Theatîdia Auust22, 197 Flawvks made it two straight over Ebenezer and bhus qualified to mneet the hard hittingCourtie Impeias. Lineup flos Maple drove B. Snowden ,c, FH. Snowden p, . 1:. es b, S. Snowden 21), E. iney3h, V. Cooksori ss, P. Finney cf, Kl. Staiker If, R. Murphy rf. R. Wheatly. B. Stevenis and H. Finriey subs. Fuelýswo a close _, 4 tilt wer Bill's Bilèlards, Thursday night tîo capture the Men's Town League cha mpionshil) in five gamties. Plitchers Gorge S"then and Mel Burgess each gave up only four hits apiece in a Lighti' pitchers' battie. WINS TUA) EVENTS - at thie (Cobourg Horse Show, in Cobourg Iast week Miss Lisa Nicks, daughter of Mr. and Mlrs. Ken Nicks, rode her horse "-Sundance" to capture twô events,,. The Class No. 9 Junior Jump and Class No. 10 Green Jumper Stake. Congratulations Lisa. LAWNBOWLNG -the wînners of the Lýuther Nichols trophy at the tournamnent held on Wednesday, August 15, 1973' with three games weeD1. Snider LUn dsay, .38, and J. 11unter. Oshawa, with 1,1. The two gaine ,wiiners wýere J. 'Merrison, Osha-wa, 56 and P. Miaxymuvik, Oshawa, "9. The oue gaine winnr was Mierv Boc of' Bowinait-ville with 42. LAdYGOLER - no to beuoe by the men Iast week, Vial-Mili]er o0f Bowmanville Cowntry Club, Iays la im it o be the f irs t one of the fa irer sex in this area to cone- up with a, hole-in-one for this seasn asreported in ,his columnn. THUNDER81IRD GOLF CLUB - ldi its an- nital Ju1nior In1vitational golf tournainent vil Tuesdaýy, Agutl4th Ath 240 entries testhig the P,48 yard (nurse. Larry Denton a rnem- ber of the Board of Ti-ade Club, Toronto. vun with a 69hii he 17-18.Junior class, Doug Wlo of Cedarhurs Lake S %ve on the 451 Juvenile class with a 7Y. ClMis Mlays, Chingua- cousy, %von the il and uender Bantam\ class with 78. Riek Jmes Bowmianville Cêunaryv Club, plaed fifth with a 79 ài the Juvenile division. AGOLF ,'ND SOCIAýL- evening was held by the ladies on Tedy August 1I4th at Bowmanville Country Club, olwn a buffet supper, slides wereshw of the back nine, Winners of variouS, events we-e Low Gross- Val Miller, 2nd Marg t WVelsh, 3rd1 Lou Lyle. Lwnet witnner wvas Tem Brown, 2nd Eleanor Fisher, 3rd MIarion Peaýrson. L-ongest drive KySamnpson, Least 1putts Joan Winîter, Hidden holes Ami 'Westgarth, Joyces Cnoke- Fay MlroLii opr hyi res Eva Warren. WINS BEST BL genial manager Chartie lou, of 11owmialville Counltry club pilayinig with -Bl'"Sullivan, formecr hockey star, won the best liailtourniwainent at Peterborough 9 Golf Club (ni Friday Mi a score of 59 net. Wonder wlhere Gord Melvor is?. K E,>;D)AýL OiUT, P>ORiT 1HOPE 11)D0W N - The Locke TV Electrns many not feel so badly aboutdropping four straighit (o Port Hlopte when tliey Iearnl that Oshawa Legionaires h gave the fénal wallop to Kendal Eagles tun Saturday 1%-5 to win that series. and on Sun- . day clobbered Port Hope Flyeýrs 9-2 in the first n gamie of the league, finals. Kený Toffan, that il heavy hluter Hromn Ohawa who gav~e tho Eletros pedt oftrouble eduring thie Sea- son, was the big gau for the Lcegionaires. OMl Saturstav. he