T'he Caniadi an StafesmnBomnvilSeteîbrri.17 FLASHB,'ACK - 2,3 Years Ago -- The Bowmanville Heavyw,ýeight Softball Cha«ipion- ship for 1948 was won on Moncday night by, Elmer Ott's Pepsi Colas defeating Mike's Cokes 74 Mike's -- Amfes 2b, Dutch Osborne Ilb, Porky Osborne ss, AI1 Osborne 3b,. Br-ough cf,. McKnight if,. Hately c, Williams p), White rf'. Pepsi's --ittie, (, GýiIhooly 2b, Yo)urth 3b), Hooper cf, Piper ss, D)epew\ 1b, Hialiman rf, Birdi If, Kelernan p. FLASHACK -10 Years Ago-4 Cakin ship Day- at SouithvNiewýý Golf Course saw Don MeGrgordefeat John Fowler in a tougli3 hole f'inal m1atch. jack Gayv diefeated( Wýls, Stauiffer ini the first 1ifliht, Georgse MIcKight dlowvned Ken Rundie in the second flîght. wifle LoelMacDouigall defeated Pauil Chant in the thirdflh. WÎIS 'riIME E TOURNAIMENTS - BOb) Jaieni I son o Mr.ind MNrs. O. Jamnieson,Ptrbou, camle up withl a hat rikof champinships on Suniday, Septemrber -2. Playingf in 9o dlegreýe wea ther, Bob) fi red a itour- over pa r 36i hole scýore of 14 to win thie first Peterborougsh and Dititgolf chapinshp.Combined with Shayne Randali, Jacký Sheppard and Steve Smnith to wvin the team) champîonship and to top) things of'f. he w-on the club's' chamipionship over Don Cossar. Thal's RULES CINIC - The Bwmial1villeRee- tion Departmnent wýill conduct a HiockeyN ules Cinic on FridaySpebr2s at 7:0.wî in (the Town Hall and on Saturday, Septemiber 22ndwithan ice session beginning t930am in the 'Iemloriai Arena. Tl'le clinie wviI1 be under the direction of Mr. Bill orisn former N.H.L.- Officiai. For furthinfoma tion plealse contact the DeCpatnîeniýlt of ec reation at62-79 KEPTHE FAIUTU- On SaturdLay duing" tho eventsý deciding thec chanipionships at Bowrnan ville Country Club, MIrs. Marchut and Joyce Ly ýle weeplaly-in thleir mat[ch. M1rs. Miarchut.î, don several holes, drove into the woods. After' searching and not finding lier bail, shle caMe acosone on which was printed "Keep Smiiin'. Have Fat'N rs. 'Marchut wvon the màatch. GOLF CHAPOSIS-al Bowmianville Cuty Club on Saturday wvere: Mïen's Chiampon 11an Turner. defeating Jack Jarvis: Ladies' Chamipion- - Jean Pratt. def'eating Nancy Meoneh;Senior IMen's Champion -Harry' Fayl ý-e, def'eating Wilbert Clarke-, Juior Chamip- ion - Rick Jamies, defeuating David McQuillanl: Men's "B" Hiandicap - Johni Rundle. , defeatinlg Goiff Jekn;Mixed Best Bail - J. Flegg and M. Lanew defeaiting B. Maýrjerrison and M. ersn Ladlies' Best Bali - Helen Trewîin an-d Kav Stephlen defetd Carnie and ýJulie Pearson; r 4jandicap - Dan Strike defeated Joe- Nowlan. Jr. f" andicap - Wayne Coombe)(s def'eated Ron 5Srk;Ladies' "C"' Handicap - Linda leg -ondMary Waters; Men's C Wlgt-B "Winters defeated G. Topping: Mý'en's Best Ball- M. 