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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1973, p. 7

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I Phone 623-330à Mr. and Mrs. Kenniieth Kenn- and imiprove teachier p et'-' edy and boys vacationed in formance. The miembers AiU Prince Edward land and be examining teuacher training1 also Halifax. Mrs. Kenneth in thf elemerging faulie 1u Kenhiedy anid boys vi sited her edulcattio)n. Beuginniing thiisi brother and sitrinkw r. Septemiber, ail candidates for1 and Mrs. Harvey (Cooper, teacher training mnust hold a( Cobourg, last week. unieritydegree. For OFS1 Mrs. R. E. Ambrose of MFti arks the sujcceéss-1 Oshawa visited ber nephewý,1fi comlpletion Of a long and( Mrn and Ms. Harvey Cooper difficult upgrading campaoign.1 and cbtîdren, Cobourg. The public relatis progra Mr. and Mrs. Berlt Hughs mme t-will wrkaf internal1 (nee Lillan Aungeri and ipoemnsas basis for a1 Shelley, Calgary, Ata.spn a siîroniger omnî impact feýw days in Mr.ad Mirs. bythf mme rsAbetter1 GordonBec and called On tndestanding of neeýds and a ber aunt Mî's. R, Auniger, Lgreater v ýisibi Iity of fthe teach- Mamrwuod Nursing Hme and erufore are immediate targ- otherrelatives. etsof the polaTachers are MIrs. T. W. Cawker bias seeiwng a imuch stronger rl'O( returned , irom a lIengtby and look lu the commnunity for- Vacation with ber onland acptneand encourage- daugh ter in-law MrC and Mrs. ment 6f teir cntributions. C. NM. Cawý,kerNMontreal The statuLs u omenwaslthe Mhr. and -Mrs. John D). Brownche topic ut discussion as nee Rby Hbb>Sarah, oe80wmnteachersfr1om, Mlississippi are isitinig ber ail (over(Otario attended fthe sister Mr a nd Mrs. Carl Annual Mleeting oft the Feder- Raby. ation of Womien Teachiers' Dai.Brýinanid RcadAssociations utOf ntario, Aug9 Sargent, Sabru h bve ust t14 to 17 at the(,oyal York benspending tfie sommner Hte11ornt Te edera holidays itbh eir aunt Miss Fern Crago, ad uncles Rn ald and lýand Crago, IAR.Rti ( 4, Bowmanvile Miss Anna May D)avis, ttawa, seniteweýýekendI with bler grandm-a, Mrs. Annie WKright, Churcb st-, and also attended Ibie uWdïg of ber cousin, Miss S Lidester, in O0bawa em Mr. and MIrs. J. H. Aber- nethy, niad Miss Katb- yrn Ferguison, Enniskillen, attended BlackstocýkFiron Saturday adnere suppe'r guess of Mr. andl Irs. Fred DayresBlackstoek. (OnSunday, th"ey accomrpàýnîed Mr.inand sn leg. Sutton, O nt NestletonCburch ecraio day sorvies and were suppe gtets of tAe Suions. Mr. an IrsMalcolmi ELtord, PrinceAlrt and Mi. and M Ars. Fred Dye, lack stock, wer Wdnsdy ve ilg vji(itrs wîth r andMr Jim Aberne, town. Mrs. Dorothy ollokuad Mliss Margaret Ali recentîy spent hoiasiniLondon, EÉngland, and ScoulandI. They alsoenjoyd a to t te Alpine Lakes mnt Switzerland. Afuim president, great- er, cnenfori-be uquality ofuts edlication and streamdlning1 egufcl. publicrelations techniques 1-g highghed fihe annual tîtet- ..... ing utontario lPublic Sbo Men Teachers' Feýderationi. Meeting tfis w in the- ,,- Toronto Skyl otel. dele- gaefrom a;cro'ss Otario took steps to bave the incomn- inig presidenut.,,W R. Smlly r. and Mlrs. Pli uf Listowel, serve on a Rv .Jhsn sitdb »ul tme bais. The raid Re F. Reed, who read bthe panision uti tederation actiývmrr ~sand] the neod for tef he agicw, ftc a a ~-1itesilent tu be readtly, accesýs- wedding c er'em(onyut ible to the membhersbip made Caro Elizabeth, daugbtroft this action necessary. It is