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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1973, p. 17

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IPa~r'n1 P~tI-rf0 f r~r TIc Canadien St,~tesflien, Bowmanville, Auguat 29, 1973 17 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _P r o v o LT».Augixst 28,1973 Judge R. B. Baýxter presided Auction Sales Auction Sales Real Estate Wanted Re lEstaefrS l Real Estate for Sale STARTER HOME with Crown Attorney H. Mac- __________________________________ ________ _______________________ Donald and duty counsel K. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. lSth ONE or two bedroomn house W-t--ly$20-0--w2 p_-Va N1t GXist Mill Auction BDam Auction sale of Farm Stock 'etrallY located in Bowýman- Iment and youzr own butildi2g ÇagCwt aiigt ii 4 NE WTON VILLE imp-1rlements, Hay, and Furni:' ville for retired couple. Wil W lot you can be living iii a new *Vere Richard Frederick Ail-1 ture th proert ofMiltn Py c3h, rivte.Phon 62- iBeaver Home of your own en, R.R.6, Bowmianville. He FRIDAY, AUG-'UST Slst Dtur, the ,pronrty 0itoipaSas.Prvte oe63- this summer. The 10w, 10wl pleaded "ult"to following FR:00 p.m, Demara, Lot Bave 7, Con.oe10, Scu-ng i. W. 7:00 pan. gog Twp., 4 miles north RELofAELU0s.Shmce Y mle a' R alEsateto S leHornes carrnes for les3 thani August 2. Con.S mce gan, Dominion (Bowmianvîlle> of Twp. Hall (on Scugog Is- lnost rent paymnents and offers was the investigating officer Pump Organ, Palmer (Up- land), 18 head of good, Here- you future equlitY. Ove"rail and the fine was $35. and costs right) Pino (good), Brass ford cattie, 8 cows. with i.cost too, i5 often thouisands of $:3., in default 3 days. Simon and mlon' Beds,- Pantry Cup- calvesve by side and pasture 234 King st. E., flowmnIle '&~p~i~ dollars lesq because of Bea- Vandenberg, R.R. 4,, Bowriian- board, Pine Chests, Coal 011 bred again, 2 bredi heifers, 623-3393e 91e'ý' v er' atory precision build- ville, received the same fine Stove, Cl' c ks, Depression 120Q ,bales of hiay, McCormnick DAYI LIMITEO i REALTOR ing methods and volume pur- $35. and costs. Alexander, GlasStoes Frdgs. oo B.75Dieeltrato an lad-IIflLUB 92Acres Oew Go u hasîing power in th e building M,\uir, Lot 27, Conc. 2, Darling- Stove (large), Washers, Ches- er, McÇormnick Farmiaîl A - 6 miles irom Clty. 6 room maeAils ndutryBu ton Township, was aiso charg - terfield Suites, Kitchen Set, tractor, vlCçor-mick No. 45. i 623-2571 aluminumn sidinghoe Barnil.dro bngloa!lu- you're fed up with making ed with following too closely B ece ,d î s, MattressesbaerMcCrT.V N. 1 m- balprirsidMcCororndick> No. 21rs o yma-resnkitchenngto ed rep l51t Mower, Bedr-oom Suite, Bunk nure spreader, Farmhland sîde 67 Kn S.Eood ý,llnil# sringsl $,0al or pon' mkicinum sdîngex)5't arg stîy m .. reifteyour re seoýntadfiiine torse ake iglitsd Beds, plus many other con- rake, McCormick double disc . $40.000,00 down. minutes east of Newcastle,. ping for a newer home orsameinot.Hsfews siri ems a s. (3au ,ge quan itepfot herm ceivesare n 2ras 0AreHre aBowmkanviie North have outgrown the place $50.ae n ost.s finea Tin ents C atst. (3 pt., Geo. ite fost h ole 30 AScene stel n2rad 8 scenie acres, 2 storey lyou're renting. . make your dy.Cnt oea a h STAPLETON BROS. machinery. Furniture. The with crcek, bridge, and somne Bowmanvl,ýiile. Frontage on frame bouse, alilconvenieni- move to a new Beaver Home, th estte f te lte rs. Je'bsh / ifrm1- -pve -a 17rom hoe ces, 30' x 35' bar, public iYoui'll be glad you did. Phone mnvestigating offîcer. ,ml o Tw.Indoor training rin'g.Brnssho ctdnetorfr Sandor Budai, 101 Keth St., Auctioeers.Demnara. Chrome table and 6 'Good terms iavailable. 