smashed ont a tripleduring anM eight-run ighth inaing and Sunday le ounc-r ed tw triples and twlo singles. to score three runs. Port 1hope and O1shawa mneet tontight for Legion PeeWee Bail Club Loses Out to Cobourg in League PI ayoffs Oni Friday night, the recently formed Legion Pee Wee, Nowlaý, PR. Reid, P. Reynolds; baek rowv, Coach, Byron team concludedc their first season's play when they dropped "Duke" Brunt, B. Godfrey, P. Johnston, G. Morrison, R. Bain, their second game in the playoffs to Cobourg 6-4 at Soper A . Brunt, D. Rutherford and Manager Dave Reynolds;: absent, Creek, Park. Members of the BPowmn,,ivillec- team are, front B3. Henning, R. Visser, E, Visser and J. Ste0wart. row, left to righ-t, .1NR eynolds, D. Holmes, B. Brunt, J.- John Smîith Does if! Electrons Ousted froni When Port Hope S'queý For Third Time i*n -MI"n by Jîm Clarkv One otth slmallcst vweaipons in aseaWsotlfensive airsenl pro ved 't0be fie dwfalof the LkeTV Elcton Ist Wednesday evening in Port hope.Winig ptcerJoha Srnlith Oiinserdte fiishýi- ing blow', a 'iast ol thle ith sqez uill, "as4t0-wFlyurs elireda2-Ii (eciýsi'n T h, inners elim i1rinatd 1,4w maniille fromi the playotff SCene, by sweepini teir best ~fsvnseries, furPan, ht TeElectronis. after being hijpped shameful]v 23*-2 ,-ýin gar)nc th'reeo. rejut hree outs a'way frorn pl fnilte play)ffs' in Lis! ensa' ,howdown. Theyrbode bri1iant1y ftrom tlieir previous ni ni-,match and iled i -ila11er 8 -c Gary hiawk" Akey and, Port H1op&ýs Smith Iiad le ui]. hmuse idýinig nmir everý pý ch [th rciujghinuà(lit he - 1festý :onteust so the ee. Bowmanvi]le who m1nage"d rnytrehits qoff thewpoised ~1xe rigthaner. ookthe k'ad -Oin the f1ifth.I ýAf 't r Lûo nit eam mts tie agdout a single. l1Pcam mm n ary eris' dru Iive to: Port. op \HO al t es ~ue bseruner inever hreatened the Electro' li ~au1 akelyon a pop ro Kelly t tist t preervethe Ieuad. .Xttcr t0eTV\' w'ssnl utn in trie lti , itl x ias o u are the iype of personl who flikes to klnow how mnueh a repair bIhî wiIl be, -what exactly ùs going to be donle. when it will be finished and what thegurwteis BEFORE the woi-rk is started, then the plae to go (ý MacDONALD FORD "'THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE' BoManilRM6348 route. as Smnith atid cmnpaiîy were outstand(1jng. Bowman- ville's ony asv une oer the final four innings was "I3utch" anel who led off the nintlï with a walk. Ift was Sly Sith's third free pa-ss of ~he ganJs he retired 14 oi rhe- la 15 batters he taced. Port Ho,(pe. who outhit flhc V burnch ni the seýr;ies 303,opened the eighth wýýith a double by Wayne Hogg. Lt was ilhe I'yers' shortstop's Ilth hit ni 18 at bats during the four game round. He wýas left stranded,,as Akey delivered (1a monumental lesson 'on clutch pitching, retiring the nx three men, two of theini on ý,trikes. Akey and his mates' hopLes- lJ exteniding the series were àasheid, as Port Hlope wr-ung Duf ter2-1 viucry ,iin the bottomn of the ninth. The often overIooked and underestimat- cd bunt was the FIlyers' successful wea)pOn Aer Akey walked