The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 3. 1973 7 ]tems of/,]nterest Phone, 623-330,3 MVr. AI Finklestein, Q.C. aý7 Marilyn, David and Lee, Toronto, weredinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Garson, Mearns Ave., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrýs. Murray Bate and 'Deborah, Miss dune Ruiter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. John Depew, Bowmanville, andi Mr. andi Mrs. Donald Barta, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and MVhs. Ted Bate, Mississauga on Sept. 30, for the christening of their- son, Steven Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle, who have recently move4i to théir new home on Chureh St .,~ town, had their daughter Mrs. Gordon Spicer, Ottawa spend a few dayswith them- last week. Mr', Chafles Lorimer, North Surrey, B.C. is visiting his brother and sister, Mr. Alec and Mi'ss Anne Lorimer, REHOBOTH Christian Reformned Cliurch Sc igog Street Phione 623-4824 Rev. Athony DeJager SUJNDAY SERVICES 7 pani. Back to God Hour r Dial 1'110 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome", True reiance is c for the servant to pursue his prof es- G IR this world, to hold 0 fast unto the Lord, to seek naught but w His' grace, in as ai much as in His w gi hands is the destiny ai of al l is servants. U BAHA'ULLAHI p PHONE: 623,-3171m Elect New Off icers for Bowmanville Kinsmen and Kinettes Church St. Congratulations to D. L. King who has been appointed manager of merchandîse dis- tribution and to R. S. Rekker who bas ben named manager of personnel at the Goodyear Bowmanviiie Plant. King started with Goodyear in 1968 in efficiency at Bowmanville and in 1970, became section head of industrial engineer- ing personnel. Rekker joined- the company in 1963 at Bowmanvîlle as a clerk and a year later was named senior payroll clerk. In 1968, hie was named supervisor of pers- onnel. It was most unusual to have a couple of sprays of apple blossoms brought into the Statesman office the first week of October, and especi- ally when they came from the farm of the Bail brothers who were harvesting the corn crop for the silo wben the blossoms were noticed. Schooi transportation costs in Ontario tota lied $71 million last year, 2.8 per cent of the province's two billion dollar education budget. The report shows that iast year just over 25 per cent of Ontario's 1,456,840 elementary students were transported to scbooi. Over 29 per cent of the 574,520 secondary schooi students rode to school on the tamîliar yellow scbooi buses. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- rnond and family, Church Street, were guests at a tea held Saturday in Trinity Church in honor of Mr. and VIrs. Martin Chessar and family, wbo have just return- ed from Germany. . The Lions Club Hockey )raw Winners; NHL Oct. 10 - Harry Cooke, Ernie Perfect, )ct 13 - Doug Lycett, Boyd Vooley, Oct. 20 - Keith Billett, W. Cole Oct. 23 - Helen Dyl, George Moore. dr. "A" Oct. 6 - Art Reynolds, Oct. 8 - Alf Randle, Oct. 14 - Bill Burgess, )ct. 20 - L. Mathison. Miss Deborah Hammond was a weekend guests of Miss Janet Bauer, Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond were Suïiday night supper uests of Mr. and Mrs. Bauer, n nfuMly Sept. 30, Trinîty United Church, held a Promo- Jonal Service wben the follow- ýg boys and girls were ?romoted: Graduates of the Primary to dunior Depart- îent were presented by Mrs. Ronald Wells and received by TR1NUTY UNITED CHURCH i *cVýN Wesley Oake, B.Th. Minister John drookshank - Music Director - Organist Sunday, October 7th, 1973 il" 'A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE WORLD-WIDE COMMUNION SERVICE Everyone is invited to.join with us in this service Primary, Kindergarten and Beginners Sunday Sehool Classes at usual time A Warm Welcorne Awaits Ail Worshippers st. PauI's United Church Miite Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A, B.D. *Organist NfIMr. R. Meteaif, A.R.C.T, A.C.C.M. 1 i