4' -an B 10 Aa s weienllcae R NRTET amito, lafeot 78-93chairs, rocking chairs (an-4x Oan32x10 rn1 inLRA OTEHait, .ead gly u 35-1 tique), 3 pc hsefielci Bouses Wanted and Tack roomn 36 x 110. Ter-("e6 tvisn d .-OhwjachreadJn 5hb suite, dining room table and We have buyers for ail ific value at only $98,000.00. Niwaste22-Sev55o9R . s. -O harge ad ey. 5t s byl 6chairs, china cabinet (glass types of homes, e-specially 3 Ternis, Cal Pat Yeo. 1 Imm--aculate 2 b e d r o o m 235.CntWieeyItwsae- Auction sale for- the Gray ends and docor), telephone bedroomn bungalowý.s. Give us 16 14r- oo bungalow. on nice lot, garden oft e lfaeigt of ay on trcnk Bros., Lot 31, Concession 2, table and car(comibined), a cali for an estimate of your Ars roe-aamnesfromn 401. -Why ad 8, - -off townsihi of artwri-nc Clarke Twp., first road west lover leaf parlour table, flat lhouse, however humble. 6iiflin home, c nfotaîtiodayfor further In- Second Mîanvers ght. ltw,ýas dark and lie a of Newcastle and north, on back kitcheýn cuphoard with JmsRbis6 337-br, aefroomhom, edrooma formation.l ridg Mlvonday (Labor Day), Sept. glass doors, (antique) set of JmsRbno 2-75 an atr o oss1000poken sai rig 3rd, 59 head of cattie, fuill Austrian china dishes,apl Samuel Annis - 623-7664 feet of Witmot Creek wi Contact: M7oDiIO Home Park getting water into, a truck line of rmadhinery, aine sows peeler, horse, bells and chim-Me 1oot ea sae3 om lgcabin1. 2 iroad PETER MfacUACHER>e ASe bred, one sow with il pîgs, es large qu. of other furni- Board frontages. Asking only $70,-l Phone 623-489,1 Canrlào tke te the ditch to avoid o n e registered Hampshire turc. Farm- sold. Terms cash. 5 000.00. Good terms. Cal Roy BOW'iMANVIL4LE hitting the truck. Resultinig boar bred by Haymore Farms, Sale at 12 noon. Note: furni Te iklioo o aseon damage to car iwas $1,200. He 22 cows, 23 calves, 5 steers, turc selîs first. Reg.' andi Peler Kowal, Jr. 4, Acres Kendal HBis 'l'fo cnd~"~ oielielidomerkl ascners was fined $35' costs $3. ini 8heifers, one good bull, 10 Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, Good grdenflndca30acresmownlehmelia inreae cn. default 3 days. A further acres standing corn, Massey Ph. (0)15-27;GradRALO od abîeOn ind,$30000acres_____________siderabîv followîng a decisioe, cag fn peao' ies Hars4 isltractor; two Graham, Clerk. 35-2 REAL ESTATE Trri.o hesulu,,ed in a $20. fine and M..20-85 tractors, one with ____GENERAL ENSURANCE 48AesMspr Real Estate for Sale fth Township Council Whidh osts, in default 2 days to rua loader; Oliver combine, 7 ft., 4 ce epr approvec i m rezonîig appli consecutive. He was given one No. 18; M.H. No. 3 haler; at. , t s 2KgS.WBwavle Na rc.Rîî în APPROVED relgistei'ed build-1 cation of 93 acres of properîy mn~t a h is ie Trahalnc moer 7 pem r elehee 63-252 wît gave deosts.Ai lo, wo acres, mature' in Manvers owned by t e Walter J. Rowe, 20, Newcas- N.H. side rake; 90 bushel LIVESTOCK - IMPLEMENTS Ne, two-storey, brick-yen- pl'anted to Spruce tre- nwlebrh al.Piae Stouffville Trailer Company tic, charged may 23, in Cockshutt spreader, 2 years HUEO»EFOS ex he eros iig17.