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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 5

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'Fhe Canadian Stau'sntan Bow ~rîanx die, Septeînh~i I2. 1973 5 Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan,1 Carolyn and DouglFaýs, Lindsay visited., on Suinday, with her mother, Mrs. Ivan Prout.t. Mrs. Florence Thompson, Toronto is vacationing with her sister and broîher-în-law, MUr. and Mrs. Lawréee Cool- edge. Miss Gail Malcolm aîttend(ed Qui.-o-acCamp Ibi) Os past wekas a delegatoe from Nesîlon United Church Wo- mlenl. OnSudyMrai rs Law-rce Alcoim and Laur- ie attended the anes family reuniion at ithe hontle of Mr. and Mrs. Kith ibson reenibank. Gue.-,ss ere aiso' F resenit from Kingsto-n, Brant- ford, Sreets3ville. omn vlle and Toronito. On Friday evenîing firiends and neijghbors met aIt he niew home of Mr. aid Ms Donald Edgerton for a house warmning to wei corne Marilene andc baby Wlayii- ntû bthe commrunity. Mir. Glenn Malicolm, a sebool friend of Doniald's,wa mast- er of crmneand read au appropriate address after wbi.ch a lovely picture (with hih)and a purse of money wvere presenited by Mr. Gra- hamne Fisb, tb the young couple. The evening wýas pleasantily spent by play,ýing cards, visiting and istening 10 the recorder, To conclude Ibis friendly get-togethier the usual dlelicious lunch was servýeci. Thliscmmny extends best wishes fo)r continued healbh and lhappiness lu, MNr.and Mrs. Edgerton and Wayne among NESTLETON famîly- and f rierds. Mr. and Mrs. Ge2orge Bowý- ers were Saturday eve(ning dinner guess utd Mr.and IMrs. Jim, Abernetby in, Bowma- ville. Saturday ocvernîgiýhî and Sunl- day guests of Mr. and Mlts. Grant Thompson wý,ere Dr. and Mrs. Jack MroJohn, Jaïne and- Parîcia. ut Dundas. Other visilors, on Sunday' were Mrs. NiI Bile,Hw ard and TIara Ly nu, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werrv. Larrv and-tý( joy, NMr. and Mrs. Rob. Mair-s, all of Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. L.awrenice Malcolm'atteinâ dd iheservice aI Port Perry >-United Church wheýn.Reverend r. (G. Brawni was indlucted-. Pa!-icipating in the sevie ere Mrs. R. B. Sheffield, IReverend E. A. Barnesý-, Re-verenid N. W. Oake and Port PerryUnaileý d Church choir. Mn. GenTavlor pr- sided at the org'Lan. Mr. and Mrs. Norm-an Mlairs and Mr. and 'Mrs. Rlob MIairs have been camrping at Lefroy on Lake Sjm*cue xxb\ere Mr. Mains is epoydwtb blis dredging equipment by the goverment - Sunldýý,a tternoon and evenl- ingdinnrguestswit;h Mr. aud Mrs. CareWilam ere Mr. anid Mrs.MibrMdde ton, Lindsay'\Ir. and MNrs. Douig Falles and by.Bw mI-anville - Sundfay eenngcaliers witb Mr. and MsArnold Wlim and famiIý vwer-e Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wýiliamis and CraigI Oshawa.- On Fr'(iay Mn. and Mrs. Ralpb Sadler wreover !ightl guesis witb Mr. and Mrs. lacý Scott, Charles adJennifer aI Corbyville. They attended thec Agricultura] a iVankleek Hill on Saturday, wbere Mr. SatUr ws idgeof "Lýighl Hlorse Clasýss byreturne-d home on Sunday- after spend- ing Saturday ighJt ai Alex, andria On i rsa M.aud Mrs>ý Ben DeJ!ong ýattenldedthe officýiai opening of the ne becad office bu)lidýïiing of the Uinited C-prtvso n ario (UC.