'landii( and R. Faber defeated G.x Jenkins and P. Kowal, M-Nen's -A" Handicap - M. lsaddef'eated 1É. Faber; Ladies'*B Handicap -~ B. Nlarchut defleated Joyce Lyl[e; Men's B Pligh0t -M. sBrousseau defeated K. Kelly; IVen's -"D" Flight Bob Mlarjerrison defeated J. Greenfield Parent aind Junior - Joe and Tom Nowlan defeated Mvianion1 and Julie Pearson. VIISSING TROPIIS - for, Bowmvanville Iefn's Softbali Legu. ould the peopple wvho Sh1ave the fotllowving aninual trophies please ~'euntheui to FaksVariety as soýon as posible: Hiome iun Trpy ...for tea1gue winner; PIItcingi Trophy, Chamlpion- ship trophy, R1.B.I. Tropby%. Please keep ini mind that these trophies arje hard to replace due to fmncial diff'icultyý. The ,THRSEIR PROUOMY, THEEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 P. . (),SSIN:,\( At 5O e H$i.O0 -S:; QO Tickets on sale: Auioiu WoNOfc BowmanlviJle Traveýl (en Sutsvillat W lib-Dnl Tra t THE WORLOWS GREATEST EQUINE EXTRA VAG-ANlA!-- NCOT AFFRUAT[D WM II FHl PNSH RIDINC SCHqDL' NOVICE- An y boy (born 1963) interested in trying out for ai,I -starjr Novice hockey be a' liathlursay Sepit. l.3thi for tryout between NO,0R NOVICE -Any boy interested in try- out for -Minor Novice Ail-Star teamn, please be at the Arena ont Saturday for 22:00 p.m. try- out anld Tuesday eveing, Sept. 1l8th, 5: 00 p.m. hîIÎs a ge group is for boyIs boril in 196$4. Many Exciting /vàtches During Championship Golf Day On Saturday,, from eariy morning until late In the afternoon, the Bowmanville Country Club's iairways and greens were busy as club mnembers in the chiampionships battled their way around the course in the title mths There wvere several thÉat went right down to the last hole and some into extra holes before winners were declared. These are the four ma-jor champions, fromr left to ight. senior -Men'~s Champion Harry Fayie, Junior Champion Rick Jamies, Men's Chamnpion Ian Turner àand Ladies' Chai lon Jean Pratt. The awards were presented following the evening dinner and the day" concluded with dancing. Kenda/ Junior Royals Win AiU Qntario Chczmpîonship It'sbee a rea seson f'or basebail in Kendal this year. Pictured above arei eca oas who wapped u1pthe Ail-Ontarj1oJunlior Championship on Sunday, September 8th, with a convincing 7-2ictryover a tla m from Hrrw(30 miles fromi Windsor ). The Royals swvept the final series iii m o straight gam-es, h1avîng defeated Harwin their homne park on Saturday by a 5-1 score. Dan Norton and Steve Weýst pounded oui, home runs' on Sunday to lead then' team to victorv. Mike MacGregor pitched the first five innings of thle gamne with Milke Carm-an) coming on in relief. Erie Moewent al the wayý on the mound in Strdysgamne. 'lhle Kendal Intermnediate Eagles are in theAi-Otalofinails too, in the Itreit-iiin The first game in that series is expected to ~~ei tudwatis weeken-d but the 9DP)rositioni and the park are undecided as yýet. Pictured above, in th ront row, are Roy "Boss" Foster, Mike Garbutt, Jim Stacey, Jerry Tfhompson, Bob Foster, 'ocBria)n Foster, coach, Bernie Aldred. Bill Robinson, Donny Pandoff and Doug Ricard. In the bakrow areý Mice (Carmian, Pete H1endersn. coach, Eric Moore, Terry Stark, Dan Norton, Steve West Mik Macrego, ileMCul1lough liandL Rob Russell. le pir <- 202 (suc x e w oiîes19,June 'i;Kee1, 1. Drothy Sfar 17.