$000O. Ters 'r ighway 35 acar 7A, 30 miin- Ltd. old; 3 pt. sping toohth ulti- 1HUEODEFCS ei he ercislv, 19.$4000.Trn. lutes froi0 Os'hawa. Dh'vewaiyl Township of Clarke did unlaw- vator; Trail cltivator Inter- The Property of roomn-, kitchen, four - pilece 30 Acres - Adjelniag Tewýýn installed. Ready to buld on. The lone dissenting vote fully drive carelessly on the national; scales; two 3 furrow AIR. and MRS. bath, full basemenit, Cone-Lmt fNwateNa cladsoreW i against the rezoning applica- base line road, was Ievied a tril actr pougîi ss; o run d H eyman ii ia to shoppig, an0401 Here is an excellent piec c Avertiser 406, c/o Canadian in wscstb onclor fine cf $100. and costs in dnili harrws; dscs; hard ~ . ne man ighwa. 537510of developm-ent poet i-Saemn f.Box 190, Mrs. Noreen Propp. Ia objeet- default 10 days. sprayer; rubber tire wvagon: BROUGHAMý, ONTARIO One and onie-hialf storev uated only 45 minutes from Bowman'ville. 35 -1* ing te the new developmenrt David C. Ferguson, 46, 1170 dumrp grain box; feed wvagon; Located on Sideroad 16-17, brick ve:neer, on1 beautifully Toronto, Good level land . 'rh-l rs. Propp said she feels Tncntway Vista, Peterbor-1 bale levator;, grain auger; ene mile east cf Brock Road landscap-ed lot, f e a t u r i n g near both O.P. and C.N. rail- Th~e Townsh~ilpof there are already tee many ough. carge d by Cons t. star car motor; cement mixer; and one mile seuth cof No. 7 good sîzed living roo, ep-1,way ns Be sure to s-ec this Cartwvright developmrents of this kiad in Jerrett May 28. on highway 35,1 chicken bouse; 250 'gal, gas Hy arate diningý? roomi, three bed-1 picce of propcrty. Asking Manvers. At present, one pleaded "uittecareless tank; grain grinder;- hammer Livestock: 1 Hereford Cow rooms, finished nec. room, only $63,000Ô.00. Cali Charlie f r o AL oiepr s oae Ite dniving. There was some mill; 2 wheel trai ler; hy(ueslWay;iGursyfour-piece and topeebath.Reid. ofr nrS L orthlend kicf te townhp, vidence lie lad been drink- buce;250 bales hay; 800 Cow (due sale day), 1 Here- If you are looking for a niceB î Two lots at Part Lot 16, na iha 5 n ing. His fine was $125. andi bales straw; 1500 bushels ford Springerý 7Bef eier home be sure and sec thi.s,18wmianvle Con. 9 erHgwa 5 n posts; siounode;fc1(-00 b.; teers; Pala askîng $39,000 with ternis. Corner building lot,. Excel- pen art of Registered Plan trailer--camping park bas aise mot;sl nlodr rany mn 2 n 9yn. old'i. Well cared for duplex, lent00ls) 3Sers aa value, asking $12,000.00.cleSyAce. recently been estao)lisbed. U I h arice. am 0 Machinery: Massey 50 Trac- Maple Grove area, fronting Ro oseTI lots front on Beach Ave,. Mn.W. Huson f t Termis cash. Lawre-nce Haýrrîs, trLP1..3p. Stouffville Tradler Company Clerk; Cliff Pethlck and to ,...3p. Allia Chal- No. 2 Highway, on good two- Newtonville (1) BLOCK C: lots 19, 20, 21, bas estimated thal the mo bile Chalie Rteid, Auctioneens. mers Tractor (row crop); acre lot.' Electnlcally heated 3 bcd-i and Pt. 22 cf Plan 162 bonSakwl rn ls o I 35-1 New olland "68" Baler (meo- e room bungalow. Hee is a Size_: 175' x brn priwllbnngcosât e v