16 l'he Ca nadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, August 29, 1973 Dre'URH% e"A M AGRIf àN EWS by Dai Dairymple, Agricultural Representative DurbiarnYoung People There wrill be a number ofagis winter wahrcni Travelling other activities coming Up fions. Each year the On1tario later ornin the faîl and on into Legumnes should flot be Mîistry of Agriculture & 19741 and we wilIlet4 you know grazed during September or Fôiod and the Ontario Junior the different people that will October ninrdrto allow goodi varmiers sponsor a numnber of be taiking, part in these as they growth and a build up of food trips and conferences ,whieh corne U' reser'ves. If thereý is a lot of young 4-H'ers and Junior V growth in the meiadows, light Fmescan take part i. Plan Fail Forage Programis grazing can be used to tnimn M'liss Sally Langmalid, No the plants back a certain dJaug1hter ofMr and -Mrs. Legume mneadows miust be amnt, but a foot o1-rmore of Charles Langmaid ,if R. R 1, rested during the autuinn, to top growth should ble left to -jampton has just returned insur(ý good stands and top help catcht the snow ýandc tromi a w-,eek long bus tour tn yields net ear, according to prevent ic'ing wI3iChb can k ili Wýashngton, DC an Ne R.S uersoni, Ci-op Scien- Out lgrecos Legumne York City fo visit such places ti, atI the Onitario Agricuil- mao a aso bw severe- as the American Goffvernmnent tural Colle-ge, Ullîversity of 1\1 înjured îf cut or gyrazed near Bulildings and the United Guelph- utigorgazing the critical barvest date. This Nations. The bus tnlp which should not take place on top date vrisacro)ss he prov- was sponsorerd by thec Ontarlo qualify legu.me meadows dur- ince and if you are flot sunre as Mïiistr-y of Agi cuIlture and iog, September or October in to the e'xact d!ate, farmiers Food',inlv1\edabout 40Jurnior soQthwestern Ontario, and should consult the Field Crop Famrmmesfrom a.css enriier in other areas of the Reco-mmenùdations Book -that the province, -who biad been province, if these mieadowýs is put out by the Ontrario seetdby their County are to get the rest thyMinstry .of Agriculturean ognatiot take part 'in require. Tlhis reýsf permits the Food or contact the Agricul- ite trip.egme of build up a food tural Office to find out theic From iSeptember 2 to 8, spl to carry if tbrýoughl the critical barvest date for your Walther Tay lor and Lo n iter and al ïjso to protct ita rea. Býudd of Durharm County will be, taking part in the, Ontario held each year at Gene-va A iu t r lC ln a PSakmonLak c>Sîmicoe. Both of these young people have been actively involvedi in 4-H1 and Junior Fre okand wr chosen f0 represent the Coun- ty at this Conference. They will be faking' part in a numlber of activifies %vithi Junlior Farmler membhers froni ac ros-s the province.ý The idea of the Conference l5 f0 provide an opportunity for inter- change of ideas Mn an overal Iear-ning exp;Ierienceý for fthc pepl aking part. Later on in SeptemberM. Sfeve Barrie of RR4,Bowmlanlville will lie taking part à the annua Soul and Land Use Tour f0 a niumber of different farming operations i flicCounfies In Southwestcrn Onfanio. This week-longý, acfivity is de'signeýd for young meon interested in farming or who are curently" farmning (Pnithefir of0gv thCm n lew' ideas in ci-op production and in proper land use. Wihsummller da if0a close, miany- gardeners are1 sfa;-rting apliun preparations1 in thei giarde sA well as i-eayingplat or fail bloithey sh-ouild siart fo fhink about next season, recomendsI. F. Gommne, of file Ontario Ministryý of Agri- culture and Food.. Gomi- mie, ai h orfi clualspeciafist, providssthese hints for auf- umn gandenis. pt pul soon bu time frfi planfinig, s0 prepare soit now for prnalflowers, shrubs, trees-, e vergreens, and roses. Keep your overali garde2n