>. Sitj rl pie Xlaî-tcl14 a Trin 171. BeniceHendrso 'cggv fTMîlsn15.Mr Topple 139, L oi onso 13 DrisCryie19.en Pols 2A Forc E Pero 115m j Team-lNo TeaimNo2 TreaýmNo() TemNo eaNo < Tfeam No. 7 Team No.t 8 ligh Xse\%rage ('arol Bruce 1:346 1581 <424 1568 1660 1839 1690 1425 238 289 4711 Final Week for Players in Town & Commercial Hockey Tb, 1s is t finial wek or Officiei Opening Tnames < (ommpedfrca 'ng ofthe11 four clubs for. thle A Thursdlayniht <-I pm. GA~RY Mo SPORTS onLagewl tk lc 17 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i) TMEANCES.-O M NLLSpnosfrthe 774 season, xil l an he Loikes TV onCo0u nty Chr s1 Ir, K r am-p 's Saturuav Sept. i15SprsTh18gm il wîll ~~oinOtoellh Paesin1teresfeud ining NEW& U$ED SNOWMOBILES partin1 this Ileague mu1 ust SALES- SE RVICE-- PARTScotcanofheoloig SUZUKI &ROLL-O-FLEXeect'embestoe elgile G Blson 576-3037, L, 112:1-670. 1 111r . W62 1-40 , B. PHONE 623-4203 Med is 23-7748, Mel Put- ___________________________________________ 23-643 Lat ear's players as el a nwc(om-ers imust SECOD ANU A stbii their nameuif they hope fo buç selected, wIl be (choosi1ng fthe rosters f'or thieurfour teamns thissSundcay FHI)AV SATU R AY- SINIDAY vnn.Ayof the following ~~~rawIrneeutive mlembhers will glad- SLrIPmEMBE 21-22-23 1Y aeceptyouir name, 1Larry Peorris 6358,Jim iiClarke ThePor Peî~ nosmoble mb s pesetmga 63-5407 Gary Wiljson 579-12413, Snowmobile Shosi at the Port Pcrr3 Arenwa. There wýi1I G aryAeyJohn Fowler be, displavs froin 1more than 16t different local 23714.The same rule ap- snwmbiedralers - a w intrfasion "114w - plie's as ini the townl league, in dipasfroin other companies, connected with d this thboth old and new players sport. mst enterhi r ii- nes to be Thle Suniday mornling fiime EVERYONE WELOMEreainis the same (i9-11:30>.ý Anyonie ouf there consideing11ý Draw fr 197 Ski-oo wil hé iade 4fereIgtis w\ýinter is ase duringthe soss.Io conitact the presidents of flhc fwolaue.Larr erri L~/nXOS vrSOLINA owh rn, ad Ms. Dn Tylorityaftededorono Fair on hearfromyou he son ad faiyad Mr. and "MrS. rdyand Saturd1ay and we sors for the 73ý-74 campaign -lenLa1mr1anfaIly congraiatlil prize inr will againbeMuttoni's SheIlBacsokpetuîdya woersccsflxib- Walter FrankRa Ette lroon a Ve LkePrk os Bro ok's Sup'rte"st and Spen -MI, and 1Mris Harry Knox A1'¶. amIïMrs. Russel Vice c.ers Rea-l Este anrtl1d r y,1ten ud he nd Mr s. Clarne Vice attend- __________ Golden1 Wedin celebration e the Open Bouse aft Mr. and toi,.M.an MsHwr Mrs. m!Erne(st Hlwig, Oshlawa 1,arrIow.,Port !hope )on Sundav, i r N Grllingrmngon R EVUEWSM' Iad Mr,Brc Tinlk xaauny supper gukest of îsîed undy wth r.Mr. and Mr's. Ral1ph Davis. Proraî neistatins ndMI' lBruceOrmiliston at Mr. anid Mrs. Lloyd Broome Bîatonl, Tap andIç Ballet hal ont ak Suog ad DaIlewre uppr guesfs The registratihon <or !th(,on Sunday o!fMr. and Mrs. Bafn, Tap Ïýand Bailletclsss( Rn roome, Bowvmanville. will bJE, held inithe RceainLIDrEKT 9BELLES misCaenevice, Ms office on Wednesday vcnngSep,4197- rt comcClm between 50 and 7:00 p.m..