i e ton drivea),; Plough, 3 fur- After huu;eusbeautîfully well kept home (2> BLOCKS E & F: Lots 29- $70,000 per year te the v te row, 3 pt. hitch; Disk 6', 3 pt. G. Beeeh - - - 8-2 eihbehasacosliig 33icuiv1fPln12 township la tex revenues Saturday, Sept. lst - Farm blad; amhaSnwm-J. Barton - f,- 23-30989oniadfiihd1e.ron. Sîze 250' x 1Th eM'.metba be sold, auction sale of livestock 7hi 39 h andailes edP.KoalJr - - 23588ift ý,so has La modem nkitch-ent offers te punclibse will P Ii bile,39 h.. an traie-, used P. Ko:41 r. 62-ining r Situated lSealed ofr oprhaeW1 m ë and imrplemnents, prneerty 0f P 1967 Ford Seda3-1no .onbe acecpted at the TownihipMner î fa ta s cesin M3 , Ltn,on-he(289 engine); 1965 Plymouth m large 7:arden, 6, a hutiful..icc, B]ackstock, Ont. many as 400 mobile homes wilI Solîna R'd., one mile north Station Wagon. Musical In- stone rockery with a founi- unitil 5:00 pDm. eetal eictdl h of -lglway2 r womiles struments: Electnic Ongan (1 wns FOR SALE tain. 'Be sure te sec this homie. AUGUST 31, 1973 park. The announcemenit of thc soft oifay2o Tutod) Knsl iao nAsking $42,500.00. Cali liCar- IPlease mark envelopes dean- Malcolm stated at tbe recent vices by higli sdbool teachersj souhacf T gadtoneroad, yr.o, Accondian, Maestro, Mlvrieev arey wthrwa o olntr sr 26te Hereighorade eeodpaoky3otv;Hnn tV t~ i ti.lrwt h od "fe emeeting that Ceunicil will mccl in Nor thuinberla nd-Durhanm cate, 7freordn, cows, ' Concertina; 3 Elcctnic Gui-"""'Bonalleurhe. in September te draw up a set drcw bcated reactions a, last bn fr prng 7H ereford tn'Sadr utr og 279 3 bedroomi semni, taxes $38.sigaed: Doreen M. Van Camp cf rules togovern mobile Tbursday's Scîce a Boarl cave b ade -oe ereford Drun Set. Household: Mc- Hurny for, this ont. Vendons Tgsl ln.hme ak clsbe meeting. Newcastle trutee cow, due coe,5yalnhoeprsHeh bn Hereford. Octoer, 5ya.n ln engeao;GE ~ ~ ~ S, B. maIllîe moving out cf the country. 35-.1 .s h-e7fodsefers, 4yerforg Burnen Range; G.E. Automa- $28,900,00. Terma. Cal Nornm _____________ quoted as saying blet Council Ken Lyall angrly ,cbangcd HeowFr stenp erefotrdc tic Washer (new); Inglîs 3- 623-7694 - 623-74661 Weteup will wclcome ail suggestions tbat thc teaclers werc "usiag corw Ferailuer A odtran cleDyr letod'e- ELO ovmnil NrhEd1fnom netepayers wbo are thc students as ea front" in tn ithledeA1codiin - cycle-DryC or; leeo, te- ELTR hru.opposed te sud develop- thi figît against tle ceilings ntrational 2 furow plow;co-1HFTRITPCosoe;,CAccatrally locat- bowmanvii, e No d bcic International scuffler; TunerPortable T.V. (new); Pied- TiLXn ~ ~ ~ ~ bic gIu ents. moeonduai sn- wagn.wih eek, n u emnt Portable Scwing MAa- cd tla Bowmaniviile, situated homre. Tastefully dcrtd KLIUîag hy the provincial gove-in Iptenatinal owermowe, Pr Pr. Occasionel Chairs: on a large lot, ail aparîens ad awly broaidloom,n ,fiment Inenoo l .p4er îaide rk' . abe;Îeg _ if-rented and sh)owiag good n-ihdrecrecation room. Car- 30mennSttW 'ýo;It a ierk;P.End Gbledueigt Lt 1 The withdîrawaloQf onay itahutt cultiSetor21dtoothh; Chromie turns.r. Niceiy laneiscaped1. Pri- 63443services may mean thet the hay elevator on wh Large Suite. Miscellaneous: BOWM,ýANVILLEeidler 3 vate mortgagc wî,,th 9%ï"in s6d23-44Ug wtou sc wihmtt up a1ýM-Largequanltity Of axe hewn "bedroorn i aluinu