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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 1

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VOLME 1920 ags BWMNVILE ONARO, EfNESAY SET.12, 1973 I5c er opy UBERV Election Cand*i t s c'ce Atf Rtaéry Hecad of St. Mary's Plant Discusses Collective Bargaining Agree ments theLa~or£$a hoidy, heman Art ibe hAd ined tir)a ess and tienlgais, aspect cudnotmake it to Bowmran- utcollective aýgreements'ville' were eaie by one (J the Fortunately the club has ai club's ùown n,,ember-s. oe hncapable p)Jic-hit- 3eMorerWînner s Cato nCn t estli The tact thatI we goofled and left the word 'aughtyv' in from the week before didn't phase the hundrePds who must have had trouble figuring out the riïght caption for last wýeek's cartooni contest. We've accepted the entries that had ail the correct words in-ciuided, and added the word 'naughty' tin various places. The winners this week are: Mrs. Oive Watson, 371 Nelson St., won two $5 voucersgood a[ Breslin's Shoppes and MeGrgorHardware. In second place was Mr.Ann WVhite, Townlfine North, R. R. 2, Oshaa, ho ilIreceive one $5 voucher good at Frederick's Pharmacy. 16-yearý-old Jean Braybrook, 3:3 Cenitre St.," was ýthird and will r-eceivec one $5 voucher' good at Glen Rae Dairy. This week, we have been especially ca'reful to make certain everything is right, we hope. Try your luck, you'll have fun and ight!( be a winner. The rigrht wording was "'It'S a deal ...Onie large bone if you don't brinig hlm) into the -s hop!" ter- Iin thepet-sýýo ol ast Preideyt i IXViin8the 'operation snCBowmani has grovg n to the point where VU AN KS BOL'NCF BAC K !,asf it IMem4#rialý Park, FnksVaîf e- esdlte trend tha;t wscse Lasi revik f0 defeai Sytep- en'sFuel 3-2in a tiglit bal gat.The srisnow% stands at two gins o 011e torthgeothe he best ol gallto igvt (Ill- aI I p.m. Fak'ld Sehn scoreless until flictp 4ol fc evenwthý Wioman Hr When Car Roili in~ ~ ~~e se-oscnito t t hitiga edsrinon Tai Septemberr ob xxes oMuntdon oad net Theantciptedlast-minute rush to file nomination papers for- the October Ist Regional Government elections nover mnaterialized. -,s -a resuIt, toof the seveni elcected positions in the new town of Newcastle were wxon by acclamation. D)a#rlington Rieeve Garnlet Rcar as unopposed for the Position of MIavo4r Of the new muntiicipatlity, and in Ward Two iBowmanville) no oie Stepped forward to give present Council member Don -Alin a run for thie position of Local Couneillor. At one point, Drigo resident Alex Matthews was lisýted as a candidate for Mfayor but he hiad filed nomina- tion papers, for two othier spots and decided to run for Regi'oIIal Council- lor in Ward (me ý(Dalnt Tw;p.), 1leavingRikr as the mil.% M a yoralty can didateý. Confinued Con Page Twof., TempoarSluin Foun,,d fo%îr Wvrle Gauecr dewn s Sew er Sys tem Town Engîner hatle Ton ounicil have' corneIý up the saeaewif eîsts bfwe h dvlpr of the Waverley GardenIs Sudiv Ision and tiltfmiyolJean Carl Sch,ývat-z, %ýwoon 1the fat-mn directly to thle eastut h anl easemntti2, o buuild a shlallow' drainge swil acOss 200-300i iedothei fa-m.The (dtcb" wblicb oude'w ýo to ttc feet depand 50to G60 ft! wide wa planed10 crrythe t-un-tf water from li fom sewe sytemfrom theWae ley Rýoald sbiiinnotb irco ndReenrpe at fheie f ,the subdivision.l The storm isewllCrs wil not eîpydirectly ont io the Re~tfrvcar Wash The Schwýar-z thmui ae prve h ecm eda1 - t-lue o gve hc.develoýpers ton ofEngîeeu Wat ad hi S'lda - - --- Ti a tewyMavh Three'%àý; cecvcltematssignu In EN og egin Club Car Wasli onSaudy G overnmen t E e to ftaku otelo Ing th ex rnciaivohttccdîe n h H pefuhlv, sai d1CrWs g1!l1o Reacli p ilu hellae 3caddae w l to 1( m o a Iecds oihr a cs if eaf ou <oniuedo")rPageTwFvou Coin -îeon Pcîc4eTwo) TWreeLocat ucîýýý)"i iýMl Sia( weonyone ,candidiate iled Ilic revarnmped ami enflar- ged fSte-dmlan Storie on King Stl. %West will lholils GWand t5penîng, starting lhus <as.For detaïplsrvecthe page dVc~tseme ti f' 121Isf Annual Fair Affracts Big Crowds i rom)n j, t jur sda jb alu-dy ienng xxbo c-ow 0 n hf lasi wee, l -imet plcef-beabut80jsowd p u v.tc xx as the Dut-aro Central th co mîtsat 7-et- Ag ýlriutal S ieys lst-Ltn Loxe- oh itb ws Mo-yor Pitches First Balf in Kiwaonis Final On Sun)day alfternoon1 and evnng iwanis Club b)ail teamrs fronl Oshawa, lindsay and l3owruanville held their annual istrict touraet at Memrorial Park. This photo neas taken ai the ctàrt of the fial game between Oshawa Westm-ount and i3owmanviille when is WÇorshipMyo IvaL lHobbs pitched the rtbail to District Gover-nori lail MCNaib with the incoming Diîstrict Gov(ernor John Rieger dinlhecacigTh Bowanvlleclub %won týhe gam-e and thetopyfor the irttie Consumners GsPlarîs to ta Mrt Pilpeline RlebuýIldîig will cmmenc a maorlga mîIe~, of four inch and six înch supply une from Uîgh~ay 113 f0 Bowmanville and 1.3 miles ol six încb gas main wîthin the l3owmanvil]e fown lorî~ts 'll îe addî fiona I supplv hues are requîred f0 meet the grog îng deînand for natural jBITS wo PIECES llArbitraUton Awiards PAPER ARIRS-Anyone in (the Waverley Gaurdens area who would like TheSats nq delivered each week should contact Jamnie Hlayes at 623-7W09 who is working ûp a route àn that section of lown. We also need paper carriers for Prospect. Elgin, IHigh, SmefedCourt and Sunset Road.