O'Brieii, pnh sacrifice bunt dowii fit-st. WAith nôbody covering fir.5t, Kelly made a desperation Iiunge for- UodEs, bui.1).t rissedi. Neil Pembeton.who enttrc-d the gaii t ghth tr M s saeon aohrxrglrdown, third bse. loa Ingte bases withi none awax'. AI W-àsh's sCrife L to riglit scored fO« Brieni withi the tyingl run and leit ruriner, on scodand third. Port 1lp ritdsiea d1rawn ir ilnfieLd, droppedi one doi tirid. Bagne ie de if (lcanl but Id no chancwe to ge, tc pe Hodgson co ing hom with w the wnti titting 0that the mnih deliv ered thec ril bo-w in the rnakh wa Johnà ril foui, gtile ouws vnd10)Ii u Lie~ ~~~ip w ieoeyflowtedo4 to crosii.i Xensa VotMbtthree hnd it', aduda the , leaer onui Pr Hp for amleieswth a, phenoenol 611 verag. Li SOLINA Mi. and Mirs. Larry Welsh Spires. P ey f s woreFrdaslpper g1usts 0of Pilps, Jef1frey and Paul, 4 Anr fd ALrl. Bowmanville, R ean rs. Gl vsieorg Wfl Camieron Smales(,shaaMr. and lMrs. Everett Spires. spet awee hoidaingatthe -Mr. anid Mrs. E.vere'ti Spir- Baker hom. es, Mrs, . H ra and M1rs. Chas. DowneY, Bw-Andreaý,- spent a week hldy th fi il n ýimville and Ms Nora ing near Apsiey. F'ethestoe-Hugh1Ialifax, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor rinith inning. with three olthe Wc ý1-u Tuiesday visitors. ed and tarnily attended the Mont- FIyers' itre one run nesd"(ay visitors were Mr. and gomery-Martin picniç held on decisionsý Mrs. Ale2x Grahamn, Lalkefijeld Suniday at Cedar Park. Port Hope begins the tirst and on the weekend were Miss Mr. and Mrs. RusselVc round of OBA. playoffs, this Joanne Cryderman, Zioni, and aind Mrs. GretaMcCormack Saturday evening at home Mr, and Mrs. Ken in visited on Suhday withi Mr. whien Midland visits for a 7:00o and farnily, Oshawa, withIlMr. anid Mrs. Boy P1eremniýi at p.m. encounter. This mnarks, and Ms Everet.t Crydermnan. their ctagBobcayigeon. the tourth straight year that. Several yo npople froîn Mis nc Yellowlees is on1 the Fixers have disposed f h cil'ntyatedthehe an exehIi gevisit with M-Niss Bowrnan)ville and advanced Jr mr. MP 1 '1'camjp a eti agae arikOavl into 0.13 vcompetitiloi. ton.Mran Mrs. WesYel- Twice theyý have been elimin- Mr. and Mrs. lion Dicks and lees wýere Saturday supper ated by Chalk iver and once Elisa, WhUitby, were Sundlay uc of Mrs. Clare Allun. by Midland during this time. suPPer guests of Mr. and Mrs. ti3manville. Many people contributed a Ross Kossatz.___ great deal of time and effort MIrs. Ralph Davis attended 1(il t nded for Iast week) into the success of the 1973 a trousseau tea on Saturday M ýrs. Dorothy Pascoe rec- Electi'on club. Despite the for M,\iss Joan Smith, ently spenit a week with Mr. defeat bv Port Hope,- this Steven Tapp spent a week and Mrs. J. W. Dyer at their year's team enjoyed oneo f holidaying, with his grand- cottage at Haliburton. their finest seasons, compiling parents Mr. and, Mrs. R Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dyer a commendable 14-10) record Fraser, and'Erin, Prince Rupert, were Coaches John Stainton ani Mr. Glen Fraser and Miss Saturday supper