schemc ii in md when you TusyAugust 30w - Can- adian National Exhibition 4-H1 Judging Competition at Exhi- bition Park in Troronto. Tbursdayv, Augujst 30- ur- bain County 4-H Farm & Home Electric club Achieve- ment Day at the 1.0.0. F. Hallj in O)rono starting at 8:00t p.m. September 2-9 - Onfanio Provincial Junior Farmner Camp at Geneva Park, Onilliai. Durham County delegates are: WValter Taylor, No. 1, EnisFkillen anid Lorna Budd, No. 1, Port Hope. September 71-7 - Orientation Week and Registration at the Uiversîty of Guelph with classes commencing on Mlon- day, Septemnber luth. ThurdaySeptemnber t Northern Ontiario Feeder Cat- fie sale' at Wiartoni. Septemiber 6, 7 and 8 - Durbamn Central Fair at the Orono Fairgrounds. 41-H Club Achievemient, Days for South Durhami Dairy Club and 4-H Ill Gardens choose these plants. 'Taîl plants and trees should not be placed where theiy .will block out other flowers arîd plants. 'Your lawn can lie fertilized any tine now wiith a wfiter- cIarp formula f0 help (tiegrass overwiriter. Once the' bot Summe'ýr daYS are past, it's also a good time to seedl a new lawn. Use a seed mixture of basic grasseýs such as Ken- tucky bluegIrass and creeping, redi fes(-ue for thle bîçt St andJSý May rees bave been damaged recently' vby f ire- bligbit and severe apple scab Jinfestations. Withered and fallen leaves around the base o)f infected treces should be, des- foe.Tbe fungicide captan. can b ised to control apple scali. However, cdry sunnyi weathelr %vil] usually check hoth diseases for thec remyaini- der of the seasoni. Now is a good time f0 select flowers and foliage for at- tractive winter bouquets. MVany tyýpes can lie air-dried by cutting and hanging fhemn in a dry, well-ventilated room. ' OtherS canulbe dnied in fine& Sand or silica gel. Take cuttings of geraniumns, coleus, and ivy plants nw The slips cani be rooted i moisi sand and broughfi- doors inlafe Spebr IPORT PERRY FAIR Labour Day, September 3 HORSj E RACING SEPT. 2nd and 3rd PARI-MAUTU EL WAGERING RIDES, GAMES, SHOWS HORSE andi CATTLE SHOW IMPROVED W'OMEN-S DIVISION IMPROVED WOMENIS DIVISION EXHIBITS OPEN 9-00 am SEPT. 3rd TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Canada Post Office is invitinïg tenders for the oyne of lier Mlajesty's Mail over Oshawa Rural Route No. 2. This ser vice will operate MUonday to Satgirday inclusive. Tenders will be accepted 1from any person 21 years of age or older or from business firms residinig or operating within a reasonable distance of the area covered by titis ma il service. Closinig date for receipt of tenders in Toronto is Wedniesday, 5th Septemnber, 1973-"at 3:00 PM Ehl particula'rs as f0 flic deftail of travel, tender formns, etc., may lie obtainedc from the Postmrasten at Oshawa, Ontario, or from the Director, Central District, Ont-,io Postal, Region, RoM40, 21 Front St. Wesf, Torontoc, OnaYno M5J ilAS --Telephone 1aC-369-3173. Field Crop.ýs Club) and 4-Hl Ralibif Clubf will be heldl on Fniday, Septemiber 7th. Monday, Septeniben 10 Registration for AýricutUUra and Homne Economnics Dip- lom-a Courses al the Kemnpf- ville College of Agricultunal Techology. Septemnber il and(12' Soy-bean Symposium ait the Ridgetown College of Aýgricul- tural Technology startîng at 9:00) arni. on Tuesday, Sep- tember 11.