Mr. and ârs. Wesley A. Huis. expected Ifibatibe president R. R. 1, Enniskillen, to Philip i will be able to travel extens- Franklin, son ut Mrn and Mrs. ively ac-roýssOntarlo and give Frank Alexander, Baltimnore, L monre visible leadeýrshil) in thew Ontario, ià Eldad Uitedt various tedeýration prugramn Churcb, Stlina, on Saturday, mes.Thisinov wil beJune 10, 193.,The urganrist s;trengthenjediby an expanusion, was MIrs. Joyce Taylor whoh ut prfsioa activitieýs fo- accomipanied a cborus corn- cussing on imiprýoved pubtlic- posed ot M,\isses Nancy Knox, relations and special pro- Kathy Vice, Brenda Yellow-g grammwe Some $D5OJO)0 wll lees Marilyn Knox and Susanr be valal for professional Vie.I deveý,jl-omnt to tre-ngthen The bride, escorted do the aisle Abyabefah er, e lovely in her white wedding REFHOBOTH gowni made by lier mnother, w,,itb a titted boýçice. very i Christfian Reýformed flared form-ai lenigth skirt,a Church long pninted cutfed sleevés, A Scirs tret scajioped Veil fell from the0 Phue62-49 back ut a picture biat and she i( 10 a.r a-111 unto that V',hich the Lodhath reveal- daIi to fol lew 'that which Hîe hatjh ordained in IHis j iig ht Y Book . BAH A'IJ'LL AH PHONE 6231-3171 carrieci a bridal bouquet oi yellow sweetheart roses, wvhite munis and babv', breath. The bridaI attendants sisters oftîbebride, were maid ut honon Miss Anne Hulis and Mliss Jane Hlilîs, bridesmiaic. Gowned alike in appe green short tiared dresses wit. piettire bats, they carnie bouquets ut yellow daisies. Miss Jenniter Alexander- REVELATION TO MAN Sabian - tUnikrownR Jud1(aismn - Moses Zorastriani Zoraýter- Butddhistit - l3ucdd Hlindu - Krishna Christianlity - Jesuis Islam - luhiamiri d 1ta b i - The Bab BAHAI BAHIA"LLAHý FOR INFORMATION ON THIE BAHIA'I FAITHICALL: 623-3171 - 6231-4562 TRINITY UNITED CmUaRCH Rev.. e s\,l\ý ey Opý )ake .Th Mmnul)ster, ,Music Direc for - dr!ganist SUNDAY, FTMB- IOA . - WORSHIP SERVICE St.Pal's United Church niembers will vwship Ln Trinity during August and the first Suýnday hi Septembe-r. Rev. We-sley oake in char'lge of,.both Coligrega t io S. Nursery Care A VWarm Welcomie Awaits AlWorshîppers If J [iiflip Alexander icece ut the groom, was the flower girl. Be(si tman was thep groorn's brotheor, Roýger, ajqd brother outitebrd H&r Huis, and a -ousin uet ,tbe1ý groom. Donaild Liton xi ere ushers. The groom and bi atend aints wore gold shirts, b)lack trusswit b htejackes. For the reception heid ai solina Commn-wity Hll, thie brîd's mtherrecived the ut peacb polyester crepe. TIR gomsmother assisting -ýin turquoise formai lengtb gow uf Polyester crepe. Botb w ýon corsages ot urchids Travelling lu P 1rin.ce wadIsland, on their buney 1110n1) te bride wrea ellow, and whitecpee shirt waist dress wýith a cosgeu orange toned rss bywl reside at 20 Skiptan Cecn 1, ENFIELD dc Mr. and MArs, Fred McKay dc St. Cathenineus. 111m%7weekend îvisitons with Mr adMrs In Eldon MacKay h Mr. admi-l F ýred Samis,. dc Miss Dianne Stari,.Mr and-i ,Mrs. Don Griffin. S Side.wer gussat the iBeaîe-Smiiitii xedding in Columbuhils t'uited M iss Lillian la\vue pn the eeenuwtî fiedSa Mr. and Mrs Frankît Stoney Cree(k wr illsîfurs a awa, Mr., and Mrs Geor;Ige( m1outlon, iid ît th lavendeî-s Mir.andMrs Fi-ld saniet. Miss Diann tatwwr weekenid vsta- ith Mr.and Mrs. SuataisCeraa Jue and Linda Blar-reilre turned wi, hum fora tsit also visitm. ilg ihMr and lMr- Saiswas rs Vncn R'edding, efelv Mr. and Ms.Harold Avehiave