guests of Tim Cox toiled hiard ind vvell I3onnie C'hase, Sudbury. rec- Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe and blending in some very, promis- ently visited with Mr and Gary and al-vere accompan- ing first year men xith th Mrs. Randy Fraser. ied by Mr. William Dyer, x'eterans on the club). In the Cpi. and Mrs. Irwin Wilkins Brooklin, to visit Mr. and M1rs. latter stages of the xearý and farnily, Moose Jaw, spent J, W. Dyer at Haliburton. young fellows like Steve a few days at the R. Fraser Miss Shirley Westlake and Pa ýrker, Paul Forsey and Mýike, home. Mr. Tom Cook, Courtice, have Corneil savw some 'acetion ,ind MVIr. and Mrs. R. Fraser returned from an enjoyable didn't appear at ail outol spent theweekendat Sudbury. trip to the West Coast. place. AIl three an2 iembers Mrý. Myrtie Cation and Mr. Mr'. and Mrs. Frank West- of Bowrnmni1Ic's- first-year and 1mrs. James Bail and lake visited with Rev. and Juvenile ".A's" David, Downsview, speni Suni-Ms.F. J. Reed at Lake Witou mntinig nydav with Mr. and Ms.Erinest Dalirymiple and also called on names 1 ecauiisË' ol the length Hoekaday- Mr. anid Mr.s. A. Ovenllen at on behalfil tbte Electrons, wý Mr' and Mrs. John Knoxý and th-eir cottage on Tuesday, and cxtend a snicere "thanksz' fo Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knox have alaso visited recetly wýith Mr. ex eryone \,vho was a part )j returned fromn a very enjoy anidMr Eliner Cook, Mýyrtie. the team, ïncluding of course, able trip to the West Coast their faithlful supporters. A Recent visitors with Mr. and usual the club's excelent Mýrs. Chas. Langraid ere sponsor, Harry L-ocke of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Proui4 and Lockc-s TV who v.was alwavs Janice. Etobicoke Brbr aalieand a;iex iinterest- and Donna Hart, Prestonx a ie. ed oliower ni his tcam's and Mris. Elsie Prout and f brmsFrorn; the ýplayers. Brenda. Bowmanvi11e. managementaind (exe,(cutive a Mýr. and Mrs. Chas. Laig- richix deserv ed "Wl one". naid were Sunday dinrner p.s. -*f"iGoo uk, port guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. 1-ope. anid ý.it tilinextear",. Gilro, Oshawa, and as \Ia~4rs Bian nd Bbbi( Mr'ond rs ('iilce L;u 1birhd L Goi lcktcMi' ad L IB ERd adGrg hv Mr.john W,!inis wevisi eundtona noa1 ors o the enrd of 111W hldy iiin ih r n Mr. Stlý,ey Gohie and Bruiceý. Mr. Alex Gerrettp, Clea ru at BAS E L N E Eleven table of Euchre ý ilei>,Florida. Tvrone Hal'l on Fridav u~t Mr. and Mrsý., Uo. Simti Hligh, Maiy Harrison, Mrs. B*verley and Brenda, Bow . Evert Watsoin. Mi'. im a1,- ima;n\ille, visited Mi'aiid Mrs. ime. .Frcs Thomîpson. Vranrk Westlake. Mrs 1thei Cook Mr. W. Mrs Frank Xestlake and i"rer. O 0 rs Amni ý\Irs EËdith Mitchell. Bow-_ Mann. Caryin Prie. i) manvilie, went to the McDcrý Berl G;ibjson rnot( Panabaker Fui1éral Mr. and Ms. Aklin iarjrnte, Port Perry, to pay atteded he His pcnicon teirrespects to the late Ms iXirs L. aylorand oysNeson Marlow, Nest1ion. il, and Mvrs. RliBrme Sunay t M an Ms Rapb obert Blackbuirn.Mr Gor- Ihiv<s.Bowanylle don Westlake. issSirilev Jil