iigtret1sig$2,0. elHamnpton $29),40000 - ~extre-icurnuculan activities as withmotr; ump eke c-Beams and wcil aged Barn bungalow with separate dlia-PhliMcble dastrronrtrmn ---*pesrmmsiadtc Coh rik 3 s seed dn frili Boardfo a 30' Bilding; îng roomi, a lot 66 X 180, close Newcaestle homec 2 bedmoomsq largeki atahienra ssteeland fetionzei .Melon, TowBear, Wesi- to schols ad h' 2 lsbhn aae o 5,ke. Some telk les been hjeard drag li aerrn o w s; man r eaddle, Bidie, Platform apreder;Pioe'erdam aw;Scaleý, Girl's Bicycle, 5 Set MRry Smith, Newtonvilie - t hpig da o eiex10Wl adcpdetdpol aigoe h cement mixer withi motor; of Skis, Boots and Poles, 2 788-2283 et 786-2991 ment. skMRing$3,.00 elBwavle3 00 'vlnaysrie u hn wagon; 2 cttie _feedens on Fork Mowcns, 4 Eda, Bocks, Banner Passant - 62-3258PylsMcoi. Located in tle best area cf <fitelsmeedy. skida; 3'etninldc' hvlTo o edSa ey-737197 Newcastle town2 torey semi débached ~-Walter Creswick, tIc Presi- itwo 2-w)'l t ailes; otoTools, Appliances, Dishes, h' t mowr;roo ailerwih furen oheoatilestarym- ay incot - 72-887 3 edoo brckbugaowhoe itN3oedoothumbdntefrheland-b-lnd rnoweý rot tillr Vr!h fou and ther rticls tonnum-on large lot in new subdivi- batnr0oorra hollywood kitdeto h l..,Bri-ggs and Srato rous to mention. Sale Timie Ursula Beeehing 576-4547 sica. Good area, close to ce!, basem ent neady for rec.'* ~ Dra rnho 1 nai mcwer; approxirnately 41000 12:30 p.m. sharp. Termis Cash. Manie Berrill - î28-7661 school. A ahi i ni g S35,900.00. ncomi.M feet chm plank end lumiber' No Reserve, ownlen moving to EseSecr f2_2,ýCl ilTrnký, aùl adn approximnatcly 600 fetet :- Australie, ever-ythî-ng must beEleSene - 62359CiBiTuaky veyGaes oesold! Auctioneers: Bill Walk- RoiIy SPencer - 623-7694Nwcse Rural Eetiel heated 3 bcd- M etr 100galn aks ppoi , Sve Liptay, Wlker Lip- 35-1 l"'21 storey' home.on large room bungalow, Broadionmi-1 ý mlaîeîy 100 naiîwey t1es tay Ltd. Clerk: A. F. Mlurý- F D R LT U T ltwtefoigsnn.Go d throughout. Kthnad.~ quniy0 enepsa ech .Two Auction'Rings. F D R LT US 1 'd, close to achools. Asking dining ron c ombincd, -paved L I a~m sa;approximatcly 1000 bales 35-1 ý1Tt'f ~ ~ $7,û0000. Oe1 ilBliTrensky. _ ivwa, feaced near yard. of hiay; china cabinet; cup- & VNG ýý0. Nash lRead HmtnThe meeting was on Auguat board; 5 leg extension oek ELO table withi boards: flat 'top SATURDAY, SEPT. isI RALTR Beautiful brick and stone1 Lovely 66C' x 165' buildingý 23 et 8:30 p.m. Walter Taylor dek; may thr tes. Fa sld ActonSae f1-942-9321 bungalow wtith garage, 3 bcd- lot for 11,150 sel. ft. home, mei-i opened wi th thc pledge. Lorna Tera as. o rseve Sle ivstck end Imleens. Newcastle - Large attnac- roonîs, firepfla-e. Large lot une shed cecAkng$5-Budctfilling in for Sally 1p.ma. Anot Wotten, Auc- Property of) Floyd Plumîcan, tive century homne. Double Na trsadahos s-200.Lnmi edtcmntsc Ton-lt aque rsietilse ing $4,0.0.Oil Bsob Cul- lest meeting. Doug Smitl tineHampton. Phone 23-Lot 14, Con. 9, Cavan Tolen-Olotnin ity movcd tIc minutes be adopte 2583. 