> 'lfiu rsda y, Septemcber 13 - Northern Ontario Feeder Caf- lie Sale af Southi River'. Saturday, Septembher 1n - Port Hope Fair sponsoned býy Port fHope Agricultural Soc- iety. WVednesday, September 19 - plant Food Couincil of Ontar-io Aninual Convention ai Cleve- land House, Mluskoka. TusySeptember 20 - Northern Ontario Feeder Caï- fIe Sale at Wiarton. Thunsday, September 20t; Septemnber Station Tested Boar Sale at the HR.O.P. Swine Testing Station at Waterloo, starting at 9:00 p.ri. Sunday, Sept ember 23 - A'utumrrn Showcase sponsored by students of Kmtil Collecgeý of Agiiultural Tecli- nology to0 be held at Kemrpt- Ville College. September 25-29 - Internat- ionas Powing Match and Farm MNachinery Show at flie J. D. McGugan and neiglbor- ing farms in Laifibton County. Wedniesday, Septemnber 26 - Çanadian SIan4rd 1ru S4 - e et Yeý-arinig Sale af the Coliseumn, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, sfarfing ait 6:30 p.m. WNednesday, September 26 Northern Ontario Feeder Cat- fie Sale at Thessalon. Thursday, Septemiber 27r Northern Ontario Fee-der Cat- fYl Sale at Lit fe Current. Tuesday, Octobten 2 - Northi- ern Onfario Feeder Caf tic Sale af LaSarre. Wednesday, October -3 - Northern Ontario Feeder Caf- tie Sale at Arnos. Thursday, October 4-- North- ern Ontario Feeder Caffie Sale, at New Liskceard. Fniday, October 5 - Nonthern Ontano Feede CAttleSale at Soufth River. Thursday, October I Northern Oti-o Feeder Caf- tie, Sale ai Wiarfon. Monday, October 15 - Nqorh- ern Ontario Feeder Cattle Sale at Little Curren. Thursday, October 18- Northern Ontario Feeder Cat- fIe Sale at Southi River. New Lawns Need Seeding al new lawno renovatig ail old oeLf Augusf or eanly September is considened the besftimeof year -for this gardening jobh, points ouf D, B. MýcNeill. a hortièltural specialist. ,vith the Ontario Mimistny of Agri- culture and Food. This allo-ws the grass f etb ishiselt quickly before thle winfer mlonfits. silice the heat of summner is pasf. but wýeather às sti walrm. îAs with other planits, ftc first requirinent is good s4i. Grasswil grow on poor soi, but if wýill be more difficuit f0 establish.In poor soi!, grass stands are thinner and mnore susceptible f inasin y weeds. Adding a layer ot fertile topsoil will help estal- Aih a good gowh. Four fW six iniches of topsoil is sufficient, bufte cmoethe better. Flertility is very impjortant at seeding timne. Prior f0 Ievelliný,g, packing and seed- ing, appiy a ferflizer which is bigh in phosphate The phos- phate will hclp seeds t germinate quickly thus estfab- lishing the lawn mnucli faster. AffIer seeding, keep flice site rnitaduse a mul1clI- sucli as straw, peaf moiss or burlap or 1PLUS E.DLFOSITt ACTION RIEO 2':oz pk 10 ACT.ON PRICED' 2pkg 10 ACION PRICEOt AoCïTONPRÈD F ang Lrystals ciU<ý' MPRLB OPO ACTION PItRICLD' Toilet Tissue Single roll10W RLSPETRkY, SIRAWPERRY, j.EMON-LIME, ORAýNGE, CHERRY ACTION PRICED! Royral JeIly Powders 3.oz pkg 10W CHIOCOL.AT[, TAPIOCA, LE-MON AÈTION PRICE D! Dannon Puddings 4ozcarlon 10& Look What lOc WiII Buy! YU' ON CLU6 AC:ON PRICED' ,4TING MiX A&P SUNMIX ORANGE 4C Crumb 'N1 Bake 'I cO, PURE, 'Sw ""ENED Orange JieL S "',NGE-GR PtFRUjT FLAVoLtp I akery Savings! WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ALL PFVCES SHOWN IN IHIS ÀDGJAATFOEpETV TIIROUGH SAtURDAY, SEPTEMBER I'f' 97 Frozen Foods! FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Coqntact: HARRY VOER.MAN fi?3-2U1 or 623-3e5o 13 KING ST. E. JANE PAIti< FAKY CRUS?. PILEED IGH WÎiTN >WCY F&OZEN. sRAWkeRRy APPL SUES'><SAE > McCain Short-Cake 2 $b1cke 9 Apple pie Fuli 8-inchl, 24,0Z pie 49î1» JANE PARIERIHEAV/ENIY orssErT TD ORIV4eIN i WITt OR PINK, FROZEN ACTION PRICEDI PRIC') lAVEbd ent Lemonade b6!-oz ,ln 10< A ngel Cakte Lresu ae49< FR.OxEN, tORÊPE. RNE TASRY ATO RC JANE PARVER, COFFEE CAKE ACTION PRICED! esr zcro 0 Raisin Twist 14 ozcàke49< o bs esr JAME PARIKER, PANISI4 (COFFE CAKES) SAVE I CNc ICI'EN CHOW MEWIN OR DeY GA*FIC 5SPARj RIES, OE Ra'spberry W irls PIcg 6 69< Wong Wing Dinners 12-ez pkg 79< JANE PARRER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMQN FANCY OIJALITy, FROZEN ACTION RCI coke Donuts Pkg of 123 9< MicCain Peu< 2-14 k ACO N BETTY CROCKER Cà, Mxe 9 o or FROSTING MIXES 2 0 eL FLAVOURS TEE PEE YOGURT CLOSED ALL DAY LABOUR DAY MODYSET w- %iFffle