opponttuity for people year. November 30, 1972, and has living in Canada, or here as. There shiould be some remrrained bene since, can vi.sitors, to gain permanient changes for aniother yean. A apply for lanided immligrant reusidence while in the counitr. new; arena must be bujît or status at a Canada Immigra- Any person whio is eligible to týere will have to be a second tion Centre or a Canada apply, and who does not do so, contest in the park. Thene was MIanpower Centre Up to mid- runs' the risk of being detected so much music being pîayed in nighit October 15, 1973. Effec- and deported without appeal.,' th~e park wbile the contest was tive August 1,5, Immnigration on that you could beiar it Centres will be open from 8:00 E H N d~nowover the arenia a.m., to 8:00 p.mi., Mondays show. Jim Connors and bis thirou gh Frida s and fronig:00 n.r and Mrs. Clairenc(-e goup entertai-for free in the a.m-. t :0 n Saturdays. On Rowanii arrived homne after Park and tbèy certainly put on Mlonday, Oc-tober 15, Canada sp)ençinga week in Bost on anld a- great show, rImigraition Centres, wil I Cape Cod. On Friday afternooni, Aug. remlain open until rpidnight, Mr. ndMs. Carl Smitb 10tb, the class of youig and old Mlr. Andras, in announicî isitedwith àMr. and Mrs. was bandled fromn 2 to 4. Then the ruling on perpission IC n, OUR N - WRE( The, increase ih causes more fi dfents. flighýer' miedical chavrgeý aluto repairs -i awar.,dS - ail ai the, auto insu! Sober, safer', Im< driviig canrv pens iVe and deýsti homes Il!5 AgencgJ. 24 Kino St. E., 90 WMAN VILLE, DOUGLAS S. JAftI Office 623-568 eidence 623-50, Mawork saidworWe wiss to Ernest 1Bowen, Urono. eneorag thoe poplewho Mrs. Cal1 Ponteous, MIrs IEW CAR ae enore lage tbo s peole oBelle Smlitb, Mrs. Emeor' qrbrelegyoa vst r Sitb, and Mrs. Normai C ~ ~ t KED " btake avnaeof ftbe Esie CKED?-" opporîunity 10 become estab- BraifbwaiteCavani-v s1e with Mrs. Gordon Mfatt. 4v - , -lisbied in Canada. By enabling Bwavle sucb people 10 seek work MnesCic* iegally or Continue ni nipl oy- AtIa cnvers Cuni Cli ii ment after applyig for landý-ed een avrscu immigrant status, w,,e hope i.timeetingÉ the aplictoa is mad clea thalall t on bebaîIf of Stoulffylle Trailer is mae den tht1lths Ltd. to develop a Mobile Hiomij whlo apply wiil be dea ihPîk~a acpe.9 ce ~eneru~iy" .)n the east-baff iot ainle - Pre-registration slarted in cneso iebsbe June Todate7,56 peplerezoned to allow the develop- baverecrdedIber wib ~ment of the park. take advantage of the chiange Tetne fSmn he of mmiraionstausprog- Mealws accepted for sup- ranil. Thiese people bave a,657 ilnaîmal 0dependants, bringing the total pyn n ntliganwo benoled o unnace in the Town,,sbiip Hiall. number of pensons ii,;eis The Towýnsip Fine Chief fan, 1o 13,243. wasttliol-izedi !")bave Lup t "f arn pleased witb thetbe mnatndteFe aimber of people wbo bave Sebool ] Cbugfrfu already indicated tbeir desire asinSpeir Eci.n i auto traffie Ctaii"_r nrssi to regulanize tbeir status in dayineteben0.o Eacb man requent acci- -"Tbese people and those wbo' loss of imie and the township hospitaland apyb heOcoer1 ilpay ftie- mileage for one ,s - costlier deadîine wiîî receive eveny aiutomyobile ta transport the higfringjuryconsîderation. No applicant Cgnuraly. eene re frcin UPwill be penalized for batving Cordawopesnda ance rates. etrdo frr i ii proposed subdivision plail for re courteous etere ocounn l'leay." 