34-2 slip, I mile nortl of Ceven tion. The exterior of Ibiis Tc, own a homie 0onanl extraIVS onaK-adDviLrm scde - -and ]'/2 mile cast or 2 miles home is inewly renovaed. Onono Commnercial Buildig - large lot 270' deep ngtl i ssdug Donna King eRol avi arms ecoaded south of Peterborougl By- The igîit brigîit spacicus Coriner Location towýn. Older 3 hcdnoomn, 2 dagtrcof M. nd Mrs. i. ocalwsnxwil1 WEDNESDAY, SPT. 5tli Pesa on Highway 28" to 10 rooqms and pine floor need Ideel location for- any huai- storey brick home, modern lr ig Bwpnil, pepepeet Fanm sold. Auction Sale of lune of Ceven and 3i/2 miles ne-finlshing. Trie bouse is ness. Building bas over 2,656 kitchen anýd ba-th, fin.eplýace graduated from Oshawa Gea- Wc then cvaluatcd bhc 4-H Livcstock, Imiplemnents, Some west. 60 heed of higîgnade dlean and somte inteniOr sq. ft. Situated on aà lot ý,/ in living roomi Don'b iss eral Hospital Sdcol of Nurs- pîiceand everyone agrccd il Furnîbune. Property of Lonne Holstein catte, 45 mature painting bas heen donc. Pnîc- of an acre in size 3 phase oui on this homne. ing on July 2711, 1973. She bias was a succesa. Wc also MacPherson, Lot 22, Con. 2, cows, 13 freshal Mete Auguat, cd to selI et $35.000 wvith wiring. Large showroom iwith Building Lots accepted a position et Memnor- discussed awards nigît and Eidon Townshiu, 8 miles 13 due September te Decem- good termis. ofc.Ms e en11ea- Ar eysec, u eliHsiti-omnil the ncxt meeting which-will ha way 6, mie wst nd miling 8 oîseinleiers Quiet Oshawa Location -1preciatcd. Aakingý only $37,- Hamermil, Messey Hennris disc; New Idea 1 now coma Millbrook - 2 new sidle- 1LibertytB lle--owlin ginder, seed mixer with 3 picher, PTO; Pammhand ide split 3 bcdroom homnes bcing l-10 h.p. mnotor; Allils Chimers 1 raka, 2 grain boxes witl 3 built, wt attachcd gaýrage-s. K17 1 u'a - -1623-31 50 FINE QUALITYAiys1 - 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10i 11-12 now forage harvester with ton wagons; 2-5 ton wagomns Asking $35,000 witl ternis. Phylliff Mcitobble -$23-719 OUMNSA Sept ._. 1 - 2 6-24 1-3 -1 -61- bey heed; Allia Chelmers for- witl 16' . 8' racks; 2 rublar Hampton amea a heautiful Charlie, Reîi Orono 983-50141 NMARKERS Sept. 18 .... 9- 3 1-102 1- 4a 5 1 - 7 I6- 7 age blower with m-oton and tired wagons; '70 Danuser 12 acre parcelwih maiRy eso -Oet.3-51 Sept. 258. 7 1 -180 92i1- 4 5 1 1- 2 1- 3 40' pip>e; New Beatty cattle post bole diggan, 12",AugenOY'35-1 2,ifi oi il r; 1966 International John Deere 4 row treil comarmn n otglrecak_______________ ~ ' c.2 1- - - - 01 - dump truck, 7 yard box. Pull planter; 1966 Geîl 6'1il and fencing,, facing on main 2K L TAFR c...10-6 l-i 3-8 125 -23 -42 9- fedroad. sn'$4J0 ihSA FR lina of imechiaery. Approxi- chopper, PTO: 1973 McKee t skig $500wt. ~TTaP"TNr PBROS J..TD. Oct. 916 .5- F7 4- 12 3- 12 - 9 6- 8 3-11 mately 800 baies m.-ixed bey. snow hlowen, PTO; Calsa terma.COU T Oct.23.12- 9 107 1 4-12 "-o -962- 3 8-1i Approxivmately 12000 hushel s field aprayer. Pull lina of Hastings - lvely «2 bcd- 1Ot 3... 2 0 _1 4 -3 8 mîxed grain. Rafigerator, m od ern, wcll meintaincd room cottage. winterized anidi Oct. 30. 6- 1 2-11 8-12 3- 5 4- 9 7-10 spin dry Easy ;washer. spool fan mechincry. Some fumai- furnished, wlth large corner'Du top bcd, chairs, antique cup- bure, hedroomn suite, china tone firapflace, boat and bonat eo Nov. 6 .. 