n i ngVGee Ws1lake and Master Keini bank re vsitig Shamon nd ws1lake, Mr. and Mi-, Franik Mi'. and i' .Staley Goble Wýsllakc' attended the ifiiural ~vr iitr fMradMson Tuesday of flic Iatter' jrn Lakien<~h~wthe late Mr .Luo coillns at St. Mr' oa ChurchFor tI Mi' an Mr. Mlto Shrma, 'LL LEAC Ilosiig ta't inCaadaMakhm: rs T letRESËRVA durng he ccod qartr o Coui-busaldMr.ndMi, r1s. 0nîs yeirahd7,t3Mra ltt ee na doube te sart reordd te1 pper gLuests of M;l nd Mrs.ý f ns qurte, 3.79 and ai-doug ett. rnos 7,00 oi- thn te Ms. ichard Hoxxctraft andi nunbei 0fstrisin he ecnd ndraLondon, spet tw ({tIiIie of1972 x~ ekshoiidaying with her ~ja'et~ ~1rand Mrs xr{ Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake, Gordon, Shirley and Kevin, Mr'. Tomi Cook. Cour- tice; Mr. and Mrs. lion Broome and Kelly, Bwnn ville and Dale Broorne attend- ed the Avery farnily pienie at (U.L.O.C.A. on Sunday and viiosin the evening were Mrs. Geo, Fetters, Mr. and Mr.Alex Oison, Marilyn and Lorne,, Winnipeg; Mr. and saahmumKiN Mrs. L. Johnson and--s Clarence Avery, Lindsa ',r and Mrs. Nelson FiveS'Éort Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Clarenice Avery, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Percy* Nestlake, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome and Kelly and Mr. Tomn Cook, Courtice, Ontario's forest industry's annualpay-roll is about $0 million ONLY 50e ADMISSION TO THE NEXT BIG KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO to be hield in~ the 1 PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAJ. CENTRE IFRIDAY, AUGUST 24 $7,500 in PRIZE MAONEYI fiNCI UDING FULL CARD GAME FOR $2OO.0O $500 .00 Ful tard gaine BUT if w on in 52No's 01. less $700.00 BIG~ SPECI1AL1 GAMIE FOR $1,000.00 $100.oo per une $500.01) full card 3 BIG GAMES AT S150.oo E XCB- 20 BIG REG;ULAR GAMES at $5ýî0ù OEach BRAND NEW 1973N HOLIDAY'FORD TORINO Fi r EE fui a d ar e EryBiR Gaesa 7"0 -Bss0tD Go Used0.00Cars Areto Whie b eig nterior. G ot,dodriving, e h suen. t ic. bHO7 nplc8e ie$100 4-speed REisiof ulbartdOane.Ony2,0 Brcis im 4 es $:3219se a AutomaV i ticki, radio whi t wa lls dises. Goldn ie with beige interior. oo,000 mile o teas dii. Li. BM45B0 Fulpered . Ensnjssoy tShe uury rd e , Only ,0 mileoraton Lie.nty.Lic BH26 Welo icv h ue, you on on his on '70, B NUICK \SKYL R. 2DR O ACIIO Rdic, fradi owefger.E, onowner,6vey.eanein Aodmnivey itbi gedmacinnterior 00mlso zs L ie EEBR $239 'D9iH BEL AIRE SABR SEDAN F1.lly powered, radio, the lls, whrieofael isc,e iles in greniaero. Bxcenfruning ar.,6 mil.eBF8 wrat. L$.1EH26 fic. .D.....7>$2695 Se eldon Brcle o n 0)t n '65 PONIC 6-PAIR2-E.R TTON AO Badod, in xllent conediton, cwerierylea iiig Lic. ERZ9O4 - Ory...$9 5 Pty ick niii . We ha c, E may oher C111' A' Ale, AUUST23r Grecný0 e're gint e e the new '74's1 Convenleut en the spot GMAC finncing PHOINE 6339 66 KINGSTL BO WM*ANVI LL E ~WU1LL BE OPE SDAY# AUGUST 23rd le 1973-74 Season (iUE SCEAISAET OFR ATIONS FOR SEASON... Anyone wvishing ona legeContact the managcer. PHONE 623-56,63 AL OSBORNE,,Manager.r b, ffY BOWL Ltd&