'er-se this ex- tBesCnesrqDirecto"v. rmetive trend. M.Adras explained thlat B sn s ietr pensons wbo do not apply byho- ___________ Oie October 15 deadline wl ]ose the igbt 10 qualify for- A c ou nlta n C Y ~~ ~landed immigrant status WMJ.HCOG S 5UIWIle wbilinl Canada and the rigbî Chartered Accountant Sto appeal any deportation 15LbrySre ot *~IT~fI order to the independent 15LhrySre ot -d Immigration Appeal Board. Bowmanvllîe Box 100 The 'Minlister said thiat any Phane 6923-3612 ONTÂRIO applicattWho shows evidence WILA .H L Ibat be;cani become establish- B.Coni.-n. ed la Canada "will almnost Chaxtered Accountanit cetainly succeed in obtaining 361/., ing St. E., Oshawa 23 N.,- landed imrmigrant status,',ý Sucb evidence could include Tlpoe7563 E I NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING ON ALL ONTARIO TERRAIN VEHICLES SPONSOR- The Select Commîit- tee on rMoûtorized Snow Vehicles and Ail-Terrain Vehicles PURPOSE:, To discuss the fut- ure of Ail-Terrain Vehicles ( Mini-Bik- es, Trail Bikes, Dune Buggies, etc.) in Ontario. LOCATION. Sherwood Roomn Greenwood Towers Mlotel, Port Hope DATE: August 22, 1973 MEE TING STARTS: 8:00 pa. EVERYONE WELCOME Persons wishîng to appear before the Committee or to file a brief should communicate their intentions to the Clerk of The Select Comimittee on Mlotorized Snow Veiceles and Ah1-Terrain Vebicles. I-UMSE 553 MÏOWAT BLOCK PARLIAMVENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 182 Clerk: Chairman: Andrew Richardson Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Tel.: (416) 965-2347 -~ IR Chiropractie à. EDiWiN MANN, D.(". Ofc:Chiropractr 15 Elgiri Streét corner of Horsey Strc-&- Phonie 623-5509 Office 1Houx-s: By appointmtent -Dental DR. ANGL'S M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St,. Bowmanville (near Domiioit Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East ProfessJional Bldig Office Houx-s: -Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 Tf busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. ,.22 King St. E., Suite 106ý Professional Bldg. 1B0wrnanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M~. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 Xin-g St. E, Bowmaxxville Office Houx-s: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Plone 623-5790 .8 .y ICA BLUE Powdered letergent FI Cri ORANGE, G iiettlanv. A further study is to be madýi(e to determine if a cetrlwater syýstem would be required wnd the s-ize of lot reune f inldividual wellh [or 10be used. Thew Coulter Heigehts subdi- v11iinat Pontypool bas noxx beenirenamed as ,Corbet The su of $500 was gen to eac1 bail! eam in Manvers Townhipplaying, in anl oran- izedl leag Pin1973 Governo r Kiwýaiîis fosObw a bennominlated for- tise position of gvro-lc of ise E-1sten Canada and C'ib istrict ofKiwa- nis finternational 1for 1973:- lanl McNab is the, pre'sent Lieu tenan t-Gvro of fte Pine R'idge D)istrict, whichl