> il-Mi, isag AtL 10:30 a:mn Preier Williani At ilthenoon houradeiou bar-becue dinner wa susered tho the six bunidred .1 wb atteued. ohioing thedinul er ahi wevtre priv iledgýed 10 tour Ibs new centr. Mr. andmri IlBsmn wbo hav eeiactoun Ibis past nmonth, wtib'%ri and Mrs. B.'eogau aiy returned lasI wýeek to their' homiu l] ewren -o and. Mrs. raceCordelof e x istin xxîhher sistier aîîd b)rother- iawIMr.and Mrs Balfour cMoore nd other reLlives. lui honlor of!Ms.Cordell, Mr. and MnUs. orewr hosts for, a iofaiybrbceat SpinwaerPark, o)n sunI-day . Gussattending vwere Mr Cordelhi, Mr. ;and MrVis. Bill Jenkins and Calthy. Mir. Ciff ord and MNr. Jack Sedi-ain. al of )1vb,,Mr.and Mrs. ough, Mr. and Mrs Dave Robinson, Barrie.-Mr. and( Mrs.Ora MoreDavid andj Lyn.Nestieton. SunIda3 Svees 11lute PebteinChurch, Sunday morning, 'Mr. Ric1k Gasbaised bis esaeon1 the Bible passagei Matthew 7. Verse-,7. "As- ,Seekt and Kinock. Every;one h ak receive. Who seeks finds and who knocks, it saul be opened to %tm MrsH Vsersn "He insMy Fiend" ln uthe nidChurch, Re% erenld Vîtor Parsons cýhose, iTeGreat xapl"as the 111g John 13120Te uior Chir.i- in their fine ministrý 0f lasogaddedo mucb f0the:i wleasq.the, We. te Mr>h 1 Dayes and Mi-- Broxsn wer from Eglndwhere the Mrs. Ben De o ocup1ed the c hair an!daftetheusuaw eeson-e anldthke th The orepudne -ad by Mrs. Wygeprde, the secret ar3-, ýconIsisted oftw o thank, you notes and a lete fom the area sec-ras. tel lIng of the pasfor Ithe Area Conventiýon at the. R y YorkHtl Toronto, Ot 4h2t. n 2t.Delegates. wis-hing to stay aI the RoyalI York must mak eerationsby Sept. l5th. The eeuieof Nestle ton Brancb are to plan, to send a delegate andi to find tran1s- prio othe convention. They ilf report t the Oct MrT Ge.Hesip 1 reprsetaiveon]the ars Board, reported about hte Condition (of Cartwright P1arký ai Casarea aaso bld of the plans being mnade for t'he soeabout theWlenrat BVcstc air and gv feý sugetin )hw oim- proe and perhwps win a pize next year. lue roîifial am ia iusecf andtell whatha-rmil does a answered Iby nAmiiiug fmo(s itos fis wot'ms and spides as pusCt mlost of the ladies present. MsFrdDayes. convenor or Family and Consumeur Afartook over the mneeting toW r Tprogrm. MSspoke a fw mwors on the mo Go ofeIo the home of, a friendu lor, thue weeds coethe unused path. To-day moo our isiingis doue onth teeon.Mr's. Gratît Thomp Son wacilduont iveth Topi. Aboig pictses rm her sia ok nd pes Mrs. Thomoson told about oIld bahtubs. , kigcider aud. so.Map le Leafs.have a prPet )ogahe atfo maigsoatp which issetl rdnga poem by Edgar Ar Geion Need. . Br1ue Heoaship read -Howý grauldmla mi-ade soap. , Mrs. eHesiip) read a ,iplein.To dav. and Mrs, Dalpes reaid, Aleaýys he, proud of what you do The October meetingisa w Mrs. Fred Dve.Dont tre toý bring 2au old scb-ool book and be prepareüd [o take prtr a hild. s-oc-ial haîf hour wsenljoved Mrs. B'owers group se-rved luncih h asitd yMrs Bruce Heaýslip. Mrs. Fre-d Daes nd the' hots.Mrs (Geo) Heas- lhp. Mr.MîIton Fîshewr ex presseud theppecatontoai w'ho ha cntibte(li PONTYPOOL Mr mad Mr-s Kis o )saahave imoved mb th 'tm hat ltheyreen xpur (hs rom Mr. and Mr> 3riue Sel7e-r Mr ilnd MrtS.,x-ile ha oudbi amoe utal wr)on Sat. atron Mr. anid Mr-s.Gordon llî m-oltherand family. guiests at the 1Reid-aiiion-J- weddin!g in St nre1' sa. onl Saýl ai 2p.mluTheu receptionf oillowed lu Yelve(r- ton C'hurch Hal wî itbh the ladies of St, aysAgia Church cater-ing. A danuws held ini the evening in Pontsý pool Cummity Cel 'nt1re. -the bride arnd grooml. Tickets forite C I- "Luchonis Serve" Part havebee selin f ke hot- caks. ultso imany haxve been soid. that. the