3-10 8-~ 4- 1 2-7 5_11 12 boards, aniqwc babies and cabinet, Singer vacuum, pont- bouse. Asklng $19,500 wilthNo.1..84 -3 69 110 2- 52 dressera, leatharcha lsterfie1d aeble telavision, pool table, ternis. L Nov. 203 .8- 5 2-I3 12- 9114-103 18- 71 5_ 9 swimming pool ready tob hachrome suite, 1971 Olympic i M ,1Nov. 270..6 -152-41 8-10 -63 1-9 7 1- installed ia ground, wella, 24 h.p. Ski-Doo, many 011cr Eduin Jeans - MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE1 o.27 31 -4 31 -6 1-9 7 vinyl liner, filten end sktim- items. Terma cash. No ne- Mlac Mýeflonald 4263-3SSIInmet mer. Many othfen househoid serve. Medhmnemy et 10 a.mn. Wlf IHawke -- 983-5274 Oshawa & District LIMITED 'DeC. il ... 1 2 - 9 12- 7'I - 1 82- 5 4-0 2-11 and * antique items. Terma Ceattie 1 p.m. This is ani out- Helen McDonald - 623-3911 Box11.. 1332-7 3-1 e- 5 410 61 cashi. Ne reserve. Sale et standing sale. Pleasa notano l Dec. 18 .... 5- 1 8-il 4- 2 7- 9 3- 6 12-10 12:30 p.m. Carl Hikson, Auc- startlng timas. Pllan t0 et- LlOYd Atchis0on - 70-5-932-2770 Real Estate Board 318 Dundai St. E. - Whtbi Dec. 18 - Christmas Party and Dnews neer, Reahoo, 34999 tend. Cari Hicksca, Auction- Alan Rout 725-03153 Phono Whltby 608-3553 Bowling wiii stent Tucsday, Sept. 411 aIl :45 SHARP. 35-1 enr, Reaboro, 324-9,959.- 34-213- incial Court coats, la iefeit 10 days. ycars. The flnc wes '$75. coas Donald G. MlcCriiim1) 18, $3. in deault 7 de y s. Total PR. 3. Pontypool, pileaed fines amoujntcd tb $85. cests gumilty te carelas drivîng on a $6. TIare wîll be an autemebic 1charge laid hy Conast. Mvoon liccase suspension. July 7, on county noad 7. The Judg Baxter weraed Wm. fine wes $100.,costs $3., in Jos. MUinard, 21, 19 Kingscount deault 10 deys. Rd., Bowmanvillc, if liedrives Timothy R. Ratcliffae, 1515 egain wbila lis lice-nse is Nortîbound Rd. Mîssissauga, undar suspension it wili heaa pleadcd "guilty." te caraleas jeul sentence. Minard was driving June 21 in Township cf coavicted July 10 but through' Menvers. Conat. Whitely ne- counsel stated halie sd fot portcd Ratcliffa hed pulled rccived notification of lis beck lIet a lina of treffîc and licensa suspension se contin- lest control cf the car. The fine uad te drive. Judga Baxter wes $100. and coats la default dismisscd thls charge laid 10 days. August 3. Fred Ernest Hodgsoa, 18, 22 Charles Galea, 34, H.R. 6, West Beach, Bowmanvîllc; Bowmenville, charged hy nemeindad la custody fromn Conat. Jarrt, with driving 60, Auguat 2lst. for sentencing on miles an bour in a 5Ô mile 4 chbangeas of breakand antan, zone, pleaded. "guilty". Thc was santencad to 90 deys on fine wVas $30. and $3. coats, ln acc charge te rua concurr- defeuit 3 days. .cl nt. Judga Baxter bold Hodg- Edward VanHauvelen, 153 son, "if this doas net serve thc HigI St. Bowmenville, wasi purpose, you will ha brought lcviad a fine cf $30. coats $3. in back for breacb of probation defeuit 3 days for operetîng a and sent te reformatory." motorcycla and making cx- Pbilip Barreil, 18, 207 Simp- cessive noise et Ring and son Ave., Bowmnanvilla char- Tempamance Sts. gad in May witl threec ciirgas Coulson Ruiler, 74 Simipson cf theft knowing it ha ha an Ave., Bowmenville, plaed indictable offense, pleeded "'guilty" te two charges, oeaof "guilty". A pra-santaca re- driving wbile ebility was port lied bacc prapared and imiýaired by alcohol or dnug the crowa recommended sus- an the second charge cf pendad sentence. Judge Bax- leving liquor in othar tIen tem fadas "lie neada direction, mesidance. Conat. Schultz foîl- and