iludsom nili l the lectionsll itake place j', it mndsor next ~e end. Thé Lake Ontario Chaper ofW ions them a, oic, in aI theAssciaionof Profesý-afir of the provinciafl groupii! sina Egieesof Otroisicu ite anual election onie of Centradlmîontari ost oif a president and otherI active professionail groups officens. This year the associ- with mebesipadpatc ation is hede p by an pation in %virtualy eeryOifari Idro engineer, . " (omni the district. Jamles Mouillt, ! . g. and thie This atxiyis a îelcto oclcape -hairman is of the Aincreýaing noie of the Barry I Cordenl . P. En, of Port enginleer in society an fope.ý invýof%lemenlt that touches the, NI'ot i rrîinlagood ives of il citizen's. A pro!es- nmany nînesare fouindin sional l uignerbs helped such dvre lsas bnig shape Levery ýappliance AInthe teacin'g, eicnretailan kitchen, very car n thetHuarts. An enginrisb y stroet~ nd every brick i a nre n d ta)ning a logical bouse. and aalical person whas But thfil e rsactîvity learned to apply imagination goes beyonld consIumer g'oods an1d iceativity to the problem- intio huge hydro and lming Solv ing proce'Ss. This is a projects, into He, desiga of' talent vallued iniu\etryfield of artificial limbIIs for cl-ipled hu iman endeav\or. -cideintoi control 0fcir i, Mosî professional engin- aind wae olto.crhoueen, practice Aone' The APEO is Ontario's of the fi"etrdiioalbranich- largýest professionial ogaiz s of egieein m iil engin- tion - over 34,000 memibers. eeninAg, ad-echnial i The Lake Ontario ChapterisY dustrai, elecnical and chemn-t one of q42 in)Ontario, through ical engieerin. A m ltiudle which engineers partîicipate in otf variaions <i11i these a firs of the associatin. Thdiscpins-acrospace en- 80 SPECIAL" MOKELY FANCY >rn (CREAM STYLE) o)r ~aS (HONEY Lias POD) 180 SPECIAL" VALIANT lavor' Vstals !RAPE OR LEMONADE Fruit Cocktail 2 oz.F AYLMER CH61CE i 1 s a Increasing léEin Oý -îînt, bac-k to 'the eanliest snes of roads and barbons. VPerhaps one of the Province's -most îllustrious engineers, was a Polish immigrant, Casimir 4 5Gzowski, whose work in the ur oce1 represented the ern ergence of g1 enîgan ioe ica - engineering friom "rule of gîneenîngo, or ample - are thubr practices to sound' c o n ta n î x d e v i o p n g e le n- te c h no lo g ic n 1 p r in c ip le s5. tu li t b co e ful-bow nl Som e people were rei c ant eninerngbranches them-, to accept bis advanced tech- selves.niques and on one iccasion, The evuthionj of new eng in - the citizens of one Ontaio eeîgsciences is a relativeýly community questioned the rcent ph1ýenIon on, f safety of a new bridge pvracticeof egieerngxvs Gbsk ad bult, on the forceuiea mi itrfunegoudsthat it lokdtoo tion, concenne d vwi ih constnuc- spideÎry. Complete confidence tion of otfiain roads was, restored when balteries of' and brdgs'Cviins o arîilleryv were hauled acnoss designied buildings,, canais, theidge by trotting bforses wa1te rworks and drains were xvhfle GZoýSkýi stoo seene miore apt t i" esce sudrett a r c it e t s A n o w n g n u m bf e r o f, The oniset of the indfustnial wom e r unn to enigin- era" fin the latter hlll of the ltheeninig as their life profession. century