a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE Corne and worship as a family Newcomers are invited to worship at historie St. Paul's Nursery care for pre-sehool children every Sunday. The 1973 74 executive for both the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club- and their Kinette counterparts were installed recently at an elegant get-together at the Centennial Hall. In the front row of the top photo, from lef t to right, are: AI Osbourne, Secretary; Bob Abbott, President; Bob Fairey, Past President; Dave Crawford, Registrar and Jim Lawrence, Second Vice President. In the back row are John MeMillan, Director; Martin MacLay, .Director, Lorne Tink, Director; Harvey Webster, First Vice-President and Ralph Whyte, Bulletin Editor. The Kinettes in the front row of the bottom photo, from left to right, are: Tina Tink, Bulletin Editor; Elva Abbott, Treasurer; Linda McRobbie, Second Vice-President; Marg Lawrence, President; Jenny Masterson, Secretary; Marilyn Webster, First Vice-President. In the b-ack row, theyý are Donna Whyte, Assistant Bulletin Editor; Vernice MacLay, Director; Rena Fisk, Past President; Sandra McMillan, Registrar; and Lynda Osbourne, Director. Mrs. Alan Strike on behaif of Mr. Jack Munday, as follows Kevin Anyan, Denise Fisk, Karen Frank, Brian Hamm- ond, John Harness, diii Hock- in, Drew Kearney, Angela Locke, danet McGregor, Glenn Morris, danet Munday, Dana Oake, Leslie Perry, Brett Richards, Kelvin Sloos, Rosalie Smith. Kindergarten to Primary Department were Sresented by Mrs. Alian weetman and received by Mrs. Ronald Wells - Carol Austin, Stephanie Barnes, Suzanne Barnes, Carolyn Con- nelly, Catherine Conneliy Bruce Cooke, Lisa Cook, Bobby Giil, Gina Guthrie, Greer Guthrie, Donald Mann, Brian Milîson, Marlene Mc- Lean, Steven Sarginson, Terri Shackleton, Heath Sweetmen, Shawn Woolley, Tommy Yeo. Mrs. dack Munday presented the Nursery Department who were received b y Mrs. Allan Sweetman - Michael Barber, Duane Barrett, Kelly Black, Penny Carlson, Scott Cole, Heather Cooke, Glen Cowling, Craig Fisk, Andrea Kichko, Colin Lawrence, Sally Locke, Danny McLean, Leanne Mutt- on, Robert Myers, Fern Quili- iams, Kari Townsend, Linda Van Dyke, dacqueline Wood, Trisha Yeo. Miss Diane Bfrkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bickle, R.R.,4,,Bowmanvilie, is attending Sir Sandford Fleming College, Peterbor- ough, and is enrolled in the two year legal secretariai course.' Mrs. George dames, visîted ber son, dohn at Milford, recentiy. The Ontario Hospital Assoc- iation, Convention, will be held October 29-30-31 at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. Anne R. Som- ers, Associate Professor, Rut- gers Medical Scbool will deliver the keynote address at the General Sessions on Mon- day, October 29, on "The Role of the Hospital'in our Health Care Systema". An exhibition of New Work by Vera Frenkel, a Toronto artist, has been organîzedby The Robert McLaughlin Gali- ery and will be shown there Oct. 4-28. The artist is an Assistant Professor of Visual Arts at York University's Faculty of Fine Arts and a member of the Ontario Arts Council. Earth, air, body and water imagery pervades a great number of Vera Frenk- ei's works and they are carried out in a variety of composite media. The draw- ings, cloth works, sketchbook pages, poems and plans trace Vera Frenkel's observations and responses. Throughout, the vision of the artist is, shared, and ber process of seeing examined. The Toronto Mendelssobn Choir bas announced the formation of a 100 voice choir, "The Choir withîn a Choir", and the choir will be available to perform in auditoriums, churches and halls which cannot accomodate the entire 190 members of the Mendel- ssohn Choir. The R.C.A.F. (WD) Assoc- iation of Hamilton, Ontario after several years of plann- ing and research have pub- iisbed a book about the Women's Division of the R.C.A.F. This book is the first storyof the R.C.A.F. Airwom- men serving from 1941 to the current Air Element. A