guidance. If you coern owad Mr. Ruiler on highwey 2. beck before thc court as e Tests were .22 and .22. Counsai resuilt cf Tmakiag tee mucis D. Barber said Mr. Ruitar wes us, of yor liber ty you wiil et thc saine lime undar hale onlyyýourself to beme, A medical care: and takiag nerve local famýily bis offered te and pain piîîs. The total- fine Ielp hlm and lha wes advised was $8. and costa $6. Thera te seek direction froni 11cm. " 'vill ba an automnatie licensa Ha wes put on suspaaded suspension. sentence for two yeers. He is Warren McQuade, 42, 349 te kaap the peece and appear MayS.N shewa, chliegd whn raquircd. Ha la te repent June 23, did drive whîlst btIch probation officer every ebility was impairad by elco- two wcaks fer the final 6, bol orn dmug pleadad -"guilty". mentIs and evary monith Ha was also cbergad witl Ihereefter. beving liquor la othar tIen bis Harold Elliott, 27, 537 How- rasîdence. Const., McDonald erd St., Oshawa, who was neported that a truck had appraîended on a beach pulled lit a driveway in warrant for failing te eppear Newcastle end thie driver wes leist April was ramandad in asleep. Counsal staed lha had custody for one waek hefore net - bacc drnking for twosctang wi of VoIunt ýy Teuchers îool Truiste4 Secondery Scîcol Teachers' f Fedemetioný, attendad the goi Scîcol Board meeting and lie 1 easured îthc trustees tbat the pai witldrawal -of thc voluntery ual services was a provî"ce-wide Fe decision and lad notiaig te de pa: witb thc local board. thE Oreswick expleined "the île ceilînga maeen more classes ini th( a day for thc teedhers, more pai lassons te prepare and more te assigamients te mark." 1 Both trustee Lyell and Ron eft Cook askad Crcawick wliy tli Sei studeats sheuid ho thc ones to wit suffer from tice withidrawel of me services. Ipic Trustee Cook said, "It will the ha thc students who wil l]y suffer. You anc teking it eut on wii aory es em ta score e point on tle )Verrment." Lyall cemmentcd, "Yeu are Iaiizing the chiidrna and ing tham, as a fron-t. )othaîl, drâme, etc, are ail ËK cf bbc achool program;I If eteechers cen't cope witb eextrae-curniculer activities ey should say se and ýhaps others could lie bined do il." Tha teechers plan toe cc anscbroi or, Tuesday, itaber4tb tadiseuss die :bd'ealcf erics.Tisat eehyva« biould give e clearer Cturc fte rpnusosc esitu.-ation anda hfow sno extre-Curnicular activities ýi heaeffected. Holiday Specials LEAN - WELL TRIMIMED LOIN PORK CHOPS :$b1.291 LUCAS ARTHURS - Store Slicoa DINNER HAMS $1.71 DEVO0 N B R AN D FES CIS BREAKFAST FZS- RS BACON CELERY $l.29, 25>± FANCY No. l CANTALOUPES 2t for 89c, IMARGARET'S TOASTMASTER Chocolate Ring FRENCHI PASTRY DONUTS APPLE 39c~ 4~ Se oc2Sv o FREESTONE Fresh Daily PEACHES sl,,69 4-Quart Basket MOINARCHI POUCH PACK Save 10e Assorted Flavours CAKE MIXES 2 for 3 9r. CLARK'S WHOLE - 12-oz. Tins Save 23e KERNEL CORN 4 89c WELCH'S - 32-oz. Tin Save ec GRAPE DRINK 37c SUNLIGHT - 24-oz. Bottîe Save 18e L*Iquid-Detergent 4!5c ALLEN'S - 5 Envelope Pack Save 2e ORANGE-CRYSTALS 79c DYKSTRA'S Food Market 73 -7-7 KING S,'T. W. FREE PARKING HOME 0F QUAITY Phione 623-3541 BOWP4ANIL£E 'The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanvâle, August - 29, 1973 17 IRéal Esterte' fer Salei .1

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