10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 10, 1973 Demonstrate QuilitMaking at Clarke Museumi If you have always admired these delightful hand-made qults, and want to know more about them, now is the time to v isit the Clarke Museum where a, display of qults and quilt-making is being present- ed by the ladies of the Kirby U.c.w. An eXquisite selection of quilts i n varying patterS, colors and fabricsÇcâin be seen one of which is a qult- made from satin scraps left over from the linings of silverware chests. Also featured is the "Dresden Plate" quilt which won first prize at the Durham Central: Fair, Orono. Prettj Satterns such as "Daisies', ailboats", "Dutch Boys", l"Neck Ties" and "Umbrella Ladies" are shown and the "Colonial Lady" is the pattern presently being quilted. 1Each piece of "Colonial Lady" is a different fabrie and each "Ladly" is different but the oveal effect is a delight- fui balance of color and pattern., The ladies will be qultin during museumn hours and wMil answer any questions that you may have. Te museum is ES A located, at Church and CentreTHS A P Sts., Or ono and the hours are 2:30 - 5:00 p.m., 6:30 - 8:30 TeAPBoc o p.m. Thursday and Friday, TeAPBadyub 2:00 - 5:00ý Sunday. The show a product mode in on, runs until Thanksgivin. mqde expressly for us P.S. After you have aa.m-ired oble manufacturers.,If the quilts don't forget to visit quality for your mont the rest of the Museum! - or better than - OBITU RIESRemember, your mont GEOTUR IEsatisfieci with any A& Born in West Derby, Lan- LIQUID JAVEL caster, ýEngland and educatedA &PB e c in 'England, George Pike, aged Al& la 86, passed'away in Memorial (Sae. 30c Compard 1losvital._Bowrnanville, on WITN TOMATO SAUCE following anf iîîness of ' re Ann PageI days.(Sv3e mar The son of George Henry <e.3<Cma and Mary Jane (Banbery> dREAM OF MUSHROOM 01 Pill ýe adtresided in Ann Pag Bowmnvile at98 Church A n 1a el Street for the past three years. (Sae .3c Compae Previously residing on theA Base bine, and in Toronto. Âann Page1 An engineer with the T. SUNMIX - ORANGE FAVI Eaton Co. for 30 years, 'Mr. 3 o Pike had been retired for A&P Cryst< approximately 25 years. He was a member of the Salva- 14NCIPCAKR tion .Army.A P '~ Mr. :Pike serve d on the A P S ii Christmas Appeal for the, BLUE Salvation Army committee A P e Serving four years overseas & S i. D with the 48th Highlanders, A-PENN, AUTOMATIC (Fer transferring to the Engineers 1% he was wounded and gassed in ishwashing De World War 1. Mr. Pike was (Save 26c Compared presented with two medals, a_________ medal 'of service fromn T. Eaton 'Co. and the Distin- guished Service Medal 1914- 1918. G I There are no surviving relatives but he lea%'es many - friends lof the t9wn who grew to love him.j Cap tain Scott Hewlett, offic-*** iatef at he service held on ** Wednesday, Se pt. 5 from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Paîl- ~h~ bearers were Messrs. Zach Adams, Weyburn Adams, Dick Bailey, George Webster, Percy Dewell, and Harry INSTANT Bartlett. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. A& P Cofet _________A SUPERS BLEND OF laC' MRS. CHARLES A. COWAN 0 O'ClockI The community was sadd- A&P BRAND, SWEETENED ened to learn of the passing of Mrs. Charles Alfred Cowan Grapefruit aged 82, in Memorial Hospital, SPECIAL BLEND Bowmanville, on Wednesday, ~T Sept. 26th, 17 following a five & e 1» month's illness. The former* Viola Verbena -AIC Gilmer she was born at Shiloh,NASC the daughter of William and Shredded Jane Anne Gilmer, and edu- RECONSTmTUTE io j cated at Starkville and Shaw's Business School, Toronto. Realemnon Married on December 29,1920 to Charles Alfred Cowan who IMTTY CROC9<FR -A resident of Newcastle for io b r F 5212 years she was a member TOMATO ROMA DINNEIR1 . ..- ..- ..- ...... . . . . LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hayes, Bowmanville, Mrs. Allie Mit- chell, Scarborough were Sun- day dinner guests and Mr. and ,Mrs. Stan Goble were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Miss Grace Smith was a Tuesday afternoon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraser, Happy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Oshawa and Mrs. Mabel Maynard, Bowmanville were Saturday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Sophie Kovacs. Club 50 ladies will meet Tuesday evening Oct. 9 at the home of Miss G. Smith. Mr. andMrs. Don Stephen- son and James, Newcastle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy.- Mr. and Mrs. Abert Vandyk of Bradford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Corn- ish, Misses Mary and Wendy Cornish were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Butsoni at their cottage at Pigeon 'Lake. . ...............