bnought abo'ut reo- Ontario now luas about 7!, n1ition lof ilthe"ivl'orwomen engnerwîth tbe no 1m1 -li ilt any e figineer as dfaI nmberof gil1s choosing p r o f e s s o n a l 1i n u s t ni a l1, e n i er g c o u rse s a t c o lle gý- transpor-tation and powýer de- es increasing 1annually-: vepmets eslted laan Vhie te egieer a ro i bofegneigspeciltadîoaybeen ainnoval-i hIws whhbecame sciences fil ;on- and creatýio-, hbe isbem-~ hein ow right, etty ed iag m!ore and morle aaeofinder 1ihe gne rithe consequ 'encezs ofteno- i m b r lla ic al a d v a c e s . M aýn y of th e Egnein fla nano bas 'Men11 ald womn ini the luad a re(ýco f Ihigh achieve- 1forefronit of enviýiroamiental i,890 SPECIAL",- FAYGO (ASSORTED FLAVORS) "8e SPECIAL" NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLES DELSEY (ASSORTED COLORS Bof tBathroon, DriksTi-ssue 100%VEGEABLEOIL IG IKLOTION Monach AR-HENT.GAiquid 32-FL 0KethupOetravPLASTC Kecup6ent BTLS MINUTE MAIO FROZEN M(CONCENTRATE7D> UTMD FlP.LMN PURE1FL-RIDA OORAGEDR LLADSUGR 8 8 C ~~ nge Juice 2 c~ v1r~58 8c Fr uit Drinks 2 PL G88D gF d Whole Potatoes b -FL TIN ASSORTFýED FANC VA IETES B i c i s SoRTEN T ()Iý-FLS 8 8 GLAD (POLY) F000 Clrks ops 5 Z. TINS trage Bags 2 CANADA White Vinegar oz. JUG68 SANKA FEZ-RE Instant Coffee -z 219 W3 6-OIZ JAR 3 7-02 TUBE OR 5 2-OZ. LOTION) HIEAD & SHOULDERS Shampoo EACH :1le23 MACLEAINS SPEARMINT OR, FRESHMINT FLAI/OR Toothpaste 50ML A TUB 4 c 2L QIKK POLY 126"- X 36") CGA CINNAMON-SU)GAR uaoaeBags20F088 Appie Pie SAVE-AL(0IF EIL HOSTESS REGULAR c2 ~Wax Paper 3 KS8 8 Potato Chips SCHNEIDERS or MAPL LAF, READY-TO-SERVE SMOKED PI, I SCHNEIDERS RINDLESS S' iDE LB.$1E.9 BACON Sm TABLER i-rE SKIHLESS o SAUSAGE LB.85 TABLERITE WALIECE COOKEO, HAM L.79 6 OZ. 89lr, For FREE Fooc Vouchers at the IGA Booth iin the, Food Producîts Building C.N.E. Fee IGA Shopping ags, Wednesday August 22nd Food Produucjs Daýy at the CNE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMiT QUANýrITIES ALL PRICES EnFECI VE WEOJ., AUG. 22nd TO SAT, AUG. 25th 24q O80c 36-01 O ASSORTED VARIETIES> 9 TO Leed' Candes 2CELLO O f "RESR VNOT/ME IS HERýE" AR NG AS A COMPLETE LUNE 0F PARAWAX, ORETC , 1PROUF.A. MM.1 GRADEI PRODUCE OF USGA. NO. 1 GRADE FLAVORFUL, CALIFORNIA3LE99 PRODUCE 0F US.A. CANý,ADA FANCY GRADE Bel ïttp rs5 049C PRODUCE 0F REPUBL!Ç 0F SOUTH AFRICA OUTSPAN~ Oranges SIozEI2 Shopping A La "Mod Wh atsaru s pitiu apar ge0fistntptaoe.dre saueI r gap dhdatdspmxs ree drnŽd tod for apîng. c rnaI rt ri aIr .pu cre tot' roesdjus onureshoppng v t mod ý 'Id Is co Iur Irs reata]nc OO fa ar-ucr And hiul pep1. an srv t P.f ug trîmmng sticng. noe--ing, and tte watîrg rcdon fr p I h o rue Umm 1 and. ecological groum--. are engîneers, and the >'£0 iîself sponsoned the IýhrI'fIta- ional Cobference on Automno- bile Pollution in Ontario iast year.' Il is Ibhis growîng awareness of the social impact of bis work that distinguishes the new breed of engineer - a ma or woman stili at home with bluepnints, systems and devices, but equally coascious of their deeper implications. HARVEY CPARTNER OP(-NO 183-5206 ESSO HlOME HEAT SERVICE ri FM

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