fact- ual humorous, illustrated bard cover book, prepaid orders will be mailed througb: RCAF (WD) Association, Book Com- mittee, P.O. Box 712, Hamil- ton, Ontario. Our Association bas been formed since 1948 and bas always been involved in charitable work. The Board of Trus tees of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery has appointed Ms. Joan Murr- ay as Director, effective danuary 1, 1974. Ms. Murray comes to the Gallery with an extensive background in Can- adian art and museumn admin- istration. She graduated from Columbia University witb a Master's degree in Modemn Art in 1966 and pursued Doctoral studies at the Univ- ersity of Toronto specializing in Canadian Art. As Curator of Canadian Art for the Art Gallery of Ontario, Ms. Murray organized such significant Canadian exhibi- tions as The Art of Tom Thompson (1971), O.S.A.: 100 Years (1972), and is currently completing preparations for the exhibition Impressionismn in Canada: 1895-1935, which wiil travel fromn Vancouver to Charlottetown and close in Toronto in 1974. Members of the Womens' Committee of the Robert Mciaugblin Gallery, Oshawa, are meeting weekly to create some of the most unusual Cbristmas decorations to sel durîng the annual Art Mart to be beld at the Robert Mc- Laugblin Gallery in Nýovem- ber. Mrs. Ward Irwin, conven- or of the Craft Booth, reports that already the group bas completed a number of >eweil- ed wall hangings depicting the Magi; gilt angels; outdoor door decorations including filled stockings, and wayward angels; bostess aprons; small bean bags; stuffed toys and crewel Christmas stockings to be bung by the fire. An outstandîng item wiil be the framed Christmas Tree, be- jewelled with rbinestones, pearîs -and tiny ligbts. This unusual tree will be raffled off during the Art Mart. Memorial Hospit al i Briefs Week of Sept. 24 - 30 inclusive. Admissions ..... ..... >... 75 Birtbs - 1 maie, 5 female ..6 Discbarges............. 95 Major Operations......... 17 Mînor Operations ........ 20 Emiergency Treatments ..297 Visiting Hours 3 8p.m. daily. Trinfity UCW Tbe fail season of Trinity U.C.W. opened on Tuesday Sept. l8th at 2 p.m. with Mrs. T. Rehder presiding. After welcoming ail members and guests, Mrs. Rehder read a poem, "Sometbing Beautiful in God" and then led in prayer. Minutes of the iast meeting were adopted as read and approved. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. W. Harris. Mrs. F. damieson gave the Corresponding Sec- retary's Report followed by Roll Caîl.. C. Trewin spokeon Community Visiting. Mrs. A. W. harris read a letter from the Leprosy Mission. Mrs. H. Jeffrey introduced two new study packs for our units. - Mrs. C. Downey gave the Social Committee report. Moved by Mrs. R. Coombes a.nd seconded by Mrs. M. Slute that we give $1000 to the World Development and ýRe- lief Fund. Unit 7 took charge of the worship service with Mrs. A. G. Brooks in the chair. Hymn 380, "Where cross the crowded ways of life," was sung accompanied by Mrs. D. Cole, our pianist. Mrs. Brooks read a poem "Our Purpose", foîl- owed by the Scripture reading from Matt. chap. 28, Mrs. Brooks spoke on Mission in Life. Al joined in singing hymn 252, "ln christ there is noEast or West", followed by prayer by Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. A. Sylvester introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Catto of Pickering. Mrs. Catto, told us of her interesting work with the Indians' in the Canadian North and aiso of the time they spent in Africa. Mrs. A. Strike expressed thanks of all of us to Mrs. Catto. Rev. W. Oake introduced our new Assistant Minister and his wife, Rey. and Mrs. Amecher. Mr. Oake pronoun- ced the Benediction after which a social half hour was spent over lunch served by unit seven. Dates to remember: Oct. 16 - KII John Dowsley, Toronto Dominion Bank. Jl W. POGUE, Manager *PricJas at Septemb.ier 21, 1973 General Meeting and Thank offering Talent Tea 2 p.m. Oct 15 - Region Meeting, afternoon and evenin g at Pickering United Church - 2 p.m. Oct 22 - Regional Meeting, morning and afternoon at Blackstock - 9'; 15 a.m. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services welte held. Rev. J. A. Ram)it spoke on, "A Life, of Service". t was communion Sunday and Mr. W. Banister, Mr. H. White, Mrs. M. Gardener, and Mrs. H. Quantrîli assisted with the elements being served. The choir sang. Next Sunday the only services on the charge wiLe two servicesat Canton at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with speaker Dr. E. R. Green. On Wednesday several att- ended the birthday party for Mrs. T. G. Sowden in Port Hope. She was 93. A large number were recei- ved at the undertaking parlors on Sunday afternoon and evening as well as Wednesday evening where the bodies of the late Mrs. Gerald Trew and Mrs. Grace Knox rested. A young couple have moved in with Mrs. Berneice Wheeler in the old Mercer house. Mr. L. Muldrew is stili in the îospital. Mrs. Muldrew, Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitebred and girls, Oshawa, were at, Sunny- side on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. J. Currier and family, Port Ho pe, were with Mr. and Mrs. . Quantrili on Sunday. Bob Mercer, and Nancy Fowler were home, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler, took in the plowing match last week at Allister. Mr. andMrs. W. Casselton spent the weekend in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. R. White spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrys where the famiiy celebrated their Christmas early as Mr. and Mrs. White will be in Florida at that time. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson spent Thursday in Toronto. Mrs. H. Thîckson spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland. ADULT COUNSELLI NG SERVICE If you want to do something about your education . .. you probably can. See Vour Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. Alex McGregor 1DA- Drugs -NG- ST. W.1 623-5792- BOWMANVILLE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL ... Art Evans 623-4566 or Mark, ,Borutskje 623-4665 At Toronto Dominion, we have several good investment plans4 The kind that take over where our Plan leaves off. Telli us how much money you have to invest-and the length of tune you can spare it. We'll help you choose the plan that's right for you. We have short terni 'investments for large amnounts. (Don't leave any large sum of rnoney lying idie!) Long terra investments for $1000 and over. And our Six Yea.r Savings Certificates which seil for as littie as $6.33*. (Buy one when- ever you have someextra money.You'll be pleased with how rnuch it's worth in six years' tie.) And here's a big plus for: ail of our Terni Deposits. If you - need your rooney ahead of tîne, you can cash them' in for a slightly reduced but still attractive ra te. To find out more, ask for the sheet containing, informoation on ourý four leadingietensr corne in and talk to us any tîme.g netmtso SWe'1l help you find ways to make your money make more money. Once you get started with TD Investn-ents,1 we're sure you'l neyer look back. 39 Temperance St. Bowrnanville, Ontario TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference "Nowyoucan makè your money make more money by investng it at theTD bank. (ýN [ARIO M[DAL FOR (1001) C ITI7ENSHIP The newly established Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship is awarded to citizens of the province who have rûade outstanding contributions to the ,welfare of others, without any expectation of personal benefit. Anyone can nominate a person for the Ontario Medal. Recipien ts are selected by an independent Advisory Council'of Ontario citizens whose honorary chairman is the Lieuitenant-Governor of the Province. Nomination forms are available by writing: Miss Helen Bourke Executive Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Toronto, Ontario __ M7A 1P4 Toronto Donmiion Investment PlanIs. You'li never Iook back.