- Anyonie initerested should cali at the Statesmnan office for. information. RESLT -Apparently, there is a consider-1 able market in town for used pianos. Last ,wýeek-one was advertised in the classified section and the seller received aibout 30 cails. As il was sold ho the first personl who called. the adîvertiser h1ad to tell ail thec rest they $ were toi lahe. Those classified adlvt certainly (Io gel reSvUis. Anlything you wanh to Seil? Leil AE DRIVE - This Saturday, Bowýmanvi1le .d Scut ill be holding their fisl, paper drive of the ii fali season, so have those 'bundies lied on the curb ~early and they PUl be picked up before the end of Sthe day. u-SAFE AND SOUCDI- Apparently, Recrea- id tion Dairector Bud Foanning and Fiather Ry hd Hieffernan ,were not near the spot -in Mexico where the e-arhhiquake hit recenhtly. After ani item appeared in Iast week's edition, we received a cai l tha word hati bheen, received from them and they were s.afe and sounid. They're probably home by nwmanazed ah thie nmber of people asking hhem about il. It was good news anyway. EARLY CIULRCH-GO)ERS - Several memrbers of Trinity United Church's congregation lost an hour's sleep on Sunday. Il was our faull and we apologize.Te reguflar church advt was 10 have beechanged, makîng the service starting Lime ii. Unfortnately, the alteration mwasn';t made, s0 thje1w a.m. tïime appeared. OKTOB11ERFEST - Lots of action this week- end Wit Port Ilope's Annual Fair o Frday Sahurday and Sundfay. On Sahurday iii New- casîle, the Chamber of Commerce's 2nd Anniiual Oktober-fest, the Lions Club's Auchion Saleand Farmaers' Market will begin at 1:30 and finish off in the evening wihb a dance at 8:0o'clock. POLITICAL MEETING Now the regional and municipal nominattons are over, the eleclion campaigul gels underway preparatory to voling on Oct. isI. 1The Knlights of Columbus Club in Bowmianviile is planning an Ail-Canididates meeting at St. Joseph's Great Hlall, Liberty SI. S., on Monday, Sept. l7th aI 8:30 fo give eleclors an opportunity to hear and discuss thie electioun wilth thosewh have allow.ed Iheir namnes 10 stand. Everybody is inviLed.fit's just too bad there are not mort, candidates in the runnping. $900 R aise to Local, Police Constables »Asthie resuit ol -an arbitration report, t<irs1.t- r outhappeat-anu-or lass Police Constables in Bowmainvillec have letue.,ntedof the utne receiveq a $900 rais making themi somne of the minmum uht-ebots pay The a1rbitrat1ionreort - highest salaried policemen in the area. ijccted 'a iiniumbr o ni ut The incrase brings the salary of Bow%- . nae y helocbal police mnanvlle's First Class Constables W1SIIMM,900 assiato per year. This is $200 more than their counter- The polind awked Oihal parts in Port Hope and Cobourg and $17 per inted They wanfd b Ak; year mnore than is pa id in Oshamw and Whby. orpt-al împlaed by a sei The salaries of the other ranks Willgo kup gent', sitai1lus auîd 1the tan1k oh Correspondingly. segeuulrelacd y tf sierntas weh as adding the [n addition to the t-aiseja!wepasidwu u npuuidn îfJcvrîuso eetx nd sbift boinus ut 1.0 cents pet- hour 8:00 i i t bit.cae mas axaded for the 3:00 psi The agenent lalso provid '[bornas P MlveraQC to rnidnigbt shift zand a 15 es for a ini om tjour oihe Toronto ýiaw ibhad- cens et bot-difeentalwi] out-s pay iet-tm ae Co)fi nued on Page Two ) ual uubd :- luoiîibuiliin iei :-d inusruput-poses. Wîtltiscurn s[py un pr o cI! leef andofhe11dstýribuion é 1~ stlen 1 rk rnlyj-,eom mio oemillion dolars ill have hiou b he en ld ofeem cake Auction At ron Fair 1 Ca!oi sceîckr x i fr te Cake Auction at Orn ar Fida ý,evenis.anwrc- 'l ladie Rikrdfnal (uConednuboostng te Fait-, Tear Wall A part to Brin g in Huge Dry Cleanming Machine Last Wednesday morning,Bo avîe Cleaners, King S't. W., took delivery 0f this large cleaning machine that wili double Iheir capacity anid enable them b ogive even faster service. But the doorway aI the west side of the building did n't proý,vide eog pc 0pri n tym th building, so part of the waii had 10 be removed. After quwite a bit off lifting and pushing, thehey machine camef through thie door and isno in place. io Pages -----------

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