urnd rom a foot week tour, goias Itar eta at Maitloultulitunu visited tfte lcsv t their itnp through antoa Thèy report a fine t'ip)wivhout even Ila tiat ire ,and oumon eýveryth1ing lintxeletcandi lion n they art îved hotiue T "d omi n isntver pur-ple .CM.bike wýithIcjlo- pard c(oth seat tha1 soeon else is ridlingnowx Hewoul lîke t o knowihom uid be mean eno(ug ta came tutu their ~ard an take is btke It seeml;s a fteeai(e a ot ut meanpepeaodusTod bul 0t s fl n noxxvul rather be t oserl-than lte <)ewho s' i n r1altteu- haw rstaiugi l!auhbe Married in Orono Unilied Church The Canadian Statesman, Bowmianville. August 29, 1973 7 Mr-.Wminmfed Eliott, ,ith Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Next Mr, anld MrN Rsse Eicott. ut PortHO,', e.wre SuWdyLe Linda and Brian, utOsbawa superLgeSts wîtb Mi, and IPa;rt enyedi a pleasant trip throu- MOrs. Jfack Elliotf ol gb tbh Adirondacks, fast week. Mr. anrd Mrs. Býud Joncs,ý M.Win. Stapletoni under- Douglas and Diane,. hav \ent eyesuirgery, ninOshawa returned t0 their hiomeinM Genewral H1ospîtal. lasi wed- Edmlonton, attervitnger nesday wth elatives and fri-iens Mr-s. Iva Farrow and Mr _Mr. and Mrs lRoy Tomlpkins Re,(g. Falîssp>-Ient (a tew days and tam-ilywrewekn h ýv eek at Gatîneao, Que visitons with Mn, and Ms bec, wîh Mr and Mrs. Albert Searles. aiDarpe Clrnc arrow, and Karenl. Lake.ý Mrind MIrs. Jim Acke and Visitors wîtH fWr. and Mrs. son, ut Hamilton, wvere recent Wltred Paeden, throughi the visitors flere with Mr. and week, included Mr ai]d,[Mrs. Mrs. DeSit. Har,1vey Paewden ut Cosma0 We were rlievd tonsun-Hait Mesa. Ir and MIrs Graint the wee(,ds have been eut on the McKeutSanta Ana.i and vacant lot adjoining tce Ceno-Sons Eric anid Stefanut taph. thanks to som-eone'sCstlao ail ut' Caliornia influence! Sunday visitors witH the An attempt on the partiutPaedns ere Ars. Da.vid somnuiac.reety to Mc1DowalI, and Mr- and Mnis. dislo ne ofnit ew tags. DAvid Tbomison, David and Iwas unsuccuesstuî Tralce', ut oDeltroît Mr.- and Mrs. Lenuox Vasey, .M. and Mr-s. Fred Hne ut Port McNicol, are staying son and Carol attended ball wýith Mi-. \Wm1. Stapleton.,hile gamnes 6f Hopetown iland boIse Aieisin hsitl Nendal, last week. FrddStveWndy andj On)ilAugust -20, I teNuIw(on- Cherie Fowler, ut Port H-ope, ville Rodrnnrseîmnated( v'isited t(heir graîmdprents, Welcome lrom He pLay otîs by ,'ri and Mrs. L, De >Smît. last defeatingtHiem 26ý-2:2 ir W'el- ueek, comie. Joany Wllems pitcbed Mi-. and Mrs-, r Tomp- the etirie gamea. Top R(uad- kins, Mms. Aice, Austin, and une batters wr Joannlme -Mi-. and Mr-s R1ay Tomnpkins Vogels 6-6, Donna -McNeu I 5-(;, attenlded the Tomnpkins Austinl and Susan Spr4)1 oan we-dding in aTrntCurbVoesasbiahmeun o)n Saud~with reception 1. eRarnnr eedownl ateit heir hulme 81 fe-the nig u Sympîhy s epressed tlu outscoî-ed the opposition 13 4 Mrs. Mary Wade, and] ber in the final four bîîrs Fed.13e. nd Cec(il The odrnes otaceý Hender(-son, onHie paýssing uof cste h eiiae iltir ohrlMsGog Gre iii lh inals Hlenderson, laistIuek 1The First gam-le willI)be pîayed on t1lueral is bigheld today Tuesday August 28 wýitIh a todyi lrom tIhe [Ross sSecond game f0 be t)pyed mnl 4 ID tIlQn repreenstAep!u te mlatii. QC.,Missronoprtond GRslnd Rd E <)shava utH Bicet asev.Shal.Bo CiarrigtPbi\eol R1obinso. R 1, anetill 'rnxiw hulr!iR il t. (Inatepeny(leî'%t tir'deC 1 tiudd. Fellws eput Grnd Mste

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