~rui.' ~r udyspe Setme 9th. Thçhregistra î'îiisli 1931 <ion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o fei 90fo14esnsLain1143getofMr. aod Mrs. RLusselt The Adace aton Wxi eSehn 893'ie held in Ithe Lionis Cnr nbno n 78 thndMs.EerGettnr Fridays, fyom 5:0Io 7.00 Lad 15 Wdigcelebrations for _Mr. p.mn. beinnIetmelooîe 88 adMs oward Farrow,. begin on Saturday.Set.2th Cat10 in the Town Hll IAuditorium l oii s149O fromn 9:00 a.I o 1:00 Ip.m. Bons 1691 Ballet classes will satonGioî 64OP L OW S Wedniesday a fernoonil from liliSîgl IEATING SPECIALIST 4:15~~~~~~~~~~~~ to:0..i h naj laoasn26Que-en Street' Street Sehool gym Ilghloble Bowmnanville Teenls Do It Vusi prsFeanrDdN 8(7629 POE637 A o-f ousefsports pro TopONE 6ve-7ge1 gram every Wensauven VEleanlor adon243, 'BrenlIda 24 1HOUR SERVICE ing from 7:00 to I10 p.n m. ndSepen 7 ifa,V."anGo'or Oi1, Gas & Electric Furnace Saturday morning's fromlnine24Elmurag23 Mayv & Air Condition Installa- to I i a.m. P1layVlebl.\lra 217, Beýrnice Pairtner tions - Central & WindowV Basetbltumble or any\ 208.Joc Rwe27.Hlen Units - Clare Hecla& othe~ aiviy. Afre an eas Jaob 05,MarIg McDonald Findley Equipment sprt pora Sars oi0 uyBag 0,Jnt Free Estimates sporsdpoay, St 26t and 1L- lares 9.iJnaMiller 15. Bud get Termns Available atraSe'pt. 29tfh in thc FOUNDRY BOWLING Sept 4 .1,197,; Sore 1Hea ds"2 32 Alley Cats 228 lIead Pin, 39 Aces I24 ScrewBPalls O21 lligh Triple Men G. Simupson 5. men - F. Dae 1 Men - F".Drpr:4,3,J idyers 2114. B. ilkes 25 Adamns 2:31, 224, K Haness 227, C.Snwe23.LAam 29, S Crih222 . eg sn 22 9. W(omen - M.- da *s200, .J D ewell 227,248, . Knapp 2 11. BAdamnis 221 251)D.Snowdeni 210, G. Yo 2926 G, Si mpson 259234,L ilVesna 14, R". Good 210, S. Adainis 22,B Stiles 200,2ý07, J. rde 2 Cailles 0% er,300 Nuu BIG N XXI'. BAND F IITIE MON EY "BiG" KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO b' l e 11,1 t in h e, .10RàRUG MEMORIAL CENTRE PEr-,BOâr% r M 9r JGH m t os rm- Sklar. l'air utITaWlaop (a lue ut $1119om ('bouse ait,%ond, fleil om t o non' e . 1,l( aud Eler trobpom 51 s. ds Irodlo S m T: ln ale$iý\.ll- î o s al I -.i m- , nurw ileln n's oi 2100,f S alue$250'l West inbue MAI' IGISATO10II> ('oslrolniMottaI'. and Xelr 1z1 $2,000 L 'asli Happy Birthday * WE'RE 90 DAYS OLD * WE GOTTA GO ... WVE 'TSTAY ANY 1LONGER *WE ARE SAFETY CKECKED GOODWI60DAY GUARANTEED RECONDITIONED - PRICED TO SELL 1 1965 PONTIAC SIX PASSENGER STATION WAGON V-8. fuîl power. repaînted in Aspen Green. Lic. EBZ904 --ONLYA . 1969 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN Power brakes and steering, automatic, radio, new white walls, excellent rnigcar. Lic.EBF82 NLY.' 183 1969 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN ,57 jj00 ile, cmleemoo job done unlder wvarranty. Siate Green wýithl matching intierior.$ Lic. EBD245 ONLY. 188 1970 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN Oni 40000miles,.ui poweured. gold with beige interior. Gîvfes:,you thne big car ride. Li. BH268 Ol (NLY$ 2% $ 5 8 9 1970 BUICK SKYLARK 2-DR. HARDTOP Viyl top, power braýkes, and steering, radio),whtalsBueih blue vinyl and cioth. ,i c E B B 782 - ONLY $2364 1972 TOYOTA 2-DR. COUPE Four speed transmission, onily 20,000 miles. Real gasý- saver. ,ic. EBUl736 oNLY. , -1..11 1- lmo J - G.MA. A.C. FINANCING 'NO PAY'MENTS UNIl ,NO()V. 1lst, 1973' I. Du u(;0%, efirurit Il eeulationls- D)o- Pi i,> ar-e iýit ava Ilable. lupae i vll ise$l(RoO. FREV 1 FulI(ard «, ime1 lairN lyBir $49 -boy-- -- '- Pz- --f N PHOCNE 62t-3396 166 KING ST E. 'ýl 1 FRIVAY SEPTEMBER-14