lunheon \will be held in the Pontyýpool Commliuitiy Centre. ate ibat mu hechr. Suulday Schlool classes av again esme.The bys nd girls nmet each SundIay run ing t in te cI11 hurbbsee at a ai. Mr. and Mrs John Mangan have returned nome from a, weksholday speit in Tor onito and Colhingw\ood. Mrs. EleanorFlmin , O illia. has been visitig this pasi week with het daughter and ~ À1c, so-n-a.Lid nd BarySynyk, anidgrn da'ughter. Chr'istina Marie. Mrs. Gordon Strong va guest at th HwlttThmp soni wed(ding lu avayPenlt- ecostal Churcb. Peterb)oroulghl recpton olowing ai the, Deom Fik a e ge>Store have resumedther studies Fis ba euolled ;atSir. adfrleming Cleeini Peteborugh.bercourse, 'EryChildbood Euc tion-. Mr, and ltrs. Roy Strolig Mr. and ith-.JiinStronig, and Mr1s Mary BroIwnV w \ (le guesîs at th0 odwnp marriag lu1Camridge Street United Chiuh ini ndsay on Saqt. afternoon wt eeto at the GofadCutylb have some very good resuts to report.FrtlOur Mîdgets withscors Iis week of 8:-2 aind 4-31overC van on t0e seisandcei edthe Mde Tr'ophyý. Congratulatiis 1'o fite coaceh, Geo. XanDami Jr. and toiJl '0t h payrs, Pe'rry Finney. Dean Jonca, R andy, Lethangue, Greg. àMcCrum,_ Pilip NiancekievOih, Pau., Richrdso, Ron VanWier;1n gen). Floigtheir Ifial bah gamie 0on Fn eve.' the teami and friends me( t aithe suddl(en chaiingl eprtr bas cbased Mr and Ars Earl1 anld Margaret auld YMargarets-, mother, . Mates. av spen!t most of t1e summner montbs there Balhyduf'f, BriPorteri iy. Hlow manly cn ies il you bave on Iyour ckBrN k-idding. er, edo wishyo a ver'y happy biýrthday and may ou avemany. mn more ofzbm Mr. aud Mrs. Wert Eldrîdgeý of the 6t0)hueihe sold tirl home. fiyou have ýany nIewspas conitact 277-2183 ),1, Yoe Falliis> oi etanyap D YKSTRA 'S PMcGREGOR Food Markept Contest Speciols FBý'PEAC HES LSHARDWARE FREESTONF EAHs 4 qt. bsk. $ 1 179 Your fI-J PlGQ ASE ONE STOP LOOSE PACR FLOORING $2,99 CENTRE! ~3-77 ING SUWl Si 95 Ri NG bL-5 42 fOI- il .1 t oits,,; U D A D iut.) Iront N <i QUALITY -E proues -~ii ii bi cîîie . STATION& YO (AN RSTXE=,U Tî's omrpurAS ESTEANN AP PLE or ORANý,GEV' StanIlsuiddard COX FR ING U 1CL' P lyiutchnîani nn iii the Ile,%%80 (o. 401 Liberty Sts. ,B R E H ' GIen ReDoiry wst.O hne.WSENTR igW-~6353 u e L b s , T r s , a t e i s 8 l I N Wfy~3 3 SEV (It (4 N EWv DELUXE PHOTO FINiSHING! 71 IiiîngS(, Try our new Super Silk Finish FALL on your next roll of color film STYLES a 80 KING W. 623-2826'67 'iu-1 tEst63-56623--501i9 BRESL1'S TIM'SRENT -ALL LADIES" WEAR SALSanSE~qcpALL FALL DRESSES v ereii t and selIýi s ye I0 F[ " ~ ~ ' ofeupnn ythe day, week orm. OFFw niotlito hoîeoinustv.TRIS WEEK ONLY hW 623-4321 u >1PEET 11118 AD xr lIE 0F ALE K ing SL E.dt Dix iin_______________________ Rownxaîxille ..~ ~ .7King W. 623-5854 r Namte Cartoon" CO NTST AMBER VARIETY tri, *~ tntimai uttîriî~Luthi i ii, 4 Iditt h (Irii, x BtlCrx ~ n A 1 K 9 S tVi4S- VB itrtti a , ,,tt' i ~trtî ttt ci htui.îtP0110 ti t BYii . Boer Uî>pI e'K ~ ixait\ ti; iiiçî','iî t .~,',. îî "ttdrc ive lt-i Biig a n Ppe 7 i , tt ',îî Hihwx> w mls es f omavleUM E S W El MUSE i IARE ROO LM BIGl)ICOUTune ( tODs- eL.epaiON 1A.1 E1,' ON AS. LLAL 623-5-7623-2586 " 146LBRTY I StJBE SUEPEETE CiRCYLUTON I NAL' , Ge RepaIrsBA Rt O DAYS AlViii LitenweK MechEAST 623-587410TY use ________ STGEHN ARET 1 ROY d.Ir'rus o'- MOTORS t~. rPFiLIT McOAD am M A RY A N NE' S F ER & Cad VGS SEERSUCKER GO- UIDIP 1XaG VL.-

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